'use strict'; // In worker threads, execute the script sent through the // message port. const { Object } = primordials; const { patchProcessObject, setupCoverageHooks, setupInspectorHooks, setupWarningHandler, setupDebugEnv, initializeDeprecations, initializeCJSLoader, initializeESMLoader, initializeFrozenIntrinsics, initializeReport, loadPreloadModules, setupTraceCategoryState } = require('internal/bootstrap/pre_execution'); const { threadId, getEnvMessagePort } = internalBinding('worker'); const workerIo = require('internal/worker/io'); const { messageTypes: { // Messages that may be received by workers LOAD_SCRIPT, // Messages that may be posted from workers UP_AND_RUNNING, ERROR_MESSAGE, COULD_NOT_SERIALIZE_ERROR, // Messages that may be either received or posted STDIO_PAYLOAD, STDIO_WANTS_MORE_DATA, }, kStdioWantsMoreDataCallback } = workerIo; const { onGlobalUncaughtException } = require('internal/process/execution'); const publicWorker = require('worker_threads'); const debug = require('internal/util/debuglog').debuglog('worker'); const assert = require('internal/assert'); patchProcessObject(); setupInspectorHooks(); setupDebugEnv(); setupWarningHandler(); // Since worker threads cannot switch cwd, we do not need to // overwrite the process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE variable. if (process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE) { setupCoverageHooks(process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE); } debug(`[${threadId}] is setting up worker child environment`); // Set up the message port and start listening const port = getEnvMessagePort(); // If the main thread is spawned with env NODE_CHANNEL_FD, it's probably // spawned by our child_process module. In the work threads, mark the // related IPC properties as unavailable. if (process.env.NODE_CHANNEL_FD) { const workerThreadSetup = require('internal/process/worker_thread_only'); Object.defineProperty(process, 'channel', { enumerable: false, get: workerThreadSetup.unavailable('process.channel') }); Object.defineProperty(process, 'connected', { enumerable: false, get: workerThreadSetup.unavailable('process.connected') }); process.send = workerThreadSetup.unavailable('process.send()'); process.disconnect = workerThreadSetup.unavailable('process.disconnect()'); } port.on('message', (message) => { if (message.type === LOAD_SCRIPT) { const { cwdCounter, filename, doEval, workerData, publicPort, manifestSrc, manifestURL, hasStdin } = message; setupTraceCategoryState(); initializeReport(); if (manifestSrc) { require('internal/process/policy').setup(manifestSrc, manifestURL); } initializeDeprecations(); initializeFrozenIntrinsics(); initializeCJSLoader(); initializeESMLoader(); loadPreloadModules(); publicWorker.parentPort = publicPort; publicWorker.workerData = workerData; // The counter is only passed to the workers created by the main thread, not // to workers created by other workers. let cachedCwd = ''; let lastCounter = -1; const originalCwd = process.cwd; process.cwd = function() { const currentCounter = Atomics.load(cwdCounter, 0); if (currentCounter === lastCounter) return cachedCwd; lastCounter = currentCounter; cachedCwd = originalCwd(); return cachedCwd; }; workerIo.sharedCwdCounter = cwdCounter; if (!hasStdin) process.stdin.push(null); debug(`[${threadId}] starts worker script ${filename} ` + `(eval = ${eval}) at cwd = ${process.cwd()}`); port.unref(); port.postMessage({ type: UP_AND_RUNNING }); if (doEval) { const { evalScript } = require('internal/process/execution'); evalScript('[worker eval]', filename); } else { process.argv[1] = filename; // script filename require('module').runMain(); } } else if (message.type === STDIO_PAYLOAD) { const { stream, chunk, encoding } = message; process[stream].push(chunk, encoding); } else { assert( message.type === STDIO_WANTS_MORE_DATA, `Unknown worker message type ${message.type}` ); const { stream } = message; process[stream][kStdioWantsMoreDataCallback](); } }); function workerOnGlobalUncaughtException(error, fromPromise) { debug(`[${threadId}] gets uncaught exception`); let handled = false; try { handled = onGlobalUncaughtException(error, fromPromise); } catch (e) { error = e; } debug(`[${threadId}] uncaught exception handled = ${handled}`); if (!handled) { let serialized; try { const { serializeError } = require('internal/error-serdes'); serialized = serializeError(error); } catch {} debug(`[${threadId}] uncaught exception serialized = ${!!serialized}`); if (serialized) port.postMessage({ type: ERROR_MESSAGE, error: serialized }); else port.postMessage({ type: COULD_NOT_SERIALIZE_ERROR }); const { clearAsyncIdStack } = require('internal/async_hooks'); clearAsyncIdStack(); process.exit(); } } // Patch the global uncaught exception handler so it gets picked up by // node::errors::TriggerUncaughtException(). process._fatalException = workerOnGlobalUncaughtException; markBootstrapComplete(); port.start();