mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 09:32:32 +01:00
386 lines
11 KiB
386 lines
11 KiB
import os
import sys
import shutil
import datetime
import time
import subprocess
import urllib
import urllib2
import json
import pprint
import boto
import simples3
import pymongo
def findSettingsSetup():
sys.path.append( "./" )
sys.path.append( "../" )
sys.path.append( "../../" )
sys.path.append( "../../../" )
import settings
import buildscripts.utils as utils
import buildscripts.smoke as smoke
bucket = simples3.S3Bucket( settings.emr_bucket , settings.emr_id , settings.emr_key )
def _get_status():
def gh( cmds ):
txt = ""
for cmd in cmds:
res = utils.execsys( "git " + cmd )
txt = txt + res[0] + res[1]
return utils.md5string( txt )
return "%s-%s" % ( utils.execsys( "git describe" )[0].strip(), gh( [ "diff" , "status" ] ) )
def _get_most_recent_tgz( prefix ):
# this is icky, but works for now
all = []
for x in os.listdir( "." ):
if not x.startswith( prefix ) or not x.endswith( ".tgz" ):
all.append( ( x , os.stat(x).st_mtime ) )
if len(all) == 0:
raise Exception( "can't find file with prefix: " + prefix )
all.sort( lambda x,y: int(y[1] - x[1]) )
return all[0][0]
def get_build_info():
return ( os.environ.get('MONGO_BUILDER_NAME') , os.environ.get('MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER') )
def make_tarball():
m = _get_most_recent_tgz( "mongodb-" )
c = "test-code-emr.tgz"
tar = "tar zcf %s src jstests buildscripts" % c
log_config = "log_config.py"
if os.path.exists( log_config ):
os.unlink( log_config )
credentials = do_credentials()
if credentials:
builder , buildnum = get_build_info()
if builder and buildnum:
file = open( log_config , "wb" )
file.write( 'username="%s"\npassword="%s"\n' % credentials )
file.write( 'name="%s"\nnumber=%s\n'% ( builder , buildnum ) )
tar = tar + " " + log_config
utils.execsys( tar )
return ( m , c )
def _put_ine( bucket , local , remote ):
print( "going to put\n\t%s\n\thttp://%s.s3.amazonaws.com/%s" % ( local , settings.emr_bucket , remote ) )
for x in bucket.listdir( prefix=remote ):
print( "\talready existed" )
return remote
bucket.put( remote , open( local , "rb" ).read() , acl="public-read" )
return remote
def build_jar():
root = "build/emrjar"
src = "buildscripts/emr"
if os.path.exists( root ):
shutil.rmtree( root )
os.makedirs( root )
for x in os.listdir( src ):
if not x.endswith( ".java" ):
shutil.copyfile( src + "/" + x , root + "/" + x )
shutil.copyfile( src + "/MANIFEST.MF" , root + "/MANIFEST.FM" )
classpath = os.listdir( src + "/lib" )
for x in classpath:
shutil.copyfile( src + "/lib/" + x , root + "/" + x )
classpath.append( "." )
classpath = ":".join(classpath)
for x in os.listdir( root ):
if x.endswith( ".java" ):
if subprocess.call( [ "javac" , "-cp" , classpath , x ] , cwd=root) != 0:
raise Exception( "compiled failed" )
args = [ "jar" , "-cfm" , "emr.jar" , "MANIFEST.FM" ]
for x in os.listdir( root ):
if x.endswith( ".class" ):
args.append( x )
subprocess.call( args , cwd=root )
shutil.copyfile( root + "/emr.jar" , "emr.jar" )
return "emr.jar"
def push():
mongo , test_code = make_tarball()
print( mongo )
print( test_code )
root = "emr/%s/%s" % ( datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") , os.uname()[0].lower() )
def make_long_name(local,hash):
pcs = local.rpartition( "." )
h = _get_status()
if hash:
h = utils.md5sum( local )
return "%s/%s-%s.%s" % ( root , pcs[0] , h , pcs[2] )
mongo = _put_ine( bucket , mongo , make_long_name( mongo , False ) )
test_code = _put_ine( bucket , test_code , make_long_name( test_code , True ) )
jar = build_jar()
jar = _put_ine( bucket , jar , make_long_name( jar , False ) )
setup = "buildscripts/emr/emrnodesetup.sh"
setup = _put_ine( bucket , setup , make_long_name( setup , True ) )
return mongo , test_code , jar , setup
def run_tests( things , tests ):
if len(tests) == 0:
raise Exception( "no tests" )
oldNum = len(tests)
tests = fix_suites( tests )
print( "tests expanded from %d to %d" % ( oldNum , len(tests) ) )
print( "things:%s\ntests:%s\n" % ( things , tests ) )
emr = boto.connect_emr( settings.emr_id , settings.emr_key )
def http(path):
return "http://%s.s3.amazonaws.com/%s" % ( settings.emr_bucket , path )
run_s3_path = "emr/%s/%s/%s/" % ( os.getenv( "USER" ) ,
os.getenv( "HOST" ) ,
datetime.datetime.today().strftime( "%Y%m%d-%H%M" ) )
