We strongly believe 3rd party analytics don't work anymore in a world of Cookie laws, GDPR, CCPA and lots of other 4 letter acronyms. There should be an alternative to sending all of your users' personal information and usage data to 3rd parties.
PostHog gives you full control over all your users' data, while being able to do powerful analytics.
## What's cool about this?
PostHog is the only <strong>product-focussed</strong> open source analytics library, with an event and user-driven architecture. That means tracking identifiable (where applicable) user behavior, event funnels, and event autocapture. We are an open source alternative to Mixpanel, Amplitude or Heap.
There are a couple of session-based open source libraries that are nice alternatives to Google Analytics. That's not what we are focussed on.
8) Run `pip install -r requirements.txt`. If you have problems with this step (TLS/SSL error), then run `~ brew update && brew upgrade` followed by `python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip`, then retry the requirements.txt install.
If you are working on some changes, please create a new branch, submit it to github ask for approval and when it gets approved it should automatically ship to Heroku
* Before writing anything run `git pull origin master`
* Then create your branch `git checkout -b %your_branch_name%` call your branch something that represents what you're planning to do
* When you're finished add your changes `git add .`
* And commit with a message `git commit -m "%your feature description%" `