mirror of https://github.com/nodejs/node.git synced 2024-12-01 16:10:02 +01:00
Ruben Bridgewater 1fa403762c console,util: fix missing recursion end while inspecting prototypes
This makes sure prototypes won't be inspected infinitely for some
obscure object creations. The depth is now taken into account and
the recursion ends when the depth limit is reached.

PR-URL: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/29647
Fixes: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/29646
Reviewed-By: Jeremiah Senkpiel <fishrock123@rocketmail.com>
Reviewed-By: Minwoo Jung <minwoo@nodesource.com>
2019-09-23 23:42:10 -07:00

1709 lines
54 KiB

'use strict';
const {
ObjectPrototype: {
} = primordials;
const {
getConstructorName: internalGetConstructorName,
propertyFilter: {
} = internalBinding('util');
const {
} = require('internal/util');
const {
codes: {
} = require('internal/errors');
const {
} = require('internal/util/types');
const assert = require('internal/assert');
const { NativeModule } = require('internal/bootstrap/loaders');
let hexSlice;
const builtInObjects = new Set(
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(global).filter((e) => /^([A-Z][a-z]+)+$/.test(e))
const inspectDefaultOptions = Object.seal({
showHidden: false,
depth: 2,
colors: false,
customInspect: true,
showProxy: false,
maxArrayLength: 100,
breakLength: 80,
compact: 3,
sorted: false,
getters: false
const kObjectType = 0;
const kArrayType = 1;
const kArrayExtrasType = 2;
/* eslint-disable no-control-regex */
const strEscapeSequencesRegExp = /[\x00-\x1f\x27\x5c]/;
const strEscapeSequencesReplacer = /[\x00-\x1f\x27\x5c]/g;
const strEscapeSequencesRegExpSingle = /[\x00-\x1f\x5c]/;
const strEscapeSequencesReplacerSingle = /[\x00-\x1f\x5c]/g;
/* eslint-enable no-control-regex */
const keyStrRegExp = /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$/;
const numberRegExp = /^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/;
const coreModuleRegExp = /^ at (?:[^/\\(]+ \(|)((?<![/\\]).+)\.js:\d+:\d+\)?$/;
const nodeModulesRegExp = /[/\\]node_modules[/\\](.+?)(?=[/\\])/g;
const kMinLineLength = 16;
// Constants to map the iterator state.
const kWeak = 0;
const kIterator = 1;
const kMapEntries = 2;
// Escaped special characters. Use empty strings to fill up unused entries.
const meta = [
'\\u0000', '\\u0001', '\\u0002', '\\u0003', '\\u0004',
'\\u0005', '\\u0006', '\\u0007', '\\b', '\\t',
'\\n', '\\u000b', '\\f', '\\r', '\\u000e',
'\\u000f', '\\u0010', '\\u0011', '\\u0012', '\\u0013',
'\\u0014', '\\u0015', '\\u0016', '\\u0017', '\\u0018',
'\\u0019', '\\u001a', '\\u001b', '\\u001c', '\\u001d',
'\\u001e', '\\u001f', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', "\\'", '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '\\\\'
function getUserOptions(ctx) {
const obj = { stylize: ctx.stylize };
for (const key of Object.keys(inspectDefaultOptions)) {
obj[key] = ctx[key];
if (ctx.userOptions === undefined)
return obj;
return { ...obj, ...ctx.userOptions };
* Echos the value of any input. Tries to print the value out
* in the best way possible given the different types.
* @param {any} value The value to print out.
* @param {Object} opts Optional options object that alters the output.
/* Legacy: value, showHidden, depth, colors */
function inspect(value, opts) {
// Default options
const ctx = {
budget: {},
indentationLvl: 0,
seen: [],
currentDepth: 0,
stylize: stylizeNoColor,
showHidden: inspectDefaultOptions.showHidden,
depth: inspectDefaultOptions.depth,
colors: inspectDefaultOptions.colors,
customInspect: inspectDefaultOptions.customInspect,
showProxy: inspectDefaultOptions.showProxy,
maxArrayLength: inspectDefaultOptions.maxArrayLength,
breakLength: inspectDefaultOptions.breakLength,
compact: inspectDefaultOptions.compact,
sorted: inspectDefaultOptions.sorted,
getters: inspectDefaultOptions.getters
if (arguments.length > 1) {
// Legacy...
if (arguments.length > 2) {
if (arguments[2] !== undefined) {
ctx.depth = arguments[2];
if (arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined) {
ctx.colors = arguments[3];
// Set user-specified options
if (typeof opts === 'boolean') {
ctx.showHidden = opts;
} else if (opts) {
const optKeys = Object.keys(opts);
for (const key of optKeys) {
// TODO(BridgeAR): Find a solution what to do about stylize. Either make
// this function public or add a new API with a similar or better
// functionality.
if (hasOwnProperty(inspectDefaultOptions, key) || key === 'stylize') {
ctx[key] = opts[key];
} else if (ctx.userOptions === undefined) {
// This is required to pass through the actual user input.
ctx.userOptions = opts;
if (ctx.colors) ctx.stylize = stylizeWithColor;
if (ctx.maxArrayLength === null) ctx.maxArrayLength = Infinity;
return formatValue(ctx, value, 0);
inspect.custom = customInspectSymbol;
Object.defineProperty(inspect, 'defaultOptions', {
get() {
return inspectDefaultOptions;
set(options) {
if (options === null || typeof options !== 'object') {
throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'Object', options);
return Object.assign(inspectDefaultOptions, options);
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#graphics
inspect.colors = Object.assign(Object.create(null), {
bold: [1, 22],
italic: [3, 23],
underline: [4, 24],
inverse: [7, 27],
white: [37, 39],
grey: [90, 39],
black: [30, 39],
blue: [34, 39],
cyan: [36, 39],
green: [32, 39],
magenta: [35, 39],
red: [31, 39],
yellow: [33, 39]
// Don't use 'blue' not visible on cmd.exe
inspect.styles = Object.assign(Object.create(null), {
special: 'cyan',
number: 'yellow',
bigint: 'yellow',
boolean: 'yellow',
undefined: 'grey',
null: 'bold',
string: 'green',
symbol: 'green',
date: 'magenta',
// "name": intentionally not styling
regexp: 'red',
module: 'underline'
function addQuotes(str, quotes) {
if (quotes === -1) {
return `"${str}"`;
if (quotes === -2) {
return `\`${str}\``;
return `'${str}'`;
const escapeFn = (str) => meta[str.charCodeAt(0)];
// Escape control characters, single quotes and the backslash.
