mirror of https://github.com/nodejs/node.git synced 2024-11-21 21:19:50 +01:00
Khafra a9081b5391 events: allow null/undefined eventInitDict
PR-URL: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/54643
Reviewed-By: Yagiz Nizipli <yagiz@nizipli.com>
Reviewed-By: LiviaMedeiros <livia@cirno.name>
Reviewed-By: Minwoo Jung <nodecorelab@gmail.com>
Reviewed-By: James M Snell <jasnell@gmail.com>
2024-09-21 09:08:39 -07:00

756 lines
20 KiB

// Flags: --expose-internals --no-warnings --expose-gc
'use strict';
const common = require('../common');
const {
} = require('internal/event_target');
const {
} = require('assert');
const { once } = require('events');
const { inspect } = require('util');
const { setTimeout: delay } = require('timers/promises');
// The globals are defined.
// The warning event has special behavior regarding attaching listeners
let lastWarning;
process.on('warning', (e) => {
lastWarning = e;
// Utility promise for parts of the test that need to wait for eachother -
// Namely tests for warning events
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
let asyncTest = Promise.resolve();
// First, test Event
const ev = new Event('foo');
strictEqual(ev.type, 'foo');
strictEqual(ev.cancelable, false);
strictEqual(ev.defaultPrevented, false);
strictEqual(typeof ev.timeStamp, 'number');
// Compatibility properties with the DOM
deepStrictEqual(ev.composedPath(), []);
strictEqual(ev.returnValue, true);
strictEqual(ev.bubbles, false);
strictEqual(ev.composed, false);
strictEqual(ev.isTrusted, false);
strictEqual(ev.eventPhase, 0);
strictEqual(ev.cancelBubble, false);
// Not cancelable
strictEqual(ev.defaultPrevented, false);
].forEach((i) => (
throws(() => new Event('foo', i), {
name: 'TypeError',
message: 'The "options" argument must be of type object.' +
const ev = new Event('foo');
strictEqual(ev.cancelBubble, false);
ev.cancelBubble = true;
strictEqual(ev.cancelBubble, true);
const ev = new Event('foo');
strictEqual(ev.cancelBubble, false);
strictEqual(ev.cancelBubble, true);
const ev = new Event('foo');
strictEqual(ev.cancelBubble, false);
ev.cancelBubble = 'some-truthy-value';
strictEqual(ev.cancelBubble, true);
// No argument behavior - throw TypeError
throws(() => {
new Event();
}, TypeError);
// Too many arguments passed behavior - ignore additional arguments
const ev = new Event('foo', {}, {});
strictEqual(ev.type, 'foo');
const ev = new Event('foo');
strictEqual(ev.cancelBubble, false);
ev.cancelBubble = true;
strictEqual(ev.cancelBubble, true);
const ev = new Event('foo');
strictEqual(ev.cancelBubble, false);
strictEqual(ev.cancelBubble, true);
const ev = new Event('foo');
strictEqual(ev.cancelBubble, false);
ev.cancelBubble = 'some-truthy-value';
strictEqual(ev.cancelBubble, true);
const ev = new Event('foo', { cancelable: true });
strictEqual(ev.type, 'foo');
strictEqual(ev.cancelable, true);
strictEqual(ev.defaultPrevented, false);
strictEqual(ev.defaultPrevented, true);
throws(() => new Event(Symbol()), TypeError);
const ev = new Event('foo');
strictEqual(ev.isTrusted, false);
const eventTarget = new EventTarget();
const ev1 = common.mustCall(function(event) {
strictEqual(event.type, 'foo');
strictEqual(this, eventTarget);
strictEqual(event.eventPhase, 2);
}, 2);
const ev2 = {
handleEvent: common.mustCall(function(event) {
strictEqual(event.type, 'foo');
strictEqual(this, ev2);
eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', ev1);
eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', ev2, { once: true });
ok(eventTarget.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo')));
eventTarget.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
eventTarget.removeEventListener('foo', ev1);
eventTarget.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
// event subclassing
const SubEvent = class extends Event {};
const ev = new SubEvent('foo');
const eventTarget = new EventTarget();
const fn = common.mustCall((event) => strictEqual(event, ev));
eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', fn, { once: true });
// Same event dispatched multiple times.
