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2007-11-18 14:05:28 -05:00

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// protoimpl.h
#pragma once
#include "message.h"
using namespace boost;
typedef boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock;
extern boost::mutex coutmutex;
const int FragMax = 1480;
const int FragHeader = 10;
const int MSS = FragMax - FragHeader;
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
struct Fragment {
enum { MinFragmentLen = FragHeader + 1 };
MSGID msgId;
short channel;
short fragmentLen;
short fragmentNo;
char data[16];
int fragmentDataLen() { return fragmentLen - FragHeader; }
char* fragmentData() { return data; }
bool ok(int nRead) {
if( nRead < MinFragmentLen || fragmentLen > nRead || fragmentLen < MinFragmentLen ) {
ptrace( cout << ".recv: fragment bad. fragmentLen:" << fragmentLen << " nRead:" << nRead << endl; )
return false;
if( fragmentNo == 0 && fragmentLen < MinFragmentLen + MsgDataHeaderSize ) {
ptrace( cout << ".recv: bad first fragment. fragmentLen:" << fragmentLen << endl; )
return false;
return true;
MsgData* startOfMsgData() { assert(fragmentNo == 0); return (MsgData *) data; }
#pragma pack(pop)
const bool dumpIP = false;
inline void DUMP(Fragment& f, SockAddr& t, const char *tabs) {
cout << tabs << curTimeMillis() % 10000 << ' ';
short s = f.fragmentNo;
if( s == -32768 )
cout << "ACK M:" << f.msgId % 1000;
else if( s == -32767 )
cout << "MISSING";
else if( s == -32766 )
cout << "RESET ch:" << f.channel;
else if( s < 0 )
cout << "REQUESTACK";
cout << '#' << s << ' ' << f.fragmentLen << " M:" << f.msgId % 1000;
cout << ' ';
if( dumpIP )
cout << t.toString();
inline void DUMPDATA(Fragment& f, const char *tabs) {
if( f.fragmentNo >= 0 ) {
cout << '\n' << tabs;
int x = f.fragmentDataLen();
if( x > 28 ) x = 28;
for( int i = 0; i < x; i++ ) {
if( f.data[i] == 0 ) cout << (char) 254;
else cout << (f.data[i] >= 32 ? f.data[i] : '.');
cout << endl;
inline void SEND(UDPConnection& c, Fragment &f, SockAddr& to, const char *extra="") {
lock lk(coutmutex);
DUMP(f, to, "\t\t\t\t\t>");
c.sendto((char *) &f, f.fragmentLen, to);
cout << extra;
DUMPDATA(f, "\t\t\t\t\t ");
// sender ->
inline void __sendFrag(ProtocolConnection *pc, EndPoint& to, F *f, bool retran) {
assert( f->internals->channel == to.channel );
SEND(pc->udpConnection, *f->internals, to.sa, retran ? " retran" : "");
inline void __sendREQUESTACK(ProtocolConnection *pc, EndPoint& to,
MSGID msgid, int fragNo) {
Fragment f;
f.msgId = msgid;
f.channel = to.channel; assert( f.channel >= 0 );
f.fragmentNo = ((short) -fragNo) -1;
f.fragmentLen = FragHeader;
ptrace( cout << ".requesting ack, fragno=" << f.fragmentNo << " msg:" << f.msgId << ' ' << to.toString() << endl; )
SEND(pc->udpConnection, f, to.sa);
// receiver ->
inline void __sendACK(ProtocolConnection *pc, EndPoint& to, MSGID msgid) {
ptrace( cout << "...__sendACK() to:" << to.toString() << " msg:" << msgid << endl; )
Fragment f;
f.msgId = msgid;
f.channel = to.channel; assert( f.channel >= 0 );
f.fragmentNo = -32768;
f.fragmentLen = FragHeader;
SEND(pc->udpConnection, f, to.sa);
/* this is to clear old state for the channel in terms of what msgids are
already sent.
inline void __sendRESET(ProtocolConnection *pc, EndPoint& to) {
Fragment f;
f.msgId = -1;
f.channel = to.channel; assert( f.channel >= 0 );
f.fragmentNo = -32766;
f.fragmentLen = FragHeader;
ptrace( cout << "...__sendRESET() to:" << to.toString() << endl; )
SEND(pc->udpConnection, f, to.sa);
inline void __sendMISSING(ProtocolConnection *pc, EndPoint& to,
MSGID msgid, vector<short>& ids) {
int n = ids.size();
ptrace( cout << "..sendMISSING n:" << n << " firstmissing:" << ids[0] << ' ' << to.toString() << endl; )
if( n > 256 ) {
ptrace( cout << "..info: sendMISSING limiting to 256 ids" << endl; )
n = 256;
Fragment *f = (Fragment*) malloc(FragHeader + n*2);
f->msgId = msgid;
f->channel = to.channel; assert( f->channel >= 0 );
f->fragmentNo = -32767;
f->fragmentLen = FragHeader + n*2;
short *s = (short *) f->data;
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
*s++ = ids[i];
ptrace( cout << "...sendMISSING fraglen:" << f->fragmentLen << endl; )
SEND(pc->udpConnection, *f, to.sa);
// -> receiver
inline F* __recv(UDPConnection& c, SockAddr& from) {
Fragment *f = (Fragment *) malloc(c.mtu());
int n;
while( 1 ) {
n = c.recvfrom((char*) f, c.mtu(), from);
if( n >= 0 )
if( !goingAway )
cout << ".recvfrom returned error " << getLastError() << " socket:" << c.sock << endl;
assert( f->fragmentLen == n );
lock lk(coutmutex);
DUMP(*f, from, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<");
DUMPDATA(*f, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ");
return new F(f);
inline F::F(Fragment *f) : internals(f), op(NORMAL) {
if( internals->fragmentNo < 0 ) {
if( internals->fragmentNo == -32768 ) {
op = ACK;
ptrace( cout << ".got ACK msg:" << internals->msgId << endl; )
} else if( internals->fragmentNo == -32767 ) {
ptrace( cout << ".got MISSING" << endl; )
} else if( internals->fragmentNo == -32766 ) {
op = RESET;
} else {
internals->fragmentNo = -(internals->fragmentNo+1);
ptrace( cout << ".got REQUESTACK frag:" << internals->fragmentNo << " msg:" << internals->msgId << endl; )
inline F::~F() { free(internals); internals=0; }
inline int F::__num() { return internals->fragmentNo; }
inline MSGID F::__msgid() { return internals->msgId; }
inline int F::__channel() { return internals->channel; }
inline bool F::__isREQUESTACK() { return op == REQUESTACK; }
inline bool F::__isACK() { return op == ACK; }
inline bool F::__isMISSING() { return op == MISSING; }
inline short* F::__getMissing(int& n) {
n = internals->fragmentDataLen() / 2;
return (short *) internals->fragmentData();
inline int F::__firstFragMsgLen() {
return internals->startOfMsgData()->len;