from __future__ import print_function import json import sys import errno import argparse import os import pprint import re import shlex import subprocess import shutil import bz2 import io from pathlib import Path # If not run from node/, cd to node/. os.chdir(Path(__file__).parent) original_argv = sys.argv[1:] # gcc and g++ as defaults matches what GYP's Makefile generator does, # except on OS X. CC = os.environ.get('CC', 'cc' if sys.platform == 'darwin' else 'gcc') CXX = os.environ.get('CXX', 'c++' if sys.platform == 'darwin' else 'g++') tools_path = Path('tools') sys.path.insert(0, str(tools_path / 'gyp' / 'pylib')) from gyp.common import GetFlavor from packaging.version import Version # imports in tools/configure.d sys.path.insert(0, str(tools_path / 'configure.d')) import nodedownload # imports in tools/ sys.path.insert(0, 'tools') import getmoduleversion import getnapibuildversion import getsharedopensslhasquic from gyp_node import run_gyp from utils import SearchFiles # parse our options parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() valid_os = ('win', 'mac', 'solaris', 'freebsd', 'openbsd', 'linux', 'android', 'aix', 'cloudabi', 'os400', 'ios') valid_arch = ('arm', 'arm64', 'ia32', 'mips', 'mipsel', 'mips64el', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 'x64', 'x86', 'x86_64', 's390x', 'riscv64', 'loong64') valid_arm_float_abi = ('soft', 'softfp', 'hard') valid_arm_fpu = ('vfp', 'vfpv3', 'vfpv3-d16', 'neon') valid_mips_arch = ('loongson', 'r1', 'r2', 'r6', 'rx') valid_mips_fpu = ('fp32', 'fp64', 'fpxx') valid_mips_float_abi = ('soft', 'hard') valid_intl_modes = ('none', 'small-icu', 'full-icu', 'system-icu') icu_versions = json.loads((tools_path / 'icu' / 'icu_versions.json').read_text(encoding='utf-8')) maglev_enabled_architectures = ('x64', 'arm', 'arm64') # builtins may be removed later if they have been disabled by options shareable_builtins = {'cjs_module_lexer/lexer': 'deps/cjs-module-lexer/lexer.js', 'cjs_module_lexer/dist/lexer': 'deps/cjs-module-lexer/dist/lexer.js', 'undici/undici': 'deps/undici/undici.js', 'amaro/dist/index': 'deps/amaro/dist/index.js' } # create option groups shared_optgroup = parser.add_argument_group("Shared libraries", "Flags that allows you to control whether you want to build against " "built-in dependencies or its shared representations. If necessary, " "provide multiple libraries with comma.") static_optgroup = parser.add_argument_group("Static libraries", "Flags that allows you to control whether you want to build against " "additional static libraries.") intl_optgroup = parser.add_argument_group("Internationalization", "Flags that lets you enable i18n features in Node.js as well as which " "library you want to build against.") http2_optgroup = parser.add_argument_group("HTTP2", "Flags that allows you to control HTTP2 features in Node.js") shared_builtin_optgroup = parser.add_argument_group("Shared builtins", "Flags that allows you to control whether you want to build against " "internal builtins or shared files.") # Options should be in alphabetical order but keep --prefix at the top, # that's arguably the one people will be looking for most. parser.add_argument('--prefix', action='store', dest='prefix', default='/usr/local', help='select the install prefix [default: %(default)s]') parser.add_argument('--coverage', action='store_true', dest='coverage', default=None, help='Build node with code coverage enabled') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug', default=None, help='also build debug build') parser.add_argument('--debug-node', action='store_true', dest='debug_node', default=None, help='build the Node.js part of the binary with debugging symbols') parser.add_argument('--dest-cpu', action='store', dest='dest_cpu', choices=valid_arch, help=f"CPU architecture to build for ({', '.join(valid_arch)})") parser.add_argument('--cross-compiling', action='store_true', dest='cross_compiling', default=None, help='force build to be considered as cross compiled') parser.add_argument('--no-cross-compiling', action='store_false', dest='cross_compiling', default=None, help='force build to be considered as NOT cross compiled') parser.add_argument('--use-prefix-to-find-headers', action='store_true', dest='use_prefix_to_find_headers', default=None, help='use the prefix to look for pre-installed headers') parser.add_argument('--dest-os', action='store', dest='dest_os', choices=valid_os, help=f"operating system to build for ({', '.join(valid_os)})") parser.add_argument('--error-on-warn', action='store_true', dest='error_on_warn', default=None, help='Turn compiler warnings into errors for node core sources.') parser.add_argument('--gdb', action='store_true', dest='gdb', default=None, help='add gdb support') parser.add_argument('--no-ifaddrs', action='store_true', dest='no_ifaddrs', default=None, help='use on deprecated SunOS systems that do not support ifaddrs.h') parser.add_argument('--disable-single-executable-application', action='store_true', dest='disable_single_executable_application', default=None, help='Disable Single Executable Application support.') parser.add_argument("--fully-static", action="store_true", dest="fully_static", default=None, help="Generate an executable without external dynamic libraries. This " "will not work on macOS when using the default compilation environment") parser.add_argument("--partly-static", action="store_true", dest="partly_static", default=None, help="Generate an executable with libgcc and libstdc++ libraries. This " "will not work on macOS when using the default compilation environment") parser.add_argument("--enable-vtune-profiling", action="store_true", dest="enable_vtune_profiling", help="Enable profiling support for Intel VTune profiler to profile " "JavaScript code executed in Node.js. This feature is only available " "for x32, x86, and x64 architectures.") parser.add_argument("--enable-pgo-generate", action="store_true", dest="enable_pgo_generate", default=None, help="Enable profiling with pgo of a binary. This feature is only available " "on linux with gcc and g++ 5.4.1 or newer.") parser.add_argument("--enable-pgo-use", action="store_true", dest="enable_pgo_use", default=None, help="Enable use of the profile generated with --enable-pgo-generate. This " "feature is only available on linux with gcc and g++ 5.4.1 or newer.") parser.add_argument("--enable-lto", action="store_true", dest="enable_lto", default=None, help="Enable compiling with lto of a binary. This feature is only available " "with gcc 5.4.1+ or clang 3.9.1+.") parser.add_argument("--link-module", action="append", dest="linked_module", help="Path to a JS file to be bundled in the binary as a builtin. " "This module will be referenced by path without extension; " "e.g. /root/x/y.js will be referenced via require('root/x/y'). " "Can be used multiple times") parser.add_argument("--openssl-conf-name", action="store", dest="openssl_conf_name", default='nodejs_conf', help="The OpenSSL config appname (config section name) used by Node.js") parser.add_argument('--openssl-default-cipher-list', action='store', dest='openssl_default_cipher_list', help='Use the specified cipher list as the default cipher list') parser.add_argument("--openssl-no-asm", action="store_true", dest="openssl_no_asm", default=None, help="Do not build optimized assembly for OpenSSL") parser.add_argument('--openssl-is-fips', action='store_true', dest='openssl_is_fips', default=None, help='specifies that the OpenSSL library is FIPS compatible') parser.add_argument('--openssl-use-def-ca-store', action='store_true', dest='use_openssl_ca_store', default=None, help='Use OpenSSL supplied CA store instead of compiled-in Mozilla CA copy.') parser.add_argument('--openssl-system-ca-path', action='store', dest='openssl_system_ca_path', help='Use the specified path to system CA (PEM format) in addition to ' 'the OpenSSL supplied CA store or compiled-in Mozilla CA copy.') parser.add_argument('--experimental-http-parser', action='store_true', dest='experimental_http_parser', default=None, help='(no-op)') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-http-parser', action='store_true', dest='shared_http_parser', default=None, help='link to a shared http_parser DLL instead of static linking') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-http-parser-includes', action='store', dest='shared_http_parser_includes', help='directory containing http_parser header files') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-http-parser-libname', action='store', dest='shared_http_parser_libname', default='http_parser', help='alternative lib name to link to [default: %(default)s]') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-http-parser-libpath', action='store', dest='shared_http_parser_libpath', help='a directory to search for the shared http_parser DLL') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-libuv', action='store_true', dest='shared_libuv', default=None, help='link to a shared libuv DLL instead of static linking') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-libuv-includes', action='store', dest='shared_libuv_includes', help='directory containing libuv header files') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-libuv-libname', action='store', dest='shared_libuv_libname', default='uv', help='alternative lib name to link to [default: %(default)s]') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-libuv-libpath', action='store', dest='shared_libuv_libpath', help='a directory to search for the shared libuv