const event = new Event('foo');
const eventTarget1 = new EventTarget();
const eventTarget2 = new EventTarget();
eventTarget1.addEventListener('foo', common.mustCall((event) => {
strictEqual(event.eventPhase, Event.AT_TARGET);
strictEqual(event.target, eventTarget1);
deepStrictEqual(event.composedPath(), [eventTarget1]);
eventTarget2.addEventListener('foo', common.mustCall((event) => {
strictEqual(event.eventPhase, Event.AT_TARGET);
strictEqual(event.target, eventTarget2);
deepStrictEqual(event.composedPath(), [eventTarget2]);
strictEqual(event.eventPhase, Event.NONE);
strictEqual(event.target, eventTarget1);
deepStrictEqual(event.composedPath(), []);
strictEqual(event.eventPhase, Event.NONE);
strictEqual(event.target, eventTarget2);
deepStrictEqual(event.composedPath(), []);
// Same event dispatched multiple times, without listeners added.
const event = new Event('foo');
const eventTarget1 = new EventTarget();
const eventTarget2 = new EventTarget();
strictEqual(event.eventPhase, Event.NONE);
strictEqual(event.target, eventTarget1);
deepStrictEqual(event.composedPath(), []);
strictEqual(event.eventPhase, Event.NONE);
strictEqual(event.target, eventTarget2);
deepStrictEqual(event.composedPath(), []);
const eventTarget = new EventTarget();
const event = new Event('foo', { cancelable: true });
eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', (event) => event.preventDefault());
// Adding event listeners with a boolean useCapture
const eventTarget = new EventTarget();
const event = new Event('foo');
const fn = common.mustCall((event) => strictEqual(event.type, 'foo'));
eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', fn, false);
// The `options` argument can be `null`.
const eventTarget = new EventTarget();
const event = new Event('foo');
const fn = common.mustCall((event) => strictEqual(event.type, 'foo'));
eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', fn, null);
const target = new EventTarget();
const listener = {};
// AddEventListener should not require handleEvent to be
// defined on an EventListener.
target.addEventListener('foo', listener);
listener.handleEvent = common.mustCall(function(event) {
strictEqual(event.type, 'foo');
strictEqual(this, listener);
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
const target = new EventTarget();
const listener = {};
// do not throw
target.removeEventListener('foo', listener);
target.addEventListener('foo', listener);
target.removeEventListener('foo', listener);
listener.handleEvent = common.mustNotCall();
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
const uncaughtException = common.mustCall((err, origin) => {
strictEqual(err.message, 'boom');
strictEqual(origin, 'uncaughtException');
}, 4);
// Make sure that we no longer call 'error' on error.
process.on('error', common.mustNotCall());
// Don't call rejection even for async handlers.
process.on('unhandledRejection', common.mustNotCall());
process.on('uncaughtException', uncaughtException);
const eventTarget = new EventTarget();
const ev1 = async () => { throw new Error('boom'); };
const ev2 = () => { throw new Error('boom'); };
const ev3 = { handleEvent() { throw new Error('boom'); } };
const ev4 = { async handleEvent() { throw new Error('boom'); } };
// Errors in a handler won't stop calling the others.
eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', ev1, { once: true });
eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', ev2, { once: true });
eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', ev3, { once: true });
eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', ev4, { once: true });
eventTarget.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
const eventTarget = new EventTarget();
// Once handler only invoked once
const ev = common.mustCall((event) => {
// Can invoke the same event name recursively
eventTarget.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
// Errors in a handler won't stop calling the others.
eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', ev, { once: true });
eventTarget.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
// Coercion to string works
strictEqual((new Event(1)).type, '1');
strictEqual((new Event(false)).type, 'false');
strictEqual((new Event({})).type, String({}));
const target = new EventTarget();
{}, // No type event
].forEach((i) => {
throws(() => target.dispatchEvent(i), {
name: 'TypeError',
message: 'The "event" argument must be an instance of Event.' +
const err = (arg) => ({
name: 'TypeError',
message: 'The "listener" argument must be an instance of EventListener.' +
].forEach((i) => throws(() => target.addEventListener('foo', i), err(i)));
const target = new EventTarget();
once(target, 'foo').then(common.mustCall());
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
const target = new EventTarget();
const event = new Event('foo');
strictEqual(event.cancelBubble, false);
strictEqual(event.cancelBubble, true);
target.addEventListener('foo', common.mustNotCall());
const target = new EventTarget();
const event = new Event('foo');
target.addEventListener('foo', common.mustCall((event) => {
target.addEventListener('foo', common.mustNotCall());
const target = new EventTarget();
const event = new Event('foo');
target.addEventListener('foo', common.mustCall((event) => {
target.addEventListener('foo', common.mustNotCall());
const target = new EventTarget();
const event = new Event('foo');
strictEqual(event.target, null);
target.addEventListener('foo', common.mustCall((event) => {
strictEqual(event.target, target);
strictEqual(event.currentTarget, target);
strictEqual(event.srcElement, target);
const target1 = new EventTarget();
const target2 = new EventTarget();
const event = new Event('foo');
target1.addEventListener('foo', common.mustCall((event) => {
throws(() => target2.dispatchEvent(event), {
const target = new EventTarget();
const a = common.mustCall(() => target.removeEventListener('foo', a));
const b = common.mustCall(2);
target.addEventListener('foo', a);
target.addEventListener('foo', b);
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
const target = new EventTarget();
const a = common.mustCall(3);
target.addEventListener('foo', a, { capture: true });
target.addEventListener('foo', a, { capture: false });
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
target.removeEventListener('foo', a, { capture: true });
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
target.removeEventListener('foo', a, { capture: false });
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
const target = new EventTarget();
strictEqual(target.toString(), '[object EventTarget]');
const event = new Event('');
strictEqual(event.toString(), '[object Event]');
const target = new EventTarget();
defineEventHandler(target, 'foo');
target.onfoo = common.mustCall();
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
const target = new EventTarget();
defineEventHandler(target, 'foo');
strictEqual(target.onfoo, null);
const target = new EventTarget();
defineEventHandler(target, 'foo');
let count = 0;
target.onfoo = () => count++;
target.onfoo = common.mustCall(() => count++);
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
strictEqual(count, 1);
const target = new EventTarget();
defineEventHandler(target, 'foo');
let count = 0;
target.addEventListener('foo', () => count++);
target.onfoo = common.mustCall(() => count++);
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
strictEqual(count, 2);
const target = new EventTarget();
defineEventHandler(target, 'foo');
const fn = common.mustNotCall();
target.onfoo = fn;
strictEqual(target.onfoo, fn);
target.onfoo = null;
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
// `this` value of dispatchEvent
const target = new EventTarget();
const target2 = new EventTarget();
const event = new Event('foo');
ok(target.dispatchEvent.call(target2, event));
].forEach((i) => {
throws(() => target.dispatchEvent.call(i, event), {
// Event Statics
strictEqual(Event.NONE, 0);
strictEqual(Event.CAPTURING_PHASE, 1);
strictEqual(Event.AT_TARGET, 2);
strictEqual(Event.BUBBLING_PHASE, 3);
strictEqual(new Event('foo').eventPhase, Event.NONE);
const target = new EventTarget();
target.addEventListener('foo', common.mustCall((e) => {
strictEqual(e.eventPhase, Event.AT_TARGET);
}), { once: true });
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
// Event is a function
strictEqual(Event.length, 1);
const target = new EventTarget();
const ev = new Event('toString');
const fn = common.mustCall((event) => strictEqual(event.type, 'toString'));
target.addEventListener('toString', fn);
const target = new EventTarget();
const ev = new Event('__proto__');
const fn = common.mustCall((event) => strictEqual(event.type, '__proto__'));
target.addEventListener('__proto__', fn);
const eventTarget = new EventTarget();
// Single argument throws
throws(() => eventTarget.addEventListener('foo'), TypeError);
// Null events - does not throw
eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', null);
eventTarget.removeEventListener('foo', null);
eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', undefined);
eventTarget.removeEventListener('foo', undefined);
// Strings, booleans
throws(() => eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', 'hello'), TypeError);
throws(() => eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', false), TypeError);
throws(() => eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', Symbol()), TypeError);