// This is similar to JSON stringify escaping.
function strEscape(str) {
let escapeTest = strEscapeSequencesRegExp;
let escapeReplace = strEscapeSequencesReplacer;
let singleQuote = 39;
// Check for double quotes. If not present, do not escape single quotes and
// instead wrap the text in double quotes. If double quotes exist, check for
// backticks. If they do not exist, use those as fallback instead of the
// double quotes.
if (str.includes("'")) {
// This invalidates the charCode and therefore can not be matched for
// anymore.
if (!str.includes('"')) {
singleQuote = -1;
} else if (!str.includes('`') && !str.includes('${')) {
singleQuote = -2;
if (singleQuote !== 39) {
escapeTest = strEscapeSequencesRegExpSingle;
escapeReplace = strEscapeSequencesReplacerSingle;
// Some magic numbers that worked out fine while benchmarking with v8 6.0
if (str.length < 5000 && !escapeTest.test(str))
return addQuotes(str, singleQuote);
if (str.length > 100) {
str = str.replace(escapeReplace, escapeFn);
return addQuotes(str, singleQuote);
let result = '';
let last = 0;
const lastIndex = str.length;
for (let i = 0; i < lastIndex; i++) {
const point = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (point === singleQuote || point === 92 || point < 32) {
if (last === i) {
result += meta[point];
} else {
result += `${str.slice(last, i)}${meta[point]}`;
last = i + 1;
if (last !== lastIndex) {
result += str.slice(last);
return addQuotes(result, singleQuote);
function stylizeWithColor(str, styleType) {
const style = inspect.styles[styleType];
if (style !== undefined) {
const color = inspect.colors[style];
return `\u001b[${color[0]}m${str}\u001b[${color[1]}m`;
return str;
function stylizeNoColor(str) {
return str;
// Return a new empty array to push in the results of the default formatter.
function getEmptyFormatArray() {
return [];
function getConstructorName(obj, ctx, recurseTimes) {
let firstProto;
const tmp = obj;
while (obj) {
const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'constructor');
if (descriptor !== undefined &&
typeof descriptor.value === 'function' &&
descriptor.value.name !== '') {
return descriptor.value.name;
obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
if (firstProto === undefined) {
firstProto = obj;
if (firstProto === null) {
return null;
const res = internalGetConstructorName(tmp);
if (recurseTimes > ctx.depth && ctx.depth !== null) {
return `${res} <Complex prototype>`;
const protoConstr = getConstructorName(firstProto, ctx, recurseTimes + 1);
if (protoConstr === null) {
return `${res} <${inspect(firstProto, {
customInspect: false,
depth: -1
return `${res} <${protoConstr}>`;
function getPrefix(constructor, tag, fallback) {
if (constructor === null) {
if (tag !== '') {
return `[${fallback}: null prototype] [${tag}] `;
return `[${fallback}: null prototype] `;
if (tag !== '' && constructor !== tag) {
return `${constructor} [${tag}] `;
return `${constructor} `;
// Look up the keys of the object.
function getKeys(value, showHidden) {
let keys;
const symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(value);
if (showHidden) {
keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value);
if (symbols.length !== 0)
} else {
// This might throw if `value` is a Module Namespace Object from an
// unevaluated module, but we don't want to perform the actual type
// check because it's expensive.
// TODO(devsnek): track https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/issues/1209
// and modify this logic as needed.
try {
keys = Object.keys(value);
} catch (err) {
assert(isNativeError(err) && err.name === 'ReferenceError' &&
keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value);
if (symbols.length !== 0) {
keys.push(...symbols.filter((key) => propertyIsEnumerable(value, key)));
return keys;
function getCtxStyle(value, constructor, tag) {
let fallback = '';
if (constructor === null) {
fallback = internalGetConstructorName(value);
if (fallback === tag) {
fallback = 'Object';
return getPrefix(constructor, tag, fallback);
function formatProxy(ctx, proxy, recurseTimes) {
if (recurseTimes > ctx.depth && ctx.depth !== null) {
return ctx.stylize('Proxy [Array]', 'special');
recurseTimes += 1;
ctx.indentationLvl += 2;
const res = [
formatValue(ctx, proxy[0], recurseTimes),
formatValue(ctx, proxy[1], recurseTimes)
ctx.indentationLvl -= 2;
return reduceToSingleString(
ctx, res, '', ['Proxy [', ']'], kArrayExtrasType, recurseTimes);
function findTypedConstructor(value) {
for (const [check, clazz] of [
[isUint8Array, Uint8Array],
[isUint8ClampedArray, Uint8ClampedArray],
[isUint16Array, Uint16Array],
[isUint32Array, Uint32Array],
[isInt8Array, Int8Array],
[isInt16Array, Int16Array],
[isInt32Array, Int32Array],
[isFloat32Array, Float32Array],
[isFloat64Array, Float64Array],
[isBigInt64Array, BigInt64Array],
[isBigUint64Array, BigUint64Array]
]) {
if (check(value)) {
return clazz;
let lazyNullPrototypeCache;
// Creates a subclass and name
// the constructor as `${clazz} : null prototype`
function clazzWithNullPrototype(clazz, name) {
if (lazyNullPrototypeCache === undefined) {
lazyNullPrototypeCache = new Map();
} else {
const cachedClass = lazyNullPrototypeCache.get(clazz);
if (cachedClass !== undefined) {
return cachedClass;
class NullPrototype extends clazz {
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return '';
Object.defineProperty(NullPrototype.prototype.constructor, 'name',
{ value: `[${name}: null prototype]` });
lazyNullPrototypeCache.set(clazz, NullPrototype);
return NullPrototype;
function noPrototypeIterator(ctx, value, recurseTimes) {
let newVal;
if (isSet(value)) {
const clazz = clazzWithNullPrototype(Set, 'Set');
newVal = new clazz(SetPrototype.values(value));
} else if (isMap(value)) {
const clazz = clazzWithNullPrototype(Map, 'Map');
newVal = new clazz(MapPrototype.entries(value));
} else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
const clazz = clazzWithNullPrototype(Array, 'Array');
newVal = new clazz(value.length);
} else if (isTypedArray(value)) {
const constructor = findTypedConstructor(value);
const clazz = clazzWithNullPrototype(constructor, constructor.name);
newVal = new clazz(value);
if (newVal !== undefined) {
Object.defineProperties(newVal, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(value));
return formatRaw(ctx, newVal, recurseTimes);
// Note: using `formatValue` directly requires the indentation level to be
// corrected by setting `ctx.indentationLvL += diff` and then to decrease the
// value afterwards again.