DLL') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-nghttp2', action='store_true', dest='shared_nghttp2', default=None, help='link to a shared nghttp2 DLL instead of static linking') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-nghttp2-includes', action='store', dest='shared_nghttp2_includes', help='directory containing nghttp2 header files') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-nghttp2-libname', action='store', dest='shared_nghttp2_libname', default='nghttp2', help='alternative lib name to link to [default: %(default)s]') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-nghttp2-libpath', action='store', dest='shared_nghttp2_libpath', help='a directory to search for the shared nghttp2 DLLs') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-nghttp3', action='store_true', dest='shared_nghttp3', default=None, help='link to a shared nghttp3 DLL instead of static linking') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-nghttp3-includes', action='store', dest='shared_nghttp3_includes', help='directory containing nghttp3 header files') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-nghttp3-libname', action='store', dest='shared_nghttp3_libname', default='nghttp3', help='alternative lib name to link to [default: %(default)s]') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-nghttp3-libpath', action='store', dest='shared_nghttp3_libpath', help='a directory to search for the shared nghttp3 DLLs') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-ngtcp2', action='store_true', dest='shared_ngtcp2', default=None, help='link to a shared ngtcp2 DLL instead of static linking') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-ngtcp2-includes', action='store', dest='shared_ngtcp2_includes', help='directory containing ngtcp2 header files') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-ngtcp2-libname', action='store', dest='shared_ngtcp2_libname', default='ngtcp2', help='alternative lib name to link to [default: %(default)s]') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-ngtcp2-libpath', action='store', dest='shared_ngtcp2_libpath', help='a directory to search for the shared tcp2 DLLs') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-openssl', action='store_true', dest='shared_openssl', default=None, help='link to a shared OpenSSl DLL instead of static linking') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-openssl-includes', action='store', dest='shared_openssl_includes', help='directory containing OpenSSL header files') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-openssl-libname', action='store', dest='shared_openssl_libname', default='crypto,ssl', help='alternative lib name to link to [default: %(default)s]') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-openssl-libpath', action='store', dest='shared_openssl_libpath', help='a directory to search for the shared OpenSSL DLLs') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-uvwasi', action='store_true', dest='shared_uvwasi', default=None, help='link to a shared uvwasi DLL instead of static linking') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-uvwasi-includes', action='store', dest='shared_uvwasi_includes', help='directory containing uvwasi header files') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-uvwasi-libname', action='store', dest='shared_uvwasi_libname', default='uvwasi', help='alternative lib name to link to [default: %(default)s]') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-uvwasi-libpath', action='store', dest='shared_uvwasi_libpath', help='a directory to search for the shared uvwasi DLL') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-zlib', action='store_true', dest='shared_zlib', default=None, help='link to a shared zlib DLL instead of static linking') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-zlib-includes', action='store', dest='shared_zlib_includes', help='directory containing zlib header files') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-zlib-libname', action='store', dest='shared_zlib_libname', default='z', help='alternative lib name to link to [default: %(default)s]') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-zlib-libpath', action='store', dest='shared_zlib_libpath', help='a directory to search for the shared zlib DLL') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-simdjson', action='store_true', dest='shared_simdjson', default=None, help='link to a shared simdjson DLL instead of static linking') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-simdjson-includes', action='store', dest='shared_simdjson_includes', help='directory containing simdjson header files') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-simdjson-libname', action='store', dest='shared_simdjson_libname', default='simdjson', help='alternative lib name to link to [default: %(default)s]') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-simdjson-libpath', action='store', dest='shared_simdjson_libpath', help='a directory to search for the shared simdjson DLL') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-simdutf', action='store_true', dest='shared_simdutf', default=None, help='link to a shared simdutf DLL instead of static linking') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-simdutf-includes', action='store', dest='shared_simdutf_includes', help='directory containing simdutf header files') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-simdutf-libname', action='store', dest='shared_simdutf_libname', default='simdutf', help='alternative lib name to link to [default: %(default)s]') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-simdutf-libpath', action='store', dest='shared_simdutf_libpath', help='a directory to search for the shared simdutf DLL') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-ada', action='store_true', dest='shared_ada', default=None, help='link to a shared ada DLL instead of static linking') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-ada-includes', action='store', dest='shared_ada_includes', help='directory containing ada header files') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-ada-libname', action='store', dest='shared_ada_libname', default='ada', help='alternative lib name to link to [default: %(default)s]') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-ada-libpath', action='store', dest='shared_ada_libpath', help='a directory to search for the shared ada DLL') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-brotli', action='store_true', dest='shared_brotli', default=None, help='link to a shared brotli DLL instead of static linking') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-brotli-includes', action='store', dest='shared_brotli_includes', help='directory containing brotli header files') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-brotli-libname', action='store', dest='shared_brotli_libname', default='brotlidec,brotlienc', help='alternative lib name to link to [default: %(default)s]') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-brotli-libpath', action='store', dest='shared_brotli_libpath', help='a directory to search for the shared brotli DLL') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-cares', action='store_true', dest='shared_cares', default=None, help='link to a shared cares DLL instead of static linking') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-cares-includes', action='store', dest='shared_cares_includes', help='directory containing cares header files') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-cares-libname', action='store', dest='shared_cares_libname', default='cares', help='alternative lib name to link to [default: %(default)s]') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-cares-libpath', action='store', dest='shared_cares_libpath', help='a directory to search for the shared cares DLL') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-sqlite', action='store_true', dest='shared_sqlite', default=None, help='link to a shared sqlite DLL instead of static linking') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-sqlite-includes', action='store', dest='shared_sqlite_includes', help='directory containing sqlite header files') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-sqlite-libname', action='store', dest='shared_sqlite_libname', default='sqlite3', help='alternative lib name to link to [default: %(default)s]') shared_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-sqlite-libpath', action='store', dest='shared_sqlite_libpath', help='a directory to search for the shared sqlite DLL') for builtin in shareable_builtins: builtin_id = 'shared_builtin_' + builtin + '_path' shared_builtin_optgroup.add_argument('--shared-builtin-' + builtin + '-path', action='store', dest='node_shared_builtin_' + builtin.replace('/', '_') + '_path', help='Path to shared file for ' + builtin + ' builtin. ' 'Will be used instead of bundled version at runtime') static_optgroup.add_argument('--static-zoslib-gyp', action='store', dest='static_zoslib_gyp', help='path to zoslib.gyp file for includes and to link to static zoslib library') parser.add_argument('--tag', action='store', dest='tag', help='custom build tag') parser.add_argument('--release-urlbase', action='store', dest='release_urlbase', help='Provide a custom URL prefix for the `process.release` properties ' '`sourceUrl` and `headersUrl`. When compiling a release build, this ' 'will default