mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 16:10:02 +01:00
With an indentation style of two spaces, it is not possible to indent multiline variable declarations by four spaces. Instead, the var keyword is used on every new line. Use const instead of var where applicable for changed lines. PR-URL: https://github.com/nodejs/io.js/pull/2286 Reviewed-By: Roman Reiss <me@silverwind.io>
592 lines
18 KiB
592 lines
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'use strict';
const util = require('util');
const net = require('net');
const HTTPParser = process.binding('http_parser').HTTPParser;
const assert = require('assert').ok;
const common = require('_http_common');
const parsers = common.parsers;
const freeParser = common.freeParser;
const debug = common.debug;
const CRLF = common.CRLF;
const continueExpression = common.continueExpression;
const chunkExpression = common.chunkExpression;
const httpSocketSetup = common.httpSocketSetup;
const OutgoingMessage = require('_http_outgoing').OutgoingMessage;
const STATUS_CODES = exports.STATUS_CODES = {
100 : 'Continue',
101 : 'Switching Protocols',
102 : 'Processing', // RFC 2518, obsoleted by RFC 4918
200 : 'OK',
201 : 'Created',
202 : 'Accepted',
203 : 'Non-Authoritative Information',
204 : 'No Content',
205 : 'Reset Content',
206 : 'Partial Content',
207 : 'Multi-Status', // RFC 4918
208 : 'Already Reported',
226 : 'IM Used',
300 : 'Multiple Choices',
301 : 'Moved Permanently',
302 : 'Found',
303 : 'See Other',
304 : 'Not Modified',
305 : 'Use Proxy',
307 : 'Temporary Redirect',
308 : 'Permanent Redirect', // RFC 7238
400 : 'Bad Request',
401 : 'Unauthorized',
402 : 'Payment Required',
403 : 'Forbidden',
404 : 'Not Found',
405 : 'Method Not Allowed',
406 : 'Not Acceptable',
407 : 'Proxy Authentication Required',
408 : 'Request Timeout',
409 : 'Conflict',
410 : 'Gone',
411 : 'Length Required',
412 : 'Precondition Failed',
413 : 'Payload Too Large',
414 : 'URI Too Long',
415 : 'Unsupported Media Type',
416 : 'Range Not Satisfiable',
417 : 'Expectation Failed',
418 : 'I\'m a teapot', // RFC 2324
421 : 'Misdirected Request',
422 : 'Unprocessable Entity', // RFC 4918
423 : 'Locked', // RFC 4918
424 : 'Failed Dependency', // RFC 4918
425 : 'Unordered Collection', // RFC 4918
426 : 'Upgrade Required', // RFC 2817
428 : 'Precondition Required', // RFC 6585
429 : 'Too Many Requests', // RFC 6585
431 : 'Request Header Fields Too Large', // RFC 6585
451 : 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons',
500 : 'Internal Server Error',
501 : 'Not Implemented',
502 : 'Bad Gateway',
503 : 'Service Unavailable',
504 : 'Gateway Timeout',
505 : 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
506 : 'Variant Also Negotiates', // RFC 2295
507 : 'Insufficient Storage', // RFC 4918
508 : 'Loop Detected',
509 : 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded',
510 : 'Not Extended', // RFC 2774
511 : 'Network Authentication Required' // RFC 6585
const kOnExecute = HTTPParser.kOnExecute | 0;
function ServerResponse(req) {
if (req.method === 'HEAD') this._hasBody = false;
this.sendDate = true;
if (req.httpVersionMajor < 1 || req.httpVersionMinor < 1) {
this.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = chunkExpression.test(req.headers.te);
this.shouldKeepAlive = false;
util.inherits(ServerResponse, OutgoingMessage);
ServerResponse.prototype._finish = function() {
exports.ServerResponse = ServerResponse;
ServerResponse.prototype.statusCode = 200;
ServerResponse.prototype.statusMessage = undefined;
function onServerResponseClose() {
// EventEmitter.emit makes a copy of the 'close' listeners array before
// calling the listeners. detachSocket() unregisters onServerResponseClose
// but if detachSocket() is called, directly or indirectly, by a 'close'
// listener, onServerResponseClose is still in that copy of the listeners
// array. That is, in the example below, b still gets called even though
// it's been removed by a:
// var EventEmitter = require('events');
// var obj = new EventEmitter();
// obj.on('event', a);
// obj.on('event', b);
// function a() { obj.removeListener('event', b) }
// function b() { throw "BAM!" }
// obj.emit('event'); // throws
// Ergo, we need to deal with stale 'close' events and handle the case
// where the ServerResponse object has already been deconstructed.
