// Flags: --expose-internals // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const { internalBinding } = require('internal/test/binding'); const JSStream = internalBinding('js_stream').JSStream; const util = require('util'); const vm = require('vm'); const v8 = require('v8'); const { previewEntries } = internalBinding('util'); const { inspect } = util; const { MessageChannel } = require('worker_threads'); const url = require('url'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(1), '1'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(false), 'false'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(''), "''"); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect('hello'), "'hello'"); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(function abc() {}), '[Function: abc]'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(() => {}), '[Function (anonymous)]'); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(async function() {}), '[AsyncFunction (anonymous)]' ); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(async () => {}), '[AsyncFunction (anonymous)]'); // Special function inspection. { const fn = (() => function*() {})(); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(fn), '[GeneratorFunction (anonymous)]' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(async function* abc() {}), '[AsyncGeneratorFunction: abc]' ); Object.setPrototypeOf(fn, Object.getPrototypeOf(async () => {})); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(fn), '[GeneratorFunction (anonymous)] AsyncFunction' ); Object.defineProperty(fn, 'name', { value: 5, configurable: true }); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(fn), '[GeneratorFunction: 5] AsyncFunction' ); Object.defineProperty(fn, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Foobar', configurable: true }); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect({ ['5']: fn }), "{ '5': [GeneratorFunction: 5] AsyncFunction [Foobar] }" ); Object.defineProperty(fn, 'name', { value: '5', configurable: true }); Object.setPrototypeOf(fn, null); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(fn), '[GeneratorFunction (null prototype): 5] [Foobar]' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect({ ['5']: fn }), "{ '5': [GeneratorFunction (null prototype): 5] [Foobar] }" ); } assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(undefined), 'undefined'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(null), 'null'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(/foo(bar\n)?/gi), '/foo(bar\\n)?/gi'); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(new Date('Sun, 14 Feb 2010 11:48:40 GMT')), new Date('2010-02-14T12:48:40+01:00').toISOString() ); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new Date('')), (new Date('')).toString()); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect('\n\x01'), "'\\n\\x01'"); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(`${Array(75).fill(1)}'\n\x1d\n\x03\x85\x7f\x7e\x9f\xa0`), // eslint-disable-next-line no-irregular-whitespace `"${Array(75).fill(1)}'\\n" +\n '\\x1D\\n' +\n '\\x03\\x85\\x7F~\\x9F '` ); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect([]), '[]'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ __proto__: [] }), 'Array {}'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect([1, 2]), '[ 1, 2 ]'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect([1, [2, 3]]), '[ 1, [ 2, 3 ] ]'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({}), '{}'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ a: 1 }), '{ a: 1 }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ a: function() {} }), '{ a: [Function: a] }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ a: () => {} }), '{ a: [Function: a] }'); // eslint-disable-next-line func-name-matching assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ a: async function abc() {} }), '{ a: [AsyncFunction: abc] }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ a: async () => {} }), '{ a: [AsyncFunction: a] }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ a: function*() {} }), '{ a: [GeneratorFunction: a] }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ a: 1, b: 2 }), '{ a: 1, b: 2 }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ 'a': {} }), '{ a: {} }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ 'a': { 'b': 2 } }), '{ a: { b: 2 } }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ 'a': { 'b': { 'c': { 'd': 2 } } } }), '{ a: { b: { c: [Object] } } }'); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect({ 'a': { 'b': { 'c': { 'd': 2 } } } }, false, null), '{\n a: { b: { c: { d: 2 } } }\n}'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect([1, 2, 3], true), '[ 1, 2, 3, [length]: 3 ]'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ 'a': { 'b': { 'c': 2 } } }, false, 0), '{ a: [Object] }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ 'a': { 'b': { 'c': 2 } } }, false, 1), '{ a: { b: [Object] } }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ 'a': { 'b': ['c'] } }, false, 1), '{ a: { b: [Array] } }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new Uint8Array(0)), 'Uint8Array(0) []'); assert(inspect(new Uint8Array(0), { showHidden: true }).includes('[buffer]')); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect( Object.create( {}, { visible: { value: 1, enumerable: true }, hidden: { value: 2 } } ) ), '{ visible: 1 }' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect( Object.assign(new String('hello'), { [Symbol('foo')]: 123 }), { showHidden: true } ), "[String: 'hello'] { [length]: 5, Symbol(foo): 123 }" ); assert.match(util.inspect((new JSStream())._externalStream), /^\[External: [0-9a-f]+\]$/); { const regexp = /regexp/; regexp.aprop = 42; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ a: regexp }, false, 0), '{ a: /regexp/ }'); } assert.match( util.inspect({ a: { a: { a: { a: {} } } } }, undefined, undefined, true), /Object/ ); assert.doesNotMatch( util.inspect({ a: { a: { a: { a: {} } } } }, undefined, null, true), /Object/ ); { const showHidden = true; const ab = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]).buffer; const dv = new DataView(ab, 1, 2); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(ab, showHidden), 'ArrayBuffer { [Uint8Contents]: <01 02 03 04>, byteLength: 4 }' ); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new DataView(ab, 1, 2), showHidden), 'DataView {\n' + ' byteLength: 2,\n' + ' byteOffset: 1,\n' + ' buffer: ArrayBuffer {' + ' [Uint8Contents]: <01 02 03 04>, byteLength: 4 }\n}'); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(ab, showHidden), 'ArrayBuffer { [Uint8Contents]: <01 02 03 04>, byteLength: 4 }' ); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(dv, showHidden), 'DataView {\n' + ' byteLength: 2,\n' + ' byteOffset: 1,\n' + ' buffer: ArrayBuffer { [Uint8Contents]: ' + '<01 02 03 04>, byteLength: 4 }\n}'); ab.x = 42; dv.y = 1337; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(ab, showHidden), 'ArrayBuffer { [Uint8Contents]: <01 02 03 04>, ' + 'byteLength: 4, x: 42 }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(dv, showHidden), 'DataView {\n' + ' byteLength: 2,\n' + ' byteOffset: 1,\n' + ' buffer: ArrayBuffer { [Uint8Contents]: <01 02 03 04>,' + ' byteLength: 4, x: 42 },\n' + ' y: 1337\n}'); } { const ab = new ArrayBuffer(42); assert.strictEqual(ab.byteLength, 42); new MessageChannel().port1.postMessage(ab, [ ab ]); assert.strictEqual(ab.byteLength, 0); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(ab), 'ArrayBuffer { (detached), byteLength: 0 }'); } // Truncate output for ArrayBuffers using plural or singular bytes { const ab = new ArrayBuffer(3); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(ab, { showHidden: true, maxArrayLength: 2 }), 'ArrayBuffer { [Uint8Contents]' + ': <00 00 ... 1 more byte>, byteLength: 3 }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(ab, { showHidden: true, maxArrayLength: 1 }), 'ArrayBuffer { [Uint8Contents]' + ': <00 ... 2 more bytes>, byteLength: 3 }'); } // Now do the same checks but from a different context. { const showHidden = false; const ab = vm.runInNewContext('new ArrayBuffer(4)'); const dv = vm.runInNewContext('new DataView(ab, 1, 2)', { ab }); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(ab, showHidden), 'ArrayBuffer { [Uint8Contents]: <00 00 00 00>, byteLength: 4 }' ); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new DataView(ab, 1, 2), showHidden), 'DataView {\n' + ' byteLength: 2,\n' + ' byteOffset: 1,\n' + ' buffer: ArrayBuffer { [Uint8Contents]: <00 00 00 00>,' + ' byteLength: 4 }\n}'); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(ab, showHidden), 'ArrayBuffer { [Uint8Contents]: <00 00 00 00>, byteLength: 4 }' ); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(dv, showHidden), 'DataView {\n' + ' byteLength: 2,\n' + ' byteOffset: 1,\n' + ' buffer: ArrayBuffer { [Uint8Contents]: <00 00 00 00>,' + ' byteLength: 4 }\n}'); ab.x = 42; dv.y = 1337; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(ab, showHidden), 'ArrayBuffer { [Uint8Contents]: <00 00 00 00>, ' + 'byteLength: 4, x: 42 }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(dv, showHidden), 'DataView {\n' + ' byteLength: 2,\n' + ' byteOffset: 1,\n' + ' buffer: ArrayBuffer { [Uint8Contents]: <00 00 00 00>,' + ' byteLength: 4, x: 42 },\n' + ' y: 1337\n}'); } [ Float32Array, Float64Array, Int16Array, Int32Array, Int8Array, Uint16Array, Uint32Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray ].forEach((constructor) => { const length = 2; const byteLength = length * constructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; const array = new constructor(new ArrayBuffer(byteLength), 0, length); array[0] = 65; array[1] = 97; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(array, { showHidden: true }), `${constructor.name}(${length}) [\n` + ' 65,\n' + ' 97,\n' + ` [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT]: ${constructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT},\n` + ` [length]: ${length},\n` + ` [byteLength]: ${byteLength},\n` + ' [byteOffset]: 0,\n' + ` [buffer]: ArrayBuffer { byteLength: ${byteLength} }\n]`); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(array, false), `${constructor.name}(${length}) [ 65, 97 ]` ); }); // Now check that declaring a TypedArray in a different context works the same. [ Float32Array, Float64Array, Int16Array, Int32Array, Int8Array, Uint16Array, Uint32Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray ].forEach((constructor) => { const length = 2; const byteLength = length * constructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; const array = vm.runInNewContext( 'new constructor(new ArrayBuffer(byteLength), 0, length)', { constructor, byteLength, length } ); array[0] = 65; array[1] = 97; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(array, true), `${constructor.name}(${length}) [\n` + ' 65,\n' + ' 97,\n' + ` [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT]: ${constructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT},\n` + ` [length]: ${length},\n` + ` [byteLength]: ${byteLength},\n` + ' [byteOffset]: 0,\n' + ` [buffer]: ArrayBuffer { byteLength: ${byteLength} }\n]`); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(array, false), `${constructor.name}(${length}) [ 65, 97 ]` ); }); { const brokenLength = new Float32Array(2); Object.defineProperty(brokenLength, 'length', { value: -1 }); assert.strictEqual(inspect(brokenLength), 'Float32Array(2) [ 0n, 0n ]'); } assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(Object.create({}, { visible: { value: 1, enumerable: true }, hidden: { value: 2 } }), { showHidden: true }), '{ visible: 1, [hidden]: 2 }' ); // Objects without prototype. assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(Object.create(null, { name: { value: 'Tim', enumerable: true }, hidden: { value: 'secret' } }), { showHidden: true }), "[Object: null prototype] { name: 'Tim', [hidden]: 'secret' }" ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(Object.create(null, { name: { value: 'Tim', enumerable: true }, hidden: { value: 'secret' } })), "[Object: null prototype] { name: 'Tim' }" ); // Dynamic properties. { assert.strictEqual( util.inspect({ get readonly() { return 1; } }), '{ readonly: [Getter] }'); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect({ get readwrite() { return 1; }, set readwrite(val) {} }), '{ readwrite: [Getter/Setter] }'); assert.strictEqual( // eslint-disable-next-line accessor-pairs util.inspect({ set writeonly(val) {} }), '{ writeonly: [Setter] }'); const value = {}; value.a = value; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(value), ' { a: [Circular *1] }'); const getterFn = { get one() { return null; } }; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(getterFn, { getters: true }), '{ one: [Getter: null] }' ); } // Array