function formatValue(ctx, value, recurseTimes, typedArray) {
// Primitive types cannot have properties.
if (typeof value !== 'object' && typeof value !== 'function') {
return formatPrimitive(ctx.stylize, value, ctx);
if (value === null) {
return ctx.stylize('null', 'null');
// Memorize the context for custom inspection on proxies.
const context = value;
// Always check for proxies to prevent side effects and to prevent triggering
// any proxy handlers.
const proxy = getProxyDetails(value);
if (proxy !== undefined) {
if (ctx.showProxy) {
return formatProxy(ctx, proxy, recurseTimes);
value = proxy[0];
// Provide a hook for user-specified inspect functions.
// Check that value is an object with an inspect function on it.
if (ctx.customInspect) {
const maybeCustom = value[customInspectSymbol];
if (typeof maybeCustom === 'function' &&
// Filter out the util module, its inspect function is special.
maybeCustom !== inspect &&
// Also filter out any prototype objects using the circular check.
!(value.constructor && value.constructor.prototype === value)) {
// This makes sure the recurseTimes are reported as before while using
// a counter internally.
const depth = ctx.depth === null ? null : ctx.depth - recurseTimes;
const ret = maybeCustom.call(context, depth, getUserOptions(ctx));
// If the custom inspection method returned `this`, don't go into
// infinite recursion.
if (ret !== context) {
if (typeof ret !== 'string') {
return formatValue(ctx, ret, recurseTimes);
return ret.replace(/\n/g, `\n${' '.repeat(ctx.indentationLvl)}`);
// Using an array here is actually better for the average case than using
// a Set. `seen` will only check for the depth and will never grow too large.
if (ctx.seen.includes(value)) {
let index = 1;
if (ctx.circular === undefined) {
ctx.circular = new Map([[value, index]]);
} else {
index = ctx.circular.get(value);
if (index === undefined) {
index = ctx.circular.size + 1;
ctx.circular.set(value, index);
return ctx.stylize(`[Circular *${index}]`, 'special');
return formatRaw(ctx, value, recurseTimes, typedArray);
function formatRaw(ctx, value, recurseTimes, typedArray) {
let keys;
const constructor = getConstructorName(value, ctx, recurseTimes);
let tag = value[Symbol.toStringTag];
// Only list the tag in case it's non-enumerable / not an own property.
// Otherwise we'd print this twice.
if (typeof tag !== 'string' ||
tag !== '' &&
(ctx.showHidden ? hasOwnProperty : propertyIsEnumerable)(
value, Symbol.toStringTag
)) {
tag = '';
let base = '';
let formatter = getEmptyFormatArray;
let braces;
let noIterator = true;
let i = 0;
const filter = ctx.showHidden ? ALL_PROPERTIES : ONLY_ENUMERABLE;
let extrasType = kObjectType;
// Iterators and the rest are split to reduce checks.
if (value[Symbol.iterator]) {
noIterator = false;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
keys = getOwnNonIndexProperties(value, filter);
// Only set the constructor for non ordinary ("Array [...]") arrays.
const prefix = getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'Array');
braces = [`${prefix === 'Array ' ? '' : prefix}[`, ']'];
if (value.length === 0 && keys.length === 0)
return `${braces[0]}]`;
extrasType = kArrayExtrasType;
formatter = formatArray;
} else if (isSet(value)) {
keys = getKeys(value, ctx.showHidden);
const prefix = getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'Set');
if (value.size === 0 && keys.length === 0)
return `${prefix}{}`;
braces = [`${prefix}{`, '}'];
formatter = formatSet;
} else if (isMap(value)) {
keys = getKeys(value, ctx.showHidden);
const prefix = getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'Map');
if (value.size === 0 && keys.length === 0)
return `${prefix}{}`;
braces = [`${prefix}{`, '}'];
formatter = formatMap;
} else if (isTypedArray(value)) {
keys = getOwnNonIndexProperties(value, filter);
const prefix = constructor !== null ?
getPrefix(constructor, tag) :
getPrefix(constructor, tag, findTypedConstructor(value).name);
braces = [`${prefix}[`, ']'];
if (value.length === 0 && keys.length === 0 && !ctx.showHidden)
return `${braces[0]}]`;
formatter = formatTypedArray;
extrasType = kArrayExtrasType;
} else if (isMapIterator(value)) {
keys = getKeys(value, ctx.showHidden);
braces = getIteratorBraces('Map', tag);
formatter = formatIterator;
} else if (isSetIterator(value)) {
keys = getKeys(value, ctx.showHidden);
braces = getIteratorBraces('Set', tag);
formatter = formatIterator;
} else {
noIterator = true;
if (noIterator) {
keys = getKeys(value, ctx.showHidden);
braces = ['{', '}'];
if (constructor === 'Object') {
if (isArgumentsObject(value)) {
braces[0] = '[Arguments] {';
} else if (tag !== '') {
braces[0] = `${getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'Object')}{`;
if (keys.length === 0) {
return `${braces[0]}}`;
} else if (typeof value === 'function') {
base = getFunctionBase(value, constructor, tag);
if (keys.length === 0)
return ctx.stylize(base, 'special');
} else if (isRegExp(value)) {
// Make RegExps say that they are RegExps
base = RegExpPrototype.toString(
constructor !== null ? value : new RegExp(value)
const prefix = getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'RegExp');
if (prefix !== 'RegExp ')
base = `${prefix}${base}`;
if (keys.length === 0 || recurseTimes > ctx.depth && ctx.depth !== null)
return ctx.stylize(base, 'regexp');
} else if (isDate(value)) {
// Make dates with properties first say the date
base = Number.isNaN(DatePrototype.getTime(value)) ?