to') parser.add_argument('--enable-d8', action='store_true', dest='enable_d8', default=None, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # Unsupported, undocumented. parser.add_argument('--enable-trace-maps', action='store_true', dest='trace_maps', default=None, help='Enable the --trace-maps flag in V8 (use at your own risk)') parser.add_argument('--experimental-enable-pointer-compression', action='store_true', dest='enable_pointer_compression', default=None, help='[Experimental] Enable V8 pointer compression (limits max heap to 4GB and breaks ABI compatibility)') parser.add_argument('--disable-shared-readonly-heap', action='store_true', dest='disable_shared_ro_heap', default=None, help='Disable the shared read-only heap feature in V8') parser.add_argument('--v8-options', action='store', dest='v8_options', help='v8 options to pass, see `node --v8-options` for examples.') parser.add_argument('--with-ossfuzz', action='store_true', dest='ossfuzz', default=None, help='Enables building of fuzzers. This command should be run in an OSS-Fuzz Docker image.') parser.add_argument('--with-arm-float-abi', action='store', dest='arm_float_abi', choices=valid_arm_float_abi, help=f"specifies which floating-point ABI to use ({', '.join(valid_arm_float_abi)}).") parser.add_argument('--with-arm-fpu', action='store', dest='arm_fpu', choices=valid_arm_fpu, help=f"ARM FPU mode ({', '.join(valid_arm_fpu)}) [default: %(default)s]") parser.add_argument('--with-mips-arch-variant', action='store', dest='mips_arch_variant', default='r2', choices=valid_mips_arch, help=f"MIPS arch variant ({', '.join(valid_mips_arch)}) [default: %(default)s]") parser.add_argument('--with-mips-fpu-mode', action='store', dest='mips_fpu_mode', default='fp32', choices=valid_mips_fpu, help=f"MIPS FPU mode ({', '.join(valid_mips_fpu)}) [default: %(default)s]") parser.add_argument('--with-mips-float-abi', action='store', dest='mips_float_abi', default='hard', choices=valid_mips_float_abi, help=f"MIPS floating-point ABI ({', '.join(valid_mips_float_abi)}) [default: %(default)s]") parser.add_argument('--use-largepages', action='store_true', dest='node_use_large_pages', default=None, help='This option has no effect. --use-largepages is now a runtime option.') parser.add_argument('--use-largepages-script-lld', action='store_true', dest='node_use_large_pages_script_lld', default=None, help='This option has no effect. --use-largepages is now a runtime option.') parser.add_argument('--use-section-ordering-file', action='store', dest='node_section_ordering_info', default='', help='Pass a section ordering file to the linker. This requires that ' + 'Node.js be linked using the gold linker. The gold linker must have ' + 'version 1.2 or greater.') intl_optgroup.add_argument('--with-intl', action='store', dest='with_intl', default='full-icu', choices=valid_intl_modes, help=f"Intl mode (valid choices: {', '.join(valid_intl_modes)}) [default: %(default)s]") intl_optgroup.add_argument('--without-intl', action='store_const', dest='with_intl', const='none', help='Disable Intl, same as --with-intl=none') intl_optgroup.add_argument('--with-icu-path', action='store', dest='with_icu_path', help='Path to icu.gyp (ICU i18n, Chromium version only.)') icu_default_locales='root,en' intl_optgroup.add_argument('--with-icu-locales', action='store', dest='with_icu_locales', default=icu_default_locales, help='Comma-separated list of locales for "small-icu". "root" is assumed. ' '[default: %(default)s]') intl_optgroup.add_argument('--with-icu-source', action='store', dest='with_icu_source', help='Intl mode: optional local path to icu/ dir, or path/URL of ' 'the icu4c source archive. ' f"v{icu_versions['minimum_icu']}.x or later recommended.") intl_optgroup.add_argument('--with-icu-default-data-dir', action='store', dest='with_icu_default_data_dir', help='Path to the icuXXdt{lb}.dat file. If unspecified, ICU data will ' 'only be read if the NODE_ICU_DATA environment variable or the ' '--icu-data-dir runtime argument is used. This option has effect ' 'only when Node.js is built with --with-intl=small-icu.') parser.add_argument('--with-ltcg', action='store_true', dest='with_ltcg', default=None, help='Use Link Time Code Generation. This feature is only available on Windows.') parser.add_argument('--write-snapshot-as-array-literals', action='store_true', dest='write_snapshot_as_array_literals', default=None, help='Write the snapshot data as array literals for readability.' 'By default the snapshot data may be written as string literals on some ' 'platforms to speed up compilation.') parser.add_argument('--without-node-snapshot', action='store_true', dest='without_node_snapshot', default=None, help='Turn off V8 snapshot integration. Currently experimental.') parser.add_argument('--without-node-code-cache', action='store_true', dest='without_node_code_cache', default=None, help='Turn off V8 Code cache integration.') intl_optgroup.add_argument('--download', action='store', dest='download_list', intl_optgroup.add_argument('--download-path', action='store', dest='download_path', default='deps', help='Download directory [default: %(default)s]') parser.add_argument('--debug-lib', action='store_true', dest='node_debug_lib', default=None, help='build lib with DCHECK macros') http2_optgroup.add_argument('--debug-nghttp2', action='store_true', dest='debug_nghttp2', default=None, help='build nghttp2 with DEBUGBUILD (default is false)') parser.add_argument('--without-amaro', action='store_true', dest='without_amaro', default=None, help='do not install the bundled Amaro (TypeScript utils)') parser.add_argument('--without-npm', action='store_true', dest='without_npm', default=None, help='do not install the bundled npm (package manager)') parser.add_argument('--without-corepack', action='store_true', dest='without_corepack', default=None, help='do not install the bundled Corepack') # Dummy option for backwards compatibility parser.add_argument('--without-report', action='store_true', dest='unused_without_report', default=None, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--with-snapshot', action='store_true', dest='unused_with_snapshot', default=None, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--without-snapshot', action='store_true', dest='unused_without_snapshot', default=None, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--without-siphash', action='store_true', dest='without_siphash', default=None, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # End dummy list. parser.add_argument('--without-ssl', action='store_true', dest='without_ssl', default=None, help='build without SSL (disables crypto, https, inspector, etc.)') parser.add_argument('--without-node-options', action='store_true', dest='without_node_options', default=None, help='build without NODE_OPTIONS support') parser.add_argument('--ninja', action='store_true', dest='use_ninja', default=None, help='generate build files for use with Ninja') parser.add_argument('--enable-asan', action='store_true', dest='enable_asan', default=None, help='compile for Address Sanitizer to find memory bugs') parser.add_argument('--enable-ubsan', action='store_true', dest='enable_ubsan', default=None, help='compile for Undefined Behavior Sanitizer') parser.add_argument('--enable-static', action='store_true', dest='enable_static', default=None, help='build as static library') parser.add_argument('--no-browser-globals', action='store_true', dest='no_browser_globals', default=None, help='do not export browser globals like setTimeout, console, etc. ' + '(This mode is deprecated and not officially supported for regular ' + 'applications)') parser.add_argument('--without-inspector', action='store_true', dest='without_inspector', default=None, help='disable the V8 inspector protocol') parser.add_argument('--shared', action='store_true', dest='shared', default=None, help='compile shared library for embedding node in another project. ' + '(This mode is not officially supported for regular applications)') parser.add_argument('--libdir', action='store', dest='libdir', default='lib', help='a directory to install the shared library into relative to the ' 'prefix. This is a no-op if --shared is not specified. ' + '(This mode is not officially supported for regular applications)') parser.add_argument('--without-v8-platform', action='store_true', dest='without_v8_platform', default=False, help='do not initialize v8 platform during node.js startup. ' + '(This mode is not officially supported for regular applications)') parser.add_argument('--without-bundled-v8', action='store_true', dest='without_bundled_v8', default=False, help='do not use V8 includes from the bundled deps folder. ' + '(This mode is not officially supported for regular applications)') parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', default=False, help='get more output from this script') parser.add_argument('--v8-non-optimized-debug', action='store_true', dest='v8_non_optimized_debug', default=False, help='compile V8 with minimal optimizations and with runtime checks') parser.add_argument('--v8-with-dchecks', action='store_true', dest='v8_with_dchecks', default=False, help='compile V8 with debug checks and runtime debugging features enabled') parser.add_argument('--v8-lite-mode', action='store_true', dest='v8_lite_mode', default=False, help='compile V8 in lite mode for constrained environments (lowers V8 '+ 'memory footprint, but also implies no just-in-time compilation ' + 'support, thus much slower execution)') parser.add_argument('--v8-enable-object-print', action='store_true', dest='v8_enable_object_print', default=True, help='compile V8 with auxiliary functions for native