with dynamic properties. { const value = [1, 2, 3]; Object.defineProperty( value, 'growingLength', { enumerable: true, get: function() { this.push(true); return this.length; } } ); Object.defineProperty( value, '-1', { enumerable: true, value: -1 } ); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(value), "[ 1, 2, 3, growingLength: [Getter], '-1': -1 ]"); } // Array with inherited number properties. { class CustomArray extends Array {} CustomArray.prototype[5] = 'foo'; CustomArray.prototype[49] = 'bar'; CustomArray.prototype.foo = true; const arr = new CustomArray(50); arr[49] = 'I win'; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(arr), "CustomArray(50) [ <49 empty items>, 'I win' ]" ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(arr, { showHidden: true }), 'CustomArray(50) [\n' + ' <49 empty items>,\n' + " 'I win',\n" + ' [length]: 50,\n' + " '5': 'foo',\n" + ' foo: true\n' + ']' ); } // Array with extra properties. { const arr = [1, 2, 3, , ]; // eslint-disable-line no-sparse-arrays arr.foo = 'bar'; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr), "[ 1, 2, 3, <1 empty item>, foo: 'bar' ]"); const arr2 = []; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect([], { showHidden: true }), '[ [length]: 0 ]'); arr2['00'] = 1; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr2), "[ '00': 1 ]"); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr2, { showHidden: true }), "[ [length]: 0, '00': 1 ]"); arr2[1] = 0; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr2), "[ <1 empty item>, 0, '00': 1 ]"); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr2, { showHidden: true }), "[ <1 empty item>, 0, [length]: 2, '00': 1 ]"); delete arr2[1]; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr2), "[ <2 empty items>, '00': 1 ]"); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr2, { showHidden: true }), "[ <2 empty items>, [length]: 2, '00': 1 ]"); arr2['01'] = 2; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr2), "[ <2 empty items>, '00': 1, '01': 2 ]"); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr2, { showHidden: true }), "[ <2 empty items>, [length]: 2, '00': 1, '01': 2 ]"); delete arr2['00']; arr2[0] = 0; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr2), "[ 0, <1 empty item>, '01': 2 ]"); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr2, { showHidden: true }), "[ 0, <1 empty item>, [length]: 2, '01': 2 ]"); delete arr2['01']; arr2[2 ** 32 - 2] = 'max'; arr2[2 ** 32 - 1] = 'too far'; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(arr2), "[ 0, <4294967293 empty items>, 'max', '4294967295': 'too far' ]" ); const arr3 = []; arr3[-1] = -1; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr3), "[ '-1': -1 ]"); } // Indices out of bounds. { const arr = []; arr[2 ** 32] = true; // Not a valid array index. assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr), "[ '4294967296': true ]"); arr[0] = true; arr[10] = true; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr), "[ true, <9 empty items>, true, '4294967296': true ]"); arr[2 ** 32 - 2] = true; arr[2 ** 32 - 1] = true; arr[2 ** 32 + 1] = true; delete arr[0]; delete arr[10]; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr), ['[', '<4294967294 empty items>,', 'true,', "'4294967296': true,", "'4294967295': true,", "'4294967297': true\n]", ].join('\n ')); } // Function with properties. { const value = () => {}; value.aprop = 42; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(value), '[Function: value] { aprop: 42 }'); } // Anonymous function with properties. { const value = (() => function() {})(); value.aprop = 42; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(value), '[Function (anonymous)] { aprop: 42 }' ); } // Regular expressions with properties. { const value = /123/ig; value.aprop = 42; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(value), '/123/gi { aprop: 42 }'); } // Dates with properties. { const value = new Date('Sun, 14 Feb 2010 11:48:40 GMT'); value.aprop = 42; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(value), '2010-02-14T11:48:40.000Z { aprop: 42 }'); } // Test the internal isDate implementation. { const Date2 = vm.runInNewContext('Date'); const d = new Date2(); const orig = util.inspect(d); Date2.prototype.foo = 'bar'; const after = util.inspect(d); assert.strictEqual(orig, after); } // Test positive/negative zero. assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(0), '0'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(-0), '-0'); // Edge case from check. assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(-5e-324), '-5e-324'); // Test for sparse array. { const a = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(a), "[ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]"); delete a[1]; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(a), "[ 'foo', <1 empty item>, 'baz' ]"); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(a, true), "[ 'foo', <1 empty item>, 'baz', [length]: 3 ]" ); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new Array(5)), '[ <5 empty items> ]'); a[3] = 'bar'; a[100] = 'qux'; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(a, { breakLength: Infinity }), "[ 'foo', <1 empty item>, 'baz', 'bar', <96 empty items>, 'qux' ]" ); delete a[3]; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(a, { maxArrayLength: 4 }), "[ 'foo', <1 empty item>, 'baz', <97 empty items>, ... 1 more item ]" ); // test 4 special case assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(a, { maxArrayLength: 2 }), "[ 'foo', <1 empty item>, ... 99 more items ]"); } // Test for Array constructor in different context. { const map = new Map(); map.set(1, 2); // Passing only a single argument to indicate a set iterator. const valsSetIterator = previewEntries(map.entries()); // Passing through true to indicate a map iterator. const valsMapIterEntries = previewEntries(map.entries(), true); const valsMapIterKeys = previewEntries(map.keys(), true); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(valsSetIterator), '[ 1, 2 ]'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(valsMapIterEntries), '[ [ 1, 2 ], true ]'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(valsMapIterKeys), '[ [ 1 ], false ]'); } // Test for other constructors in different context. { let obj = vm.runInNewContext('(function(){return {}})()', {}); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(obj), '{}'); obj = vm.runInNewContext('const m=new Map();m.set(1,2);m', {}); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(obj), 'Map(1) { 1 => 2 }'); obj = vm.runInNewContext('const s=new Set();s.add(1);s.add(2);s', {}); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(obj), 'Set(2) { 1, 2 }'); obj = vm.runInNewContext('fn=function(){};new Promise(fn,fn)', {}); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(obj), 'Promise { }'); } // Test for property descriptors. { const getter = Object.create(null, { a: { get: function() { return 'aaa'; } } }); const setter = Object.create(null, { b: { // eslint-disable-line accessor-pairs set: function() {} } }); const getterAndSetter = Object.create(null, { c: { get: function() { return 'ccc'; }, set: function() {} } }); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(getter, true), '[Object: null prototype] { [a]: [Getter] }' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(setter, true), '[Object: null prototype] { [b]: [Setter] }' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(getterAndSetter, true), '[Object: null prototype] { [c]: [Getter/Setter] }' ); } // Exceptions should print the error message, not '{}'. { [ new Error(), new Error('FAIL'), new TypeError('FAIL'), new SyntaxError('FAIL'), ].forEach((err) => { assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(err), err.stack); }); assert.throws( () => undef(), // eslint-disable-line no-undef (e) => { assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(e), e.stack); return true; } ); const ex = util.inspect(new Error('FAIL'), true); assert(ex.includes('Error: FAIL')); assert(ex.includes('[stack]')); assert(ex.includes('[message]')); } { const falsyCause1 = new Error('', { cause: false }); delete falsyCause1.stack; const falsyCause2 = new Error(undefined, { cause: null }); falsyCause2.stack = ''; const undefinedCause = new Error('', { cause: undefined }); undefinedCause.stack = ''; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(falsyCause1), '[Error] { [cause]: false }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(falsyCause2), '[Error] { [cause]: null }'); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(undefinedCause), '[Error] { [cause]: undefined }' ); } { const tmp = Error.stackTraceLimit; Error.stackTraceLimit = 0; const err = new Error('foo'); const err2 = new Error('foo\nbar'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(err, { compact: true }), '[Error: foo]'); assert(err.stack); delete err.stack; assert(!err.stack); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(err, { compact: true }), '[Error: foo]'); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(err2, { compact: true }), '[Error: foo\nbar]' ); err.bar = true; err2.bar = true; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(err, { compact: true }), '{ [Error: foo] bar: true }' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(err2, { compact: true }), '{ [Error: foo\nbar]\n bar: true }' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(err, { compact: true, breakLength: 5 }), '{ [Error: foo]\n bar: true }' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(err, { compact: true, breakLength: 1 }), '{ [Error: foo]\n bar:\n true }' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(err2, { compact: true, breakLength: 5 }), '{ [Error: foo\nbar]\n bar: true }' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(err, { compact: false }), '[Error: foo] {\n bar: true\n}' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(err2, { compact: false }), '[Error: foo\nbar] {\n bar: true\n}' ); Error.stackTraceLimit = tmp; } // Prevent enumerable error properties from being printed. { let err = new Error(); err.message = 'foobar'; let out = util.inspect(err).split('\n'); assert.strictEqual(out[0], 'Error: foobar'); assert(out[out.length - 1].startsWith(' at ')); // Reset the error, the stack is otherwise not recreated. err = new Error(); err.message = 'foobar'; err.name = 'Unique'; Object.defineProperty(err, 'stack', { value: err.stack, enumerable: true }); out = util.inspect(err).split('\n'); assert.strictEqual(out[0], 'Unique: foobar'); assert(out[out.length - 1].startsWith(' at ')); err.name = 'Baz'; out = util.inspect(err).split('\n'); assert.strictEqual(out[0], 'Unique: foobar'); assert.strictEqual(out[out.length - 2], " name: 'Baz'"); assert.strictEqual(out[out.length - 1], '}'); } // Doesn't capture stack trace. { function BadCustomError(msg) { Error.call(this); Object.defineProperty(this, 'message', { value: msg, enumerable: false }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'name', { value: 'BadCustomError', enumerable: false }); } Object.setPrototypeOf(BadCustomError.prototype, Error.prototype); Object.setPrototypeOf(BadCustomError, Error); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(new BadCustomError('foo')), '[BadCustomError: foo]' ); } // Tampered error stack or name property (different type than string). // Note: Symbols are not supported by `Error#toString()` which is called by // accessing the `stack` property. [ [404, '404: foo', '[404]'], [0, '0: foo', '[RangeError: foo]'], [0n, '0: foo', '[RangeError: foo]'], [null, 'null: foo', '[RangeError: foo]'], [undefined, 'RangeError: foo', '[RangeError: foo]'], [false, 'false: foo', '[RangeError: foo]'], ['', 'foo', '[RangeError: foo]'], [[1, 2, 3], '1,2,3: foo', '[1,2,3]'], ].forEach(([value, outputStart, stack]) => { let err = new RangeError('foo'); err.name = value; assert( util.inspect(err).startsWith(outputStart), util.format( 'The name set to %o did not result in the expected output "%s"', value, outputStart ) ); err = new RangeError('foo'); err.stack = value; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(err), stack); }); // https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/issues/1941 assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ __proto__: Date.prototype }), 'Date {}'); // https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/issues/1944 { const d = new Date(); d.toUTCString = null; util.inspect(d); } // Should not throw. { const d = new Date(); d.toISOString = null; util.inspect(d); } // Should not throw. { const r = /regexp/; r.toString = null; util.inspect(r); } // See https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/issues/2225 { const x = { [util.inspect.custom]: util.inspect }; assert(util.inspect(x).includes( 'Symbol(nodejs.util.inspect.custom): [Function: inspect] {\n')); } // `util.inspect` should display