Run all the tests across a range of containers and on the host system:
npm run test
Run all the tests on a single system:
cd test
npx bats tests
docker-compose run ubuntu-curl bats /mnt/tests
Run single test on a single system::
cd test
npx bats tests/install-contents.bats
docker-compose run ubuntu-curl bats /mnt/tests/install-contents.bats
## Proxy
To speed up running tests multiple times, you can optionally run a caching proxy for the node downloads. The curl settings are modified
to allow an insecure connection through the mitm proxy.
cd test
# follow the instructions for configuring environment variables for using proxy, then run tests
`node` versions added to proxy cache (and used in tests):
* v4.9.1
* lts
* latest
## Docker Tips
Using `docker-compose` in addition to `docker` for convenient mounting of `n` script and the tests into the container. Changes to the tests or to `n` itself are reflected immediately without needing to rebuild the containers.
`bats` is being mounted directly out of `node_modules` into the container as a manual install based on its own install script. This is a bit of a hack, but avoids needing to install `git` or `npm` for a full remote install of `bats`, and means everything on the same version of `bats`.
The containers each have:
* either curl or wget (or both) installed
Using `docker-compose` to run the container adds:
* specified `n` script mounted to `/usr/local/bin/n`
*`test/tests` mounted to `/mnt/tests`
*`node_modules/bats` provides `/usr/local/bin/bats` et al
*`.curlrc` with `--insecure` to allow use of proxy