- [Big refactor of how we do routing in the app](https://github.com/PostHog/posthog/pull/717) which means going backwards and forwards should work a lot smoother
- [Faster loading of paths](https://github.com/PostHog/posthog/pull/729)
- [More accurate DAU/uniques count](https://github.com/PostHog/posthog/pull/734)
- [Fix dotted line appearing on completed days](https://github.com/PostHog/posthog/pull/735). Thanks [Jujhar](https://github.com/Jujhar)!
- We have added an Android library so you can now capture events in your Android app and send them to PostHog, we can automatically capture screen changes, and send any other events that you like
- We have added an iOS library so you can now capture events in your iOS app and send them to PostHog, we can automatically capture screen changes, and send any other events that you like
Click [here](https://docs.posthog.com/#/integrations/ios-integration) for instructions on how to install it on your app.
- We have added Sessions to /trends with two modes: “Average session length”, which shows you how long sessions are and how many, and “distribution” which makes it super easy to spot whether sessions are uniformly distributed or whether there are outliers
- Added indexes so loading /trends is super fast, even with millions of events
- We have offloaded storing events to workers, so that calls to our events API are non-blocking, and you can scale insertion of events independently from the rest of PostHog
- Removed drf-yasg in favor of our own hosted docs
- Added layout/header components of Ant design
- Updated property filters to be "tokenized"
- Updated the way we display actions/events in trend graphs if those action/events have no data in a given timeframe
- Updated property filters so that they 'AND' rather than 'OR' if you filter multiples
#### Bug Fixes
- Fixed unable to sign up to teams
- Fixed stickniess not loading
- Fixed property filter bug that would break when multiples were applied in some circumstances
Important! We've added Celery workers. We'll move tasks to workers to speed up a lot of actions in PostHog. [See update instructions](https://docs.posthog.com/#/upgrading-posthog?id=upgrading-from-before-1011) on how to enable workers.
- Users can integrate PostHog with Slack to send push notifications when events are triggered
- Changed the way we store events properties, we now store all event names and property names against the Team
- Refactored PropertyFilters into a function
- Added filter by event name to event properties
- Added mypy rules
- Using dateutil for datetime
- Added timestamp index to allow event tables to load at large volumes
- Updated helm charts to work with redis and workers
- Added a Babel plugin to reduce antd module load
- We now use offset instead of timestamp of posthog-js to avoid the wrong user time - previously if your local machine had a time set different to your location (or if the time was just off) we would have displayed that time.
- Using npm instead of yarn in copy command as Heroku doesn't have yarn
- We now use posthog-js to get array.js
- Removed unused indexes from migrations
- Updated PostHog snippet
#### Bug Fixes
- Removed unused future import to prevent Heroku deployments breaking
- Fixed dupliucated users in Cohorts
- Type Migration to prevent /trend bug when navigating to a url from a dashboard
- Added missing type in initial dahsboard element creattion to fix the same bug as above
- Fixed collectstatic on fresh Heroku updates
- Fixed network timeout yarn for antd
- Fixed npm command to copy array.js
- Fixed date filter not detecting moment
- Fixed redis error when upgrading Heroku
- Stopped throwing an error if a user doesn't have a distinct id
- Fixed a trends people bug that ignored the time interval selected
Important! We've added Celery workers. We'll move tasks to workers to speed up a lot of actions in PostHog. [See update instructions](https://docs.posthog.com/#/upgrading-posthog?id=upgrading-from-before-1011) on how to enable workers.
- Users can filter the trends view by any event rather than just actions
![events in trends](https://posthog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/events-in-trends.gif)