the escaped value of a key. { const w = { '\\': 1, '\\\\': 2, '\\\\\\': 3, '\\\\\\\\': 4, '\n': 5, '\r': 6 }; const y = ['a', 'b', 'c']; y['\\\\'] = 'd'; y['\n'] = 'e'; y['\r'] = 'f'; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(w), "{ '\\\\': 1, '\\\\\\\\': 2, '\\\\\\\\\\\\': 3, " + "'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\': 4, '\\n': 5, '\\r': 6 }" ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(y), "[ 'a', 'b', 'c', '\\\\\\\\': 'd', " + "'\\n': 'e', '\\r': 'f' ]" ); } // Escape unpaired surrogate pairs. { const edgeChar = String.fromCharCode(0xd799); for (let charCode = 0xD800; charCode < 0xDFFF; charCode++) { const surrogate = String.fromCharCode(charCode); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(surrogate), `'\\u${charCode.toString(16)}'` ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(`${'a'.repeat(200)}${surrogate}`), `'${'a'.repeat(200)}\\u${charCode.toString(16)}'` ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(`${surrogate}${'a'.repeat(200)}`), `'\\u${charCode.toString(16)}${'a'.repeat(200)}'` ); if (charCode < 0xdc00) { const highSurrogate = surrogate; const lowSurrogate = String.fromCharCode(charCode + 1024); assert( !util.inspect( `${edgeChar}${highSurrogate}${lowSurrogate}${edgeChar}` ).includes('\\u') ); assert.strictEqual( (util.inspect( `${highSurrogate}${highSurrogate}${lowSurrogate}` ).match(/\\u/g) ?? []).length, 1 ); } else { assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(`${edgeChar}${surrogate}${edgeChar}`), `'${edgeChar}\\u${charCode.toString(16)}${edgeChar}'` ); } } } // Test util.inspect.styles and util.inspect.colors. { function testColorStyle(style, input) { const colorName = util.inspect.styles[style]; let color = ['', '']; if (util.inspect.colors[colorName]) color = util.inspect.colors[colorName]; const withoutColor = util.inspect(input, false, 0, false); const withColor = util.inspect(input, false, 0, true); const expect = `\u001b[${color[0]}m${withoutColor}\u001b[${color[1]}m`; assert.strictEqual( withColor, expect, `util.inspect color for style ${style}`); } testColorStyle('special', function() {}); testColorStyle('number', 123.456); testColorStyle('boolean', true); testColorStyle('undefined', undefined); testColorStyle('null', null); testColorStyle('string', 'test string'); testColorStyle('date', new Date()); testColorStyle('regexp', /regexp/); } // An object with "hasOwnProperty" overwritten should not throw. util.inspect({ hasOwnProperty: null }); // New API, accepts an "options" object. { const subject = { foo: 'bar', hello: 31, a: { b: { c: { d: 0 } } } }; Object.defineProperty(subject, 'hidden', { enumerable: false, value: null }); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(subject, { showHidden: false }).includes('hidden'), false ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(subject, { showHidden: true }).includes('hidden'), true ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(subject, { colors: false }).includes('\u001b[32m'), false ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(subject, { colors: true }).includes('\u001b[32m'), true ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(subject, { depth: 2 }).includes('c: [Object]'), true ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(subject, { depth: 0 }).includes('a: [Object]'), true ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(subject, { depth: null }).includes('{ d: 0 }'), true ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(subject, { depth: undefined }).includes('{ d: 0 }'), true ); } { // "customInspect" option can enable/disable calling [util.inspect.custom](). const subject = { [util.inspect.custom]: () => 123 }; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(subject, { customInspect: true }).includes('123'), true ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(subject, { customInspect: true }).includes('inspect'), false ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(subject, { customInspect: false }).includes('123'), false ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(subject, { customInspect: false }).includes('inspect'), true ); // A custom [util.inspect.custom]() should be able to return other Objects. subject[util.inspect.custom] = () => ({ foo: 'bar' }); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(subject), "{ foo: 'bar' }"); subject[util.inspect.custom] = common.mustCall((depth, opts, inspect) => { const clone = { ...opts }; // This might change at some point but for now we keep the stylize function. // The function should either be documented or an alternative should be // implemented. assert.strictEqual(typeof opts.stylize, 'function'); assert.strictEqual(opts.seen, undefined); assert.strictEqual(opts.budget, undefined); assert.strictEqual(opts.indentationLvl, undefined); assert.strictEqual(opts.showHidden, false); assert.strictEqual(inspect, util.inspect); assert.deepStrictEqual( new Set(Object.keys(inspect.defaultOptions).concat(['stylize'])), new Set(Object.keys(opts)) ); opts.showHidden = true; return { [inspect.custom]: common.mustCall((depth, opts2) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(clone, opts2); }) }; }); util.inspect(subject); // util.inspect.custom is a shared symbol which can be accessed as // Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom"). const inspect = Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom'); subject[inspect] = () => ({ baz: 'quux' }); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(subject), '{ baz: \'quux\' }'); subject[inspect] = (depth, opts) => { assert.strictEqual(opts.customInspectOptions, true); assert.strictEqual(opts.seen, null); return {}; }; util.inspect(subject, { customInspectOptions: true, seen: null }); } { const subject = { [util.inspect.custom]: common.mustCall((depth, opts) => { assert.strictEqual(depth, null); assert.strictEqual(opts.compact, true); }) }; util.inspect(subject, { depth: null, compact: true }); } { // Returning `this` from a custom inspection function works. const subject = { a: 123, [util.inspect.custom]() { return this; } }; const UIC = 'nodejs.util.inspect.custom'; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(subject), `{\n a: 123,\n Symbol(${UIC}): [Function: [${UIC}]]\n}` ); } // Verify that it's possible to use the stylize function to manipulate input. assert.strictEqual( util.inspect([1, 2, 3], { stylize() { return 'x'; } }), '[ x, x, x ]' ); // Using `util.inspect` with "colors" option should produce as many lines as // without it. { function testLines(input) { const countLines = (str) => (str.match(/\n/g) || []).length; const withoutColor = util.inspect(input); const withColor = util.inspect(input, { colors: true }); assert.strictEqual(countLines(withoutColor), countLines(withColor)); } const bigArray = new Array(100).fill().map((value, index) => index); testLines([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]); testLines(bigArray); testLines({ foo: 'bar', baz: 35, b: { a: 35 } }); testLines({ a: { a: 3, b: 1, c: 1, d: 1, e: 1, f: 1, g: 1, h: 1 }, b: 1 }); testLines({ foo: 'bar', baz: 35, b: { a: 35 }, veryLongKey: 'very long value', evenLongerKey: ['with even longer value in array'] }); } // Test boxed primitives output the correct values. assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new String('test')), "[String: 'test']"); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(new String('test'), { colors: true }), "\u001b[32m[String: 'test']\u001b[39m" ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(Object(Symbol('test'))), '[Symbol: Symbol(test)]' ); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new Boolean(false)), '[Boolean: false]'); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(Object.setPrototypeOf(new Boolean(true), null)), '[Boolean (null prototype): true]' ); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new Number(0)), '[Number: 0]'); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect( Object.defineProperty( Object.setPrototypeOf(new Number(-0), Array.prototype), Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Foobar' } ) ), '[Number (Array): -0] [Foobar]' ); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new Number(-1.1)), '[Number: -1.1]'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new Number(13.37)), '[Number: 13.37]'); // Test boxed primitives with own properties. { const str = new String('baz'); str.foo = 'bar'; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(str), "[String: 'baz'] { foo: 'bar' }"); const bool = new Boolean(true); bool.foo = 'bar'; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(bool), "[Boolean: true] { foo: 'bar' }"); const num = new Number(13.37); num.foo = 'bar'; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(num), "[Number: 13.37] { foo: 'bar' }"); const sym = Object(Symbol('foo')); sym.foo = 'bar'; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(sym), "[Symbol: Symbol(foo)] { foo: 'bar' }"); const big = Object(BigInt(55)); big.foo = 'bar'; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(big), "[BigInt: 55n] { foo: 'bar' }"); } // Test es6 Symbol. if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined') { assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(Symbol()), 'Symbol()'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(Symbol(123)), 'Symbol(123)'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(Symbol('hi')), 'Symbol(hi)'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect([Symbol()]), '[ Symbol() ]'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ foo: Symbol() }), '{ foo: Symbol() }'); const options = { showHidden: true }; let subject = {}; subject[Symbol('sym\nbol')] = 42; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(subject), '{ Symbol(sym\\nbol): 42 }'); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(subject, options), '{ Symbol(sym\\nbol): 42 }' ); Object.defineProperty( subject, Symbol(), { enumerable: false, value: 'non-enum' }); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(subject), '{ Symbol(sym\\nbol): 42 }'); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(subject, options), "{ Symbol(sym\\nbol): 42, [Symbol()]: 'non-enum' }" ); subject = [1, 2, 3]; subject[Symbol('symbol')] = 42; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(subject), '[ 1, 2, 3, Symbol(symbol): 42 ]' ); } // Test Set. { assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new Set()), 'Set(0) {}'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new Set([1, 2, 3])), 'Set(3) { 1, 2, 3 }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new Set([1, 2, 3]), { maxArrayLength: 1 }), 'Set(3) { 1, ... 2 more items }'); const set = new Set(['foo']); set.bar = 42; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(set, { showHidden: true }), "Set(1) { 'foo', bar: 42 }" ); } // Test circular Set. { const set = new Set(); set.add(set); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(set), ' Set(1) { [Circular *1] }'); } // Test Map. { assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new Map()), 'Map(0) {}'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new Map([[1, 'a'], [2, 'b'], [3, 'c']])), "Map(3) { 1 => 'a', 2 => 'b', 3 => 'c' }"); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new Map([[1, 'a'], [2, 'b'], [3, 'c']]), { maxArrayLength: 1 }), "Map(3) { 1 => 'a', ... 2 more items }"); const map = new Map([['foo', null]]); map.bar = 42; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(map, true), "Map(1) { 'foo' => null, bar: 42 }"); } // Test circular Map. { const map = new Map(); map.set(map, 'map'); assert.strictEqual( inspect(map), " Map(1) { [Circular *1] => 'map' }" ); map.set(map, map); assert.strictEqual( inspect(map), ' Map(1) { [Circular *1] => [Circular *1] }' ); map.delete(map); map.set('map', map); assert.strictEqual( inspect(map), " Map(1) { 'map' => [Circular *1] }" ); } // Test multiple circular references. { const obj = {}; obj.a = [obj]; obj.b = {}; obj.b.inner = obj.b; obj.b.obj = obj; assert.strictEqual( inspect(obj), ' {\n' + ' a: [ [Circular *1] ],\n' + ' b: { inner: [Circular *2], obj: [Circular *1] }\n' + '}' ); } // Test Promise. { const resolved = Promise.resolve(3); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(resolved), 'Promise { 3 }'); const rejected = Promise.reject(3); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(rejected), 'Promise { 3 }'); // Squelch UnhandledPromiseRejection. rejected.catch(() => {}); const pending = new Promise(() => {}); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(pending), 'Promise { }'); const promiseWithProperty = Promise.resolve('foo'); promiseWithProperty.bar = 42; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(promiseWithProperty), "Promise { 'foo', bar: 42 }"); } // Make sure it doesn't choke on polyfills. Unlike Set/Map, there is no standard // interface to synchronously inspect a Promise, so our techniques only work on // a bonafide native Promise. { const oldPromise = Promise; global.Promise = function() { this.bar = 42; }; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new Promise()), '{ bar: 42 }'); global.Promise = oldPromise; } // Test Map iterators. { const map = new Map([['foo', 'bar']]); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(map.keys()), '[Map Iterator] { \'foo\' }'); const mapValues = map.values(); Object.defineProperty(mapValues, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Foo' }); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(mapValues), '[Foo] [Map Iterator] { \'bar\' }' ); map.set('A', 'B!'