DatePrototype.toString(value) :
const prefix = getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'Date');
if (prefix !== 'Date ')
base = `${prefix}${base}`;
if (keys.length === 0) {
return ctx.stylize(base, 'date');
} else if (isError(value)) {
base = formatError(value, constructor, tag, ctx);
if (keys.length === 0)
return base;
} else if (isAnyArrayBuffer(value)) {
// Fast path for ArrayBuffer and SharedArrayBuffer.
// Can't do the same for DataView because it has a non-primitive
// .buffer property that we need to recurse for.
const arrayType = isArrayBuffer(value) ? 'ArrayBuffer' :
const prefix = getPrefix(constructor, tag, arrayType);
if (typedArray === undefined) {
formatter = formatArrayBuffer;
} else if (keys.length === 0) {
return prefix +
`{ byteLength: ${formatNumber(ctx.stylize, value.byteLength)} }`;
braces[0] = `${prefix}{`;
} else if (isDataView(value)) {
braces[0] = `${getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'DataView')}{`;
// .buffer goes last, it's not a primitive like the others.
keys.unshift('byteLength', 'byteOffset', 'buffer');
} else if (isPromise(value)) {
braces[0] = `${getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'Promise')}{`;
formatter = formatPromise;
} else if (isWeakSet(value)) {
braces[0] = `${getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'WeakSet')}{`;
formatter = ctx.showHidden ? formatWeakSet : formatWeakCollection;
} else if (isWeakMap(value)) {
braces[0] = `${getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'WeakMap')}{`;
formatter = ctx.showHidden ? formatWeakMap : formatWeakCollection;
} else if (isModuleNamespaceObject(value)) {
braces[0] = `[${tag}] {`;
formatter = formatNamespaceObject;
} else if (isBoxedPrimitive(value)) {
base = getBoxedBase(value, ctx, keys, constructor, tag);
if (keys.length === 0) {
return base;
} else {
// The input prototype got manipulated. Special handle these. We have to
// rebuild the information so we are able to display everything.
if (constructor === null) {
const specialIterator = noPrototypeIterator(ctx, value, recurseTimes);
if (specialIterator) {
return specialIterator;
if (isMapIterator(value)) {
braces = getIteratorBraces('Map', tag);
formatter = formatIterator;
} else if (isSetIterator(value)) {
braces = getIteratorBraces('Set', tag);
formatter = formatIterator;
// Handle other regular objects again.
} else {
if (keys.length === 0) {
if (isExternal(value))
return ctx.stylize('[External]', 'special');
return `${getCtxStyle(value, constructor, tag)}{}`;
braces[0] = `${getCtxStyle(value, constructor, tag)}{`;
if (recurseTimes > ctx.depth && ctx.depth !== null) {
let constructorName = getCtxStyle(value, constructor, tag).slice(0, -1);
if (constructor !== null)
constructorName = `[${constructorName}]`;
return ctx.stylize(constructorName, 'special');
recurseTimes += 1;
ctx.currentDepth = recurseTimes;
let output;
const indentationLvl = ctx.indentationLvl;
try {
output = formatter(ctx, value, recurseTimes, keys, braces);
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, keys[i], extrasType));
} catch (err) {
const constructorName = getCtxStyle(value, constructor, tag).slice(0, -1);
return handleMaxCallStackSize(ctx, err, constructorName, indentationLvl);
if (ctx.circular !== undefined) {
const index = ctx.circular.get(value);
if (index !== undefined) {
const reference = ctx.stylize(`<ref *${index}>`, 'special');
// Add reference always to the very beginning of the output.
if (ctx.compact !== true) {
base = base === '' ? reference : `${reference} ${base}`;
} else {
braces[0] = `${reference} ${braces[0]}`;
if (ctx.sorted) {
const comparator = ctx.sorted === true ? undefined : ctx.sorted;
if (extrasType === kObjectType) {
output = output.sort(comparator);
} else if (keys.length > 1) {
const sorted = output.slice(output.length - keys.length).sort(comparator);
output.splice(output.length - keys.length, keys.length, ...sorted);
const res = reduceToSingleString(
ctx, output, base, braces, extrasType, recurseTimes, value);
const budget = ctx.budget[ctx.indentationLvl] || 0;
const newLength = budget + res.length;
ctx.budget[ctx.indentationLvl] = newLength;
// If any indentationLvl exceeds this limit, limit further inspecting to the
// minimum. Otherwise the recursive algorithm might continue inspecting the
// object even though the maximum string size (~2 ** 28 on 32 bit systems and
// ~2 ** 30 on 64 bit systems) exceeded. The actual output is not limited at
// exactly 2 ** 27 but a bit higher. This depends on the object shape.
// This limit also makes sure that huge objects don't block the event loop
// significantly.
if (newLength > 2 ** 27) {
ctx.depth = -1;
return res;
function getIteratorBraces(type, tag) {
if (tag !== `${type} Iterator`) {
if (tag !== '')
tag += '] [';
tag += `${type} Iterator`;
return [`[${tag}] {`, '}'];
function getBoxedBase(value, ctx, keys, constructor, tag) {
let fn;
let type;
if (isNumberObject(value)) {
fn = NumberPrototype;
type = 'Number';
} else if (isStringObject(value)) {
fn = StringPrototype;
type = 'String';
// For boxed Strings, we have to remove the 0-n indexed entries,
// since they just noisy up the output and are redundant
// Make boxed primitive Strings look like such
keys.splice(0, value.length);
} else if (isBooleanObject(value)) {
fn = BooleanPrototype;
type = 'Boolean';
} else if (isBigIntObject(value)) {
fn = BigIntPrototype;
type = 'BigInt';
} else {
fn = SymbolPrototype;
type = 'Symbol';
let base = `[${type}`;
if (type !== constructor) {
if (constructor === null) {
base += ' (null prototype)';
} else {
base += ` (${constructor})`;
base += `: ${formatPrimitive(stylizeNoColor, fn.valueOf(value), ctx)}]`;
if (tag !== '' && tag !== constructor) {
base += ` [${tag}]`;
if (keys.length !== 0 || ctx.stylize === stylizeNoColor)
return base;
return ctx.stylize(base, type.toLowerCase());
function getFunctionBase(value, constructor, tag) {
let type = 'Function';
if (isGeneratorFunction(value)) {
type = `Generator${type}`;
if (isAsyncFunction(value)) {
type = `Async${type}`;
let base = `[${type}`;
if (constructor === null) {
base += ' (null prototype)';
if (value.name === '') {
base += ' (anonymous)';
} else {
base += `: ${value.name}`;
base += ']';
if (constructor !== type && constructor !== null) {
base += ` ${constructor}`;
if (tag !== '' && constructor !== tag) {
base += ` [${tag}]`;
return base;
function formatError(err, constructor, tag, ctx) {
let stack = err.stack || ErrorPrototype.toString(err);
// A stack trace may contain arbitrary data. Only manipulate the output
// for "regular errors" (errors that "look normal") for now.