debuggers') parser.add_argument('--v8-disable-object-print', action='store_true', dest='v8_disable_object_print', default=False, help='disable the V8 auxiliary functions for native debuggers') parser.add_argument('--v8-enable-hugepage', action='store_true', dest='v8_enable_hugepage', default=None, help='Enable V8 transparent hugepage support. This feature is only '+ 'available on Linux platform.') maglev_enabled_by_default_help = f"(Maglev is enabled by default on {','.join(maglev_enabled_architectures)})" parser.add_argument('--v8-disable-maglev', action='store_true', dest='v8_disable_maglev', default=None, help=f"Disable V8's Maglev compiler. {maglev_enabled_by_default_help}") parser.add_argument('--v8-enable-short-builtin-calls', action='store_true', dest='v8_enable_short_builtin_calls', default=None, help='Enable V8 short builtin calls support. This feature is enabled '+ 'on x86_64 platform by default.') parser.add_argument('--v8-enable-snapshot-compression', action='store_true', dest='v8_enable_snapshot_compression', default=None, help='Enable the built-in snapshot compression in V8.') parser.add_argument('--node-builtin-modules-path', action='store', dest='node_builtin_modules_path', default=False, help='node will load builtin modules from disk instead of from binary') parser.add_argument('--node-snapshot-main', action='store', dest='node_snapshot_main', default=None, help='Run a file when building the embedded snapshot. Currently ' + 'experimental.') # Create compile_commands.json in out/Debug and out/Release. parser.add_argument('-C', action='store_true', dest='compile_commands_json', default=None, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--clang-cl', action='store', dest='clang_cl', default=None, help='Configure for clang-cl on Windows. This flag sets the GYP "clang" ' + 'variable to 1 and "llvm_version" to the specified value.') (options, args) = parser.parse_known_args() # Expand ~ in the install prefix now, it gets written to multiple files. options.prefix = str(Path(options.prefix or '').expanduser()) # set up auto-download list auto_downloads = nodedownload.parse(options.download_list) def error(msg): prefix = '\033[1m\033[31mERROR\033[0m' if os.isatty(1) else 'ERROR' print(f'{prefix}: {msg}') sys.exit(1) def warn(msg): warn.warned = True prefix = '\033[1m\033[93mWARNING\033[0m' if os.isatty(1) else 'WARNING' print(f'{prefix}: {msg}') # track if warnings occurred warn.warned = False def info(msg): prefix = '\033[1m\033[32mINFO\033[0m' if os.isatty(1) else 'INFO' print(f'{prefix}: {msg}') def print_verbose(x): if not options.verbose: return if isinstance(x, str): print(x) else: pprint.pprint(x, indent=2) def b(value): """Returns the string 'true' if value is truthy, 'false' otherwise.""" return 'true' if value else 'false' def B(value): """Returns 1 if value is truthy, 0 otherwise.""" return 1 if value else 0 def to_utf8(s): return s if isinstance(s, str) else s.decode("utf-8") def pkg_config(pkg): """Run pkg-config on the specified package Returns ("-l flags", "-I flags", "-L flags", "version") otherwise (None, None, None, None)""" pkg_config = os.environ.get('PKG_CONFIG', 'pkg-config') args = [] # Print pkg-config warnings on first round. retval = [] for flag in ['--libs-only-l', '--cflags-only-I', '--libs-only-L', '--modversion']: args += [flag] if isinstance(pkg, list): args += pkg else: args += [pkg] try: proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(pkg_config) + args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) with proc: val = to_utf8(proc.communicate()[0]).strip() except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise e # Unexpected error. return (None, None, None, None) # No pkg-config/pkgconf installed. retval.append(val) args = ['--silence-errors'] return tuple(retval) def try_check_compiler(cc, lang): try: proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cc) + ['-E', '-P', '-x', lang, '-'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: return (False, False, '', '') with proc: proc.stdin.write(b'__clang__ __GNUC__ __GNUC_MINOR__ __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ ' b'__clang_major__ __clang_minor__ __clang_patchlevel__') if sys.platform == 'zos': values = (to_utf8(proc.communicate()[0]).split('\n')[-2].split() + ['0'] * 7)[0:7] else: values = (to_utf8(proc.communicate()[0]).split() + ['0'] * 7)[0:7] is_clang = values[0] == '1' gcc_version = tuple(map(int, values[1:1+3])) clang_version = tuple(map(int, values[4:4+3])) if is_clang else None return (True, is_clang, clang_version, gcc_version) # # The version of asm compiler is needed for building openssl asm files. # See deps/openssl/openssl.gypi for detail. # Commands and regular expressions to obtain its version number are taken from # # def get_version_helper(cc, regexp): try: proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cc) + ['-v'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: error('''No acceptable C compiler found! Please make sure you have a C compiler installed on your system and/or consider adjusting the CC environment variable if you installed it in a non-standard prefix.''') with proc: match =, to_utf8(proc.communicate()[1])) return if match else '0.0' def get_nasm_version(asm): try: proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(asm) + ['-v'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: warn('''No acceptable ASM compiler found! Please make sure you have installed NASM from and refer''') return '0.0' with proc: match = re.match(r"NASM version ([2-9]\.[0-9][0-9]+)", to_utf8(proc.communicate()[0])) return if match else '0.0' def get_llvm_version(cc): return get_version_helper( cc, r"(^(?:.+ )?clang version|based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)") def get_xcode_version(cc): return get_version_helper( cc, r"(^Apple (?:clang|LLVM) version) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)") def get_gas_version(cc): try: custom_env = os.environ.copy() custom_env["LC_ALL"] = "C" proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cc) + ['-Wa,-v', '-c', '-o', '/dev/null', '-x', 'assembler', '/dev/null'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=custom_env) except OSError: error('''No acceptable C compiler found! Please make sure you have a C compiler installed on your system and/or consider adjusting the CC environment variable if you installed it in a non-standard prefix.''') with proc: gas_ret = to_utf8(proc.communicate()[1]) match = re.match(r"GNU assembler version ([2-9]\.[0-9]+)", gas_ret) if match: return warn(f'Could not recognize `gas`: {gas_ret}') return '0.0' # Note: Apple clang self-reports as clang 4.2.0 and gcc 4.2.1. It passes # the version check more by accident than anything else but a more rigorous # check involves checking the build number against an allowlist. I'm not # quite prepared to go that far yet. def check_compiler(o): if sys.platform == 'win32': if options.clang_cl: o['variables']['clang'] = 1 o['variables']['llvm_version'] = options.clang_cl else: o['variables']['clang'] = 0 o['variables']['llvm_version'] = '0.0' if not options.openssl_no_asm and options.dest_cpu in ('x86', 'x64'): nasm_version = get_nasm_version('nasm') o['variables']['nasm_version'] = nasm_version if nasm_version == '0.0': o['variables']['openssl_no_asm'] = 1 return ok, is_clang, clang_version, gcc_version = try_check_compiler(CXX, 'c++') o['variables']['clang'] = B(is_clang) version_str = ".".join(map(str, clang_version if is_clang else gcc_version)) print_verbose(f"Detected {'clang ' if is_clang else ''}C++ compiler (CXX={CXX}) version: {version_str}") if not ok: warn(f'failed to autodetect C++ compiler version (CXX={CXX})') elif clang_version < (8, 0, 0) if is_clang else gcc_version < (12, 2, 0): warn(f'C++ compiler (CXX={CXX}, {version_str}) too old, need g++ 12.2.0 or clang++ 8.0.0') ok, is_clang, clang_version, gcc_version = try_check_compiler(CC, 'c') version_str = ".".join(map(str, clang_version if is_clang else gcc_version)) print_verbose(f"Detected {'clang ' if is_clang else ''}C compiler (CC={CC}) version: {version_str}") if not ok: warn(f'failed to autodetect C compiler version (CC={CC})') elif not is_clang and gcc_version < (4, 2, 0): # clang 3.2 is a little white lie because any clang version will probably # do for the C bits. However, we might as well encourage people to upgrade # to a version that is not completely ancient. warn(f'C compiler (CC={CC}, {version_str}) too old, need gcc 4.2 or clang 3.2') o['variables']['llvm_version'] = get_llvm_version(CC) if is_clang else '0.0' # Need xcode_version or gas_version when openssl asm files are compiled. if options.without_ssl or options.openssl_no_asm or options.shared_openssl: return if is_clang: if sys.platform == 'darwin': o['variables']['xcode_version'] = get_xcode_version(CC) else: o['variables']['gas_version'] = get_gas_version(CC) def cc_macros(cc=None): """Checks predefined macros using the C compiler command.""" try: p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cc or CC) + ['-dM', '-E', '-'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: error('''No acceptable C compiler found! Please make sure you have a C compiler installed on your system and/or consider adjusting the CC environment variable if you installed it in a non-standard prefix.''') with p: p.stdin.write(b'\n') out = to_utf8(p.communicate()[0]).split('\n') k = {} for line in out: lst = shlex.split(line) if len(lst) > 2: key = lst[1] val = lst[2] k[key] = val return k def is_arch_armv7(): """Check for ARMv7 instructions""" cc_macros_cache = cc_macros() return