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(map.entries(), { maxArrayLength: 1 }), "[Map Entries] { [ 'foo', 'bar' ], ... 1 more item }"); // Make sure the iterator doesn't get consumed. const keys = map.keys(); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(keys), "[Map Iterator] { 'foo', 'A' }"); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(keys), "[Map Iterator] { 'foo', 'A' }"); keys.extra = true; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(keys, { maxArrayLength: 0 }), '[Map Iterator] { ... 2 more items, extra: true }'); } // Test Set iterators. { const aSet = new Set([1]); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(aSet.entries(), { compact: false }), '[Set Entries] {\n [\n 1,\n 1\n ]\n}'); aSet.add(3); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(aSet.keys()), '[Set Iterator] { 1, 3 }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(aSet.values()), '[Set Iterator] { 1, 3 }'); const setEntries = aSet.entries(); Object.defineProperty(setEntries, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Foo' }); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(setEntries), '[Foo] [Set Entries] { [ 1, 1 ], [ 3, 3 ] }'); // Make sure the iterator doesn't get consumed. const keys = aSet.keys(); Object.defineProperty(keys, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: null }); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(keys), '[Set Iterator] { 1, 3 }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(keys), '[Set Iterator] { 1, 3 }'); keys.extra = true; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(keys, { maxArrayLength: 1 }), '[Set Iterator] { 1, ... 1 more item, extra: true }'); } // Minimal inspection should still return as much information as possible about // the constructor and Symbol.toStringTag. { class Foo { get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return 'ABC'; } } const a = new Foo(); assert.strictEqual(inspect(a, { depth: -1 }), 'Foo [ABC] {}'); a.foo = true; assert.strictEqual(inspect(a, { depth: -1 }), '[Foo [ABC]]'); Object.defineProperty(a, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Foo', configurable: true, writable: true }); assert.strictEqual(inspect(a, { depth: -1 }), '[Foo]'); delete a[Symbol.toStringTag]; Object.setPrototypeOf(a, null); assert.strictEqual(inspect(a, { depth: -1 }), '[Foo: null prototype]'); delete a.foo; assert.strictEqual(inspect(a, { depth: -1 }), '[Foo: null prototype] {}'); Object.defineProperty(a, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'ABC', configurable: true }); assert.strictEqual( inspect(a, { depth: -1 }), '[Foo: null prototype] [ABC] {}' ); Object.defineProperty(a, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Foo', configurable: true }); assert.strictEqual( inspect(a, { depth: -1 }), '[Object: null prototype] [Foo] {}' ); } // Test alignment of items in container. // Assumes that the first numeric character is the start of an item. { function checkAlignment(container, start, lineX, end) { const lines = util.inspect(container).split('\n'); lines.forEach((line, i) => { if (i === 0) { assert.strictEqual(line, start); } else if (i === lines.length - 1) { assert.strictEqual(line, end); } else { let expected = lineX.replace('X', i - 1); if (i !== lines.length - 2) expected += ','; assert.strictEqual(line, expected); } }); } const bigArray = []; for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { bigArray.push(i); } const obj = {}; bigArray.forEach((prop) => { obj[prop] = null; }); checkAlignment(obj, '{', " 'X': null", '}'); checkAlignment(new Set(bigArray), 'Set(100) {', ' X', '}'); checkAlignment( new Map(bigArray.map((number) => [number, null])), 'Map(100) {', ' X => null', '}' ); } // Test display of constructors. { class ObjectSubclass {} class ArraySubclass extends Array {} class SetSubclass extends Set {} class MapSubclass extends Map {} class PromiseSubclass extends Promise {} class SymbolNameClass { static name = Symbol('name'); } const x = new ObjectSubclass(); x.foo = 42; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(x), 'ObjectSubclass { foo: 42 }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new ArraySubclass(1, 2, 3)), 'ArraySubclass(3) [ 1, 2, 3 ]'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new SetSubclass([1, 2, 3])), 'SetSubclass(3) [Set] { 1, 2, 3 }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new MapSubclass([['foo', 42]])), "MapSubclass(1) [Map] { 'foo' => 42 }"); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new PromiseSubclass(() => {})), 'PromiseSubclass [Promise] { }'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new SymbolNameClass()), 'Symbol(name) {}'); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect({ a: { b: new ArraySubclass([1, [2], 3]) } }, { depth: 1 }), '{ a: { b: [ArraySubclass] } }' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(Object.setPrototypeOf(x, null)), '[ObjectSubclass: null prototype] { foo: 42 }' ); } // Empty and circular before depth. { const arr = [[[[]]]]; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr), '[ [ [ [] ] ] ]'); arr[0][0][0][0] = []; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr), '[ [ [ [Array] ] ] ]'); arr[0][0][0] = {}; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr), '[ [ [ {} ] ] ]'); arr[0][0][0] = { a: 2 }; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr), '[ [ [ [Object] ] ] ]'); arr[0][0][0] = arr; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr), ' [ [ [ [Circular *1] ] ] ]'); arr[0][0][0] = arr[0][0]; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(arr), '[ [ [ [Circular *1] ] ] ]'); } // Corner cases. { const x = { constructor: 42 }; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(x), '{ constructor: 42 }'); } { const x = {}; Object.defineProperty(x, 'constructor', { get: function() { throw new Error('should not access constructor'); }, enumerable: true }); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(x), '{ constructor: [Getter] }'); } { const x = new function() {}; // eslint-disable-line @stylistic/js/new-parens assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(x), '{}'); } { const x = { __proto__: null }; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(x), '[Object: null prototype] {}'); } { const x = []; x[''] = 1; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(x), "[ '': 1 ]"); } // The following maxArrayLength tests were introduced after v6.0.0 was released. // Do not backport to v5/v4 unless all of // https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/6334 is backported. { const x = new Array(101).fill(); assert(util.inspect(x).endsWith('1 more item\n]')); assert(!util.inspect(x, { maxArrayLength: 101 }).endsWith('1 more item\n]')); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(x, { maxArrayLength: -1 }), '[ ... 101 more items ]' ); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(x, { maxArrayLength: 0 }), '[ ... 101 more items ]'); } { const x = Array(101); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(x, { maxArrayLength: 0 }), '[ ... 101 more items ]'); assert(!util.inspect(x, { maxArrayLength: null }).endsWith('1 more item\n]')); assert(!util.inspect( x, { maxArrayLength: Infinity } ).endsWith('1 more item ]')); } { const x = new Uint8Array(101); assert(util.inspect(x).endsWith('1 more item\n]')); assert(!util.inspect(x, { maxArrayLength: 101 }).includes('1 more item')); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(x, { maxArrayLength: 0 }), 'Uint8Array(101) [ ... 101 more items ]'); assert(!util.inspect(x, { maxArrayLength: null }).includes('1 more item')); assert(util.inspect(x, { maxArrayLength: Infinity }).endsWith(' 0, 0\n]')); } { const obj = { foo: 'abc', bar: 'xyz' }; const oneLine = util.inspect(obj, { breakLength: Infinity }); // Subtract four for the object's two curly braces and two spaces of padding. // Add one more to satisfy the strictly greater than condition in the code. const breakpoint = oneLine.length - 5; const twoLines = util.inspect(obj, { breakLength: breakpoint }); assert.strictEqual(oneLine, "{ foo: 'abc', bar: 'xyz' }"); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(obj, { breakLength: breakpoint + 1 }), twoLines ); assert.strictEqual(twoLines, "{\n foo: 'abc',\n bar: 'xyz'\n}"); } // util.inspect.defaultOptions tests. { const arr = new Array(101).fill(); const obj = { a: { a: { a: { a: 1 } } } }; const oldOptions = { ...util.inspect.defaultOptions }; // Set single option through property assignment. util.inspect.defaultOptions.maxArrayLength = null; assert.doesNotMatch(util.inspect(arr), /1 more item/); util.inspect.defaultOptions.maxArrayLength = oldOptions.maxArrayLength; assert.match(util.inspect(arr), /1 more item/); util.inspect.defaultOptions.depth = null; assert.doesNotMatch(util.inspect(obj), /Object/); util.inspect.defaultOptions.depth = oldOptions.depth; assert.match(util.inspect(obj), /Object/); assert.strictEqual( JSON.stringify(util.inspect.defaultOptions), JSON.stringify(oldOptions) ); // Set multiple options through object assignment. util.inspect.defaultOptions = { maxArrayLength: null, depth: 2 }; assert.doesNotMatch(util.inspect(arr), /1 more item/); assert.match(util.inspect(obj), /Object/); util.inspect.defaultOptions = oldOptions; assert.match(util.inspect(arr), /1 more item/); assert.match(util.inspect(obj), /Object/); assert.strictEqual( JSON.stringify(util.inspect.defaultOptions), JSON.stringify(oldOptions) ); assert.throws(() => { util.inspect.defaultOptions = null; }, { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', name: 'TypeError', message: 'The "options" argument must be of type object. ' + 'Received null' } ); assert.throws(() => { util.inspect.defaultOptions = 'bad'; }, { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', name: 'TypeError', message: 'The "options" argument must be of type object. ' + "Received type string ('bad')" } ); } util.inspect(process); // Setting custom inspect property to a non-function should do nothing. { const obj = { [util.inspect.custom]: 'fhqwhgads' }; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(obj), "{ Symbol(nodejs.util.inspect.custom): 'fhqwhgads' }" ); } { // @@toStringTag const obj = { [Symbol.toStringTag]: 'a' }; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(obj), "{ Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): 'a' }" ); Object.defineProperty(obj, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'a', enumerable: false }); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(obj), 'Object [a] {}'); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(obj, { showHidden: true }), "{ [Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag)]: 'a' }" ); class Foo { constructor() { this.foo = 'bar'; } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return this.foo; } } assert.strictEqual(util.inspect( Object.create(null, { [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: 'foo' } })), '[Object: null prototype] [foo] {}'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new Foo()), "Foo [bar] { foo: 'bar' }"); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(new (class extends Foo {})()), "Foo [bar] { foo: 'bar' }"); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(Object.create({ __proto__: Foo.prototype }, { foo: { value: 'bar', enumerable: true } })), "Foo [bar] { foo: 'bar' }"); class ThrowingClass { get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { throw new Error('toStringTag error'); } } assert.throws(() => util.inspect(new ThrowingClass()), /toStringTag error/); const y = { get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return JSON.stringify(this); } }; const x = { y }; y.x = x; assert.throws(() => util.inspect(x), /TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON/); class NotStringClass { get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return null; } } assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(new NotStringClass()), 'NotStringClass {}'); } { const o = { a: [1, 2, [[ 'Lorem ipsum dolor\nsit amet,\tconsectetur adipiscing elit, sed do ' + 'eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'test', 'foo']], 4], b: new Map([['za', 1], ['zb', 'test']]) }; let out = util.inspect(o, { compact: