mirror of https://github.com/nodejs/node.git synced 2024-11-30 23:43:09 +01:00
isaacs 3e1b1dd4a9 Remove excessive copyright/license boilerplate
The copyright and license notice is already in the LICENSE file.  There
is no justifiable reason to also require that it be included in every
file, since the individual files are not individually distributed except
as part of the entire package.
2015-01-12 15:30:28 -08:00

538 lines
15 KiB

module.exports = doJSON;
// Take the lexed input, and return a JSON-encoded object
// A module looks like this: https://gist.github.com/1777387
var marked = require('marked');
function doJSON(input, filename, cb) {
var root = {source: filename};
var stack = [root];
var depth = 0;
var current = root;
var state = null;
var lexed = marked.lexer(input);
lexed.forEach(function (tok) {
var type = tok.type;
var text = tok.text;
// <!-- type = module -->
// This is for cases where the markdown semantic structure is lacking.
if (type === 'paragraph' || type === 'html') {
var metaExpr = /<!--([^=]+)=([^\-]+)-->\n*/g;
text = text.replace(metaExpr, function(_0, k, v) {
current[k.trim()] = v.trim();
return '';
text = text.trim();
if (!text) return;
if (type === 'heading' &&
!text.trim().match(/^example/i)) {
if (tok.depth - depth > 1) {
return cb(new Error('Inappropriate heading level\n'+
// Sometimes we have two headings with a single
// blob of description. Treat as a clone.
if (current &&
state === 'AFTERHEADING' &&
depth === tok.depth) {
var clone = current;
current = newSection(tok);
current.clone = clone;
// don't keep it around on the stack.
} else {
// if the level is greater than the current depth,
// then it's a child, so we should just leave the stack
// as it is.
// However, if it's a sibling or higher, then it implies
// the closure of the other sections that came before.
// root is always considered the level=0 section,
// and the lowest heading is 1, so this should always
// result in having a valid parent node.
var d = tok.depth;
while (d <= depth) {
finishSection(stack.pop(), stack[stack.length - 1]);
current = newSection(tok);
depth = tok.depth;
} // heading
// Immediately after a heading, we can expect the following
// { type: 'code', text: 'Stability: ...' },
// a list: starting with list_start, ending with list_end,
// maybe containing other nested lists in each item.
// If one of these isnt' found, then anything that comes between
// here and the next heading should be parsed as the desc.
var stability
if (state === 'AFTERHEADING') {
if (type === 'code' &&
(stability = text.match(/^Stability: ([0-5])(?:\s*-\s*)?(.*)$/))) {
current.stability = parseInt(stability[1], 10);
current.stabilityText = stability[2].trim();
} else if (type === 'list_start' && !tok.ordered) {
current.list = current.list || [];
current.list.level = 1;
} else {
current.desc = current.desc || [];
if (!Array.isArray(current.desc)) {
current.shortDesc = current.desc;
current.desc = [];
state = 'DESC';
if (state === 'AFTERHEADING_LIST') {
if (type === 'list_start') {
} else if (type === 'list_end') {
if (current.list.level === 0) {
current.desc = current.desc || [];
// finish any sections left open
while (root !== (current = stack.pop())) {
finishSection(current, stack[stack.length - 1]);
return cb(null, root)
// go from something like this:
// [ { type: 'list_item_start' },
// { type: 'text',
// text: '`settings` Object, Optional' },
// { type: 'list_start', ordered: false },
// { type: 'list_item_start' },
// { type: 'text',
// text: 'exec: String, file path to worker file. Default: `__filename`' },
// { type: 'list_item_end' },
// { type: 'list_item_start' },
// { type: 'text',
// text: 'args: Array, string arguments passed to worker.' },
// { type: 'text',
// text: 'Default: `process.argv.slice(2)`' },
// { type: 'list_item_end' },
// { type: 'list_item_start' },
// { type: 'text',
// text: 'silent: Boolean, whether or not to send output to parent\'s stdio.' },
// { type: 'text', text: 'Default: `false`' },
// { type: 'space' },
// { type: 'list_item_end' },
// { type: 'list_end' },
// { type: 'list_item_end' },
// { type: 'list_end' } ]
// to something like:
// [ { name: 'settings',
// type: 'object',
// optional: true,
// settings:
// [ { name: 'exec',
// type: 'string',
// desc: 'file path to worker file',
// default: '__filename' },
// { name: 'args',
// type: 'array',
// default: 'process.argv.slice(2)',
// desc: 'string arguments passed to worker.' },
// { name: 'silent',
// type: 'boolean',
// desc: 'whether or not to send output to parent\'s stdio.',
// default: 'false' } ] } ]
function processList(section) {
var list = section.list;
var values = [];
var current;
var stack = [];
// for now, *just* build the heirarchical list
list.forEach(function(tok) {
var type = tok.type;
if (type === 'space') return;
if (type === 'list_item_start') {
if (!current) {
var n = {};
current = n;
} else {
current.options = current.options || [];
var n = {};
current = n;
} else if (type === 'list_item_end') {
if (!current) {
throw new Error('invalid list - end without current item\n' +
JSON.stringify(tok) + '\n' +
current = stack.pop();
} else if (type === 'text') {
if (!current) {
throw new Error('invalid list - text without current item\n' +
JSON.stringify(tok) + '\n' +
current.textRaw = current.textRaw || '';
current.textRaw += tok.text + ' ';
// shove the name in there for properties, since they are always
// just going to be the value etc.
