var fs = require("fs") , path = require("path") , cp = require('child_process') , markdown = require("./markdown"); var cwd = process.cwd() , doc_root = path.join(cwd, "doc/api/") , build_root = path.join(cwd, "doc/api/") , assets_path = path.join(cwd, "doc/api_assets/") , bassets_path = path.join(build_root, "assets/"); /* A simple step / flow-control pattern, so that I can make the code in this file just a little bit more easy to follow. */ var step = function(){ var self = this; this.steps =; this.index = 0; = function(){ var index = self.index++; return function(){ if(index < self.steps.length){ self.steps[index](; } else { return function(){}; } }; }; return; }; var includeExpr = /^@include\s+([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)(?:\.)?([a-zA-Z]*)$/gmi; function convertData(data){ // Allow including other pages in the data. data = data.replace(includeExpr, function(src, name, ext){ try { var inc_path = path.join(doc_root, name+"."+(ext || "markdown")); return fs.readFileSync(inc_path, "utf8"); } catch(e) { return ""; } }); // Convert it to HTML from Markdown if(data.length == 0){ data = "Sorry, this section is currently undocumented, but we'll be working on it."; } return markdown.toHTML(markdown.parse(data), {xhtml:true}); }; /* Ensures that the output directory exists, this can probably be done in the makefile. */ function checkdir(next){ fs.stat(build_root, function(err){ if(err) { // easiest way to recursively create directories without doing loops. cp.exec("mkdir -p "+build_root, function(err, stdout, stderr){ next(); }); } else { next(); } }) }; /* Loads the template for which the documentation should be outputed into. */ var template; function loadTemplates(next){ fs.readFile(path.join(doc_root, "../template.html"), "utf8", function(e, d){ if(e) throw e; template = d; next(); }); }; /* This function reads the doc/api/* directory, and filters out any files that are not markdown files. It then converts the markdown to HTML, and outputs it into the previously loaded template file. */ function convertFiles(next){ fs.readdir(doc_root, function(err, files){ if(err) throw err; files.filter(function(file){ var basename = path.basename(file, ".markdown"); return path.extname(file) == ".markdown" && basename.substr(0,1) != "_"; }).forEach(function(file){ var filename = path.basename(file, '.markdown') , build_path = path.join(build_root, filename+".html") , doc_path = path.join(doc_root, file); fs.readFile(doc_path, "utf8", function(err, data){ if(err) throw err; // do conversion stuff. var html = convertData(data); var output = template.replace("{{content}}", html); if(filename == "index"){ output = output.replace("{{section}}", ""); } else { output = output.replace("{{section}}", filename+" - ") } fs.writeFile(build_path, output, function(err){ if(err) throw err; }); }); }); }); // we don't need the next call to wait at all, so stick it here. next(); }; function copyAssets(next){ cp.exec("cp -R "+assets_path+" "+bassets_path, function(err, stdout, stderr){ next(); }); }; step( checkdir, copyAssets, loadTemplates, convertFiles )();