true, depth: 5, breakLength: 80 }); let expect = [ '{ a:', ' [ 1,', ' 2,', " [ [ 'Lorem ipsum dolor\\nsit amet,\\tconsectetur adipiscing elit, " + "sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.',", " 'test',", " 'foo' ] ],", ' 4 ],', " b: Map(2) { 'za' => 1, 'zb' => 'test' } }", ].join('\n'); assert.strictEqual(out, expect); out = util.inspect(o, { compact: false, depth: 5, breakLength: 60 }); expect = [ '{', ' a: [', ' 1,', ' 2,', ' [', ' [', " 'Lorem ipsum dolor\\n' +", " 'sit amet,\\tconsectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod " + "tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.',", " 'test',", " 'foo'", ' ]', ' ],', ' 4', ' ],', ' b: Map(2) {', " 'za' => 1,", " 'zb' => 'test'", ' }', '}', ].join('\n'); assert.strictEqual(out, expect); out = util.inspect(o.a[2][0][0], { compact: false, breakLength: 30 }); expect = [ "'Lorem ipsum dolor\\n' +", " 'sit amet,\\tconsectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor " + "incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.'", ].join('\n'); assert.strictEqual(out, expect); out = util.inspect( '12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890', { compact: false, breakLength: 3 }); expect = "'12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890'"; assert.strictEqual(out, expect); out = util.inspect( '12 45 78 01 34 67 90 23 56 89 123456789012345678901234567890', { compact: false, breakLength: 3 }); expect = [ "'12 45 78 01 34 67 90 23 56 89 123456789012345678901234567890'", ].join('\n'); assert.strictEqual(out, expect); o.a = () => {}; o.b = new Number(3); out = util.inspect(o, { compact: false, breakLength: 3 }); expect = [ '{', ' a: [Function (anonymous)],', ' b: [Number: 3]', '}', ].join('\n'); assert.strictEqual(out, expect); out = util.inspect(o, { compact: false, breakLength: 3, showHidden: true }); expect = [ '{', ' a: [Function (anonymous)] {', ' [length]: 0,', " [name]: ''", ' },', ' b: [Number: 3]', '}', ].join('\n'); assert.strictEqual(out, expect); o[util.inspect.custom] = () => 42; out = util.inspect(o, { compact: false, breakLength: 3 }); expect = '42'; assert.strictEqual(out, expect); o[util.inspect.custom] = () => '12 45 78 01 34 67 90 23'; out = util.inspect(o, { compact: false, breakLength: 3 }); expect = '12 45 78 01 34 67 90 23'; assert.strictEqual(out, expect); o[util.inspect.custom] = () => ({ a: '12 45 78 01 34 67 90 23' }); out = util.inspect(o, { compact: false, breakLength: 3 }); expect = "{\n a: '12 45 78 01 34 67 90 23'\n}"; assert.strictEqual(out, expect); } // Check compact indentation. { const typed = new Uint8Array(); typed.buffer.foo = true; const set = new Set([[1, 2]]); const promise = Promise.resolve([[1, set]]); const map = new Map([[promise, typed]]); map.set(set.values(), map.values()); let out = util.inspect(map, { compact: false, showHidden: true, depth: 9 }); let expected = [ 'Map(2) {', ' Promise {', ' [', ' [', ' 1,', ' Set(1) {', ' [', ' 1,', ' 2,', ' [length]: 2', ' ]', ' },', ' [length]: 2', ' ],', ' [length]: 1', ' ]', ' } => Uint8Array(0) [', ' [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT]: 1,', ' [length]: 0,', ' [byteLength]: 0,', ' [byteOffset]: 0,', ' [buffer]: ArrayBuffer {', ' byteLength: 0,', ' foo: true', ' }', ' ],', ' [Set Iterator] {', ' [', ' 1,', ' 2,', ' [length]: 2', ' ],', " [Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag)]: 'Set Iterator'", ' } => [Map Iterator] {', ' Uint8Array(0) [', ' [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT]: 1,', ' [length]: 0,', ' [byteLength]: 0,', ' [byteOffset]: 0,', ' [buffer]: ArrayBuffer {', ' byteLength: 0,', ' foo: true', ' }', ' ],', ' [Circular *1],', " [Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag)]: 'Map Iterator'", ' }', '}', ].join('\n'); assert.strict.equal(out, expected); out = util.inspect(map, { compact: 2, showHidden: true, depth: 9 }); expected = [ 'Map(2) {', ' Promise {', ' [', ' [', ' 1,', ' Set(1) { [ 1, 2, [length]: 2 ] },', ' [length]: 2', ' ],', ' [length]: 1', ' ]', ' } => Uint8Array(0) [', ' [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT]: 1,', ' [length]: 0,', ' [byteLength]: 0,', ' [byteOffset]: 0,', ' [buffer]: ArrayBuffer { byteLength: 0, foo: true }', ' ],', ' [Set Iterator] {', ' [ 1, 2, [length]: 2 ],', " [Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag)]: 'Set Iterator'", ' } => [Map Iterator] {', ' Uint8Array(0) [', ' [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT]: 1,', ' [length]: 0,', ' [byteLength]: 0,', ' [byteOffset]: 0,', ' [buffer]: ArrayBuffer { byteLength: 0, foo: true }', ' ],', ' [Circular *1],', " [Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag)]: 'Map Iterator'", ' }', '}', ].join('\n'); assert.strict.equal(out, expected); out = util.inspect(map, { showHidden: true, depth: 9, breakLength: 4, compact: true }); expected = [ 'Map(2) {', ' Promise {', ' [ [ 1,', ' Set(1) {', ' [ 1,', ' 2,', ' [length]: 2 ] },', ' [length]: 2 ],', ' [length]: 1 ] } => Uint8Array(0) [', ' [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT]: 1,', ' [length]: 0,', ' [byteLength]: 0,', ' [byteOffset]: 0,', ' [buffer]: ArrayBuffer {', ' byteLength: 0,', ' foo: true } ],', ' [Set Iterator] {', ' [ 1,', ' 2,', ' [length]: 2 ],', ' [Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag)]:', " 'Set Iterator' } => [Map Iterator] {", ' Uint8Array(0) [', ' [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT]: 1,', ' [length]: 0,', ' [byteLength]: 0,', ' [byteOffset]: 0,', ' [buffer]: ArrayBuffer {', ' byteLength: 0,', ' foo: true } ],', ' [Circular *1],', ' [Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag)]:', " 'Map Iterator' } }", ].join('\n'); assert.strict.equal(out, expected); } { // Test WeakMap && WeakSet const obj = {}; const arr = []; const weakMap = new WeakMap([[obj, arr], [arr, obj]]); let out = util.inspect(weakMap, { showHidden: true }); let expect = 'WeakMap { [ [length]: 0 ] => {}, {} => [ [length]: 0 ] }'; assert.strictEqual(out, expect); out = util.inspect(weakMap); expect = 'WeakMap { }'; assert.strictEqual(out, expect); out = util.inspect(weakMap, { maxArrayLength: 0, showHidden: true }); expect = 'WeakMap { ... 2 more items }'; assert.strictEqual(out, expect); weakMap.extra = true; out = util.inspect(weakMap, { maxArrayLength: 1, showHidden: true }); // It is not possible to determine the output reliable. expect = 'WeakMap { [ [length]: 0 ] => {}, ... 1 more item, extra: true }'; let expectAlt = 'WeakMap { {} => [ [length]: 0 ], ... 1 more item, ' + 'extra: true }'; assert(out === expect || out === expectAlt, `Found: "${out}"\nrather than: "${expect}"\nor: "${expectAlt}"`); // Test WeakSet arr.push(1); const weakSet = new WeakSet([obj, arr]); out = util.inspect(weakSet, { showHidden: true }); expect = 'WeakSet { [ 1, [length]: 1 ], {} }'; assert.strictEqual(out, expect); out = util.inspect(weakSet); expect = 'WeakSet { }'; assert.strictEqual(out, expect); out = util.inspect(weakSet, { maxArrayLength: -2, showHidden: true }); expect = 'WeakSet { ... 2 more items }'; assert.strictEqual(out, expect); weakSet.extra = true; out = util.inspect(weakSet, { maxArrayLength: 1, showHidden: true }); // It is not possible to determine the output reliable. expect = 'WeakSet { {}, ... 1 more item, extra: true }'; expectAlt = 'WeakSet { [ 1, [length]: 1 ], ... 1 more item, extra: true }'; assert(out === expect || out === expectAlt, `Found: "${out}"\nrather than: "${expect}"\nor: "${expectAlt}"`); // Keep references to the WeakMap entries, otherwise they could be GCed too // early. assert(obj && arr); } { // Test argument objects. const args = (function() { return arguments; })('a'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(args), "[Arguments] { '0': 'a' }"); } { // Test that a long linked list can be inspected without throwing an error. const list = {}; let head = list; // A linked list of length 100k should be inspectable in some way, even though // the real cutoff value is much lower than 100k. for (let i = 0; i < 100000; i++) head = head.next = {}; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(list), '{ next: { next: { next: [Object] } } }' ); const longList = util.inspect(list, { depth: Infinity }); const match = longList.match(/next/g); assert(match.length > 500 && match.length < 10000); assert(longList.includes('[Object: Inspection interrupted ' + 'prematurely. Maximum call stack size exceeded.]')); } // Do not escape single quotes if no double quote or backtick is present. assert.strictEqual(util.inspect("'"), '"\'"'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect('"\''), '`"\'`'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string assert.strictEqual(util.inspect('"\'${a}'), "'\"\\'${a}'"); // Errors should visualize as much information as possible. // If the name is not included in the stack, visualize it as well. [ [class Foo extends TypeError {}, 'test'], [class Foo extends TypeError {}, undefined], [class BarError extends Error {}, 'test'], [class BazError extends Error { get name() { return 'BazError'; } }, undefined], ].forEach(([Class, message], i) => { console.log('Test %i', i); const foo = new Class(message); const name = foo.name; const extra = Class.name.includes('Error') ? '' : ` [${foo.name}]`; assert( util.inspect(foo).startsWith( `${Class.name}${extra}${message ? `: ${message}` : '\n'}`), util.inspect(foo) ); Object.defineProperty(foo, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'WOW', writable: true, configurable: true }); const stack = foo.stack; foo.stack = 'This is a stack'; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(foo), '[This is a stack]' ); foo.stack = stack; assert( util.inspect(foo).startsWith( `${Class.name} [WOW]${extra}${message ? `: ${message}` : '\n'}`), util.inspect(foo) ); Object.setPrototypeOf(foo, null); assert( util.inspect(foo).startsWith( `[${name}: null prototype] [WOW]${message ? `: ${message}` : '\n'}` ), util.inspect(foo) ); foo.bar = true; delete foo[Symbol.toStringTag]; assert( util.inspect(foo).startsWith( `[${name}: null prototype]${message ? `: ${message}` : '\n'}`), util.inspect(foo) ); foo.stack = 'This is a stack'; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(foo), '[[Error: null prototype]: This is a stack] { bar: true }' ); foo.stack = stack.split('\n')[0]; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(foo), `[[${name}: null prototype]${message ? `: ${message}` : ''}] { bar: true }` ); }); // Verify that classes are properly inspected. [ /* eslint-disable @stylistic/js/spaced-comment, @stylistic/js/no-multi-spaces, @stylistic/js/brace-style */ // The whitespace is intentional. [class { }, '[class (anonymous)]'], [class extends Error { log() {} }, '[class (anonymous) extends Error]'], [class A { constructor(a) { this.a = a; } log() { return this.a; } }, '[class A]'], [class // Random { // comments /* */ are part of the toString() result /* eslint-disable-next-line @stylistic/js/space-before-blocks */ äß/**/extends/*{*/TypeError{}, '[class äß extends TypeError]'], /* The whitespace and new line is intended! */ // Foobar !!! [class X extends /****/ Error // More comments {}, '[class X extends Error]'], /* eslint-enable @stylistic/js/spaced-comment, @stylistic/js/no-multi-spaces, @stylistic/js/brace-style */ ].forEach(([clazz, string]) => { const inspected = util.inspect(clazz); assert.strictEqual(inspected, string); Object.defineProperty(clazz, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Woohoo' }); const parts = inspected.slice(0, -1).split(' '); const [, name, ...rest] = parts; rest.unshift('[Woohoo]'); if (rest.length) { rest[rest.length - 1] += ']'; } assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(clazz), ['[class', name, ...rest].join(' ') ); if (rest.length) { rest[rest.length - 1] = rest[rest.length - 1].slice(0, -1); rest.length = 1; } Object.setPrototypeOf(clazz, Map.prototype); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(clazz), ['[class', name, '[Map]', ...rest].join(' ') + ']' ); Object.setPrototypeOf(clazz, null); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(clazz), ['[class', name, ...rest, 'extends [null prototype]]'].join(' ') ); Object.defineProperty(clazz, 'name', { value: 'Foo' }); const res = ['[class', 'Foo', ...rest, 'extends [null prototype]]'].join(' '); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(clazz), res); clazz.foo = true; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(clazz), `${res} { foo: true }`); }); // "class" properties should not be detected as "class". { // eslint-disable-next-line @stylistic/js/space-before-function-paren let obj = { class () {} }; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(obj), '{ class: [Function: class] }' ); obj = { class: () => {} }; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(obj), '{ class: [Function: class] }' ); obj = { ['class Foo {}']() {} }; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(obj), "{ 