if (section.type === 'property' && values[0]) {
values[0].textRaw = '`' + section.name + '` ' + values[0].textRaw;
// now pull the actual values out of the text bits.
// Now figure out what this list actually means.
// depending on the section type, the list could be different things.
switch (section.type) {
case 'ctor':
case 'classMethod':
case 'method':
// each item is an argument, unless the name is 'return',
// in which case it's the return value.
section.signatures = section.signatures || [];
var sig = {}
sig.params = values.filter(function(v) {
if (v.name === 'return') {
sig.return = v;
return false;
return true;
parseSignature(section.textRaw, sig);
case 'property':
// there should be only one item, which is the value.
// copy the data up to the section.
var value = values[0] || {};
delete value.name;
section.typeof = value.type;
delete value.type;
Object.keys(value).forEach(function(k) {
section[k] = value[k];
case 'event':
// event: each item is an argument.
section.params = values;
// section.listParsed = values;
delete section.list;
// textRaw = "someobject.someMethod(a[, b=100][, c])"
function parseSignature(text, sig) {
var params = text.match(paramExpr);
if (!params) return;
params = params[1];
// the [ is irrelevant. ] indicates optionalness.
params = params.replace(/\[/g, '');
params = params.split(/,/)
params.forEach(function(p, i, _) {
p = p.trim();
if (!p) return;
var param = sig.params[i];
var optional = false;
var def;
// [foo] -> optional
if (p.charAt(p.length - 1) === ']') {
optional = true;
p = p.substr(0, p.length - 1);
p = p.trim();
var eq = p.indexOf('=');
if (eq !== -1) {
def = p.substr(eq + 1);
p = p.substr(0, eq);
if (!param) {
param = sig.params[i] = { name: p };
// at this point, the name should match.
if (p !== param.name) {
console.error('Warning: invalid param "%s"', p);
console.error(' > ' + JSON.stringify(param));
console.error(' > ' + text);
if (optional) param.optional = true;
if (def !== undefined) param.default = def;
function parseListItem(item) {
if (item.options) item.options.forEach(parseListItem);
if (!item.textRaw) return;
// the goal here is to find the name, type, default, and optional.
// anything left over is 'desc'
var text = item.textRaw.trim();
// text = text.replace(/^(Argument|Param)s?\s*:?\s*/i, '');
text = text.replace(/^, /, '').trim();
var retExpr = /^returns?\s*:?\s*/i;
var ret = text.match(retExpr);
if (ret) {
item.name = 'return';
text = text.replace(retExpr, '');
} else {
var nameExpr = /^['`"]?([^'`": \{]+)['`"]?\s*:?\s*/;
var name = text.match(nameExpr);
if (name) {
item.name = name[1];
text = text.replace(nameExpr, '');
text = text.trim();
var defaultExpr = /\(default\s*[:=]?\s*['"`]?([^, '"`]*)['"`]?\)/i;
var def = text.match(defaultExpr);
if (def) {
item.default = def[1];
text = text.replace(defaultExpr, '');
text = text.trim();
var typeExpr = /^\{([^\}]+)\}/;
var type = text.match(typeExpr);
if (type) {
item.type = type[1];
text = text.replace(typeExpr, '');
text = text.trim();
var optExpr = /^Optional\.|(?:, )?Optional$/;
var optional = text.match(optExpr);
if (optional) {
item.optional = true;
text = text.replace(optExpr, '');
text = text.replace(/^\s*-\s*/, '');
text = text.trim();
if (text) item.desc = text;
function finishSection(section, parent) {
if (!section || !parent) {
throw new Error('Invalid finishSection call\n'+
JSON.stringify(section) + '\n' +
if (!section.type) {
section.type = 'module';
if (parent && (parent.type === 'misc')) {
section.type = 'misc';
section.displayName = section.name;
section.name = section.name.toLowerCase()
.trim().replace(/\s+/g, '_');
if (section.desc && Array.isArray(section.desc)) {
section.desc.links = section.desc.links || [];
section.desc = marked.parser(section.desc);
if (!section.list) section.list = [];
// classes sometimes have various 'ctor' children
// which are actually just descriptions of a constructor
// class signature.