cc_macros_cache.get('__ARM_ARCH') == '7' def is_arch_armv6(): """Check for ARMv6 instructions""" cc_macros_cache = cc_macros() return cc_macros_cache.get('__ARM_ARCH') == '6' def is_arm_hard_float_abi(): """Check for hardfloat or softfloat eabi on ARM""" # GCC versions 4.6 and above define __ARM_PCS or __ARM_PCS_VFP to specify # the Floating Point ABI used (PCS stands for Procedure Call Standard). # We use these as well as a couple of other defines to statically determine # what FP ABI used. return '__ARM_PCS_VFP' in cc_macros() def host_arch_cc(): """Host architecture check using the CC command.""" if sys.platform.startswith('zos'): return 's390x' k = cc_macros(os.environ.get('CC_host')) matchup = { '__aarch64__' : 'arm64', '__arm__' : 'arm', '__i386__' : 'ia32', '__MIPSEL__' : 'mipsel', '__mips__' : 'mips', '__PPC64__' : 'ppc64', '__PPC__' : 'ppc64', '__x86_64__' : 'x64', '__s390x__' : 's390x', '__riscv' : 'riscv', '__loongarch64': 'loong64', } rtn = 'ia32' # default for key, value in matchup.items(): if k.get(key, 0) and k[key] != '0': rtn = value break if rtn == 'mipsel' and '_LP64' in k: rtn = 'mips64el' if rtn == 'riscv': if k['__riscv_xlen'] == '64': rtn = 'riscv64' else: rtn = 'riscv32' return rtn def host_arch_win(): """Host architecture check using environ vars (better way to do this?)""" observed_arch = os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE', 'AMD64') arch = os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432', observed_arch) matchup = { 'AMD64' : 'x64', 'arm' : 'arm', 'mips' : 'mips', 'ARM64' : 'arm64' } return matchup.get(arch, 'x64') def set_configuration_variable(configs, name, release=None, debug=None): configs['Release'][name] = release configs['Debug'][name] = debug def configure_arm(o): if options.arm_float_abi: arm_float_abi = options.arm_float_abi elif is_arm_hard_float_abi(): arm_float_abi = 'hard' else: arm_float_abi = 'default' arm_fpu = 'vfp' if is_arch_armv7(): arm_fpu = 'vfpv3' o['variables']['arm_version'] = '7' else: o['variables']['arm_version'] = '6' if is_arch_armv6() else 'default' o['variables']['arm_thumb'] = 0 # -marm o['variables']['arm_float_abi'] = arm_float_abi if options.dest_os == 'android': arm_fpu = 'vfpv3' o['variables']['arm_version'] = '7' o['variables']['arm_fpu'] = options.arm_fpu or arm_fpu def configure_mips(o, target_arch): can_use_fpu_instructions = options.mips_float_abi != 'soft' o['variables']['v8_can_use_fpu_instructions'] = b(can_use_fpu_instructions) o['variables']['v8_use_mips_abi_hardfloat'] = b(can_use_fpu_instructions) o['variables']['mips_arch_variant'] = options.mips_arch_variant o['variables']['mips_fpu_mode'] = options.mips_fpu_mode host_byteorder = 'little' if target_arch in ('mipsel', 'mips64el') else 'big' o['variables']['v8_host_byteorder'] = host_byteorder def configure_zos(o): o['variables']['node_static_zoslib'] = b(True) if options.static_zoslib_gyp: # Apply to all Node.js components for now o['variables']['zoslib_include_dir'] = Path(options.static_zoslib_gyp).parent / 'include' o['include_dirs'] += [o['variables']['zoslib_include_dir']] else: raise Exception('--static-zoslib-gyp= is required.') def clang_version_ge(version_checked): for compiler in [(CC, 'c'), (CXX, 'c++')]: _, is_clang, clang_version, _1 = ( try_check_compiler(compiler[0], compiler[1]) ) if is_clang and clang_version >= version_checked: return True return False def gcc_version_ge(version_checked): for compiler in [(CC, 'c'), (CXX, 'c++')]: _, is_clang, _1, gcc_version = ( try_check_compiler(compiler[0], compiler[1]) ) if is_clang or gcc_version < version_checked: return False return True def configure_node_lib_files(o): o['variables']['node_library_files'] = SearchFiles('lib', 'js') def configure_node(o): if options.dest_os == 'android': o['variables']['OS'] = 'android' o['variables']['node_prefix'] = options.prefix o['variables']['node_install_npm'] = b(not options.without_npm) o['variables']['node_install_corepack'] = b(not options.without_corepack) o['variables']['node_use_amaro'] = b(not options.without_amaro) o['variables']['debug_node'] = b(options.debug_node) o['default_configuration'] = 'Debug' if options.debug else 'Release' o['variables']['error_on_warn'] = b(options.error_on_warn) o['variables']['use_prefix_to_find_headers'] = b(options.use_prefix_to_find_headers) host_arch = host_arch_win() if == 'nt' else host_arch_cc() target_arch = options.dest_cpu or host_arch # ia32 is preferred by the build tools (GYP) over x86 even if we prefer the latter # the Makefile resets this to x86 afterward if target_arch == 'x86': target_arch = 'ia32' # x86_64 is common across linuxes, allow it as an alias for x64 if target_arch == 'x86_64': target_arch = 'x64' o['variables']['host_arch'] = host_arch o['variables']['target_arch'] = target_arch o['variables']['node_byteorder'] = sys.byteorder cross_compiling = (options.cross_compiling if options.cross_compiling is not None else target_arch != host_arch) if cross_compiling: os.environ['GYP_CROSSCOMPILE'] = "1" if options.unused_without_snapshot: warn('building --without-snapshot is no longer possible') o['variables']['want_separate_host_toolset'] = int(cross_compiling) if target_arch == 'arm64': o['variables']['arm_fpu'] = options.arm_fpu or 'neon' if options.node_snapshot_main is not None: if options.shared: # This should be possible to fix, but we will need to refactor the # libnode target to avoid building it twice. error('--node-snapshot-main is incompatible with --shared') if options.without_node_snapshot: error('--node-snapshot-main is incompatible with ' + '--without-node-snapshot') if cross_compiling: error('--node-snapshot-main is incompatible with cross compilation') o['variables']['node_snapshot_main'] = options.node_snapshot_main if options.without_node_snapshot or options.node_builtin_modules_path: o['variables']['node_use_node_snapshot'] = 'false' else: o['variables']['node_use_node_snapshot'] = b( not cross_compiling and not options.shared) # Do not use code cache when Node.js is built for collecting coverage of itself, this allows more # precise coverage for the JS built-ins. if options.without_node_code_cache or options.without_node_snapshot or options.node_builtin_modules_path or options.coverage: o['variables']['node_use_node_code_cache'] = 'false' else: # TODO(refack): fix this when implementing embedded code-cache when cross-compiling. o['variables']['node_use_node_code_cache'] = b( not cross_compiling and not options.shared) if options.write_snapshot_as_array_literals is not None: o['variables']['node_write_snapshot_as_array_literals'] = b(options.write_snapshot_as_array_literals) else: o['variables']['node_write_snapshot_as_array_literals'] = b(flavor != 'mac' and flavor != 'linux') if target_arch == 'arm': configure_arm(o) elif target_arch in ('mips', 'mipsel', 'mips64el'): configure_mips(o, target_arch) elif sys.platform == 'zos': configure_zos(o) if flavor in ('aix', 'os400'): o['variables']['node_target_type'] = 'static_library' if target_arch in ('x86', 'x64', 'ia32', 'x32'): o['variables']['node_enable_v8_vtunejit'] = b(options.enable_vtune_profiling) elif options.enable_vtune_profiling: raise Exception( 'The VTune profiler for JavaScript is only supported on x32, x86, and x64 ' 'architectures.') else: o['variables']['node_enable_v8_vtunejit'] = 'false' if flavor != 'linux' and (options.enable_pgo_generate or options.enable_pgo_use): raise Exception( 'The pgo option is supported only on linux.') if flavor == 'linux': if options.enable_pgo_generate or options.enable_pgo_use: version_checked = (5, 4, 1) if not gcc_version_ge(version_checked): version_checked_str = ".".join(map(str, version_checked)) raise Exception( 'The options --enable-pgo-generate and --enable-pgo-use ' f'are supported for gcc and gxx {version_checked_str} or newer only.') if options.enable_pgo_generate and options.enable_pgo_use: raise Exception( 'Only one of the --enable-pgo-generate or --enable-pgo-use options ' 'can be specified at a time. You would like to use ' '--enable-pgo-generate first, profile node, and then recompile ' 'with --enable-pgo-use') o['variables']['enable_pgo_generate'] = b(options.enable_pgo_generate) o['variables']['enable_pgo_use'] = b(options.enable_pgo_use) if flavor == 'win' and (options.enable_lto): raise Exception( 'Use Link Time Code Generation instead.') if options.enable_lto: gcc_version_checked = (5, 4, 1) clang_version_checked = (3, 9, 1) if not gcc_version_ge(gcc_version_checked) and not clang_version_ge(clang_version_checked): gcc_version_checked_str = ".".join(map(str, gcc_version_checked)) clang_version_checked_str = ".".join(map(str, clang_version_checked)) raise Exception( f'The option --enable-lto is supported for gcc {gcc_version_checked_str}+' f'or clang {clang_version_checked_str}+ only.') o['variables']['enable_lto'] = b(options.enable_lto) if options.node_use_large_pages or options.node_use_large_pages_script_lld: warn('''The `--use-largepages` and `--use-largepages-script-lld` options have no effect during build time. Support for mapping to large pages is now a runtime option of Node.js. Run `node --use-largepages` or add `--use-largepages` to the `NODE_OPTIONS` environment variable once Node.js is built to enable mapping to large pages.''') if options.no_ifaddrs: o['defines'] += ['SUNOS_NO_IFADDRS'] o['variables']['single_executable_application'] = b(not options.disable_single_executable_application) if options.disable_single_executable_application: o['defines'] += ['DISABLE_SINGLE_EXECUTABLE_APPLICATION'] o['variables']['node_with_ltcg'] = b(options.with_ltcg) if flavor != 'win' and options.with_ltcg: raise Exception('Link Time Code Generation is only supported on Windows.') if options.tag: o['variables']['node_tag'] = '-' + options.tag else: o['variables']['node_tag'] = '' o['variables']['node_release_urlbase'] = options.release_urlbase or '' if options.v8_options: o['variables']['node_v8_options'] = options.v8_options.replace('"', '\\"') if options.enable_static: o['variables']['node_target_type'] = 'static_library' o['variables']['node_debug_lib'] = b(options.node_debug_lib) if options.debug_nghttp2: o['variables']['debug_nghttp2'] = 1 else: o['variables']['debug_nghttp2'] = 'false' o['variables']['node_no_browser_globals'] = b(options.no_browser_globals) o['variables']['node_shared'] = b(options.shared) o['variables']['libdir'] = options.libdir node_module_version = getmoduleversion.get_version() if options.dest_os == 'android': shlib_suffix = 'so' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': shlib_suffix = '%s.dylib' elif sys.platform.startswith('aix'): shlib_suffix = '%s.a' elif sys.platform == 'os400': shlib_suffix = '%s.a' elif sys.platform.startswith('zos'): shlib_suffix = '%s.x' else: shlib_suffix = 'so.