// Fortunately, that requires only a single if check. :-)
if (this._httpMessage) this._httpMessage.emit('close');
ServerResponse.prototype.assignSocket = function(socket) {
socket._httpMessage = this;
socket.on('close', onServerResponseClose);
this.socket = socket;
this.connection = socket;
this.emit('socket', socket);
ServerResponse.prototype.detachSocket = function(socket) {
assert(socket._httpMessage === this);
socket.removeListener('close', onServerResponseClose);
socket._httpMessage = null;
this.socket = this.connection = null;
ServerResponse.prototype.writeContinue = function(cb) {
this._writeRaw('HTTP/1.1 100 Continue' + CRLF + CRLF, 'ascii', cb);
this._sent100 = true;
ServerResponse.prototype._implicitHeader = function() {
ServerResponse.prototype.writeHead = function(statusCode, reason, obj) {
var headers;
if (typeof reason === 'string') {
// writeHead(statusCode, reasonPhrase[, headers])
this.statusMessage = reason;
} else {
// writeHead(statusCode[, headers])
this.statusMessage =
this.statusMessage || STATUS_CODES[statusCode] || 'unknown';
obj = reason;
this.statusCode = statusCode;
if (this._headers) {
// Slow-case: when progressive API and header fields are passed.
if (obj) {
var keys = Object.keys(obj);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var k = keys[i];
if (k) this.setHeader(k, obj[k]);
// only progressive api is used
headers = this._renderHeaders();
} else {
// only writeHead() called
headers = obj;
var statusLine = 'HTTP/1.1 ' + statusCode.toString() + ' ' +
this.statusMessage + CRLF;
if (statusCode === 204 || statusCode === 304 ||
(100 <= statusCode && statusCode <= 199)) {
// RFC 2616, 10.2.5:
// The 204 response MUST NOT include a message-body, and thus is always
// terminated by the first empty line after the header fields.
// RFC 2616, 10.3.5:
// The 304 response MUST NOT contain a message-body, and thus is always
// terminated by the first empty line after the header fields.
// RFC 2616, 10.1 Informational 1xx:
// This class of status code indicates a provisional response,
// consisting only of the Status-Line and optional headers, and is
// terminated by an empty line.
this._hasBody = false;
// don't keep alive connections where the client expects 100 Continue
// but we sent a final status; they may put extra bytes on the wire.
if (this._expect_continue && !this._sent100) {
this.shouldKeepAlive = false;
this._storeHeader(statusLine, headers);
ServerResponse.prototype.writeHeader = function() {
this.writeHead.apply(this, arguments);
function Server(requestListener) {
if (!(this instanceof Server)) return new Server(requestListener);
net.Server.call(this, { allowHalfOpen: true });
if (requestListener) {
this.addListener('request', requestListener);
/* eslint-disable max-len */
// Similar option to this. Too lazy to write my own docs.
