mirror of https://github.com/PostHog/posthog.git synced 2024-11-25 02:49:32 +01:00

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<component name="ProjectRunConfigurationManager">
2022-03-07 09:46:21 +01:00
<configuration default="false" name="Celery" type="PythonConfigurationType" factoryName="Python">
<module name="posthog" />
<option name="ENV_FILES" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/bin/celery-queues.env" />
<option name="INTERPRETER_OPTIONS" value="" />
<option name="PARENT_ENVS" value="true" />
<env name="PYTHONUNBUFFERED" value="1" />
<env name="CLICKHOUSE_SECURE" value="False" />
<env name="DATABASE_URL" value="postgres://posthog:posthog@localhost:5432/posthog" />
feat: generate recording text embeddings (#20046) * make migration * general flow * abstract shared methods * generate input * remove postgres migration * generate embedding strings * remove random file * Update query snapshots * Update query snapshots * feat: create periodic replay embedding * first sketch of table * batch and flush embeddings * add default to timestamp generation * fetch recordings query * save first embeddings to CH * dump session metadata into tokens * fix lint * brain dump to help th future traveller * prom timing instead * fix input concatenation * add an e :/ * obey mypy * some time limits to reduce what we query * a little fiddling to get it to run locally * paging and counting * Update query snapshots * Update query snapshots * move the AI stuff to EE for now * Update query snapshots * kick off the task with interval from settings * push embedding generation onto its own queue * on a different queue * EE to the max * doh * fix * fangling * Remove clashes so we can merge this into the other PR * Remove clashes so we can merge this into the other PR * start wiring up Celery task * hmmm * it's a chord * wire up celery simple version * rename * why is worker failing * Update .run/Celery.run.xml * update embedding input to remove duplicates * ttl on the table * Revert "update embedding input to remove duplicates" This reverts commit 9a09d9c9f0c841f42abf0853b38b5922b67f7d23. --------- Co-authored-by: github-actions <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Paul D'Ambra <paul@posthog.com>
2024-02-14 13:50:42 +01:00
<env name="DEBUG" value="1" />
<env name="KAFKA_HOSTS" value="localhost" />
feat: generate recording text embeddings (#20046) * make migration * general flow * abstract shared methods * generate input * remove postgres migration * generate embedding strings * remove random file * Update query snapshots * Update query snapshots * feat: create periodic replay embedding * first sketch of table * batch and flush embeddings * add default to timestamp generation * fetch recordings query * save first embeddings to CH * dump session metadata into tokens * fix lint * brain dump to help th future traveller * prom timing instead * fix input concatenation * add an e :/ * obey mypy * some time limits to reduce what we query * a little fiddling to get it to run locally * paging and counting * Update query snapshots * Update query snapshots * move the AI stuff to EE for now * Update query snapshots * kick off the task with interval from settings * push embedding generation onto its own queue * on a different queue * EE to the max * doh * fix * fangling * Remove clashes so we can merge this into the other PR * Remove clashes so we can merge this into the other PR * start wiring up Celery task * hmmm * it's a chord * wire up celery simple version * rename * why is worker failing * Update .run/Celery.run.xml * update embedding input to remove duplicates * ttl on the table * Revert "update embedding input to remove duplicates" This reverts commit 9a09d9c9f0c841f42abf0853b38b5922b67f7d23. --------- Co-authored-by: github-actions <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Paul D'Ambra <paul@posthog.com>
2024-02-14 13:50:42 +01:00
<env name="REPLAY_EMBEDDINGS_ALLOWED_TEAM" value="1,2,3" />
<option name="SDK_HOME" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/env/bin/python" />
<option name="SDK_NAME" value="Python 3.11 (posthog)" />
<option name="WORKING_DIRECTORY" value="$PROJECT_DIR$" />
<option name="IS_MODULE_SDK" value="true" />
<option name="ADD_CONTENT_ROOTS" value="true" />
<option name="ADD_SOURCE_ROOTS" value="true" />
<EXTENSION ID="PythonCoverageRunConfigurationExtension" runner="coverage.py" />
<option name="SCRIPT_NAME" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/env/bin/watchmedo" />
<option name="PARAMETERS" value="auto-restart --directory=./ --pattern=*.py --recursive -- celery -A posthog worker -B --scheduler redbeat.RedBeatScheduler --without-heartbeat --without-mingle --loglevel=DEBUG --pool=solo" />
<option name="SHOW_COMMAND_LINE" value="false" />
<option name="EMULATE_TERMINAL" value="false" />
<option name="MODULE_MODE" value="false" />
<option name="REDIRECT_INPUT" value="false" />
<option name="INPUT_FILE" value="" />
<method v="2" />