* Assert
* Calling `assert.fail()` with more than one argument is deprecated. #70dcacd710
* Calling `assert.ok()` with no arguments will now throw. #3cd7977a42
* Calling `assert.ifError()` will now throw with any argument other than `undefined` or `null`. Previously the method would throw with any truthy value. #e65a6e81ef
* The `assert.rejects()` and `assert.doesNotReject()` methods have been added for working with async functions. #599337f43e
* Async_hooks
* Older experimental async_hooks APIs have been removed. #1cc6b993b9
* Buffer
* Uses of `new Buffer()` and `Buffer()` outside of the `node_modules` directory will now emit a runtime deprecation warning. #9d4ab90117
* `Buffer.isEncoding()` now returns `undefined` for falsy values, including an empty string. #452eed956e
* `Buffer.fill()` will throw if an attempt is made to fill with an empty `Buffer`. #1e802539b2
* Child Process
* Undefined properties of env are ignored. #38ee25e2e2, #85739b6c5b
* Console
* The `console.table()` method has been added. #97ace04492
* Crypto
* The `crypto.createCipher()` and `crypto.createDecipher()` methods have been deprecated. Please use `crypto.createCipheriv()` and `crypto.createDecipheriv()` instead. #81f88e30dd
* The `decipher.finaltol()` method has been deprecated. #19f3927d92
* The `crypto.DEFAULT_ENCODING` property has been deprecated. #6035beea93
* The `ECDH.convertKey()` method has been added. #f2e02883e7
* The `crypto.fips` property has been deprecated. #6e7992e8b8
* Dependencies
* V8 has been updated to 6.6. #9daebb48d6
* OpenSSL has been updated to 1.1.0h. #66cb29e646
* EventEmitter
* The `EventEmitter.prototype.off()` method has been added as an alias for `EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener()`. #3bb6f07d52
* File System
* The `fs.promises` API provides experimental promisified versions of the `fs` functions. #329fc78e49
* Invalid path errors are now thrown synchronously. #d8f73385e2
* The `fs.readFile()` method now partitions reads to avoid thread pool exhaustion. #67a4ce1c6e
* Processing of HTTP Status codes `100`, `102-199` has been improved. #baf8495078
* Multi-byte characters in URL paths are now forbidden. #b961d9fd83
* The n-api is no longer experimental. #cd7d7b15c1
* Net
* The `'close'` event will be emitted after `'end'`. #9b7a6914a7
* Perf_hooks
* The `PerformanceObserver` class is now an `AsyncResource` and can be monitored using `async_hooks`. #009e41826f
* Trace events are now emitted for performance events. #9e509b622b
* The `performance` API has been simplified. #2ec6995555
* Performance milestone marks will be emitted as trace events. #96cb4fb795
* Process
* Using non-string values for `process.env` is deprecated. #5826fe4e79
* The `process.assert()` method is deprecated. #703e37cf3f
* REPL now experimentally supports top-level await when using the `--experimental-repl-await` flag. #eeab7bc068
* The previously deprecated "magic mode" has been removed. #4893f70d12
* The previously deprecated `NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE` environment variable has been removed. #60c9ad7979
* Proxy objects are shown as Proxy objects when inspected. #90a43906ab
* Streams
* The `'readable'` event is now always deferred with nextTick. #1e0f3315c7
* A new `pipeline()` method has been provided for building end-to-data stream pipelines. #a5cf3feaf1
* Experimental support for async for-await has been added to `stream.Readable`. #61b4d60c5d
* Timers
* The `enroll()` and `unenroll()` methods have been deprecated. #68783ae0b8
* The `tls.convertNONProtocols()` method has been deprecated. #9204a0db6e
* Support for NPN (next protocol negotiation) has been dropped. #5bfbe5ceae
* The `ecdhCurve` default is now `'auto'`. #af78840b19
* Trace Events
* A new `trace_events` top-level module allows trace event categories to be enabled/disabld at runtime. #da5d818a54
* The WHATWG URL API is now a global. #312414662b
* Util
* `util.types.is[…]` type checks have been added. #b20af8088a
* Support for bigint formatting has been added to `util.inspect()`. #39dc947409
* Older experimental APIs have been removed.
* **Errors**
* Improvements have been made to `buffer` module error messages.
* The assignment of static error codes to Node.js error continues:
* `buffer`
* `child_process`
* `console`
* `crypto`
* `dns`
* `events`
* `fs`
* `http`
* `inspector`
* `net`
* `path`
* `process`
* `querystring`
* `readline`
* `repl`
* `streams`
* `string_decoder`
* `timers`
* `tls`
* `url`
* `util`
* `v8`
* `zlib`
* **Child Processes**
* Errors are emitted on process nextTick.
* **Domains**
* The long-deprecated `.dispose()` method has been removed.
* **fs**
* The `fs.ReadStream` and `fs.WriteStream` classes now use `destroy()`.
* `fs` module callbacks are now invoked with an undefined context.
* **HTTP/1**
* A 400 Bad Request response will now be sent when parsing fails.
* Socket timeout will be set when the socket connects.
* A bug causing the request `'error'` event to fire twice was fixed.
* HTTP clients may now use generic `Duplex` streams in addition to `net.Socket`.
* **Intl**
* The deprecated `Intl.v8BreakIterator` has been removed.
* **Modules**
* The `require.resolve()` method now supports using custom lookup paths.
* **OS**
* The `os.EOL` property is now read-only.
* **Timers**
* `setTimeout()` will emit a warning if the timeout is larger that the maximum
32-bit unsigned integer.
Some commit links in the changelogs were pointing to incorrect/missing
PR-URL: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/8122
Reviewed-By: James M Snell <jasnell@gmail.com>
Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <cjihrig@gmail.com>
This removes the extra two spaces indentation which was somewhy present
in the iojs changelog from v1.8.1 to v3.3.1.
iojs changelog was the only file affected.
PR-URL: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/7727
Reviewed-By: Rich Trott <rtrott@gmail.com>
Reviewed-By: Michaël Zasso <mic.besace@gmail.com>
Reviewed-By: James M Snell <jasnell@gmail.com>
Some references to a few versions were broken, likely in part
due to the transition to a split changelog format.
PR-URL: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/6942
Reviewed-By: Myles Borins <myles.borins@gmail.com>
Reviewed-By: James M Snell <jasnell@gmail.com>
Reviewed-By: Roman Reiss <me@silverwind.io>
The changelog was getting rather huge and difficult
to manage. It also wasn't very useful in terms of
being able to quickly find specific Node.js versions,
or tracking the history for a single major release
This reorganizes the changelog by versions separated
out over multiple files. An index of the most recent
versions is provided in the main log.
PR-URL: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/6503
Reviewed-By: Myles Borins <myles.borins@gmail.com>
Reviewed-By: Robert Lindstaedt <robert.lindstaedt@gmail.com>
Reviewed-By: Rod Vagg <rod@vagg.org>
Reviewed-By: Jeremiah Senkpiel <fishrock123@rocketmail.com>