asyncTest = asyncTest.then(async () => {
const eventTarget = new EventTarget();
// Single argument throws
throws(() => eventTarget.addEventListener('foo'), TypeError);
// Null events - does not throw
eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', null);
eventTarget.removeEventListener('foo', null);
// Warnings always happen after nextTick, so wait for a timer of 0
await delay(0);
strictEqual(lastWarning.name, 'AddEventListenerArgumentTypeWarning');
strictEqual(lastWarning.target, eventTarget);
lastWarning = null;
eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', undefined);
await delay(0);
strictEqual(lastWarning.name, 'AddEventListenerArgumentTypeWarning');
strictEqual(lastWarning.target, eventTarget);
eventTarget.removeEventListener('foo', undefined);
// Strings, booleans
throws(() => eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', 'hello'), TypeError);
throws(() => eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', false), TypeError);
throws(() => eventTarget.addEventListener('foo', Symbol()), TypeError);
const eventTarget = new EventTarget();
const event = new Event('foo');
strictEqual(event.target, eventTarget);
// Event target exported keys
const eventTarget = new EventTarget();
deepStrictEqual(Object.keys(eventTarget), []);
deepStrictEqual(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(eventTarget), []);
const parentKeys = Object.keys(Object.getPrototypeOf(eventTarget)).sort();
const keys = ['addEventListener', 'dispatchEvent', 'removeEventListener'];
deepStrictEqual(parentKeys, keys);
// Subclassing
class SubTarget extends EventTarget {}
const target = new SubTarget();
target.addEventListener('foo', common.mustCall());
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
// Test event order
const target = new EventTarget();
let state = 0;
target.addEventListener('foo', common.mustCall(() => {
strictEqual(state, 0);
target.addEventListener('foo', common.mustCall(() => {
strictEqual(state, 1);
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
const target = new EventTarget();
defineEventHandler(target, 'foo');
const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, 'onfoo');
strictEqual(descriptor.configurable, true);
strictEqual(descriptor.enumerable, true);
const target = new EventTarget();
defineEventHandler(target, 'foo');
const output = [];
target.addEventListener('foo', () => output.push(1));
target.onfoo = common.mustNotCall();
target.addEventListener('foo', () => output.push(3));
target.onfoo = () => output.push(2);
target.addEventListener('foo', () => output.push(4));
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
deepStrictEqual(output, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
const target = new EventTarget();
defineEventHandler(target, 'foo', 'bar');
const output = [];
target.addEventListener('bar', () => output.push(1));
target.onfoo = () => output.push(2);
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('bar'));
deepStrictEqual(output, [1, 2]);
const et = new EventTarget();
const listener = common.mustNotCall();
et.addEventListener('foo', common.mustCall((e) => {
et.removeEventListener('foo', listener);
et.addEventListener('foo', listener);
et.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
const ev = new Event('test');
const evConstructorName = inspect(ev, {
depth: -1,
strictEqual(evConstructorName, 'Event');
const inspectResult = inspect(ev, {
depth: 1,
const et = new EventTarget();
const inspectResult = inspect(et, {
depth: 1,
const ev = new Event('test');
strictEqual(ev.constructor.name, 'Event');
const et = new EventTarget();
strictEqual(et.constructor.name, 'EventTarget');
// Weak event listeners work
const et = new EventTarget();
const listener = common.mustCall();
et.addEventListener('foo', listener, { [kWeakHandler]: et });
et.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
// Weak event listeners can be removed and weakness is not part of the key
const et = new EventTarget();
const listener = common.mustNotCall();
et.addEventListener('foo', listener, { [kWeakHandler]: et });
et.removeEventListener('foo', listener);
et.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
// Test listeners are held weakly
const et = new EventTarget();
et.addEventListener('foo', common.mustNotCall(), { [kWeakHandler]: {} });
setImmediate(() => {
et.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
const et = new EventTarget();
throws(() => et.addEventListener(), {
name: 'TypeError',
throws(() => et.addEventListener('foo'), {
name: 'TypeError',
throws(() => et.removeEventListener(), {
name: 'TypeError',
throws(() => et.removeEventListener('foo'), {
name: 'TypeError',
throws(() => et.dispatchEvent(), {
name: 'TypeError',
const et = new EventTarget();
throws(() => {
et.addEventListener(Symbol('symbol'), () => {});
}, TypeError);
throws(() => {
et.removeEventListener(Symbol('symbol'), () => {});
}, TypeError);
// Test that event listeners are removed by signal even when
// signal's abort event propagation stopped
const controller = new AbortController();
const { signal } = controller;
signal.addEventListener('abort', (e) => e.stopImmediatePropagation(), { once: true });
const et = new EventTarget();
et.addEventListener('foo', common.mustNotCall(), { signal });
et.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
const event = new Event('foo');
strictEqual(event.cancelBubble, false);
event.cancelBubble = true;
strictEqual(event.cancelBubble, true);
// A null eventInitDict should not throw an error.
new Event('', null);
new Event('', undefined);