'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const util = require('util'); const Socket = require('net').Socket; const JSStream = process.binding('js_stream').JSStream; const uv = process.binding('uv'); const debug = util.debuglog('stream_wrap'); const errors = require('internal/errors'); function StreamWrap(stream) { const handle = new JSStream(); this.stream = stream; this._list = null; const self = this; handle.close = function(cb) { debug('close'); self.doClose(cb); }; handle.isAlive = function() { return self.isAlive(); }; handle.isClosing = function() { return self.isClosing(); }; handle.onreadstart = function() { return self.readStart(); }; handle.onreadstop = function() { return self.readStop(); }; handle.onshutdown = function(req) { return self.doShutdown(req); }; handle.onwrite = function(req, bufs) { return self.doWrite(req, bufs); }; this.stream.pause(); this.stream.on('error', function onerror(err) { self.emit('error', err); }); this.stream.on('data', function ondata(chunk) { if (typeof chunk === 'string' || this._readableState.objectMode === true) { // Make sure that no further `data` events will happen this.pause(); this.removeListener('data', ondata); self.emit('error', new errors.Error('ERR_STREAM_WRAP')); return; } debug('data', chunk.length); if (self._handle) self._handle.readBuffer(chunk); }); this.stream.once('end', function onend() { debug('end'); if (self._handle) self._handle.emitEOF(); }); Socket.call(this, { handle: handle }); } util.inherits(StreamWrap, Socket); module.exports = StreamWrap; // require('_stream_wrap').StreamWrap StreamWrap.StreamWrap = StreamWrap; StreamWrap.prototype.isAlive = function isAlive() { return true; }; StreamWrap.prototype.isClosing = function isClosing() { return !this.readable || !this.writable; }; StreamWrap.prototype.readStart = function readStart() { this.stream.resume(); return 0; }; StreamWrap.prototype.readStop = function readStop() { this.stream.pause(); return 0; }; StreamWrap.prototype.doShutdown = function doShutdown(req) { const self = this; const handle = this._handle; const item = this._enqueue('shutdown', req); this.stream.end(function() { // Ensure that write was dispatched setImmediate(function() { if (!self._dequeue(item)) return; handle.finishShutdown(req, 0); }); }); return 0; }; StreamWrap.prototype.doWrite = function doWrite(req, bufs) { const self = this; const handle = self._handle; var pending = bufs.length; // Queue the request to be able to cancel it const item = self._enqueue('write', req); self.stream.cork(); for (var n = 0; n < bufs.length; n++) self.stream.write(bufs[n], done); self.stream.uncork(); function done(err) { if (!err && --pending !== 0) return; // Ensure that this is called once in case of error pending = 0; // Ensure that write was dispatched setImmediate(function() { // Do not invoke callback twice if (!self._dequeue(item)) return; var errCode = 0; if (err) { if (err.code && uv['UV_' + err.code]) errCode = uv['UV_' + err.code]; else errCode = uv.UV_EPIPE; } handle.doAfterWrite(req); handle.finishWrite(req, errCode); }); } return 0; }; function QueueItem(type, req) { this.type = type; this.req = req; this.prev = this; this.next = this; } StreamWrap.prototype._enqueue = function _enqueue(type, req) { const item = new QueueItem(type, req); if (this._list === null) { this._list = item; return item; } item.next = this._list.next; item.prev = this._list; item.next.prev = item; item.prev.next = item; return item; }; StreamWrap.prototype._dequeue = function _dequeue(item) { assert(item instanceof QueueItem); var next = item.next; var prev = item.prev; if (next === null && prev === null) return false; item.next = null; item.prev = null; if (next === item) { prev = null; next = null; } else { prev.next = next; next.prev = prev; } if (this._list === item) this._list = next; return true; }; StreamWrap.prototype.doClose = function doClose(cb) { const self = this; const handle = self._handle; setImmediate(function() { while (self._list !== null) { const item = self._list; const req = item.req; self._dequeue(item); const errCode = uv.UV_ECANCELED; if (item.type === 'write') { handle.doAfterWrite(req); handle.finishWrite(req, errCode); } else if (item.type === 'shutdown') { handle.finishShutdown(req, errCode); } } // Should be already set by net.js assert(self._handle === null); cb(); }); };