'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); common.skipIfInspectorDisabled(); const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures'); const startCLI = require('../common/debugger'); const assert = require('assert'); const path = require('path'); const scriptFullPath = fixtures.path('debugger', 'break.js'); const script = path.relative(process.cwd(), scriptFullPath); const cli = startCLI(['--port=0', script]); (async () => { await cli.waitForInitialBreak(); await cli.waitForPrompt(); assert.deepStrictEqual( cli.breakInfo, { filename: script, line: 1 }, ); assert.match( cli.output, /> 1 (?:\(function \([^)]+\) \{ )?const x = 10;/, 'shows the source and marks the current line'); await cli.stepCommand('n'); assert.ok( cli.output.includes(`step in ${script}:2`), 'pauses in next line of the script'); assert.match( cli.output, /> 2 let name = 'World';/, 'marks the 2nd line'); await cli.stepCommand('next'); assert.ok( cli.output.includes(`step in ${script}:3`), 'pauses in next line of the script'); assert.match( cli.output, /> 3 name = 'Robin';/, 'marks the 3nd line'); await cli.stepCommand('cont'); assert.ok( cli.output.includes(`break in ${script}:10`), 'pauses on the next breakpoint'); assert.match( cli.output, />10 debugger;/, 'marks the debugger line'); await cli.command('sb("break.js", 6)'); assert.doesNotMatch(cli.output, /Could not resolve breakpoint/); await cli.command('sb("otherFunction()")'); await cli.command('sb(16)'); assert.doesNotMatch(cli.output, /Could not resolve breakpoint/); await cli.command('breakpoints'); assert.ok(cli.output.includes(`#0 ${script}:6`)); assert.ok(cli.output.includes(`#1 ${script}:16`)); await cli.command('list()'); assert.match( cli.output, />10 debugger;/, 'prints and marks current line' ); assert.deepStrictEqual( cli.parseSourceLines(), [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], ); await cli.command('list(2)'); assert.match( cli.output, />10 debugger;/, 'prints and marks current line' ); assert.deepStrictEqual( cli.parseSourceLines(), [8, 9, 10, 11, 12], ); await cli.stepCommand('s'); await cli.stepCommand(''); assert.match( cli.output, /step in node:timers/, 'entered timers.js'); await cli.stepCommand('cont'); assert.ok( cli.output.includes(`break in ${script}:16`), 'found breakpoint we set above w/ line number only'); await cli.stepCommand('cont'); assert.ok( cli.output.includes(`break in ${script}:6`), 'found breakpoint we set above w/ line number & script'); await cli.stepCommand(''); assert.ok( cli.output.includes(`debugCommand in ${script}:14`), 'found function breakpoint we set above'); })().finally(() => cli.quit()) .then(common.mustCall());