const name = err.name || 'Error';
let len = name.length;
if (constructor === null ||
name.endsWith('Error') &&
stack.startsWith(name) &&
(stack.length === len || stack[len] === ':' || stack[len] === '\n')) {
let fallback = 'Error';
if (constructor === null) {
const start = stack.match(/^([A-Z][a-z_ A-Z0-9[\]()-]+)(?::|\n {4}at)/) ||
fallback = start && start[1] || '';
len = fallback.length;
fallback = fallback || 'Error';
const prefix = getPrefix(constructor, tag, fallback).slice(0, -1);
if (name !== prefix) {
if (prefix.includes(name)) {
if (len === 0) {
stack = `${prefix}: ${stack}`;
} else {
stack = `${prefix}${stack.slice(len)}`;
} else {
stack = `${prefix} [${name}]${stack.slice(len)}`;
// Ignore the error message if it's contained in the stack.
let pos = err.message && stack.indexOf(err.message) || -1;
if (pos !== -1)
pos += err.message.length;
// Wrap the error in brackets in case it has no stack trace.
const stackStart = stack.indexOf('\n at', pos);
if (stackStart === -1) {
stack = `[${stack}]`;
} else if (ctx.colors) {
// Highlight userland code and node modules.
let newStack = stack.slice(0, stackStart);
const lines = stack.slice(stackStart + 1).split('\n');
for (const line of lines) {
const core = line.match(coreModuleRegExp);
if (core !== null && NativeModule.exists(core[1])) {
newStack += `\n${ctx.stylize(line, 'undefined')}`;
} else {
// This adds underscores to all node_modules to quickly identify them.
let nodeModule;
newStack += '\n';
let pos = 0;
while (nodeModule = nodeModulesRegExp.exec(line)) {
// '/node_modules/'.length === 14
newStack += line.slice(pos, nodeModule.index + 14);
newStack += ctx.stylize(nodeModule[1], 'module');
pos = nodeModule.index + nodeModule[0].length;
newStack += pos === 0 ? line : line.slice(pos);
stack = newStack;
// The message and the stack have to be indented as well!
if (ctx.indentationLvl !== 0) {
const indentation = ' '.repeat(ctx.indentationLvl);
stack = stack.replace(/\n/g, `\n${indentation}`);
return stack;
function groupArrayElements(ctx, output, value) {
let totalLength = 0;
let maxLength = 0;
let i = 0;
let outputLength = output.length;
if (ctx.maxArrayLength < output.length) {
// This makes sure the "... n more items" part is not taken into account.
const separatorSpace = 2; // Add 1 for the space and 1 for the separator.
const dataLen = new Array(outputLength);
// Calculate the total length of all output entries and the individual max
// entries length of all output entries. We have to remove colors first,
// otherwise the length would not be calculated properly.
for (; i < outputLength; i++) {
const len = ctx.colors ? removeColors(output[i]).length : output[i].length;
dataLen[i] = len;
totalLength += len + separatorSpace;
if (maxLength < len)
maxLength = len;
// Add two to `maxLength` as we add a single whitespace character plus a comma
// in-between two entries.
const actualMax = maxLength + separatorSpace;
// Check if at least three entries fit next to each other and prevent grouping
// of arrays that contains entries of very different length (i.e., if a single
// entry is longer than 1/5 of all other entries combined). Otherwise the
// space in-between small entries would be enormous.
if (actualMax * 3 + ctx.indentationLvl < ctx.breakLength &&
(totalLength / actualMax > 5 || maxLength <= 6)) {
const approxCharHeights = 2.5;
const averageBias = Math.sqrt(actualMax - totalLength / output.length);
const biasedMax = Math.max(actualMax - 3 - averageBias, 1);
// Dynamically check how many columns seem possible.
const columns = Math.min(
// Ideally a square should be drawn. We expect a character to be about 2.5
// times as high as wide. This is the area formula to calculate a square
// which contains n rectangles of size `actualMax * approxCharHeights`.
// Divide that by `actualMax` to receive the correct number of columns.
// The added bias increases the columns for short entries.
approxCharHeights * biasedMax * outputLength
) / biasedMax
// Do not exceed the breakLength.
Math.floor((ctx.breakLength - ctx.indentationLvl) / actualMax),
// Limit array grouping for small `compact` modes as the user requested
// minimal grouping.
ctx.compact * 4,
// Limit the columns to a maximum of fifteen.
// Return with the original output if no grouping should happen.
if (columns <= 1) {
return output;
const tmp = [];
const maxLineLength = [];
for (let i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
let lineMaxLength = 0;
for (let j = i; j < output.length; j += columns) {
if (dataLen[j] > lineMaxLength)
lineMaxLength = dataLen[j];
lineMaxLength += separatorSpace;
maxLineLength[i] = lineMaxLength;
let order = 'padStart';
if (value !== undefined) {
for (let i = 0; i < output.length; i++) {
if (typeof value[i] !== 'number' && typeof value[i] !== 'bigint') {
order = 'padEnd';
// Each iteration creates a single line of grouped entries.
for (let i = 0; i < outputLength; i += columns) {
// The last lines may contain less entries than columns.
const max = Math.min(i + columns, outputLength);
let str = '';
let j = i;
for (; j < max - 1; j++) {
// Calculate extra color padding in case it's active. This has to be
// done line by line as some lines might contain more colors than
// others.