%s' if '%s' in shlib_suffix: shlib_suffix %= node_module_version o['variables']['node_module_version'] = int(node_module_version) o['variables']['shlib_suffix'] = shlib_suffix if options.linked_module: o['variables']['linked_module_files'] = options.linked_module o['variables']['asan'] = int(options.enable_asan or 0) o['variables']['ubsan'] = int(options.enable_ubsan or 0) if options.coverage: o['variables']['coverage'] = 'true' else: o['variables']['coverage'] = 'false' if options.shared: o['variables']['node_target_type'] = 'shared_library' elif options.enable_static: o['variables']['node_target_type'] = 'static_library' else: o['variables']['node_target_type'] = 'executable' if options.node_builtin_modules_path: print('Warning! Loading builtin modules from disk is for development') o['variables']['node_builtin_modules_path'] = options.node_builtin_modules_path def configure_napi(output): version = getnapibuildversion.get_napi_version() output['variables']['napi_build_version'] = version def configure_library(lib, output, pkgname=None): shared_lib = 'shared_' + lib output['variables']['node_' + shared_lib] = b(getattr(options, shared_lib)) if getattr(options, shared_lib): (pkg_libs, pkg_cflags, pkg_libpath, _) = pkg_config(pkgname or lib) if options.__dict__[shared_lib + '_includes']: output['include_dirs'] += [options.__dict__[shared_lib + '_includes']] elif pkg_cflags: stripped_flags = [flag.strip() for flag in pkg_cflags.split('-I')] output['include_dirs'] += [flag for flag in stripped_flags if flag] # libpath needs to be provided ahead libraries if options.__dict__[shared_lib + '_libpath']: if flavor == 'win': if 'msvs_settings' not in output: output['msvs_settings'] = { 'VCLinkerTool': { 'AdditionalOptions': [] } } output['msvs_settings']['VCLinkerTool']['AdditionalOptions'] += [ f"/LIBPATH:{options.__dict__[shared_lib + '_libpath']}"] else: output['libraries'] += [ f"-L{options.__dict__[shared_lib + '_libpath']}"] elif pkg_libpath: output['libraries'] += [pkg_libpath] default_libs = getattr(options, shared_lib + '_libname') default_libs = [f'-l{l}' for l in default_libs.split(',')] if default_libs: output['libraries'] += default_libs elif pkg_libs: output['libraries'] += pkg_libs.split() def configure_v8(o, configs): set_configuration_variable(configs, 'v8_enable_v8_checks', release=1, debug=0) o['variables']['v8_enable_webassembly'] = 0 if options.v8_lite_mode else 1 o['variables']['v8_enable_javascript_promise_hooks'] = 1 o['variables']['v8_enable_lite_mode'] = 1 if options.v8_lite_mode else 0 o['variables']['v8_enable_gdbjit'] = 1 if options.gdb else 0 o['variables']['v8_optimized_debug'] = 0 if options.v8_non_optimized_debug else 1 o['variables']['dcheck_always_on'] = 1 if options.v8_with_dchecks else 0 o['variables']['v8_enable_object_print'] = 0 if options.v8_disable_object_print else 1 o['variables']['v8_random_seed'] = 0 # Use a random seed for hash tables. o['variables']['v8_promise_internal_field_count'] = 1 # Add internal field to promises for async hooks. o['variables']['v8_use_siphash'] = 0 if options.without_siphash else 1 o['variables']['v8_enable_maglev'] = B(not options.v8_disable_maglev and o['variables']['target_arch'] in maglev_enabled_architectures) o['variables']['v8_enable_pointer_compression'] = 1 if options.enable_pointer_compression else 0 o['variables']['v8_enable_sandbox'] = 1 if options.enable_pointer_compression else 0 o['variables']['v8_enable_31bit_smis_on_64bit_arch'] = 1 if options.enable_pointer_compression else 0 o['variables']['v8_enable_shared_ro_heap'] = 0 if options.enable_pointer_compression or options.disable_shared_ro_heap else 1 o['variables']['v8_enable_extensible_ro_snapshot'] = 0 o['variables']['v8_trace_maps'] = 1 if options.trace_maps else 0 o['variables']['node_use_v8_platform'] = b(not options.without_v8_platform) o['variables']['node_use_bundled_v8'] = b(not options.without_bundled_v8) o['variables']['force_dynamic_crt'] = 1 if options.shared else 0 o['variables']['node_enable_d8'] = b(options.enable_d8) if options.enable_d8: o['variables']['test_isolation_mode'] = 'noop' # Needed by d8.gyp. if options.without_bundled_v8 and options.enable_d8: raise Exception('--enable-d8 is incompatible with --without-bundled-v8.') if options.static_zoslib_gyp: o['variables']['static_zoslib_gyp'] = options.static_zoslib_gyp if flavor != 'linux' and options.v8_enable_hugepage: raise Exception('--v8-enable-hugepage is supported only on linux.') o['variables']['v8_enable_hugepage'] = 1 if options.v8_enable_hugepage else 0 if options.v8_enable_short_builtin_calls or o['variables']['target_arch'] == 'x64': o['variables']['v8_enable_short_builtin_calls'] = 1 if options.v8_enable_snapshot_compression: o['variables']['v8_enable_snapshot_compression'] = 1 if all(opt in sys.argv for opt in ['--v8-enable-object-print', '--v8-disable-object-print']): raise Exception( 'Only one of the --v8-enable-object-print or --v8-disable-object-print options ' 'can be specified at a time.') def configure_openssl(o): variables = o['variables'] variables['node_use_openssl'] = b(not options.without_ssl) variables['node_shared_openssl'] = b(options.shared_openssl) variables['node_shared_ngtcp2'] = b(options.shared_ngtcp2) variables['node_shared_nghttp3'] = b(options.shared_nghttp3) variables['openssl_is_fips'] = b(options.openssl_is_fips) variables['node_fipsinstall'] = b(False) if options.openssl_no_asm: variables['openssl_no_asm'] = 1 o['defines'] += ['NODE_OPENSSL_CONF_NAME=' + options.openssl_conf_name] if options.without_ssl: def without_ssl_error(option): error(f'--without-ssl is incompatible with {option}') if options.shared_openssl: without_ssl_error('--shared-openssl') if options.openssl_no_asm: without_ssl_error('--openssl-no-asm') if options.openssl_is_fips: without_ssl_error('--openssl-is-fips') if options.openssl_default_cipher_list: without_ssl_error('--openssl-default-cipher-list') return if options.use_openssl_ca_store: o['defines'] += ['NODE_OPENSSL_CERT_STORE'] if options.openssl_system_ca_path: variables['openssl_system_ca_path'] = options.openssl_system_ca_path variables['node_without_node_options'] = b(options.without_node_options) if options.without_node_options: o['defines'] += ['NODE_WITHOUT_NODE_OPTIONS'] if options.openssl_default_cipher_list: variables['openssl_default_cipher_list'] = \ options.openssl_default_cipher_list if not options.shared_openssl and not options.openssl_no_asm: is_x86 = 'x64' in variables['target_arch'] or 'ia32' in variables['target_arch'] # supported asm compiler for AVX2. See # blob/OpenSSL_1_1_0-stable/crypto/modes/asm/ openssl110_asm_supported = \ ('gas_version' in variables and Version(variables['gas_version']) >= Version('2.23')) or \ ('xcode_version' in variables and Version(variables['xcode_version']) >= Version('5.0')) or \ ('llvm_version' in variables and Version(variables['llvm_version']) >= Version('3.3')) or \ ('nasm_version' in variables and Version(variables['nasm_version']) >= Version('2.10')) if is_x86 and not openssl110_asm_supported: error('''Did not find a new enough assembler, install one or build with --openssl-no-asm. Please refer to''') elif options.openssl_no_asm: warn('''--openssl-no-asm will result in binaries that do not take advantage of modern CPU cryptographic instructions and will therefore be slower. Please refer to''') if options.openssl_no_asm and options.shared_openssl: error('--openssl-no-asm is incompatible with --shared-openssl') if options.openssl_is_fips: o['defines'] += ['OPENSSL_FIPS'] if options.openssl_is_fips and not options.shared_openssl: variables['node_fipsinstall'] = b(True) if options.shared_openssl: has_quic = getsharedopensslhasquic.get_has_quic(options.__dict__['shared_openssl_includes']) else: has_quic = getsharedopensslhasquic.get_has_quic('deps/openssl/openssl/include') variables['openssl_quic'] = b(has_quic) if has_quic: o['defines'] += ['NODE_OPENSSL_HAS_QUIC'] configure_library('openssl', o) def configure_static(o): if options.fully_static or options.partly_static: if flavor == 'mac': warn("Generation of static executable will not work on macOS " "when using the default compilation environment") return if options.fully_static: o['libraries'] += ['-static'] elif options.partly_static: o['libraries'] += ['-static-libgcc', '-static-libstdc++'] if options.enable_asan: o['libraries'] += ['-static-libasan'] def write(filename, data): print_verbose(f'creating {filename}') with Path(filename).open(mode='w+', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(data) do_not_edit = '# Do not edit. Generated by the configure script.