mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 16:10:02 +01:00
Add a step in vcbuild.bat to create a minimal package including node and npm that can be used as an alternative to the MSI. Compress the node.pdb file as zip and 7z. All files are uploaded as part of build-release. Reviewed-By: Joao Reis <reis@janeasystems.com> Reviewed-By: Rod Vagg <rod@vagg.org> Reviewed-By: Alexis Campailla <orangemocha@nodejs.org> PR-URL: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/5995 Fixes: https://github.com/nodejs/build/issues/299 Fixes: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/5696
431 lines
16 KiB
431 lines
16 KiB
@echo off
cd %~dp0
if /i "%1"=="help" goto help
if /i "%1"=="--help" goto help
if /i "%1"=="-help" goto help
if /i "%1"=="/help" goto help
if /i "%1"=="?" goto help
if /i "%1"=="-?" goto help
if /i "%1"=="--?" goto help
if /i "%1"=="/?" goto help
@rem Process arguments.
set config=Release
set target=Build
set target_arch=x86
set target_env=
set noprojgen=
set nobuild=
set nosign=
set nosnapshot=
set test_args=
set package=
set msi=
set upload=
set licensertf=
set jslint=
set buildnodeweak=
set noetw=
set noetw_msi_arg=
set noperfctr=
set noperfctr_msi_arg=
set i18n_arg=
set download_arg=
set release_urls_arg=
set build_release=
set enable_vtune_arg=
set configure_flags=
set build_addons=
if "%1"=="" goto args-done
if /i "%1"=="debug" set config=Debug&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="release" set config=Release&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="clean" set target=Clean&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="ia32" set target_arch=x86&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="x86" set target_arch=x86&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="x64" set target_arch=x64&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="vc2013" set target_env=vc2013&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="vc2015" set target_env=vc2015&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="noprojgen" set noprojgen=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="nobuild" set nobuild=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="nosign" set nosign=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="nosnapshot" set nosnapshot=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="noetw" set noetw=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="noperfctr" set noperfctr=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="licensertf" set licensertf=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test" set test_args=%test_args% addons doctool known_issues message parallel sequential -J&set jslint=1&set build_addons=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-ci" set test_args=%test_args% %test_ci_args% -p tap --logfile test.tap addons doctool known_issues message sequential parallel&set build_addons=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-addons" set test_args=%test_args% addons&set build_addons=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-simple" set test_args=%test_args% sequential parallel -J&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-message" set test_args=%test_args% message&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-gc" set test_args=%test_args% gc&set buildnodeweak=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-internet" set test_args=%test_args% internet&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-pummel" set test_args=%test_args% pummel&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-all" set test_args=%test_args% sequential parallel message gc internet pummel&set buildnodeweak=1&set jslint=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-known-issues" set test_args=%test_args% known_issues&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="jslint" set jslint=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="jslint-ci" set jslint_ci=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="package" set package=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="msi" set msi=1&set licensertf=1&set download_arg="--download=all"&set i18n_arg=small-icu&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="build-release" set build_release=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="upload" set upload=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="small-icu" set i18n_arg=%1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="full-icu" set i18n_arg=%1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="intl-none" set i18n_arg=%1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="without-intl" set i18n_arg=%1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="download-all" set download_arg="--download=all"&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="ignore-flaky" set test_args=%test_args% --flaky-tests=dontcare&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="enable-vtune" set enable_vtune_arg=1&goto arg-ok
echo Warning: ignoring invalid command line option `%1`.
goto next-arg
if defined build_release (
set config=Release
set package=1
set msi=1
set licensertf=1
set download_arg="--download=all"
set i18n_arg=small-icu
:: assign path to node_exe
set "node_exe=%config%\node.exe"
if "%config%"=="Debug" set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --debug
if defined nosnapshot set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --without-snapshot
if defined noetw set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --without-etw& set noetw_msi_arg=/p:NoETW=1
if defined noperfctr set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --without-perfctr& set noperfctr_msi_arg=/p:NoPerfCtr=1
if defined release_urlbase set release_urlbase_arg=--release-urlbase=%release_urlbase%
if defined download_arg set configure_flags=%configure_flags% %download_arg%
if defined enable_vtune_arg set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --enable-vtune-profiling
if "%i18n_arg%"=="full-icu" set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --with-intl=full-icu
if "%i18n_arg%"=="small-icu" set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --with-intl=small-icu
if "%i18n_arg%"=="intl-none" set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --with-intl=none
if "%i18n_arg%"=="without-intl" set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --without-intl
if defined config_flags set configure_flags=%configure_flags% %config_flags%
if not exist "%~dp0deps\icu" goto no-depsicu
if "%target%"=="Clean" echo deleting %~dp0deps\icu
if "%target%"=="Clean" rmdir /S /Q %~dp0deps\icu
call :getnodeversion || exit /b 1
@rem Set environment for msbuild
if defined target_env if "%target_env%" NEQ "vc2015" goto vc-set-2013
@rem Look for Visual Studio 2015
echo Looking for Visual Studio 2015
if not defined VS140COMNTOOLS goto vc-set-2013
if not exist "%VS140COMNTOOLS%\..\..\vc\vcvarsall.bat" goto vc-set-2013
echo Found Visual Studio 2015
if defined msi (
echo Looking for WiX installation for Visual Studio 2015...