const padding = maxLineLength[j - i] + output[j].length - dataLen[j];
str += `${output[j]}, `[order](padding, ' ');
if (order === 'padStart') {
const padding = maxLineLength[j - i] +
output[j].length -
dataLen[j] -
str += output[j].padStart(padding, ' ');
} else {
str += output[j];
if (ctx.maxArrayLength < output.length) {
output = tmp;
return output;
function handleMaxCallStackSize(ctx, err, constructorName, indentationLvl) {
if (isStackOverflowError(err)) {
ctx.indentationLvl = indentationLvl;
return ctx.stylize(
`[${constructorName}: Inspection interrupted ` +
'prematurely. Maximum call stack size exceeded.]',
throw err;
function formatNumber(fn, value) {
// Format -0 as '-0'. Checking `value === -0` won't distinguish 0 from -0.
return fn(Object.is(value, -0) ? '-0' : `${value}`, 'number');
function formatBigInt(fn, value) {
return fn(`${value}n`, 'bigint');
function formatPrimitive(fn, value, ctx) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
if (ctx.compact !== true &&
value.length > kMinLineLength &&
value.length > ctx.breakLength - ctx.indentationLvl - 4) {
return value
.map((line) => fn(strEscape(line), 'string'))
.join(` +\n${' '.repeat(ctx.indentationLvl + 2)}`);
return fn(strEscape(value), 'string');
if (typeof value === 'number')
return formatNumber(fn, value);
if (typeof value === 'bigint')
return formatBigInt(fn, value);
if (typeof value === 'boolean')
return fn(`${value}`, 'boolean');
if (typeof value === 'undefined')
return fn('undefined', 'undefined');
// es6 symbol primitive
return fn(SymbolPrototype.toString(value), 'symbol');
function formatNamespaceObject(ctx, value, recurseTimes, keys) {
const output = new Array(keys.length);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
try {
output[i] = formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, keys[i],
} catch (err) {
if (!(isNativeError(err) && err.name === 'ReferenceError')) {
throw err;
// Use the existing functionality. This makes sure the indentation and
// line breaks are always correct. Otherwise it is very difficult to keep
// this aligned, even though this is a hacky way of dealing with this.
const tmp = { [keys[i]]: '' };
output[i] = formatProperty(ctx, tmp, recurseTimes, keys[i], kObjectType);
const pos = output[i].lastIndexOf(' ');
// We have to find the last whitespace and have to replace that value as
// it will be visualized as a regular string.
output[i] = output[i].slice(0, pos + 1) +
ctx.stylize('<uninitialized>', 'special');
// Reset the keys to an empty array. This prevents duplicated inspection.
keys.length = 0;
return output;
// The array is sparse and/or has extra keys
function formatSpecialArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes, maxLength, output, i) {
const keys = Object.keys(value);
let index = i;
for (; i < keys.length && output.length < maxLength; i++) {
const key = keys[i];
const tmp = +key;
// Arrays can only have up to 2^32 - 1 entries
if (tmp > 2 ** 32 - 2) {
if (`${index}` !== key) {
if (!numberRegExp.test(key)) {
const emptyItems = tmp - index;
const ending = emptyItems > 1 ? 's' : '';
const message = `<${emptyItems} empty item${ending}>`;
output.push(ctx.stylize(message, 'undefined'));
index = tmp;
if (output.length === maxLength) {
output.push(formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, key, kArrayType));
const remaining = value.length - index;
if (output.length !== maxLength) {
if (remaining > 0) {
const ending = remaining > 1 ? 's' : '';
const message = `<${remaining} empty item${ending}>`;
output.push(ctx.stylize(message, 'undefined'));
} else if (remaining > 0) {
output.push(`... ${remaining} more item${remaining > 1 ? 's' : ''}`);
return output;
function formatArrayBuffer(ctx, value) {
let buffer;
try {
buffer = new Uint8Array(value);
} catch {
return [ctx.stylize('(detached)', 'special')];
if (hexSlice === undefined)
hexSlice = uncurryThis(require('buffer').Buffer.prototype.hexSlice);
let str = hexSlice(buffer, 0, Math.min(ctx.maxArrayLength, buffer.length))
.replace(/(.{2})/g, '$1 ').trim();
const remaining = buffer.length - ctx.maxArrayLength;
if (remaining > 0)
str += ` ... ${remaining} more byte${remaining > 1 ? 's' : ''}`;
return [`${ctx.stylize('[Uint8Contents]', 'special')}: <${str}>`];
function formatArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes) {
const valLen = value.length;
const len = Math.min(Math.max(0, ctx.maxArrayLength), valLen);
const remaining = valLen - len;
const output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// Special handle sparse arrays.
if (!hasOwnProperty(value, i)) {
return formatSpecialArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes, len, output, i);
output.push(formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, i, kArrayType));
if (remaining > 0)
output.push(`... ${remaining} more item${remaining > 1 ? 's' : ''}`);
return output;
function formatTypedArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes) {
const maxLength = Math.min(Math.max(0, ctx.maxArrayLength), value.length);
const remaining = value.length - maxLength;
const output = new Array(maxLength);
const elementFormatter = value.length > 0 && typeof value[0] === 'number' ?
formatNumber :
for (let i = 0; i < maxLength; ++i)
output[i] = elementFormatter(ctx.stylize, value[i]);
if (remaining > 0) {
output[maxLength] = `... ${remaining} more item${remaining > 1 ? 's' : ''}`;
if (ctx.showHidden) {
// .buffer goes last, it's not a primitive like the others.
ctx.indentationLvl += 2;
for (const key of [
]) {
const str = formatValue(ctx, value[key], recurseTimes, true);
output.push(`[${key}]: ${str}`);
ctx.indentationLvl -= 2;
return output;
function formatSet(ctx, value, recurseTimes) {
const output = [];
ctx.indentationLvl += 2;
for (const v of value) {
output.push(formatValue(ctx, v, recurseTimes));
ctx.indentationLvl -= 2;
// With `showHidden`, `length` will display as a hidden property for
// arrays. For consistency's sake, do the same for `size`, even though this
// property isn't selected by Object.getOwnPropertyNames().