\n' def glob_to_var(dir_base, dir_sub, patch_dir): file_list = [] dir_all = f'{dir_base}/{dir_sub}' files = os.walk(dir_all) for ent in files: (_, _1, files) = ent for file in files: if file.endswith(('.cpp', '.c', '.h')): # srcfile uses "slash" as dir separator as its output is consumed by gyp srcfile = f'{dir_sub}/{file}' if patch_dir: patchfile = Path(dir_base, patch_dir, file) if patchfile.is_file(): srcfile = f'{patch_dir}/{file}' info(f'Using floating patch "{patchfile}" from "{dir_base}"') file_list.append(srcfile) break return file_list def configure_intl(o): def icu_download(path): depFile = tools_path / 'icu' / 'current_ver.dep' icus = json.loads(depFile.read_text(encoding='utf-8')) # download ICU, if needed if not os.access(options.download_path, os.W_OK): error('''Cannot write to desired download path. Either create it or verify permissions.''') attemptdownload = nodedownload.candownload(auto_downloads, "icu") for icu in icus: url = icu['url'] (expectHash, hashAlgo, allAlgos) = nodedownload.findHash(icu) if not expectHash: error(f'''Could not find a hash to verify ICU download. {depFile} may be incorrect. For the entry {url}, Expected one of these keys: {' '.join(allAlgos)}''') local = url.split('/')[-1] targetfile = Path(options.download_path, local) if not targetfile.is_file(): if attemptdownload: nodedownload.retrievefile(url, targetfile) else: print(f'Re-using existing {targetfile}') if targetfile.is_file(): print(f'Checking file integrity with {hashAlgo}:\r') gotHash = nodedownload.checkHash(targetfile, hashAlgo) print(f'{hashAlgo}: {gotHash} {targetfile}') if expectHash == gotHash: return targetfile warn(f'Expected: {expectHash} *MISMATCH*') warn(f'\n ** Corrupted ZIP? Delete {targetfile} to retry download.\n') return None icu_config = { 'variables': {} } icu_config_name = 'icu_config.gypi' # write an empty file to start with write(icu_config_name, do_not_edit + pprint.pformat(icu_config, indent=2, width=1024) + '\n') # always set icu_small, node.gyp depends on it being defined. o['variables']['icu_small'] = b(False) # prevent data override o['defines'] += ['ICU_NO_USER_DATA_OVERRIDE'] with_intl = options.with_intl with_icu_source = options.with_icu_source have_icu_path = bool(options.with_icu_path) if have_icu_path and with_intl != 'none': error('Cannot specify both --with-icu-path and --with-intl') elif have_icu_path: # Chromium .gyp mode: --with-icu-path o['variables']['v8_enable_i18n_support'] = 1 # use the .gyp given o['variables']['icu_gyp_path'] = options.with_icu_path return # --with-intl= # set the default if with_intl in (None, 'none'): o['variables']['v8_enable_i18n_support'] = 0 return # no Intl if with_intl == 'small-icu': # small ICU (English only) o['variables']['v8_enable_i18n_support'] = 1 o['variables']['icu_small'] = b(True) locs = set(options.with_icu_locales.split(',')) locs.add('root') # must have root o['variables']['icu_locales'] = ','.join(str(loc) for loc in sorted(locs)) # We will check a bit later if we can use the canned deps/icu-small o['variables']['icu_default_data'] = options.with_icu_default_data_dir or '' elif with_intl == 'full-icu': # full ICU o['variables']['v8_enable_i18n_support'] = 1 elif with_intl == 'system-icu': # ICU from pkg-config. o['variables']['v8_enable_i18n_support'] = 1 pkgicu = pkg_config(['icu-i18n', 'icu-uc']) if not pkgicu[0]: error('''Could not load pkg-config data for "icu-i18n". See above errors or the''') (libs, cflags, libpath, icuversion) = pkgicu icu_ver_major = icuversion.split('.')[0] o['variables']['icu_ver_major'] = icu_ver_major if int(icu_ver_major) < icu_versions['minimum_icu']: error(f"icu4c v{icuversion} is too old, v{icu_versions['minimum_icu']}.x or later is required.") # libpath provides linker path which may contain spaces if libpath: o['libraries'] += [libpath] # safe to split, cannot contain spaces o['libraries'] += libs.split() if cflags: stripped_flags = [flag.strip() for flag in cflags.split('-I')] o['include_dirs'] += [flag for flag in stripped_flags if flag] # use the "system" .gyp o['variables']['icu_gyp_path'] = 'tools/icu/icu-system.gyp' return # this is just the 'deps' dir. Used for unpacking. icu_parent_path = 'deps' # The full path to the ICU source directory. Should not include './'. icu_deps_path = 'deps/icu' icu_full_path = icu_deps_path # icu-tmp is used to download and unpack the ICU tarball. icu_tmp_path = Path(icu_parent_path, 'icu-tmp') # canned ICU. see tools/icu/ to update. canned_icu_dir = 'deps/icu-small' # use the README to verify what the canned ICU is canned_icu_path = Path(canned_icu_dir) canned_is_full = (canned_icu_path / 'README-FULL-ICU.txt').is_file() canned_is_small = (canned_icu_path / 'README-SMALL-ICU.txt').is_file() if canned_is_small: warn(f'Ignoring {canned_icu_dir} - in-repo small icu is no longer supported.') # We can use 'deps/icu-small' - pre-canned ICU *iff* # - canned_is_full AND # - with_icu_source is unset (i.e. no other ICU was specified) # # This is *roughly* equivalent to # $ configure --with-intl=full-icu --with-icu-source=deps/icu-small # .. Except that we avoid copying icu-small over to deps/icu. # In this default case, deps/icu is ignored, although make clean will # still harmlessly remove deps/icu. if (not with_icu_source) and canned_is_full: # OK- we can use the canned ICU. icu_full_path = canned_icu_dir icu_config['variables']['icu_full_canned'] = 1 # --with-icu-source processing # now, check that they didn't pass --with-icu-source=deps/icu elif with_icu_source and Path(icu_full_path).resolve() == Path(with_icu_source).resolve(): warn(f'Ignoring redundant --with-icu-source={with_icu_source}') with_icu_source = None # if with_icu_source is still set, try to use it. if with_icu_source: if Path(icu_full_path).is_dir(): print(f'Deleting old ICU source: {icu_full_path}') shutil.rmtree(icu_full_path) # now, what path was given? if Path(with_icu_source).is_dir(): # it's a path. Copy it. print(f'{with_icu_source} -> {icu_full_path}') shutil.copytree(with_icu_source, icu_full_path) else: # could be file or URL. # Set up temporary area if Path(icu_tmp_path).is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(icu_tmp_path) icu_tmp_path.mkdir() icu_tarball = None if Path(with_icu_source).is_file(): # it's a file. Try to unpack it. icu_tarball = with_icu_source else: # Can we download it? local = icu_tmp_path / with_icu_source.split('/')[-1] # local part icu_tarball = nodedownload.retrievefile(with_icu_source, local) # continue with "icu_tarball" nodedownload.unpack(icu_tarball, icu_tmp_path) # Did it unpack correctly? Should contain 'icu' tmp_icu = icu_tmp_path / 'icu' if tmp_icu.is_dir(): tmp_icu.rename(icu_full_path) shutil.rmtree(icu_tmp_path) else: shutil.rmtree(icu_tmp_path) error(f'--with-icu-source={with_icu_source} did not result in an "icu" dir.') # ICU mode. (icu-generic.gyp) o['variables']['icu_gyp_path'] = 'tools/icu/icu-generic.gyp' # ICU source dir relative to tools/icu (for .gyp file) o['variables']['icu_path'] = icu_full_path if not Path(icu_full_path).is_dir(): # can we download (or find) a zipfile? localzip = icu_download(icu_full_path) if localzip: nodedownload.unpack(localzip, icu_parent_path) else: warn(f"* ECMA-402 (Intl) support didn't find ICU in {icu_full_path}..") if not Path(icu_full_path).is_dir(): error(f'''Cannot build Intl without ICU in {icu_full_path}. Fix, or disable with "--with-intl=none"''') else: print_verbose(f'* Using ICU in {icu_full_path}') # Now, what version of ICU is it? We just need the "major", such as 54. # uvernum.h contains it as a #define. uvernum_h = Path(icu_full_path, 'source', 'common', 'unicode', 'uvernum.h') if not uvernum_h.is_file(): error(f'Could not load {uvernum_h} - is ICU installed?') icu_ver_major = None matchVerExp = r'^\s*#define\s+U_ICU_VERSION_SHORT\s+"([^"]*)".*' match_version = re.compile(matchVerExp) with, encoding='utf8') as in_file: for line in in_file: m = match_version.match(line) if m: icu_ver_major = str( if not icu_ver_major: error(f'Could not read U_ICU_VERSION_SHORT version from {uvernum_h}') elif int(icu_ver_major) < icu_versions['minimum_icu']: error(f"icu4c v{icu_ver_major}.x is too old, v{icu_versions['minimum_icu']}.x or later is required.") icu_endianness = sys.byteorder[0] o['variables']['icu_ver_major'] = icu_ver_major o['variables']['icu_endianness'] = icu_endianness icu_data_file_l = f'icudt{icu_ver_major}l.dat' # LE filename icu_data_file = f'icudt{icu_ver_major}{icu_endianness}.dat' # relative to configure icu_data_path = Path(icu_full_path, 'source', 'data', 'in', icu_data_file_l) # LE compressed_data = f'{icu_data_path}.bz2' if not icu_data_path.is_file() and Path(compressed_data).is_file(): # unpack. deps/icu is a temporary path if icu_tmp_path.is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(icu_tmp_path) icu_tmp_path.mkdir() icu_data_path = icu_tmp_path / icu_data_file_l with'wb') as outf: inf = bz2.BZ2File(compressed_data, 'rb') try: shutil.copyfileobj(inf, outf) finally: inf.close() # Now, proceed.. # relative to dep.. icu_data_in = Path('..', '..', icu_data_path) if not icu_data_path.is_file() and icu_endianness != 'l': # use host endianness icu_data_path = Path(icu_full_path, 'source', 'data', 'in', icu_data_file) # will be generated if not icu_data_path.is_file(): # .. and we're not about to build it from .gyp! error(f'''ICU prebuilt data file {icu_data_path} does not exist. See the''') # this is the input '.dat' file to use .. icudt*.dat # may be little-endian if from a tarball o['variables']['icu_data_in'] = str(icu_data_in) # map from variable name to subdirs icu_src = { 'stubdata': 'stubdata', 'common': 'common', 'i18n': 'i18n', 'tools': 'tools/toolutil', 'genccode': 'tools/genccode', 'genrb': 'tools/genrb', 'icupkg': 'tools/icupkg', } # this creates a variable icu_src_XXX for each of the subdirs # with a list of the src files to use for key, value in icu_src.items(): var = f'icu_src_{key}' path = f'../../{icu_full_path}/source/{value}' icu_config['variables'][var] = glob_to_var('tools/icu', path, f'patches/{icu_ver_major}/source/{value}') # calculate platform-specific genccode args # print("platform %s, flavor %s" % (sys.platform, flavor)) # if sys.platform == 'darwin': # shlib_suffix = '%s.dylib' # elif sys.platform.startswith('aix'): # shlib_suffix = '%s.a' # else: # shlib_suffix = 'so.