mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 16:10:02 +01:00
This patch standardises the load order for modules. Highest priority is trying to load exactly the file the user specified, followed by native extensions, followed by registered extra extensions, etc. In full, if we require('foo') having registered '.coffee' as an alternative extension, we try and load the following files in order: foo foo.js foo.node foo.coffee foo/index.js foo/index.node foo/index.coffee
481 lines
13 KiB
481 lines
13 KiB
// Module
// Set the environ variable NODE_MODULE_CONTEXT=1 to make node load all
// modules in thier own context.
var contextLoad = false;
if (parseInt(process.env["NODE_MODULE_CONTEXTS"]) > 0) contextLoad = true;
var Script;
var internalModuleCache = {};
var extensionCache = {};
function Module (id, parent) {
this.id = id;
this.exports = {};
this.parent = parent;
if (parent) {
this.moduleCache = parent.moduleCache;
} else {
this.moduleCache = {};
this.filename = null;
this.loaded = false;
this.exited = false;
this.children = [];
function createInternalModule (id, constructor) {
var m = new Module(id);
m.loaded = true;
internalModuleCache[id] = m;
return m;
// This contains the source code for the files in lib/
// Like, natives.fs is the contents of lib/fs.js
var natives = process.binding('natives');
function loadNative (id) {
var m = new Module(id);
internalModuleCache[id] = m;
var e = m._compile(natives[id], id);
if (e) throw e;
m.loaded = true;
return m;
exports.requireNative = requireNative;
function requireNative (id) {
if (internalModuleCache[id]) return internalModuleCache[id].exports;
if (!natives[id]) throw new Error('No such native module ' + id);
return loadNative(id).exports;
// Event
var eventsFn = process.compile("(function (exports) {" + natives.events + "\n})",
var eventsModule = createInternalModule('events', eventsFn);
var events = eventsModule.exports;
// Modules
var debugLevel = parseInt(process.env["NODE_DEBUG"], 16);
function debug (x) {
if (debugLevel & 1) {
process.binding('stdio').writeError(x + "\n");
var pathFn = process.compile("(function (exports) {" + natives.path + "\n})",
var pathModule = createInternalModule('path', pathFn);
var path = pathModule.exports;
var modulePaths = [path.join(process.execPath, "..", "..", "lib", "node")];
if (process.env["HOME"]) {
modulePaths.unshift(path.join(process.env["HOME"], ".node_libraries"));
if (process.env["NODE_PATH"]) {
modulePaths = process.env["NODE_PATH"].split(":").concat(modulePaths);
var moduleNativeExtensions = ['js', 'node'];
/* Sync unless callback given */
function findModulePath (id, dirs, callback) {
process.assert(dirs.constructor == Array);
if (/^https?:\/\//.exec(id)) {
if (callback) {
} else {
throw new Error("Sync http require not allowed.");
if (dirs.length == 0) {
if (callback) {
} else {
return; // sync returns null
var dir = dirs[0];
var rest = dirs.slice(1, dirs.length);
if (id.charAt(0) == '/') {
dir = '';
rest = [];
var ext, locDirect = [], locIndex = [];
var extensions = moduleNativeExtensions.concat(Object.keys(extensionCache));
for (var i = 0, l = extensions.length; i < l; i++) {
ext = extensions[i];
locDirect.push(path.join(dir, id + '.' + ext));
locIndex.push(path.join(dir, id, 'index.' + ext));
var locations = [path.join(dir, id)].concat(locDirect).concat(locIndex);
var fs = requireNative('fs');
function searchLocations () {
var location = locations.shift();
if (!location && rest.length > 0) {
return findModulePath(id, rest);
} else if (location) {
try {
var stats = fs.statSync(location);
if (stats && !stats.isDirectory()) return location;
} catch(e) {}
return searchLocations();
} else {
return false;
function searchLocationsAsync (cb) {
var location = locations.shift();
if (!location && rest.length > 0) {
findModulePath(id, rest, cb);
} else if (location) {
fs.stat(location, function (err, stats) {
if (stats && !stats.isDirectory()) {
} else {
} else {
if (callback) {
return searchLocationsAsync(callback);
} else {
return searchLocations();
// sync - no i/o performed
function resolveModulePath(request, parent) {
var id, paths;
if (request.charAt(0) == "." && (request.charAt(1) == "/" || request.charAt(1) == ".")) {
// Relative request
var exts = moduleNativeExtensions.concat(Object.keys(extensionCache));
var parentIdPath = path.dirname(parent.id +
(path.basename(parent.filename).match(new RegExp('^index\\.(' + exts.join('|') + ')$')) ? "/." : ""));
id = path.join(parentIdPath, request);
// make sure require('./path') and require('path') get distinct ids, even
// when called from the toplevel js file
if (parentIdPath == '.' && ! id.match(new RegExp('/'))) {
id = './' + id;
debug("RELATIVE: requested:" + request + " set ID to: "+id+" from "+parent.id);
paths = [path.dirname(parent.filename)];
} else {
id = request;
// debug("ABSOLUTE: id="+id);
paths = modulePaths;
return [id, paths];
function loadModule (request, parent, callback) {
var resolvedModule = resolveModulePath(request, parent),
id = resolvedModule[0],
paths = resolvedModule[1];
debug("loadModule REQUEST " + (request) + " parent: " + parent.id);
// native modules always take precedence.
var cachedNative = internalModuleCache[id];
if (cachedNative) {
return callback ? callback(null, cachedNative.exports) : cachedNative.exports;
if (natives[id]) {
debug('load native module ' + id);
var nativeMod = loadNative(id);
return callback ? callback(null, nativeMod.exports) : nativeMod.exports;
// look up the filename first, since that's the cache key.