'class Foo {}': [Function: class Foo {}] }" ); function Foo() {} Object.defineProperty(Foo, 'toString', { value: () => 'class Foo {}' }); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(Foo), '[Function: Foo]' ); function fn() {} Object.defineProperty(fn, 'name', { value: 'class Foo {}' }); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(fn), '[Function: class Foo {}]' ); } // Verify that throwing in valueOf and toString still produces nice results. [ [new String(55), "[String: '55']"], [new Boolean(true), '[Boolean: true]'], [new Number(55), '[Number: 55]'], [Object(BigInt(55)), '[BigInt: 55n]'], [Object(Symbol('foo')), '[Symbol: Symbol(foo)]'], [function() {}, '[Function (anonymous)]'], [() => {}, '[Function (anonymous)]'], [[1, 2], '[ 1, 2 ]'], // eslint-disable-next-line no-sparse-arrays [[, , 5, , , , ], '[ <2 empty items>, 5, <3 empty items> ]'], [{ a: 5 }, '{ a: 5 }'], [new Set([1, 2]), 'Set(2) { 1, 2 }'], [new Map([[1, 2]]), 'Map(1) { 1 => 2 }'], [new Set([1, 2]).entries(), '[Set Entries] { [ 1, 1 ], [ 2, 2 ] }'], [new Map([[1, 2]]).keys(), '[Map Iterator] { 1 }'], [new Date(2000), '1970-01-01T00:00:02.000Z'], [new Uint8Array(2), 'Uint8Array(2) [ 0, 0 ]'], [new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 10)), 'Promise { }'], [new WeakSet(), 'WeakSet { }'], [new WeakMap(), 'WeakMap { }'], [/foobar/g, '/foobar/g'], ].forEach(([value, expected]) => { Object.defineProperty(value, 'valueOf', { get() { throw new Error('valueOf'); } }); Object.defineProperty(value, 'toString', { get() { throw new Error('toString'); } }); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(value), expected); value.foo = 'bar'; assert.notStrictEqual(util.inspect(value), expected); delete value.foo; value[Symbol('foo')] = 'yeah'; assert.notStrictEqual(util.inspect(value), expected); }); // Verify that having no prototype still produces nice results. [ [[1, 3, 4], '[Array(3): null prototype] [ 1, 3, 4 ]'], [new Set([1, 2]), '[Set(2): null prototype] { 1, 2 }'], [new Map([[1, 2]]), '[Map(1): null prototype] { 1 => 2 }'], [new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 10)), '[Promise: null prototype] { }'], [new WeakSet(), '[WeakSet: null prototype] { }'], [new WeakMap(), '[WeakMap: null prototype] { }'], [new Uint8Array(2), '[Uint8Array(2): null prototype] [ 0, 0 ]'], [new Uint16Array(2), '[Uint16Array(2): null prototype] [ 0, 0 ]'], [new Uint32Array(2), '[Uint32Array(2): null prototype] [ 0, 0 ]'], [new Int8Array(2), '[Int8Array(2): null prototype] [ 0, 0 ]'], [new Int16Array(2), '[Int16Array(2): null prototype] [ 0, 0 ]'], [new Int32Array(2), '[Int32Array(2): null prototype] [ 0, 0 ]'], [new Float32Array(2), '[Float32Array(2): null prototype] [ 0, 0 ]'], [new Float64Array(2), '[Float64Array(2): null prototype] [ 0, 0 ]'], [new BigInt64Array(2), '[BigInt64Array(2): null prototype] [ 0n, 0n ]'], [new BigUint64Array(2), '[BigUint64Array(2): null prototype] [ 0n, 0n ]'], [new ArrayBuffer(16), '[ArrayBuffer: null prototype] {\n' + ' [Uint8Contents]: <00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>,\n' + ' byteLength: undefined\n}'], [new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(16)), '[DataView: null prototype] {\n byteLength: undefined,\n ' + 'byteOffset: undefined,\n buffer: undefined\n}'], [new SharedArrayBuffer(2), '[SharedArrayBuffer: null prototype] ' + '{\n [Uint8Contents]: <00 00>,\n byteLength: undefined\n}'], [/foobar/, '[RegExp: null prototype] /foobar/'], [new Date('Sun, 14 Feb 2010 11:48:40 GMT'), '[Date: null prototype] 2010-02-14T11:48:40.000Z'], ].forEach(([value, expected]) => { assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(Object.setPrototypeOf(value, null)), expected ); value.foo = 'bar'; assert.notStrictEqual(util.inspect(value), expected); delete value.foo; value[Symbol('foo')] = 'yeah'; assert.notStrictEqual(util.inspect(value), expected); }); // Verify that subclasses with and without prototype produce nice results. [ [RegExp, ['foobar', 'g'], '/foobar/g'], [WeakSet, [[{}]], '{ }'], [WeakMap, [[[{}, {}]]], '{ }'], [BigInt64Array, [10], '[\n 0n, 0n, 0n, 0n, 0n,\n 0n, 0n, 0n, 0n, 0n\n]'], [Date, ['Sun, 14 Feb 2010 11:48:40 GMT'], '2010-02-14T11:48:40.000Z'], [Date, ['invalid_date'], 'Invalid Date'], ].forEach(([base, input, rawExpected]) => { class Foo extends base {} const value = new Foo(...input); const symbol = value[Symbol.toStringTag]; const size = base.name.includes('Array') ? `(${input[0]})` : ''; const expected = `Foo${size} ${symbol ? `[${symbol}] ` : ''}${rawExpected}`; const expectedWithoutProto = `[${base.name}${size}: null prototype] ${rawExpected}`; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(value), expected); value.foo = 'bar'; assert.notStrictEqual(util.inspect(value), expected); delete value.foo; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(Object.setPrototypeOf(value, null)), expectedWithoutProto ); value.foo = 'bar'; let res = util.inspect(value); assert.notStrictEqual(res, expectedWithoutProto); assert.match(res, /foo: 'bar'/); delete value.foo; value[Symbol('foo')] = 'yeah'; res = util.inspect(value); assert.notStrictEqual(res, expectedWithoutProto); assert.match(res, /Symbol\(foo\): 'yeah'/); }); assert.strictEqual(inspect(1n), '1n'); assert.strictEqual(inspect(Object(-1n)), '[BigInt: -1n]'); assert.strictEqual(inspect(Object(13n)), '[BigInt: 13n]'); assert.strictEqual(inspect(new BigInt64Array([0n])), 'BigInt64Array(1) [ 0n ]'); assert.strictEqual( inspect(new BigUint64Array([0n])), 'BigUint64Array(1) [ 0n ]'); // Verify non-enumerable keys get escaped. { const obj = {}; Object.defineProperty(obj, 'Non\nenumerable\tkey', { value: true }); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(obj, { showHidden: true }), '{ [\'Non\\nenumerable\\tkey\']: true }' ); } // Check for special colors. { const special = inspect.colors[inspect.styles.special]; const string = inspect.colors[inspect.styles.string]; assert.strictEqual( inspect(new WeakSet(), { colors: true }), `WeakSet { \u001b[${special[0]}m\u001b[${special[1]}m }` ); assert.strictEqual( inspect(new WeakMap(), { colors: true }), `WeakMap { \u001b[${special[0]}m\u001b[${special[1]}m }` ); assert.strictEqual( inspect(new Promise(() => {}), { colors: true }), `Promise { \u001b[${special[0]}m\u001b[${special[1]}m }` ); const rejection = Promise.reject('Oh no!'); assert.strictEqual( inspect(rejection, { colors: true }), `Promise { \u001b[${special[0]}m\u001b[${special[1]}m ` + `\u001b[${string[0]}m'Oh no!'\u001b[${string[1]}m }` ); rejection.catch(() => {}); // Verify that aliases do not show up as key while checking `inspect.colors`. const colors = Object.keys(inspect.colors); const aliases = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(inspect.colors) .filter((c) => !colors.includes(c)); assert(!colors.includes('grey')); assert(colors.includes('gray')); // Verify that all aliases are correctly mapped. for (const alias of aliases) { assert(Array.isArray(inspect.colors[alias])); } // Check consistent naming. [ 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white', ].forEach((color, i) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(inspect.colors[color], [30 + i, 39]); assert.deepStrictEqual(inspect.colors[`${color}Bright`], [90 + i, 39]); const bgColor = `bg${color[0].toUpperCase()}${color.slice(1)}`; assert.deepStrictEqual(inspect.colors[bgColor], [40 + i, 49]); assert.deepStrictEqual(inspect.colors[`${bgColor}Bright`], [100 + i, 49]); }); // Unknown colors are handled gracefully: const stringStyle = inspect.styles.string; inspect.styles.string = 'UNKNOWN'; assert.strictEqual(inspect('foobar', { colors: true }), "'foobar'"); inspect.styles.string = stringStyle; } assert.strictEqual( inspect([1, 3, 2], { sorted: true }), inspect([1, 3, 2]) ); assert.strictEqual( inspect({ c: 3, a: 1, b: 2 }, { sorted: true }), '{ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }' ); assert.strictEqual( inspect( { a200: 4, a100: 1, a102: 3, a101: 2 }, { sorted(a, b) { return b.localeCompare(a); } } ), '{ a200: 4, a102: 3, a101: 2, a100: 1 }' ); // Non-indices array properties are sorted as well. { const arr = [3, 2, 1]; arr.b = 2; arr.c = 3; arr.a = 1; arr[Symbol('b')] = true; arr[Symbol('a')] = false; assert.strictEqual( inspect(arr, { sorted: true }), '[ 3, 2, 1, Symbol(a): false, Symbol(b): true, a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 ]' ); } // Manipulate the prototype in weird ways. { let obj = { a: true }; let value = (function() { return function() {}; })(); Object.setPrototypeOf(value, null); Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, value); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(obj), 'Object <[Function (null prototype) (anonymous)]> { a: true }' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(obj, { colors: true }), 'Object <\u001b[36m[Function (null prototype) (anonymous)]\u001b[39m> ' + '{ a: \u001b[33mtrue\u001b[39m }' ); obj = { a: true }; value = []; Object.setPrototypeOf(value, null); Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, value); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(obj), 'Object <[Array(0): null prototype] []> { a: true }' ); function StorageObject() {} StorageObject.prototype = { __proto__: null }; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(new StorageObject()), 'StorageObject <[Object: null prototype] {}> {}' ); obj = [1, 2, 3]; Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, Number.prototype); assert.strictEqual(inspect(obj), "Number { '0': 1, '1': 2, '2': 3 }"); Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, { __proto__: null }); assert.strictEqual( inspect(obj), "Array <[Object: null prototype] {}> { '0': 1, '1': 2, '2': 3 }" ); StorageObject.prototype = { __proto__: null }; Object.setPrototypeOf(StorageObject.prototype, { __proto__: null }); Object.setPrototypeOf( Object.getPrototypeOf(StorageObject.prototype), { __proto__: null } ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(new StorageObject()), 'StorageObject >> {}' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(new StorageObject(), { depth: 1 }), 'StorageObject >> {}' ); } // Check that the fallback always works. { const obj = new Set([1, 2]); const iterator = obj[Symbol.iterator]; Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, null); Object.defineProperty(obj, Symbol.iterator, { value: iterator, configurable: true }); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(obj), '[Set(2): null prototype] { 1, 2 }'); Object.defineProperty(obj, Symbol.iterator, { value: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(obj, 'size', { value: NaN, configurable: true, enumerable: true }); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(obj), '[Set(2): null prototype] { 1, 2, size: NaN }' ); } // Check the getter option. { let foo = 1; const get = { get foo() { return foo; } }; const getset = { get foo() { return foo; }, set foo(val) { foo = val; }, get inc() { return ++foo; } }; const thrower = { get foo() { throw new Error('Oops'); } }; assert.strictEqual( inspect(get, { getters: true, colors: true }), '{ foo: \u001b[36m[Getter:\u001b[39m ' + '\u001b[33m1\u001b[39m\u001b[36m]\u001b[39m }'); assert.strictEqual( inspect(thrower, { getters: true }), '{ foo: [Getter: ] }'); assert.strictEqual( inspect(getset, { getters: true }), '{ foo: [Getter/Setter: 1], inc: [Getter: 2] }'); assert.strictEqual( inspect(getset, { getters: 'get' }), '{ foo: [Getter/Setter], inc: [Getter: 3] }'); assert.strictEqual( inspect(getset, { getters: 'set' }), '{ foo: [Getter/Setter: 3], inc: [Getter] }'); getset.foo = new Set([[{ a: true }, 2, {}], 'foobar', { x: 1 }]); assert.strictEqual( inspect(getset, { getters: true }), '{\n foo: [Getter/Setter] Set(3) { [ [Object], 2, {} ], ' + "'foobar', { x: 1 } },\n inc: [Getter: NaN]\n}"); } // Check compact number mode. { let obj = { a: { b: { x: 5, c: { x: '10000000000000000 00000000000000000 '.repeat(1e1), d: 2, e: 3 } } }, b: [ 1, 2, [ 1, 2, { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } ], ], c: ['foo', 4, 444444], d: Array.from({ length: 101 }).map((e, i) => { return i % 2 === 0 ? i * i : i; }), e: Array(6).fill('foobar'), f: Array(9).fill('foobar'), g: Array(21).fill('foobar baz'), h: [100].concat(Array.from({ length: 9 }).map((e, n) => (n))), long: Array(9).fill('This text is too long for grouping!') }; let out = util.inspect(obj, { compact: 3, depth: 10, breakLength: 60 }); let expected = [ '{', ' a: {', ' b: {', ' x: 5,', ' c: {', " x: '10000000000000000 00000000000000000 10000000000000000 " + '00000000000000000 10000000000000000 00000000000000000 ' + '10000000000000000 00000000000000000 10000000000000000 ' + '00000000000000000 10000000000000000 00000000000000000 ' + '10000000000000000 00000000000000000 10000000000000000 ' + '00000000000000000 10000000000000000 00000000000000000 ' + "10000000000000000 00000000000000000 ',", ' d: 2,', ' e: 3', ' }', ' }', ' },', ' b: [ 1, 2, [ 1, 2, { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } ] ],', " c: [ 'foo', 4, 444444 ],", ' d: [', ' 0, 1, 4, 3, 16, 5, 36, 7, 64,', ' 9, 100, 11, 144, 13, 196, 15, 256, 17,', ' 324, 19, 400, 21, 484, 23, 576, 25, 676,', ' 27, 784, 29, 900, 31, 1024, 33, 1156, 35,', ' 1296, 37, 1444, 39, 1600, 41, 1764, 43, 1936,', ' 45, 2116, 47, 2304, 49, 2500, 51, 2704, 53,', ' 2916, 55, 3136, 57, 3364, 59, 3600, 61, 3844,', ' 63, 4096, 65, 4356, 67, 4624, 69, 4900, 71,', ' 5184, 73, 5476, 75, 5776, 77, 6084, 79, 6400,', ' 81, 6724, 83, 7056, 85, 7396, 87, 7744, 89,', ' 8100, 91, 8464, 93, 8836, 95, 9216, 97, 9604,', ' 99,', ' ... 