// http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/half_closed_clients/
// http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/InnerWorkings#What_is_a_half-closed_filedescriptor.3F
/* eslint-enable max-len */
this.httpAllowHalfOpen = false;
this.addListener('connection', connectionListener);
this.timeout = 2 * 60 * 1000;
this._pendingResponseData = 0;
util.inherits(Server, net.Server);
Server.prototype.setTimeout = function(msecs, callback) {
this.timeout = msecs;
if (callback)
this.on('timeout', callback);
return this;
exports.Server = Server;
function connectionListener(socket) {
var self = this;
var outgoing = [];
var incoming = [];
var outgoingData = 0;
function updateOutgoingData(delta) {
// `outgoingData` is an approximate amount of bytes queued through all
// inactive responses. If more data than the high watermark is queued - we
// need to pause TCP socket/HTTP parser, and wait until the data will be
// sent to the client.
outgoingData += delta;
if (socket._paused && outgoingData < socket._writableState.highWaterMark)
return socketOnDrain();
function abortIncoming() {
while (incoming.length) {
var req = incoming.shift();
// abort socket._httpMessage ?
function serverSocketCloseListener() {
debug('server socket close');
// mark this parser as reusable
if (this.parser) {
freeParser(this.parser, null, this);
debug('SERVER new http connection');
// If the user has added a listener to the server,
// request, or response, then it's their responsibility.
// otherwise, destroy on timeout by default
if (self.timeout)
socket.on('timeout', function() {
var req = socket.parser && socket.parser.incoming;
var reqTimeout = req && !req.complete && req.emit('timeout', socket);
var res = socket._httpMessage;
var resTimeout = res && res.emit('timeout', socket);
var serverTimeout = self.emit('timeout', socket);
if (!reqTimeout && !resTimeout && !serverTimeout)
var parser = parsers.alloc();
parser.socket = socket;
socket.parser = parser;
parser.incoming = null;
// Propagate headers limit from server instance to parser
if (typeof this.maxHeadersCount === 'number') {
parser.maxHeaderPairs = this.maxHeadersCount << 1;
} else {
// Set default value because parser may be reused from FreeList
parser.maxHeaderPairs = 2000;
socket.addListener('error', socketOnError);
socket.addListener('close', serverSocketCloseListener);
parser.onIncoming = parserOnIncoming;
socket.on('end', socketOnEnd);
socket.on('data', socketOnData);
// We are consuming socket, so it won't get any actual data
socket.on('resume', onSocketResume);
socket.on('pause', onSocketPause);
socket.on('drain', socketOnDrain);
// Override on to unconsume on `data`, `readable` listeners
socket.on = socketOnWrap;
var external = socket._handle._externalStream;
if (external) {
parser._consumed = true;
external = null;
parser[kOnExecute] = onParserExecute;
// TODO(isaacs): Move all these functions out of here
function socketOnError(e) {
// Ignore further errors
this.removeListener('error', socketOnError);
this.on('error', () => {});
if (!self.emit('clientError', e, this))
function socketOnData(d) {
debug('SERVER socketOnData %d', d.length);
var ret = parser.execute(d);
onParserExecuteCommon(ret, d);
function onParserExecute(ret, d) {
debug('SERVER socketOnParserExecute %d', ret);
onParserExecuteCommon(ret, undefined);
function onParserExecuteCommon(ret, d) {
if (ret instanceof Error) {
debug('parse error');
socketOnError.call(socket, ret);
} else if (parser.incoming && parser.incoming.upgrade) {
// Upgrade or CONNECT
var bytesParsed = ret;
var req = parser.incoming;
debug('SERVER upgrade or connect', req.method);
if (!d)
d = parser.getCurrentBuffer();
socket.removeListener('data', socketOnData);
socket.removeListener('end', socketOnEnd);
socket.removeListener('close', serverSocketCloseListener);
unconsume(parser, socket);
freeParser(parser, req, null);
parser = null;
var eventName = req.method === 'CONNECT' ? 'connect' : 'upgrade';
if (self.listenerCount(eventName) > 0) {
debug('SERVER have listener for %s', eventName);
var bodyHead = d.slice(bytesParsed, d.length);
// TODO(isaacs): Need a way to reset a stream to fresh state
// IE, not flowing, and not explicitly paused.
