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// Grid infrastructure: Servers, ReplicaSets, ConfigSets, Shards, Routers (mongos). Convenient objects and functions on top of those in shell/servers.js -Tony
// New servers and routers take and increment port number from this.
// A comment containing FreshPorts monad implies reading and incrementing this, IO may also read/increment this.
var nextPort = 31000
/*** Server is the spec of a mongod, ie. all its command line options.
To start a server call 'begin' ***/
// new Server :: String -> FreshPorts Server
function Server (name) {
this.dbpath = '/data/db/' + name + nextPort
this.port = nextPort++
this.noprealloc = ''
this.smallfiles = ''
this.rest = ''
this.oplogSize = 8
Server.prototype.addr = ''
// Server -> String <addr:port>
Server.prototype.host = function() {
return this.addr + ':' + this.port
// Start a new server with this spec and return connection to it
// Server -> IO Connection
Server.prototype.begin = function() {
return startMongodEmpty(this)
// Stop server and remove db directory
// Server -> IO ()
Server.prototype.end = function() {
print('Stopping mongod on port ' + this.port)
stopMongod (this.port)
resetDbpath (this.dbpath)
// Cut server from network so it is unreachable (but still alive)
// Requires sudo access and ipfw program (Mac OS X and BSD Unix). TODO: use iptables on Linux.
function cutServer (conn) {
var addrport = parseHost (conn.host)
cutNetwork (addrport.port)
// Ensure server is connected to network (undo cutServer)
// Requires sudo access and ipfw program (Mac OS X and BSD Unix). TODO: use iptables on Linux.
function uncutServer (conn) {
var iport = parseHost (conn.host)
restoreNetwork (iport.port)
// Kill server process at other end of this connection
function killServer (conn, _signal) {
var signal = _signal || 15
var iport = parseHost (conn.host)
stopMongod (iport.port, signal)
/*** ReplicaSet is the spec of a replica set, ie. options given to ReplicaSetTest.
To start a replica set call 'begin' ***/
// new ReplicaSet :: String -> Int -> FreshPorts ReplicaSet
function ReplicaSet (name, numServers) {
this.name = name
this.host = ''
this.nodes = numServers
this.startPort = nextPort
this.oplogSize = 40
nextPort += numServers
// Start a replica set with this spec and return ReplSetTest, which hold connections to the servers including the master server. Call ReplicaSetTest.stopSet() to end all servers
// ReplicaSet -> IO ReplicaSetTest
ReplicaSet.prototype.begin = function() {
var rs = new ReplSetTest(this)
return rs
// Create a new server and add it to replica set
// ReplicaSetTest -> IO Connection
ReplSetTest.prototype.addServer = function() {
var conn = this.add()
assert.soon(function() {
var doc = conn.getDB('admin').isMaster()
return doc['ismaster'] || doc['secondary']
return conn
/*** ConfigSet is a set of specs (Servers) for sharding config servers.
Supply either the servers or the number of servers desired.
To start the config servers call 'begin' ***/
// new ConfigSet :: [Server] or Int -> FreshPorts ConfigSet
function ConfigSet (configSvrsOrNumSvrs) {
if (typeof configSvrsOrNumSvrs == 'number') {
this.configSvrs = []
for (var i = 0; i < configSvrsOrNumSvrs; i++)
this.configSvrs.push (new Server ('config'))
} else
this.configSvrs = configSvrs
// Start config servers, return list of connections to them
// ConfigSet -> IO [Connection]
ConfigSet.prototype.begin = function() {
return map (function(s) {return s.begin()}, this.configSvrs)
// Stop config servers
// ConfigSet -> IO ()
ConfigSet.prototype.end = function() {
return map (function(s) {return s.end()}, this.configSvrs)
/*** Router is the spec for a mongos, ie, its command line options.
To start a router (mongos) call 'begin' ***/
// new Router :: ConfigSet -> FreshPorts Router
function Router (configSet) {
this.port = nextPort++
this.v = 0
this.configdb = map (function(s) {return s.host()}, configSet.configSvrs) .join(',')
this.chunkSize = 1
// Start router (mongos) with this spec and return connection to it
// Router -> IO Connection
Router.prototype.begin = function() {
return startMongos (this)
// Stop router
// Router -> IO ()
Router.prototype.end = function() {
return stopMongoProgram (this.port)
// Add shard to config via router (mongos) connection. Shard is either a replSet name (replSet.getURL()) or single server (server.host)
// Connection -> String -> IO ()
function addShard (routerConn, repSetOrHostName) {
var ack = routerConn.getDB('admin').runCommand ({addshard: repSetOrHostName})
assert (ack['ok'], tojson(ack))
// Connection -> String -> IO ()
function enableSharding (routerConn, dbName) {
var ack = routerConn.getDB('admin').runCommand ({enablesharding: dbName})
assert (ack['ok'], tojson(ack))
// Connection -> String -> String -> String -> IO ()
function shardCollection (routerConn, dbName, collName, shardKey) {
var ack = routerConn.getDB('admin').runCommand ({shardcollection: dbName + '.' + collName, key: shardKey})
assert (ack['ok'], tojson(ack))
// Move db from its current primary shard to given shard. Shard is either a replSet name (replSet.getURL()) or single server (server.host)
// Connection -> String -> String -> IO ()
function moveDB (routerConn, dbname, repSetOrHostName) {
var ack = routerConn.getDB('admin').runCommand ({moveprimary: dbname, to: repSetOrHostName})
assert (ack['ok'], tojson(ack))