1 more item', ' ],', ' e: [', " 'foobar',", " 'foobar',", " 'foobar',", " 'foobar',", " 'foobar',", " 'foobar'", ' ],', ' f: [', " 'foobar', 'foobar',", " 'foobar', 'foobar',", " 'foobar', 'foobar',", " 'foobar', 'foobar',", " 'foobar'", ' ],', ' g: [', " 'foobar baz', 'foobar baz',", " 'foobar baz', 'foobar baz',", " 'foobar baz', 'foobar baz',", " 'foobar baz', 'foobar baz',", " 'foobar baz', 'foobar baz',", " 'foobar baz', 'foobar baz',", " 'foobar baz', 'foobar baz',", " 'foobar baz', 'foobar baz',", " 'foobar baz', 'foobar baz',", " 'foobar baz', 'foobar baz',", " 'foobar baz'", ' ],', ' h: [', ' 100, 0, 1, 2, 3,', ' 4, 5, 6, 7, 8', ' ],', ' long: [', " 'This text is too long for grouping!',", " 'This text is too long for grouping!',", " 'This text is too long for grouping!',", " 'This text is too long for grouping!',", " 'This text is too long for grouping!',", " 'This text is too long for grouping!',", " 'This text is too long for grouping!',", " 'This text is too long for grouping!',", " 'This text is too long for grouping!'", ' ]', '}', ].join('\n'); assert.strictEqual(out, expected); obj = [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 123456789, ]; out = util.inspect(obj, { compact: 3 }); expected = [ '[', ' 1, 1, 1, 1,', ' 1, 1, 1, 1,', ' 1, 1, 1, 1,', ' 1, 1, 1, 1,', ' 1, 1, 1, 1,', ' 1, 1, 1, 1,', ' 1, 1, 123456789', ']', ].join('\n'); assert.strictEqual(out, expected); // Unicode support. あ has a length of one and a width of two. obj = [ '123', '123', '123', '123', 'あああ', '123', '123', '123', '123', 'あああ', ]; out = util.inspect(obj, { compact: 3 }); expected = [ '[', " '123', '123',", " '123', '123',", " 'あああ', '123',", " '123', '123',", " '123', 'あああ'", ']', ].join('\n'); assert.strictEqual(out, expected); // Array grouping should prevent lining up outer elements on a single line. obj = [[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]]; out = util.inspect(obj, { compact: 3 }); expected = [ '[', ' [', ' [', ' 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,', ' 6, 7, 8, 9', ' ]', ' ]', ']', ].join('\n'); assert.strictEqual(out, expected); // Verify that array grouping and line consolidation does not happen together. obj = { a: { b: { x: 5, c: { d: 2, e: 3 } } }, b: Array.from({ length: 9 }).map((e, n) => { return n % 2 === 0 ? 'foobar' : 'baz'; }) }; out = util.inspect(obj, { compact: 1, breakLength: Infinity, colors: true }); expected = [ '{', ' a: {', ' b: { x: \u001b[33m5\u001b[39m, c: \u001b[36m[Object]\u001b[39m }', ' },', ' b: [', " \u001b[32m'foobar'\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m'baz'\u001b[39m,", " \u001b[32m'foobar'\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m'baz'\u001b[39m,", " \u001b[32m'foobar'\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m'baz'\u001b[39m,", " \u001b[32m'foobar'\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m'baz'\u001b[39m,", " \u001b[32m'foobar'\u001b[39m", ' ]', '}', ].join('\n'); assert.strictEqual(out, expected); obj = Array.from({ length: 60 }).map((e, i) => i); out = util.inspect(obj, { compact: 1, breakLength: Infinity, colors: true }); expected = [ '[', ' \u001b[33m0\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m1\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m2\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m3\u001b[39m,', ' \u001b[33m4\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m5\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m6\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m7\u001b[39m,', ' \u001b[33m8\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m9\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m10\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m11\u001b[39m,', ' \u001b[33m12\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m13\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m14\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m15\u001b[39m,', ' \u001b[33m16\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m17\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m18\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m19\u001b[39m,', ' \u001b[33m20\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m21\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m22\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m23\u001b[39m,', ' \u001b[33m24\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m25\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m26\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m27\u001b[39m,', ' \u001b[33m28\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m29\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m30\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m31\u001b[39m,', ' \u001b[33m32\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m33\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m34\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m35\u001b[39m,', ' \u001b[33m36\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m37\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m38\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m39\u001b[39m,', ' \u001b[33m40\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m41\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m42\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m43\u001b[39m,', ' \u001b[33m44\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m45\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m46\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m47\u001b[39m,', ' \u001b[33m48\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m49\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m50\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m51\u001b[39m,', ' \u001b[33m52\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m53\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m54\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m55\u001b[39m,', ' \u001b[33m56\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m57\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m58\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m59\u001b[39m', ']', ].join('\n'); assert.strictEqual(out, expected); out = util.inspect([1, 2, 3, 4], { compact: 1, colors: true }); expected = '[ \u001b[33m1\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m2\u001b[39m, ' + '\u001b[33m3\u001b[39m, \u001b[33m4\u001b[39m ]'; assert.strictEqual(out, expected); obj = [ 'Object', 'Function', 'Array', 'Number', 'parseFloat', 'parseInt', 'Infinity', 'NaN', 'undefined', 'Boolean', 'String', 'Symbol', 'Date', 'Promise', 'RegExp', 'Error', 'EvalError', 'RangeError', 'ReferenceError', 'SyntaxError', 'TypeError', 'URIError', 'JSON', 'Math', 'console', 'Intl', 'ArrayBuffer', 'Uint8Array', 'Int8Array', 'Uint16Array', 'Int16Array', 'Uint32Array', 'Int32Array', 'Float32Array', 'Float64Array', 'Uint8ClampedArray', 'BigUint64Array', 'BigInt64Array', 'DataView', 'Map', 'BigInt', 'Set', 'WeakMap', 'WeakSet', 'Proxy', 'Reflect', 'decodeURI', 'decodeURIComponent', 'encodeURI', 'encodeURIComponent', 'escape', 'unescape', 'eval', 'isFinite', 'isNaN', 'SharedArrayBuffer', 'Atomics', 'globalThis', 'WebAssembly', 'global', 'process', 'Buffer', 'URL', 'URLSearchParams', 'TextEncoder', 'TextDecoder', 'clearInterval', 'clearTimeout', 'setInterval', 'setTimeout', 'queueMicrotask', 'clearImmediate', 'setImmediate', 'module', 'require', 'assert', 'async_hooks', 'buffer', 'child_process', 'cluster', 'crypto', 'dgram', 'dns', 'domain', 'events', 'fs', 'http', 'http2', 'https', 'inspector', 'net', 'os', 'path', 'perf_hooks', 'punycode', 'querystring', 'readline', 'repl', 'stream', 'string_decoder', 'tls', 'trace_events', 'tty', 'url', 'v8', 'vm', 'worker_threads', 'zlib', '_', '_error', 'util', ]; out = util.inspect( obj, { compact: 3, breakLength: 80, maxArrayLength: 250 } ); expected = [ '[', " 'Object', 'Function', 'Array',", " 'Number', 'parseFloat', 'parseInt',", " 'Infinity', 'NaN', 'undefined',", " 'Boolean', 'String', 'Symbol',", " 'Date', 'Promise', 'RegExp',", " 'Error', 'EvalError', 'RangeError',", " 'ReferenceError', 'SyntaxError', 'TypeError',", " 'URIError', 'JSON', 'Math',", " 'console', 'Intl', 'ArrayBuffer',", " 'Uint8Array', 'Int8Array', 'Uint16Array',", " 'Int16Array', 'Uint32Array', 'Int32Array',", " 'Float32Array', 'Float64Array', 'Uint8ClampedArray',", " 'BigUint64Array', 'BigInt64Array', 'DataView',", " 'Map', 'BigInt', 'Set',", " 'WeakMap', 'WeakSet', 'Proxy',", " 'Reflect', 'decodeURI', 'decodeURIComponent',", " 'encodeURI', 'encodeURIComponent', 'escape',", " 'unescape', 'eval', 'isFinite',", " 'isNaN', 'SharedArrayBuffer', 'Atomics',", " 'globalThis', 'WebAssembly', 'global',", " 'process', 'Buffer', 'URL',", " 'URLSearchParams', 'TextEncoder', 'TextDecoder',", " 'clearInterval', 'clearTimeout', 'setInterval',", " 'setTimeout', 'queueMicrotask', 'clearImmediate',", " 'setImmediate', 'module', 'require',", " 'assert', 'async_hooks', 'buffer',", " 'child_process', 'cluster', 'crypto',", " 'dgram', 'dns', 'domain',", " 'events', 'fs', 'http',", " 'http2', 'https', 'inspector',", " 'net', 'os', 'path',", " 'perf_hooks', 'punycode', 'querystring',", " 'readline', 'repl', 'stream',", " 'string_decoder', 'tls', 'trace_events',", " 'tty', 'url', 'v8',", " 'vm', 'worker_threads', 'zlib',", " '_', '_error', 'util'", ']', ].join('\n'); assert.strictEqual(out, expected); } { const originalCWD = process.cwd(); process.cwd = () => (process.platform === 'win32' ? 'C:\\workspace\\node-test-binary-windows js-suites-%percent-encoded\\node' : '/home/user directory/repository%encoded/node'); // Use a fake stack to verify the expected colored outcome. const stack = [ 'Error: CWD is grayed out, even cwd that are percent encoded!', ' at A. (/test/node_modules/foo/node_modules/bar/baz.js:2:7)', ' at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:827:30)', ' at Fancy (node:vm:697:32)', // This file is not an actual Node.js core file. ' at tryModuleLoad (node:internal/modules/cjs/foo:629:12)', ' at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:621:3)', // This file is not an actual Node.js core file. ' at Module.require [as weird/name] (node:internal/aaaaa/loader:735:19)', ' at require (node:internal/modules/helpers:14:16)', ' at Array.forEach ()', ` at ${process.cwd()}/test/parallel/test-util-inspect.js:2760:12`, ` at Object. (${process.cwd()}/node_modules/hyper_module/folder/file.js:2753:10)`, ' at /test/test-util-inspect.js:2239:9', ' at getActual (node:assert:592:5)', ]; const err = new Error('CWD is grayed out, even cwd that are percent encoded!'); err.stack = stack.join('\n'); if (process.platform === 'win32') { err.stack = stack.map((frame) => (frame.includes('node:') ? frame : frame.replaceAll('/', '\\')) ).join('\n'); } const escapedCWD = util.inspect(process.cwd()).slice(1, -1); util.inspect(err, { colors: true }).split('\n').forEach((line, i) => { let expected = stack[i].replace(/node_modules\/([^/]+)/gi, (_, m) => { return `node_modules/\u001b[4m${m}\u001b[24m`; }).replaceAll(new RegExp(`(\\(?${escapedCWD}(\\\\|/))`, 'gi'), (_, m) => { return `\x1B[90m${m}\x1B[39m`; }); if (expected.includes(process.cwd()) && expected.endsWith(')')) { expected = `${expected.slice(0, -1)}\x1B[90m)\x1B[39m`; } if (line.includes('node:')) { if (!line.includes('foo') && !line.includes('aaa')) { expected = `\u001b[90m${expected}\u001b[39m`; } } else if (process.platform === 'win32') { expected = expected.replaceAll('/', '\\'); } assert.strictEqual(line, expected); }); // Check ESM const encodedCwd = url.pathToFileURL(process.cwd()); const sl = process.platform === 'win32' ? '\\' : '/'; // Use a fake stack to verify the expected colored outcome. err.stack = 'Error: ESM and CJS mixed are both grayed out!\n' + ` at ${encodedCwd}/test/parallel/test-esm.mjs:2760:12\n` + ` at Object. (${encodedCwd}/node_modules/esm_module/folder/file.js:2753:10)\n` + ` at ${process.cwd()}${sl}test${sl}parallel${sl}test-cjs.js:2760:12\n` + ` at Object. (${process.cwd()}${sl}node_modules${sl}cjs_module${sl}folder${sl}file.js:2753:10)`; let actual = util.inspect(err, { colors: true }); let expected = 'Error: ESM and CJS mixed are both grayed out!