mirror of https://github.com/mongodb/mongo.git synced 2024-12-01 09:32:32 +01:00
Kristina Chodorow db3fe0df38 buildbot v8 fix
2010-11-02 18:11:43 -04:00

106 lines
4.2 KiB

t = db.jstests_or4;
// v8 does not have a builtin Array.sort
if (!Array.sort) {
Array.sort = function(arr) {
return arr.sort();
checkArrs = function( a, b ) {
m = "[" + a + "] != [" + b + "]";
a = eval( a );
b = eval( b );
assert.eq( a.length, b.length, m );
aStr = [];
bStr = [];
a.forEach( function( x ) { aStr.push( tojson( x ) ); } );
b.forEach( function( x ) { bStr.push( tojson( x ) ); } );
for ( i in aStr ) {
assert( -1 != bStr.indexOf( aStr[ i ] ), m );
t.ensureIndex( {a:1} );
t.ensureIndex( {b:1} );
t.save( {a:2} );
t.save( {b:3} );
t.save( {b:3} );
t.save( {a:2,b:3} );
assert.eq.automsg( "4", "t.count( {$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]} )" );
assert.eq.automsg( "2", "t.count( {$or:[{a:2},{a:2}]} )" );
assert.eq.automsg( "2", "t.find( {} ).skip( 2 ).count( true )" );
assert.eq.automsg( "2", "t.find( {$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]} ).skip( 2 ).count( true )" );
assert.eq.automsg( "1", "t.find( {$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]} ).skip( 3 ).count( true )" );
assert.eq.automsg( "2", "t.find( {} ).limit( 2 ).count( true )" );
assert.eq.automsg( "1", "t.find( {$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]} ).limit( 1 ).count( true )" );
assert.eq.automsg( "2", "t.find( {$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]} ).limit( 2 ).count( true )" );
assert.eq.automsg( "3", "t.find( {$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]} ).limit( 3 ).count( true )" );
assert.eq.automsg( "4", "t.find( {$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]} ).limit( 4 ).count( true )" );
t.remove({ $or: [{ a: 2 }, { b: 3}] });
assert.eq.automsg( "0", "t.count()" );
t.save( {b:3} );
t.remove({ $or: [{ a: 2 }, { b: 3}] });
assert.eq.automsg( "0", "t.count()" );
t.save( {a:2} );
t.save( {b:3} );
t.save( {a:2,b:3} );
t.update( {$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]}, {$set:{z:1}}, false, true );
assert.eq.automsg( "3", "t.count( {z:1} )" );
assert.eq.automsg( "3", "t.find( {$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]} ).toArray().length" );
checkArrs( "t.find().toArray()", "t.find( {$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]} ).toArray()" );
assert.eq.automsg( "2", "t.find( {$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]} ).skip(1).toArray().length" );
assert.eq.automsg( "3", "t.find( {$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]} ).batchSize( 2 ).toArray().length" );
t.save( {a:1} );
t.save( {b:4} );
t.save( {a:2} );
assert.eq.automsg( "4", "t.find( {$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]} ).batchSize( 2 ).toArray().length" );
assert.eq.automsg( "4", "t.find( {$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]} ).snapshot().toArray().length" );
t.save( {a:1,b:3} );
assert.eq.automsg( "4", "t.find( {$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]} ).batchSize(-4).toArray().length" );
assert.eq.automsg( "[1,2]", "Array.sort( t.distinct( 'a', {$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]} ) )" );
assert.eq.automsg( "[{a:2},{a:null},{a:1}]", "t.group( {key:{a:1}, cond:{$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]}, reduce:function( x, y ) { }, initial:{} } )" );
assert.eq.automsg( "5", "t.mapReduce( function() { emit( 'a', this.a ); }, function( key, vals ) { return vals.length; }, {query:{$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]}} ).counts.input" );
explain = t.find( {$or:[{a:2},{b:3}]} ).explain();
assert.eq.automsg( "2", "explain.clauses.length" );
assert.eq.automsg( "5", "explain.n" );
assert.eq.automsg( "6", "explain.nscanned" );
t.remove( {} );
t.save( {a:[1,2]} );
assert.eq.automsg( "1", "t.find( {$or:[{a:1},{a:2}]} ).toArray().length" );
assert.eq.automsg( "1", "t.count( {$or:[{a:1},{a:2}]} )" );
assert.eq.automsg( "1", "t.find( {$or:[{a:2},{a:1}]} ).toArray().length" );
assert.eq.automsg( "1", "t.count( {$or:[{a:2},{a:1}]} )" );
assert.eq.automsg( "'BtreeCursor b_1'", "t.find( {$or:[{a:1}]} ).sort( {b:1} ).explain().cursor" );
assert.eq.automsg( "'BtreeCursor b_1'", "t.find( {$or:[{}]} ).sort( {b:1} ).explain().cursor" );
assert.eq.automsg( "'BtreeCursor b_1'", "t.find( {$or:[{a:1},{a:3}]} ).sort( {b:1} ).explain().cursor" );
assert.eq.automsg( "'BtreeCursor b_1'", "t.find( {$or:[{a:1},{b:3}]} ).sort( {b:1} ).explain().cursor" );
assert.eq.automsg( "'BtreeCursor b_1'", "t.find( {$or:[{b:1}]} ).sort( {b:1} ).explain().cursor" );
assert.eq.automsg( "1", "t.find( {$or:[{b:1}]} ).sort( {b:1} ).explain().indexBounds.b[ 0 ][ 0 ].$minElement" );
assert.eq.automsg( "'BtreeCursor b_1'", "t.find( {$or:[{a:1}]} ).hint( {b:1} ).explain().cursor" );
assert.eq.automsg( "'BtreeCursor b_1'", "t.find( {$or:[{}]} ).hint( {b:1} ).explain().cursor" );
assert.eq.automsg( "1", "t.find( {$or:[{b:1}]} ).hint( {b:1} ).explain().indexBounds.b[ 0 ][ 0 ]" );