if not exist "%WIX%\SDK\VS2015" (
echo Failed to find WiX install for Visual Studio 2015
echo VS2015 support for WiX is only present starting at version 3.10
goto vc-set-2013
if "%VCVARS_VER%" NEQ "140" (
call "%VS140COMNTOOLS%\..\..\vc\vcvarsall.bat"
if not defined VCINSTALLDIR goto vc-set-2013
goto msbuild-found
if defined target_env if "%target_env%" NEQ "vc2013" goto msbuild-not-found
@rem Look for Visual Studio 2013
echo Looking for Visual Studio 2013
if not defined VS120COMNTOOLS goto msbuild-not-found
if not exist "%VS120COMNTOOLS%\..\..\vc\vcvarsall.bat" goto msbuild-not-found
echo Found Visual Studio 2013
if defined msi (
echo Looking for WiX installation for Visual Studio 2013...
if not exist "%WIX%\SDK\VS2013" (
echo Failed to find WiX install for Visual Studio 2013
echo VS2013 support for WiX is only present starting at version 3.8
goto wix-not-found
if "%VCVARS_VER%" NEQ "120" (
call "%VS120COMNTOOLS%\..\..\vc\vcvarsall.bat"
if not defined VCINSTALLDIR goto msbuild-not-found
goto msbuild-found
echo Failed to find Visual Studio installation.
goto exit
echo Build skipped. To generate installer, you need to install Wix.
goto run
@rem Skip project generation if requested.
if defined noprojgen goto msbuild
@rem Generate the VS project.
echo configure %configure_flags% --dest-cpu=%target_arch% --tag=%TAG%
python configure %configure_flags% --dest-cpu=%target_arch% --tag=%TAG%
if errorlevel 1 goto create-msvs-files-failed
if not exist node.sln goto create-msvs-files-failed
echo Project files generated.
@rem Skip build if requested.
if defined nobuild goto sign
@rem Build the sln with msbuild.
set "msbplatform=Win32"
if "%target_arch%"=="x64" set "msbplatform=x64"
msbuild node.sln /m /t:%target% /p:Configuration=%config% /p:Platform=%msbplatform% /clp:NoSummary;NoItemAndPropertyList;Verbosity=minimal /nologo
if errorlevel 1 goto exit
if "%target%" == "Clean" goto exit
@rem Skip signing if the `nosign` option was specified.
if defined nosign goto licensertf
signtool sign /a /d "Node.js" /du "https://nodejs.org" /t http://timestamp.globalsign.com/scripts/timestamp.dll Release\node.exe
if errorlevel 1 echo Failed to sign exe&goto exit
@rem Skip license.rtf generation if not requested.
if not defined licensertf goto package
%config%\node tools\license2rtf.js < LICENSE > %config%\license.rtf
if errorlevel 1 echo Failed to generate license.rtf&goto exit
if not defined package goto msi
echo Creating package...
cd Release
mkdir node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch% > nul 2> nul
mkdir node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\node_modules > nul 2>nul
copy /Y node.exe node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\ > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy node.exe && goto package_error
copy /Y ..\LICENSE node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\ > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy LICENSE && goto package_error
copy /Y ..\README.md node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\ > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy README.md && goto package_error
copy /Y ..\CHANGELOG.md node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\ > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy CHANGELOG.md && goto package_error
robocopy /e ..\deps\npm node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\node_modules\npm > nul
if errorlevel 8 echo Cannot copy npm package && goto package_error
copy /Y ..\deps\npm\bin\npm node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\ > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy npm && goto package_error
copy /Y ..\deps\npm\bin\npm.cmd node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\ > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy npm.cmd && goto package_error
echo Creating node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.7z
del node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.7z > nul 2> nul
7z a -r -mx9 -t7z node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.7z node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch% > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot create node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.7z && goto package_error
echo Creating node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.zip
del node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.zip > nul 2> nul
7z a -r -mx9 -tzip node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.zip node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch% > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot create node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.zip && goto package_error
echo Creating node_pdb.7z
del node_pdb.7z > nul 2> nul
7z a -mx9 -t7z node_pdb.7z node.pdb > nul
echo Creating node_pdb.zip
del node_pdb.zip > nul 2> nul
7z a -mx9 -tzip node_pdb.zip node.pdb > nul
cd ..
echo Package created!
goto package_done
cd ..