\n' + ` at \x1B[90m${encodedCwd}/\x1B[39mtest/parallel/test-esm.mjs:2760:12\n` + ` at Object. \x1B[90m(${encodedCwd}/\x1B[39mnode_modules/\x1B[4mesm_module\x1B[24m/folder/file.js:2753:10\x1B[90m)\x1B[39m\n` + ` at \x1B[90m${process.cwd()}${sl}\x1B[39mtest${sl}parallel${sl}test-cjs.js:2760:12\n` + ` at Object. \x1B[90m(${process.cwd()}${sl}\x1B[39mnode_modules${sl}\x1B[4mcjs_module\x1B[24m${sl}folder${sl}file.js:2753:10\x1B[90m)\x1B[39m`; assert.strictEqual(actual, expected); // ESM without need for encoding process.cwd = () => (process.platform === 'win32' ? 'C:\\workspace\\node-test-binary-windows-js-suites\\node' : '/home/user/repository/node'); let expectedCwd = process.cwd(); if (process.platform === 'win32') { expectedCwd = `/${expectedCwd.replaceAll('\\', '/')}`; } // Use a fake stack to verify the expected colored outcome. err.stack = 'Error: ESM without need for encoding!\n' + ` at file://${expectedCwd}/file.js:15:15`; actual = util.inspect(err, { colors: true }); expected = 'Error: ESM without need for encoding!\n' + ` at \x1B[90mfile://${expectedCwd}/\x1B[39mfile.js:15:15`; assert.strictEqual(actual, expected); process.cwd = originalCWD; } { // Cross platform checks. const err = new Error('foo'); util.inspect(err, { colors: true }).split('\n').forEach((line, i) => { assert(i < 2 || line.startsWith('\u001b[90m')); }); } { // Tracing class respects inspect depth. try { const trace = require('trace_events').createTracing({ categories: ['fo'] }); const actualDepth0 = util.inspect({ trace }, { depth: 0 }); assert.strictEqual(actualDepth0, '{ trace: Tracing {} }'); const actualDepth1 = util.inspect({ trace }, { depth: 1 }); assert.strictEqual( actualDepth1, "{ trace: Tracing { enabled: false, categories: 'fo' } }" ); } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'ERR_TRACE_EVENTS_UNAVAILABLE') throw err; } } // Inspect prototype properties. { class Foo extends Map { prop = false; prop2 = true; get abc() { return true; } get def() { return false; } set def(v) {} get xyz() { return 'Should be ignored'; } func(a) {} [util.inspect.custom]() { return this; } } class Bar extends Foo { abc = true; prop = true; get xyz() { return 'YES!'; } [util.inspect.custom]() { return this; } } const bar = new Bar(); assert.strictEqual( inspect(bar), 'Bar(0) [Map] { prop: true, prop2: true, abc: true }' ); assert.strictEqual( inspect(bar, { showHidden: true, getters: true, colors: false }), 'Bar(0) [Map] {\n' + ' prop: true,\n' + ' prop2: true,\n' + ' abc: true,\n' + " [xyz]: [Getter: 'YES!'],\n" + ' [def]: [Getter/Setter: false]\n' + '}' ); assert.strictEqual( inspect(bar, { showHidden: true, getters: false, colors: true }), 'Bar(0) [Map] {\n' + ' prop: \x1B[33mtrue\x1B[39m,\n' + ' prop2: \x1B[33mtrue\x1B[39m,\n' + ' abc: \x1B[33mtrue\x1B[39m,\n' + ' \x1B[2m[xyz]: \x1B[36m[Getter]\x1B[39m\x1B[22m,\n' + ' \x1B[2m[def]: \x1B[36m[Getter/Setter]\x1B[39m\x1B[22m\n' + '}' ); const obj = { __proto__: { abc: true, def: 5, toString() {} } }; assert.strictEqual( inspect(obj, { showHidden: true, colors: true }), '{ \x1B[2mabc: \x1B[33mtrue\x1B[39m\x1B[22m, ' + '\x1B[2mdef: \x1B[33m5\x1B[39m\x1B[22m }' ); assert.strictEqual( inspect(Object.getPrototypeOf(bar), { showHidden: true, getters: true }), ' Foo [Map] {\n' + ' [constructor]: [class Bar extends Foo] {\n' + ' [length]: 0,\n' + " [name]: 'Bar',\n" + ' [prototype]: [Circular *1],\n' + ' [Symbol(Symbol.species)]: [Getter: ]\n" + ' },\n' + " [xyz]: [Getter: 'YES!'],\n" + ' [Symbol(nodejs.util.inspect.custom)]: ' + '[Function: [nodejs.util.inspect.custom]] {\n' + ' [length]: 0,\n' + " [name]: '[nodejs.util.inspect.custom]'\n" + ' },\n' + ' [abc]: [Getter: true],\n' + ' [def]: [Getter/Setter: false]\n' + ' }' ); assert.strictEqual( inspect(Object.getPrototypeOf(bar)), 'Foo [Map] {}' ); assert.strictEqual( inspect(Object.getPrototypeOf(new Foo())), 'Map {}' ); } // Check that prototypes with a null prototype are inspectable. // Regression test for https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/35730 { function Func() {} Func.prototype = null; const object = {}; object.constructor = Func; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(object), '{ constructor: [Function: Func] }'); } // Test changing util.inspect.colors colors and aliases. { const colors = util.inspect.colors; const originalValue = colors.gray; // "grey" is reference-equal alias of "gray". assert.strictEqual(colors.grey, colors.gray); // Assigninging one should assign the other. This tests that the alias setter // function keeps things reference-equal. colors.gray = [0, 0]; assert.deepStrictEqual(colors.gray, [0, 0]); assert.strictEqual(colors.grey, colors.gray); colors.grey = [1, 1]; assert.deepStrictEqual(colors.grey, [1, 1]); assert.strictEqual(colors.grey, colors.gray); // Restore original value to avoid side effects in other tests. colors.gray = originalValue; assert.deepStrictEqual(colors.gray, originalValue); assert.strictEqual(colors.grey, colors.gray); } // https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/31889 { v8.setFlagsFromString('--allow-natives-syntax'); const undetectable = vm.runInThisContext('%GetUndetectable()'); v8.setFlagsFromString('--no-allow-natives-syntax'); assert.strictEqual(inspect(undetectable), '{}'); } // Truncate output for Primitives with 1 character left { assert.strictEqual(util.inspect('bl', { maxStringLength: 1 }), "'b'... 1 more character"); } { const x = 'a'.repeat(1e6); assert(util.inspect(x).endsWith('... 990000 more characters')); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(x, { maxStringLength: 4 }), "'aaaa'... 999996 more characters" ); assert.match(util.inspect(x, { maxStringLength: null }), /a'$/); } { // Verify that util.inspect() invokes custom inspect functions on objects // from other vm.Contexts but does not pass data from its own Context to that // function. const target = vm.runInNewContext(` ({ [Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')](depth, ctx) { this.depth = depth; this.ctx = ctx; try { this.stylized = ctx.stylize('🐈'); } catch (e) { this.stylizeException = e; } return this.stylized; } }) `, { __proto__: null }); assert.strictEqual(target.ctx, undefined); { // Subtest 1: Just try to inspect the object with default options. assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(target), '🐈'); assert.strictEqual(typeof target.ctx, 'object'); const objectGraph = fullObjectGraph(target); assert(!objectGraph.has(Object)); assert(!objectGraph.has(Function)); } { // Subtest 2: Use a stylize function that returns a non-primitive. const output = util.inspect(target, { stylize: common.mustCall((str) => { return {}; }) }); assert.strictEqual(output, '[object Object]'); assert.strictEqual(typeof target.ctx, 'object'); const objectGraph = fullObjectGraph(target); assert(!objectGraph.has(Object)); assert(!objectGraph.has(Function)); } { // Subtest 3: Use a stylize function that throws an exception. const output = util.inspect(target, { stylize: common.mustCall((str) => { throw new Error('oops'); }) }); assert.strictEqual(output, '🐈'); assert.strictEqual(typeof target.ctx, 'object'); const objectGraph = fullObjectGraph(target); assert(!objectGraph.has(Object)); assert(!objectGraph.has(Function)); } function fullObjectGraph(value) { const graph = new Set([value]); for (const entry of graph) { if ((typeof entry !== 'object' && typeof entry !== 'function') || entry === null) { continue; } graph.add(Object.getPrototypeOf(entry)); const descriptors = Object.values( Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(entry)); for (const descriptor of descriptors) { graph.add(descriptor.value); graph.add(descriptor.set); graph.add(descriptor.get); } } return graph; } // Consistency check. assert(fullObjectGraph(global).has(Function.prototype)); } { // Confirm that own constructor value displays correctly. function Fhqwhgads() {} const sterrance = new Fhqwhgads(); sterrance.constructor = Fhqwhgads; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(sterrance, { showHidden: true }), 'Fhqwhgads {\n' + ' constructor: [Function: Fhqwhgads] {\n' + ' [length]: 0,\n' + " [name]: 'Fhqwhgads',\n" + ' [prototype]: { [constructor]: [Circular *1] }\n' + ' }\n' + '}' ); } { // Confirm null prototype of generator prototype displays as expected. function getProtoOfProto() { return Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(function* () {})); } function* generator() {} const generatorPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(generator); const originalProtoOfProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(generatorPrototype); assert.strictEqual(getProtoOfProto(), originalProtoOfProto); Object.setPrototypeOf(generatorPrototype, null); assert.notStrictEqual(getProtoOfProto, originalProtoOfProto); // This is the actual test. The other assertions in this block are about // making sure the test is set up correctly and isn't polluting other tests. assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(generator, { showHidden: true }), '[GeneratorFunction: generator] {\n' + ' [length]: 0,\n' + " [name]: 'generator',\n" + " [prototype]: Object [Generator] { [Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag)]: 'Generator' },\n" + // eslint-disable-line @stylistic/js/max-len " [Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag)]: 'GeneratorFunction'\n" + '}' ); // Reset so we don't pollute other tests Object.setPrototypeOf(generatorPrototype, originalProtoOfProto); assert.strictEqual(getProtoOfProto(), originalProtoOfProto); } { // Test for when breakLength results in a single column. const obj = Array(9).fill('fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf'); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(obj, { breakLength: 256 }), '[\n' + " 'fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf',\n" + " 'fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf',\n" + " 'fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf',\n" + " 'fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf',\n" + " 'fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf',\n" + " 'fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf',\n" + " 'fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf',\n" + " 'fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf',\n" + " 'fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf'\n" + ']' ); } { assert.strictEqual( util.inspect({ ['__proto__']: { a: 1 } }), "{ ['__proto__']: { a: 1 } }" ); const o = { ['__proto__']: { a: 1 } }; Object.defineProperty(o, '__proto__', { enumerable: false }); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(o, { showHidden: true }), "{ [['__proto__']]: { a: 1 } }" ); } { const { numericSeparator } = util.inspect.defaultOptions; util.inspect.defaultOptions.numericSeparator = true; assert.strictEqual( // eslint-disable-next-line no-loss-of-precision util.inspect(1234567891234567891234), '1.234567891234568e+21' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(123456789.12345678), '123_456_789.123_456_78' ); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(10_000_000), '10_000_000'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(1_000_000), '1_000_000'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(100_000), '100_000'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(99_999.9), '99_999.9'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(9_999), '9_999'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(999), '999'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(NaN), 'NaN'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(Infinity), 'Infinity'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(-Infinity), '-Infinity'); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(new Float64Array([100_000_000])), 'Float64Array(1) [ 100_000_000 ]' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(new BigInt64Array([9_100_000_100n])), 'BigInt64Array(1) [ 9_100_000_100n ]' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(123456789), '123_456_789' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(123456789n), '123_456_789n' ); util.inspect.defaultOptions.numericSeparator = numericSeparator; assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(123456789.12345678, { numericSeparator: true }), '123_456_789.123_456_78' ); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(-123456789.12345678, { numericSeparator: true }), '-123_456_789.123_456_78' ); } // Regression test for https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/41244 { assert.strictEqual(util.inspect({ get [Symbol.iterator]() { throw new Error(); } }), '{ Symbol(Symbol.iterator): [Getter] }'); } { const sym = Symbol('bar()'); const o = { 'foo': 0, 'Symbol(foo)': 0, [Symbol('foo')]: 0, [Symbol('foo()')]: 0, [sym]: 0, }; Object.defineProperty(o, sym, { enumerable: false }); assert.strictEqual( util.inspect(o, { showHidden: true }), '{\n' + ' foo: 0,\n' + " 'Symbol(foo)': 0,\n" + ' Symbol(foo): 0,\n' + ' Symbol(foo()): 0,\n' + ' [Symbol(bar())]: 0\n' + '}', ); }