socket._readableState.flowing = null;
self.emit(eventName, req, socket, bodyHead);
} else {
// Got upgrade header or CONNECT method, but have no handler.
if (socket._paused && socket.parser) {
// onIncoming paused the socket, we should pause the parser as well
debug('pause parser');
function socketOnEnd() {
var socket = this;
var ret = parser.finish();
if (ret instanceof Error) {
debug('parse error');
socketOnError.call(socket, ret);
if (!self.httpAllowHalfOpen) {
if (socket.writable) socket.end();
} else if (outgoing.length) {
outgoing[outgoing.length - 1]._last = true;
} else if (socket._httpMessage) {
socket._httpMessage._last = true;
} else {
if (socket.writable) socket.end();
// The following callback is issued after the headers have been read on a
// new message. In this callback we setup the response object and pass it
// to the user.
socket._paused = false;
function socketOnDrain() {
var needPause = outgoingData > socket._writableState.highWaterMark;
// If we previously paused, then start reading again.
if (socket._paused && !needPause) {
socket._paused = false;
if (socket.parser)
function parserOnIncoming(req, shouldKeepAlive) {
// If the writable end isn't consuming, then stop reading
// so that we don't become overwhelmed by a flood of
// pipelined requests that may never be resolved.
if (!socket._paused) {
var needPause = socket._writableState.needDrain ||
outgoingData >= socket._writableState.highWaterMark;
if (needPause) {
socket._paused = true;
// We also need to pause the parser, but don't do that until after
// the call to execute, because we may still be processing the last
// chunk.
var res = new ServerResponse(req);
res._onPendingData = updateOutgoingData;
res.shouldKeepAlive = shouldKeepAlive;
if (socket._httpMessage) {
// There are already pending outgoing res, append.
} else {
// When we're finished writing the response, check if this is the last
// respose, if so destroy the socket.
res.on('finish', resOnFinish);
function resOnFinish() {
// Usually the first incoming element should be our request. it may
// be that in the case abortIncoming() was called that the incoming
// array will be empty.
assert(incoming.length === 0 || incoming[0] === req);
// if the user never called req.read(), and didn't pipe() or
// .resume() or .on('data'), then we call req._dump() so that the
// bytes will be pulled off the wire.
if (!req._consuming && !req._readableState.resumeScheduled)
if (res._last) {
} else {
// start sending the next message
var m = outgoing.shift();
if (m) {
if (req.headers.expect !== undefined &&
(req.httpVersionMajor == 1 && req.httpVersionMinor == 1)) {
if (continueExpression.test(req.headers.expect)) {
res._expect_continue = true;
if (self.listenerCount('checkContinue') > 0) {
self.emit('checkContinue', req, res);
} else {
self.emit('request', req, res);
} else {
if (self.listenerCount('checkExpectation') > 0) {
self.emit('checkExpectation', req, res);
} else {
} else {
self.emit('request', req, res);
return false; // Not a HEAD response. (Not even a response!)
exports._connectionListener = connectionListener;
function onSocketResume() {
// It may seem that the socket is resumed, but this is an enemy's trick to
// deceive us! `resume` is emitted asynchronously, and may be called from
// `incoming.readStart()`. Stop the socket again here, just to preserve the
// state.
// We don't care about stream semantics for the consumed socket anyway.
if (this._paused) {
if (this._handle && !this._handle.reading) {
this._handle.reading = true;
function onSocketPause() {
if (this._handle && this._handle.reading) {
this._handle.reading = false;
function unconsume(parser, socket) {
if (socket._handle) {
if (parser._consumed)
parser._consumed = false;
socket.removeListener('pause', onSocketPause);
socket.removeListener('resume', onSocketResume);
function socketOnWrap(ev, fn) {
var res = net.Socket.prototype.on.call(this, ev, fn);
if (!this.parser) {
this.on = net.Socket.prototype.on;
return res;
if (ev === 'data' || ev === 'readable')
unconsume(this.parser, this);
return res;