%s' if flavor == 'win': icu_config['variables']['icu_asm_ext'] = 'obj' icu_config['variables']['icu_asm_opts'] = [ '-o ' ] elif with_intl == 'small-icu' or options.cross_compiling: icu_config['variables']['icu_asm_ext'] = 'c' icu_config['variables']['icu_asm_opts'] = [] elif flavor == 'mac': icu_config['variables']['icu_asm_ext'] = 'S' icu_config['variables']['icu_asm_opts'] = [ '-a', 'gcc-darwin' ] elif sys.platform == 'os400': icu_config['variables']['icu_asm_ext'] = 'S' icu_config['variables']['icu_asm_opts'] = [ '-a', 'xlc' ] elif sys.platform.startswith('aix'): icu_config['variables']['icu_asm_ext'] = 'S' icu_config['variables']['icu_asm_opts'] = [ '-a', 'xlc' ] elif sys.platform == 'zos': icu_config['variables']['icu_asm_ext'] = 'S' icu_config['variables']['icu_asm_opts'] = [ '-a', 'zos' ] else: # assume GCC-compatible asm is OK icu_config['variables']['icu_asm_ext'] = 'S' icu_config['variables']['icu_asm_opts'] = [ '-a', 'gcc' ] # write updated icu_config.gypi with a bunch of paths write(icu_config_name, do_not_edit + pprint.pformat(icu_config, indent=2, width=1024) + '\n') return # end of configure_intl def configure_inspector(o): disable_inspector = (options.without_inspector or options.without_ssl) o['variables']['v8_enable_inspector'] = 0 if disable_inspector else 1 def configure_section_file(o): try: proc = subprocess.Popen([''] + ['-v'], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: if options.node_section_ordering_info != "": warn('''No acceptable linker found!''') return 0 with proc: match = re.match(r"^GNU gold.*([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$", proc.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8")) if match: gold_major_version = gold_minor_version = if int(gold_major_version) == 1 and int(gold_minor_version) <= 1: error('''GNU gold version must be greater than 1.2 in order to use section reordering''') if options.node_section_ordering_info != "": o['variables']['node_section_ordering_info'] = os.path.realpath( str(options.node_section_ordering_info)) else: o['variables']['node_section_ordering_info'] = "" def make_bin_override(): if sys.platform == 'win32': raise Exception('make_bin_override should not be called on win32.') # If the system python is not the python we are running (which should be # python 3.8+), then create a directory with a symlink called `python` to our # sys.executable. This directory will be prefixed to the PATH, so that # other tools that shell out to `python` will use the appropriate python which_python = shutil.which('python') if (which_python and os.path.realpath(which_python) == os.path.realpath(sys.executable)): return bin_override = Path('out', 'tools', 'bin').resolve() try: bin_override.mkdir(parents=True) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise e python_link = bin_override / 'python' try: python_link.unlink() except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise e os.symlink(sys.executable, python_link) # We need to set the environment right now so that when gyp (in run_gyp) # shells out, it finds the right python (specifically at # os.environ['PATH'] = str(bin_override) + ':' + os.environ['PATH'] return bin_override output = { 'variables': {}, 'include_dirs': [], 'libraries': [], 'defines': [], 'cflags': [], } configurations = { 'Release': { 'variables': {} }, 'Debug': { 'variables': {} }, } # Print a warning when the compiler is too old. check_compiler(output) # determine the "flavor" (operating system) we're building for, # leveraging gyp's GetFlavor function flavor_params = {} if options.dest_os: flavor_params['flavor'] = options.dest_os flavor = GetFlavor(flavor_params) configure_node(output) configure_node_lib_files(output) configure_napi(output) configure_library('zlib', output) configure_library('http_parser', output) configure_library('libuv', output) configure_library('ada', output) configure_library('simdjson', output) configure_library('simdutf', output) configure_library('brotli', output, pkgname=['libbrotlidec', 'libbrotlienc']) configure_library('cares', output, pkgname='libcares') configure_library('nghttp2', output, pkgname='libnghttp2') configure_library('nghttp3', output, pkgname='libnghttp3') configure_library('ngtcp2', output, pkgname='libngtcp2') configure_library('sqlite', output, pkgname='sqlite3') configure_library('uvwasi', output, pkgname='libuvwasi') configure_v8(output, configurations) configure_openssl(output) configure_intl(output) configure_static(output) configure_inspector(output) configure_section_file(output) # remove builtins that have been disabled if options.without_amaro: del shareable_builtins['amaro/dist/index'] # configure shareable builtins output['variables']['node_builtin_shareable_builtins'] = [] for builtin, value in shareable_builtins.items(): builtin_id = 'node_shared_builtin_' + builtin.replace('/', '_') + '_path' if getattr(options, builtin_id): output['defines'] += [builtin_id.upper() + '=' + getattr(options, builtin_id)] else: output['variables']['node_builtin_shareable_builtins'] += [value] # Forward OSS-Fuzz settings output['variables']['ossfuzz'] = b(options.ossfuzz) # variables should be a root level element, # move everything else to target_defaults variables = output['variables'] del output['variables'] # make_global_settings should be a root level element too if 'make_global_settings' in output: make_global_settings = output['make_global_settings'] del output['make_global_settings'] else: make_global_settings = False # Add configurations to target defaults output['configurations'] = configurations output = { 'variables': variables, 'target_defaults': output, } if make_global_settings: output['make_global_settings'] = make_global_settings print_verbose(output) write('config.gypi', do_not_edit + pprint.pformat(output, indent=2, width=128) + '\n') write('config.status', '#!/bin/sh\nset -x\nexec ./configure ' + ' '.join([shlex.quote(arg) for arg in original_argv]) + '\n') Path('config.status').chmod(0o775) config = { 'BUILDTYPE': 'Debug' if options.debug else 'Release', 'NODE_TARGET_TYPE': variables['node_target_type'], } # Not needed for trivial case. Useless when it's a win32 path. if sys.executable != 'python' and ':\\' not in sys.executable: config['PYTHON'] = sys.executable if options.prefix: config['PREFIX'] = options.prefix if options.use_ninja: config['BUILD_WITH'] = 'ninja' # On Windows there is another find.exe in C:\Windows\System32 if sys.platform == 'win32': config['FIND'] = '/usr/bin/find' config_lines = ['='.join((k,v)) for k,v in config.items()] # Add a blank string to get a blank line at the end. config_lines += [''] config_str = '\n'.join(config_lines) # On Windows there's no reason to search for a different python binary. bin_override = None if sys.platform == 'win32' else make_bin_override() if bin_override: config_str = 'export PATH:=' + str(bin_override) + ':$(PATH)\n' + config_str write('', do_not_edit + config_str) gyp_args = ['--no-parallel', '-Dconfiguring_node=1'] gyp_args += ['-Dbuild_type=' + config['BUILDTYPE']] # Remove the trailing .exe from the executable name, otherwise the python.exe # would be rewrote as python_host.exe due to hack in GYP for supporting cross # compilation on Windows. # See for related change. python = sys.executable if flavor == 'win' and python.lower().endswith('.exe'): python = python[:-4] # Always set 'python' variable, otherwise environments that only have python3 # will fail to run python scripts. gyp_args += ['-Dpython=' + python] if options.use_ninja: gyp_args += ['-f', 'ninja-' + flavor] elif flavor == 'win' and sys.platform != 'msys': gyp_args += ['-f', 'msvs', '-G', 'msvs_version=auto'] else: gyp_args += ['-f', 'make-' + flavor] if options.compile_commands_json: gyp_args += ['-f', 'compile_commands_json'] if sys.platform != 'win32': os.path.lexists('./compile_commands.json') and os.unlink('./compile_commands.json') os.symlink('./out/' + config['BUILDTYPE'] + '/compile_commands.json', './compile_commands.json') # pass the leftover non-whitespace positional arguments to GYP gyp_args += [arg for arg in args if not str.isspace(arg)] if warn.warned and not options.verbose: warn('warnings were emitted in the configure phase') print_verbose("running: \n " + " ".join(['python', 'tools/'] + gyp_args)) run_gyp(gyp_args) if options.compile_commands_json and sys.platform == 'win32': os.path.isfile('./compile_commands.json') and os.unlink('./compile_commands.json') shutil.copy2('./out/' + config['BUILDTYPE'] + '/compile_commands.json', './compile_commands.json') info('configure completed successfully')