if (ctx.showHidden)
output.push(`[size]: ${ctx.stylize(`${value.size}`, 'number')}`);
return output;
function formatMap(ctx, value, recurseTimes) {
const output = [];
ctx.indentationLvl += 2;
for (const [k, v] of value) {
output.push(`${formatValue(ctx, k, recurseTimes)} => ` +
formatValue(ctx, v, recurseTimes));
ctx.indentationLvl -= 2;
// See comment in formatSet
if (ctx.showHidden)
output.push(`[size]: ${ctx.stylize(`${value.size}`, 'number')}`);
return output;
function formatSetIterInner(ctx, recurseTimes, entries, state) {
const maxArrayLength = Math.max(ctx.maxArrayLength, 0);
const maxLength = Math.min(maxArrayLength, entries.length);
let output = new Array(maxLength);
ctx.indentationLvl += 2;
for (var i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) {
output[i] = formatValue(ctx, entries[i], recurseTimes);
ctx.indentationLvl -= 2;
if (state === kWeak && !ctx.sorted) {
// Sort all entries to have a halfway reliable output (if more entries than
// retrieved ones exist, we can not reliably return the same output) if the
// output is not sorted anyway.
output = output.sort();
const remaining = entries.length - maxLength;
if (remaining > 0) {
output.push(`... ${remaining} more item${remaining > 1 ? 's' : ''}`);
return output;
function formatMapIterInner(ctx, recurseTimes, entries, state) {
const maxArrayLength = Math.max(ctx.maxArrayLength, 0);
// Entries exist as [key1, val1, key2, val2, ...]
const len = entries.length / 2;
const remaining = len - maxArrayLength;
const maxLength = Math.min(maxArrayLength, len);
let output = new Array(maxLength);
let i = 0;
ctx.indentationLvl += 2;
if (state === kWeak) {
for (; i < maxLength; i++) {
const pos = i * 2;
output[i] = `${formatValue(ctx, entries[pos], recurseTimes)}` +
` => ${formatValue(ctx, entries[pos + 1], recurseTimes)}`;
// Sort all entries to have a halfway reliable output (if more entries than
// retrieved ones exist, we can not reliably return the same output) if the
// output is not sorted anyway.
if (!ctx.sorted)
output = output.sort();
} else {
for (; i < maxLength; i++) {
const pos = i * 2;
const res = [
formatValue(ctx, entries[pos], recurseTimes),
formatValue(ctx, entries[pos + 1], recurseTimes)
output[i] = reduceToSingleString(
ctx, res, '', ['[', ']'], kArrayExtrasType, recurseTimes);
ctx.indentationLvl -= 2;
if (remaining > 0) {
output.push(`... ${remaining} more item${remaining > 1 ? 's' : ''}`);
return output;
function formatWeakCollection(ctx) {
return [ctx.stylize('<items unknown>', 'special')];
function formatWeakSet(ctx, value, recurseTimes) {
const entries = previewEntries(value);
return formatSetIterInner(ctx, recurseTimes, entries, kWeak);
function formatWeakMap(ctx, value, recurseTimes) {
const entries = previewEntries(value);
return formatMapIterInner(ctx, recurseTimes, entries, kWeak);
function formatIterator(ctx, value, recurseTimes, keys, braces) {
const [entries, isKeyValue] = previewEntries(value, true);
if (isKeyValue) {
// Mark entry iterators as such.
braces[0] = braces[0].replace(/ Iterator] {$/, ' Entries] {');
return formatMapIterInner(ctx, recurseTimes, entries, kMapEntries);
return formatSetIterInner(ctx, recurseTimes, entries, kIterator);
function formatPromise(ctx, value, recurseTimes) {
let output;
const [state, result] = getPromiseDetails(value);
if (state === kPending) {
output = [ctx.stylize('<pending>', 'special')];
} else {
ctx.indentationLvl += 2;
const str = formatValue(ctx, result, recurseTimes);
ctx.indentationLvl -= 2;
output = [
state === kRejected ?
`${ctx.stylize('<rejected>', 'special')} ${str}` :
return output;
function formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, key, type) {
let name, str;
let extra = ' ';
const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, key) ||
{ value: value[key], enumerable: true };
if (desc.value !== undefined) {
const diff = (type !== kObjectType || ctx.compact !== true) ? 2 : 3;
ctx.indentationLvl += diff;
str = formatValue(ctx, desc.value, recurseTimes);
if (diff === 3) {
const len = ctx.colors ? removeColors(str).length : str.length;
if (ctx.breakLength < len) {
extra = `\n${' '.repeat(ctx.indentationLvl)}`;
ctx.indentationLvl -= diff;
} else if (desc.get !== undefined) {
const label = desc.set !== undefined ? 'Getter/Setter' : 'Getter';
const s = ctx.stylize;
const sp = 'special';
if (ctx.getters && (ctx.getters === true ||
ctx.getters === 'get' && desc.set === undefined ||
ctx.getters === 'set' && desc.set !== undefined)) {
try {
const tmp = value[key];
ctx.indentationLvl += 2;
if (tmp === null) {
str = `${s(`[${label}:`, sp)} ${s('null', 'null')}${s(']', sp)}`;
} else if (typeof tmp === 'object') {
str = `${s(`[${label}]`, sp)} ${formatValue(ctx, tmp, recurseTimes)}`;
} else {
const primitive = formatPrimitive(s, tmp, ctx);
str = `${s(`[${label}:`, sp)} ${primitive}${s(']', sp)}`;
ctx.indentationLvl -= 2;
} catch (err) {
const message = `<Inspection threw (${err.message})>`;
str = `${s(`[${label}:`, sp)} ${message}${s(']', sp)}`;
} else {
str = ctx.stylize(`[${label}]`, sp);
} else if (desc.set !== undefined) {
str = ctx.stylize('[Setter]', 'special');
} else {
str = ctx.stylize('undefined', 'undefined');
if (type === kArrayType) {
return str;
if (typeof key === 'symbol') {
const tmp = key.toString().replace(strEscapeSequencesReplacer, escapeFn);
name = `[${ctx.stylize(tmp, 'symbol')}]`;
} else if (desc.enumerable === false) {
name = `[${key.replace(strEscapeSequencesReplacer, escapeFn)}]`;
} else if (keyStrRegExp.test(key)) {
name = ctx.stylize(key, 'name');
} else {
name = ctx.stylize(strEscape(key), 'string');
return `${name}:${extra}${str}`;
function isBelowBreakLength(ctx, output, start, base) {
// Each entry is separated by at least a comma. Thus, we start with a total
// length of at least `output.length`. In addition, some cases have a
// whitespace in-between each other that is added to the total as well.
let totalLength = output.length + start;
if (totalLength + output.length > ctx.breakLength)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < output.length; i++) {
if (ctx.colors) {
totalLength += removeColors(output[i]).length;
} else {
totalLength += output[i].length;
if (totalLength > ctx.breakLength) {
return false;
// Do not line up properties on the same line if `base` contains line breaks.
return base === '' || !base.includes('\n');
function reduceToSingleString(
ctx, output, base, braces, extrasType, recurseTimes, value) {
if (ctx.compact !== true) {
if (typeof ctx.compact === 'number' && ctx.compact >= 1) {
// Memorize the original output length. In case the the output is grouped,
// prevent lining up the entries on a single line.
const entries = output.length;
// Group array elements together if the array contains at least six
// separate entries.
if (extrasType === kArrayExtrasType && entries > 6) {
output = groupArrayElements(ctx, output, value);
// `ctx.currentDepth` is set to the most inner depth of the currently
// inspected object part while `recurseTimes` is the actual current depth
// that is inspected.