exit /b 1
@rem Skip msi generation if not requested
if not defined msi goto run
echo Building node-v%FULLVERSION%-%target_arch%.msi
msbuild "%~dp0tools\msvs\msi\nodemsi.sln" /m /t:Clean,Build /p:PlatformToolset=%PLATFORM_TOOLSET% /p:GypMsvsVersion=%GYP_MSVS_VERSION% /p:Configuration=%config% /p:Platform=%target_arch% /p:NodeVersion=%NODE_VERSION% /p:FullVersion=%FULLVERSION% /p:DistTypeDir=%DISTTYPEDIR% %noetw_msi_arg% %noperfctr_msi_arg% /clp:NoSummary;NoItemAndPropertyList;Verbosity=minimal /nologo
if errorlevel 1 goto exit
if defined nosign goto upload
signtool sign /a /d "Node.js" /du "https://nodejs.org" /t http://timestamp.globalsign.com/scripts/timestamp.dll node-v%FULLVERSION%-%target_arch%.msi
if errorlevel 1 echo Failed to sign msi&goto exit
@rem Skip upload if not requested
if not defined upload goto run
if not defined SSHCONFIG (
echo SSHCONFIG is not set for upload
exit /b 1
if not defined STAGINGSERVER set STAGINGSERVER=node-www
ssh -F %SSHCONFIG% %STAGINGSERVER% "mkdir -p nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%"
scp -F %SSHCONFIG% Release\node.exe %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%/node.exe
scp -F %SSHCONFIG% Release\node.lib %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%/node.lib
scp -F %SSHCONFIG% Release\node_pdb.zip %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%/node_pdb.zip
scp -F %SSHCONFIG% Release\node_pdb.7z %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%/node_pdb.7z
scp -F %SSHCONFIG% Release\node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.7z %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.7z
scp -F %SSHCONFIG% Release\node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.zip %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.zip
ssh -F %SSHCONFIG% %STAGINGSERVER% "touch nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/node-v%FULLVERSION%-%target_arch%.msi.done nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.zip.done nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.7z.done nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%.done && chmod -R ug=rw-x+X,o=r+X nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/node-v%FULLVERSION%-%target_arch%.* nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%*"
@rem Run tests if requested.
@rem Build node-weak if required
if "%buildnodeweak%"=="" goto build-addons
"%config%\node" deps\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp rebuild --directory="%~dp0test\gc\node_modules\weak" --nodedir="%~dp0."
if errorlevel 1 goto build-node-weak-failed
goto build-addons
echo Failed to build node-weak.
goto exit
if not defined build_addons goto run-tests
if not exist "%node_exe%" (
echo Failed to find node.exe
goto run-tests
echo Building add-ons
:: clear
for /d %%F in (test\addons\??_*) do (
rd /s /q %%F
:: generate
"%node_exe%" tools\doc\addon-verify.js
:: building addons
for /d %%F in (test\addons\*) do (
"%node_exe%" deps\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp rebuild ^
--directory="%%F" ^
goto run-tests
if "%test_args%"=="" goto jslint
if "%config%"=="Debug" set test_args=--mode=debug %test_args%
if "%config%"=="Release" set test_args=--mode=release %test_args%
echo running 'cctest'
echo running 'python tools\test.py %test_args%'
python tools\test.py %test_args%
goto jslint
if defined jslint_ci goto jslint-ci
if not defined jslint goto exit
if not exist tools\eslint\bin\eslint.js goto no-lint
echo running jslint
%config%\node tools\jslint.js -J benchmark lib src test tools\doc tools\eslint-rules tools\jslint.js
goto exit
echo running jslint-ci
%config%\node tools\jslint.js -J -f tap -o test-eslint.tap benchmark lib src test tools\doc tools\eslint-rules tools\jslint.js
goto exit
echo Linting is not available through the source tarball.
echo Use the git repo instead: $ git clone https://github.com/nodejs/node.git
goto exit
echo Failed to create vc project files.
goto exit
echo vcbuild.bat [debug/release] [msi] [test-all/test-uv/test-internet/test-pummel/test-simple/test-message] [clean] [noprojgen] [small-icu/full-icu/without-intl] [nobuild] [nosign] [x86/x64] [vc2013/vc2015] [download-all] [enable-vtune]
echo Examples:
echo vcbuild.bat : builds release build
echo vcbuild.bat debug : builds debug build
echo vcbuild.bat release msi : builds release build and MSI installer package
echo vcbuild.bat test : builds debug build and runs tests
echo vcbuild.bat build-release : builds the release distribution as used by nodejs.org
echo vcbuild.bat enable-vtune : builds nodejs with Intel VTune profiling support to profile JavaScript
goto exit
goto :EOF
rem ***************
rem Subroutines
rem ***************
set TAG=
for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in (`python "%~dp0tools\getnodeversion.py"`) do set NODE_VERSION=%%i
if not defined NODE_VERSION (
echo Cannot determine current version of Node.js
exit /b 1
if not defined DISTTYPE set DISTTYPE=release
if "%DISTTYPE%"=="release" (
goto exit
if "%DISTTYPE%"=="custom" (
if not defined CUSTOMTAG (
echo "CUSTOMTAG is not set for DISTTYPE=custom"
exit /b 1
if not "%DISTTYPE%"=="custom" (
if not defined DATESTRING (
echo "DATESTRING is not set for nightly"
exit /b 1
if not defined COMMIT (
echo "COMMIT is not set for nightly"
exit /b 1
if not "%DISTTYPE%"=="nightly" (
if not "%DISTTYPE%"=="next-nightly" (
echo "DISTTYPE is not release, custom, nightly or next-nightly"
exit /b 1
goto :EOF