debug("looking for " + JSON.stringify(id) + " in " + JSON.stringify(paths));
if (!callback) {
// sync
var filename = findModulePath(request, paths);
if (!filename) {
throw new Error("Cannot find module '" + request + "'");
var cachedModule = parent.moduleCache[filename];
if (cachedModule) return cachedModule.exports;
var module = new Module(id, parent);
module.moduleCache[filename] = module;
return module.exports;
// async
findModulePath(request, paths, function (filename) {
if (!filename) {
var err = new Error("Cannot find module '" + request + "'");
return callback(err);
var cachedModule = parent.moduleCache[filename];
if (cachedModule) return callback(null, cachedModule.exports);
var module = new Module(id, parent);
module.moduleCache[filename] = module;
module.load(filename, callback);
// This function allows the user to register file extensions to custom
// Javascript 'compilers'. It accepts 2 arguments, where ext is a file
// extension as a string. E.g. '.coffee' for coffee-script files. compiler
// is the second argument, which is a function that gets called when the
// specified file extension is found. The compiler is passed a single
// argument, which is, the file contents, which need to be compiled.
// The function needs to return the compiled source, or an non-string
// variable that will get attached directly to the module exports. Example:
// require.registerExtension('.coffee', function(content) {
// return doCompileMagic(content);
// });
function registerExtension(ext, compiler) {
if ('string' !== typeof ext && false === /\.\w+$/.test(ext)) {
throw new Error('require.registerExtension: First argument not a valid extension string.');
if ('function' !== typeof compiler) {
throw new Error('require.registerExtension: Second argument not a valid compiler function.');
extensionCache[ext.slice(1)] = compiler;
Module.prototype.loadSync = function (filename) {
debug("loadSync " + JSON.stringify(filename) + " for module " + JSON.stringify(this.id));
this.filename = filename;
if (filename.match(/\.node$/)) {
} else {
Module.prototype.load = function (filename, callback) {
debug("load " + JSON.stringify(filename) + " for module " + JSON.stringify(this.id));
this.filename = filename;
if (filename.match(/\.node$/)) {
this._loadObject(filename, callback);
} else {
this._loadScript(filename, callback);
Module.prototype._loadObjectSync = function (filename) {
this.loaded = true;
process.dlopen(filename, this.exports);
Module.prototype._loadObject = function (filename, callback) {
var self = this;
// XXX Not yet supporting loading from HTTP. would need to download the
// file, store it to tmp then run dlopen on it.
self.loaded = true;
process.dlopen(filename, self.exports); // FIXME synchronus
if (callback) callback(null, self.exports);
function cat (id, callback) {
if (id.match(/^http:\/\//)) {
loadModule('http', process.mainModule, function (err, http) {
if (err) {
if (callback) callback(err);
} else {
http.cat(id, callback);
} else {
requireNative('fs').readFile(id, 'utf8', callback);
// Returns exception if any
Module.prototype._compile = function (content, filename) {
var self = this;
// remove shebang
content = content.replace(/^\#\!.*/, '');
// Compile content if needed
var ext = path.extname(filename).slice(1);
if (extensionCache[ext]) {
content = extensionCache[ext](content);
function requireAsync (url, cb) {
loadModule(url, self, cb);
function require (path) {
return loadModule(path, self);
require.paths = modulePaths;
require.async = requireAsync;
require.main = process.mainModule;
require.registerExtension = registerExtension;
var dirname = path.dirname(filename);
if (contextLoad) {
if (!Script) Script = Script = process.binding('evals').Script;
if (self.id !== ".") {
debug('load submodule');
// not root module
var sandbox = {};
for (var k in global) {
sandbox[k] = global[k];
sandbox.require = require;
sandbox.exports = self.exports;
sandbox.__filename = filename;
sandbox.__dirname = dirname;
sandbox.module = self;
sandbox.root = global;
Script.runInNewContext(content, sandbox, filename);
} else {
debug('load root module');
// root module
global.require = require;
global.exports = self.exports;
global.__filename = filename;
global.__dirname = dirname;
global.module = self;
global.root = global;
Script.runInThisContext(content, filename);
} else {
if ('string' === typeof content) {
// create wrapper function
var wrapper = "(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { "
+ content
+ "\n});";
var compiledWrapper = process.compile(wrapper, filename);
if (filename === process.argv[1] && global.v8debug) {
global.v8debug.Debug.setBreakPoint(compiledWrapper, 0, 0);
compiledWrapper.apply(self.exports, [self.exports, require, self, filename, dirname]);
} else {
self.exports = content;
Module.prototype._loadScriptSync = function (filename) {
var content = requireNative('fs').readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
this._compile(content, filename);
this.loaded = true;
Module.prototype._loadScript = function (filename, callback) {
var self = this;
cat(filename, function (err, content) {
debug('cat done');
if (err) {
if (callback) callback(err);
} else {
try {
self._compile(content, filename);
} catch (err) {
if (callback) callback(err);
self._waitChildrenLoad(function () {
self.loaded = true;
if (self.onload) self.onload();
if (callback) callback(null, self.exports);
Module.prototype._waitChildrenLoad = function (callback) {
var nloaded = 0;
var children = this.children;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
var child = children[i];
if (child.loaded) {
} else {
child.onload = function () {
child.onload = null;
if (children.length == nloaded && callback) callback();
if (children.length == nloaded && callback) callback();
// bootstrap main module.
exports.runMain = function () {
// Load the main module--the command line argument.
process.mainModule = new Module(".");