// Example:
// const a = { first: [ 1, 2, 3 ], second: { inner: [ 1, 2, 3 ] } }
// The deepest depth of `a` is 2 (a.second.inner) and `a.first` has a max
// depth of 1.
// Consolidate all entries of the local most inner depth up to
// `ctx.compact`, as long as the properties are smaller than
// `ctx.breakLength`.
if (ctx.currentDepth - recurseTimes < ctx.compact &&
entries === output.length) {
// Line up all entries on a single line in case the entries do not
// exceed `breakLength`. Add 10 as constant to start next to all other
// factors that may reduce `breakLength`.
const start = output.length + ctx.indentationLvl +
braces[0].length + base.length + 10;
if (isBelowBreakLength(ctx, output, start, base)) {
return `${base ? `${base} ` : ''}${braces[0]} ${join(output, ', ')}` +
` ${braces[1]}`;
// Line up each entry on an individual line.
const indentation = `\n${' '.repeat(ctx.indentationLvl)}`;
return `${base ? `${base} ` : ''}${braces[0]}${indentation} ` +
`${join(output, `,${indentation} `)}${indentation}${braces[1]}`;
// Line up all entries on a single line in case the entries do not exceed
// `breakLength`.
if (isBelowBreakLength(ctx, output, 0, base)) {
return `${braces[0]}${base ? ` ${base}` : ''} ${join(output, ', ')} ` +
const indentation = ' '.repeat(ctx.indentationLvl);
// If the opening "brace" is too large, like in the case of "Set {",
// we need to force the first item to be on the next line or the
// items will not line up correctly.
const ln = base === '' && braces[0].length === 1 ?
' ' : `${base ? ` ${base}` : ''}\n${indentation} `;
// Line up each entry on an individual line.
return `${braces[0]}${ln}${join(output, `,\n${indentation} `)} ${braces[1]}`;
function format(...args) {
return formatWithOptions(undefined, ...args);
const firstErrorLine = (error) => error.message.split('\n')[0];
function tryStringify(arg) {
try {
return JSON.stringify(arg);
} catch (err) {
// Populate the circular error message lazily
try {
const a = {}; a.a = a; JSON.stringify(a);
} catch (err) {
CIRCULAR_ERROR_MESSAGE = firstErrorLine(err);
if (err.name === 'TypeError' &&
firstErrorLine(err) === CIRCULAR_ERROR_MESSAGE) {
return '[Circular]';
throw err;
function formatWithOptions(inspectOptions, ...args) {
const first = args[0];
let a = 0;
let str = '';
let join = '';
if (typeof first === 'string') {
if (args.length === 1) {
return first;
let tempStr;
let lastPos = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < first.length - 1; i++) {
if (first.charCodeAt(i) === 37) { // '%'
const nextChar = first.charCodeAt(++i);
if (a + 1 !== args.length) {
switch (nextChar) {
case 115: // 's'
const tempArg = args[++a];
if (typeof tempArg === 'number') {
tempStr = formatNumber(stylizeNoColor, tempArg);
} else if (typeof tempArg === 'bigint') {
tempStr = `${tempArg}n`;
} else {
let constr;
if (typeof tempArg !== 'object' ||
tempArg === null ||
typeof tempArg.toString === 'function' &&
// A direct own property.
(hasOwnProperty(tempArg, 'toString') ||
// A direct own property on the constructor prototype in
// case the constructor is not an built-in object.
(constr = tempArg.constructor) &&
!builtInObjects.has(constr.name) &&
constr.prototype &&
hasOwnProperty(constr.prototype, 'toString'))) {
tempStr = String(tempArg);
} else {
tempStr = inspect(tempArg, {
compact: 3,
colors: false,
depth: 0
case 106: // 'j'
tempStr = tryStringify(args[++a]);
case 100: // 'd'
const tempNum = args[++a];
if (typeof tempNum === 'bigint') {
tempStr = `${tempNum}n`;
} else if (typeof tempNum === 'symbol') {
tempStr = 'NaN';
} else {
tempStr = formatNumber(stylizeNoColor, Number(tempNum));
case 79: // 'O'
tempStr = inspect(args[++a], inspectOptions);
case 111: // 'o'
tempStr = inspect(args[++a], {
showHidden: true,
showProxy: true,
depth: 4
case 105: // 'i'
const tempInteger = args[++a];
if (typeof tempInteger === 'bigint') {
tempStr = `${tempInteger}n`;
} else if (typeof tempInteger === 'symbol') {
tempStr = 'NaN';
} else {
tempStr = formatNumber(stylizeNoColor, parseInt(tempInteger));
case 102: // 'f'
const tempFloat = args[++a];
if (typeof tempFloat === 'symbol') {
tempStr = 'NaN';
} else {
tempStr = formatNumber(stylizeNoColor, parseFloat(tempFloat));
case 99: // 'c'
a += 1;
tempStr = '';
case 37: // '%'
str += first.slice(lastPos, i);
lastPos = i + 1;
default: // Any other character is not a correct placeholder
if (lastPos !== i - 1) {
str += first.slice(lastPos, i - 1);
str += tempStr;
lastPos = i + 1;
} else if (nextChar === 37) {
str += first.slice(lastPos, i);
lastPos = i + 1;
if (lastPos !== 0) {
join = ' ';
if (lastPos < first.length) {
str += first.slice(lastPos);
while (a < args.length) {
const value = args[a];
str += join;
str += typeof value !== 'string' ? inspect(value, inspectOptions) : value;
join = ' ';
return str;
module.exports = {