// Merge them into the parent.
if (section.type === 'class' && section.ctors) {
section.signatures = section.signatures || [];
var sigs = section.signatures;
section.ctors.forEach(function(ctor) {
ctor.signatures = ctor.signatures || [{}];
ctor.signatures.forEach(function(sig) {
sig.desc = ctor.desc;
sigs.push.apply(sigs, ctor.signatures);
delete section.ctors;
// properties are a bit special.
// their "type" is the type of object, not "property"
if (section.properties) {
section.properties.forEach(function (p) {
if (p.typeof) p.type = p.typeof;
else delete p.type;
delete p.typeof;
// handle clones
if (section.clone) {
var clone = section.clone;
delete section.clone;
delete clone.clone;
deepCopy(section, clone);
finishSection(clone, parent);
var plur;
if (section.type.slice(-1) === 's') {
plur = section.type + 'es';
} else if (section.type.slice(-1) === 'y') {
plur = section.type.replace(/y$/, 'ies');
} else {
plur = section.type + 's';
// if the parent's type is 'misc', then it's just a random
// collection of stuff, like the "globals" section.
// Make the children top-level items.
if (section.type === 'misc') {
Object.keys(section).forEach(function(k) {
switch (k) {
case 'textRaw':
case 'name':
case 'type':
case 'desc':
case 'miscs':
if (parent.type === 'misc') {
if (Array.isArray(k) && parent[k]) {
parent[k] = parent[k].concat(section[k]);
} else if (!parent[k]) {
parent[k] = section[k];
} else {
// parent already has, and it's not an array.
parent[plur] = parent[plur] || [];
// Not a general purpose deep copy.
// But sufficient for these basic things.
function deepCopy(src, dest) {
Object.keys(src).filter(function(k) {
return !dest.hasOwnProperty(k);
}).forEach(function(k) {
dest[k] = deepCopy_(src[k]);
function deepCopy_(src) {
if (!src) return src;
if (Array.isArray(src)) {
var c = new Array(src.length);
src.forEach(function(v, i) {
c[i] = deepCopy_(v);
return c;
if (typeof src === 'object') {
var c = {};
Object.keys(src).forEach(function(k) {
c[k] = deepCopy_(src[k]);
return c;
return src;
// these parse out the contents of an H# tag
var eventExpr = /^Event(?::|\s)+['"]?([^"']+).*$/i;
var classExpr = /^Class:\s*([^ ]+).*?$/i;
var propExpr = /^(?:property:?\s*)?[^\.]+\.([^ \.\(\)]+)\s*?$/i;
var braceExpr = /^(?:property:?\s*)?[^\.\[]+(\[[^\]]+\])\s*?$/i;
var classMethExpr =
/^class\s*method\s*:?[^\.]+\.([^ \.\(\)]+)\([^\)]*\)\s*?$/i;
var methExpr =
/^(?:method:?\s*)?(?:[^\.]+\.)?([^ \.\(\)]+)\([^\)]*\)\s*?$/i;
var newExpr = /^new ([A-Z][a-z]+)\([^\)]*\)\s*?$/;
var paramExpr = /\((.*)\);?$/;
function newSection(tok) {
var section = {};
// infer the type from the text.
var text = section.textRaw = tok.text;
if (text.match(eventExpr)) {
section.type = 'event';
section.name = text.replace(eventExpr, '$1');
} else if (text.match(classExpr)) {
section.type = 'class';
section.name = text.replace(classExpr, '$1');
} else if (text.match(braceExpr)) {
section.type = 'property';
section.name = text.replace(braceExpr, '$1');
} else if (text.match(propExpr)) {
section.type = 'property';
section.name = text.replace(propExpr, '$1');
} else if (text.match(classMethExpr)) {
section.type = 'classMethod';
section.name = text.replace(classMethExpr, '$1');
} else if (text.match(methExpr)) {
section.type = 'method';
section.name = text.replace(methExpr, '$1');
} else if (text.match(newExpr)) {
section.type = 'ctor';
section.name = text.replace(newExpr, '$1');
} else {
section.name = text;
return section;