run_s3_root = "s3n://%s/%s/" % ( settings.emr_bucket , run_s3_path )
out = run_s3_root + "out"
logs = run_s3_root + "logs"
jar="s3n://%s/%s" % ( settings.emr_bucket , things[2] )
step_args=[ http(things[0]) , http(things[1]) , out , ",".join(tests) ]
step = boto.emr.step.JarStep( "emr main" , jar=jar,step_args=step_args )
print( "jar:%s\nargs:%s" % ( jar , step_args ) )
setup = boto.emr.BootstrapAction( "setup" , "s3n://%s/%s" % ( settings.emr_bucket , things[3] ) , [] )
jobid = emr.run_jobflow( name = "Mongo EMR for %s from %s" % ( os.getenv( "USER" ) , os.getenv( "HOST" ) ) ,
ec2_keyname = "emr1" ,
slave_instance_type = "m1.large" ,
ami_version = "latest" ,
num_instances=5 ,
log_uri = logs ,
bootstrap_actions = [ setup ] ,
steps = [ step ] )
print( "%s jobid: %s" % ( datetime.datetime.today() , jobid ) )
while ( True ):
flow = emr.describe_jobflow( jobid )
print( "%s status: %s" % ( datetime.datetime.today() , flow.state ) )
if flow.state == "COMPLETED" or flow.state == "FAILED":
syncdir = "build/emrout/" + jobid + "/"
sync_s3( run_s3_path , syncdir )
final_out = "build/emrout/" + jobid + "/"
print("output in: " + final_out )
do_output( final_out )
def sync_s3( remote_dir , local_dir ):
for x in bucket.listdir( remote_dir ):
out = local_dir + "/" + x[0]
if os.path.exists( out ) and x[2].find( utils.md5sum( out ) ) >= 0:
dir = out.rpartition( "/" )[0]
if not os.path.exists( dir ):
os.makedirs( dir )
thing = bucket.get( x[0] )
open( out , "wb" ).write( thing.read() )
def fix_suites( suites ):
fixed = []
for name,x in smoke.expand_suites( suites , False ):
idx = name.find( "/jstests" )
if idx >= 0:
name = name[idx+1:]
fixed.append( name )
return fixed
def do_credentials():
root = "buildbot.tac"
while len(root) < 40 :
if os.path.exists( root ):
root = "../" + root
if not os.path.exists( root ):
return None
credentials = {}
execfile(root, credentials, credentials)
if "slavename" not in credentials:
return None
if "passwd" not in credentials:
return None
return ( credentials["slavename"] , credentials["passwd"] )
def do_output( dir ):
def go_down( start ):
lst = os.listdir(dir)
if len(lst) != 1:
raise Exception( "sad: " + start )
return start + "/" + lst[0]
while "out" not in os.listdir( dir ):
dir = go_down( dir )
dir = dir + "/out"
pieces = os.listdir(dir)
passed = []
failed = []
times = {}
for x in pieces:
if not x.startswith( "part" ):
full = dir + "/" + x
for line in open( full , "rb" ):
if line.find( "-passed" ) >= 0:
passed.append( line.partition( "-passed" )[0] )
if line.find( "-failed" ) >= 0:
failed.append( line.partition( "-failed" )[0] )
if line.find( "-time-seconds" ) >= 0:
p = line.partition( "-time-seconds" )
times[p[0]] = p[2].strip()
print( "\t" + line.strip() )
def print_list(name,lst):
print( name )
for x in lst:
print( "\t%s\t%s" % ( x , times[x] ) )
print_list( "passed" , passed )
print_list( "failed" , failed )
if do_credentials():
builder , buildnum = get_build_info()
if builder and buildnum:
conn = pymongo.Connection( "bbout1.10gen.cc" )
db = conn.buildlogs
q = { "builder" : builder , "buildnum" : int(buildnum) }
doc = db.builds.find_one( q )
if doc:
print( "\nhttp://buildlogs.mongodb.org/build/%s" % doc["_id"] )
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print( "need an arg" )
elif sys.argv[1] == "tarball":
elif sys.argv[1] == "jar":
elif sys.argv[1] == "push":
print( push() )
elif sys.argv[1] == "sync":
sync_s3( sys.argv[2] , sys.argv[3] )
elif sys.argv[1] == "fix_suites":
for x in fix_suites( sys.argv[2:] ):
elif sys.argv[1] == "credentials":
print( do_credentials() )
elif sys.argv[1] == "test":
m , c = make_tarball()
cmd = [ "java" , "-cp" , os.environ.get( "CLASSPATH" , "." ) + ":emr.jar" , "emr" ]
workingDir = "/data/emr/test"
cmd.append( "--workingDir" )
cmd.append( workingDir )
if os.path.exists( workingDir ):
shutil.rmtree( workingDir )
cmd.append( "file://" + os.getcwd() + "/" + m )
cmd.append( "file://" + os.getcwd() + "/" + c )
out = "/tmp/emrresults"
cmd.append( out )
if os.path.exists( out ):
shutil.rmtree( out )
cmd.append( "jstests/basic1.js" )
subprocess.call( cmd )
for x in os.listdir( out ):
if x.startswith( "." ):
print( x )
for z in open( out + "/" + x ):
print( "\t" + z.strip() )
elif sys.argv[1] == "output":
do_output( sys.argv[2] )
elif sys.argv[1] == "full":
things = push()
run_tests( things , sys.argv[2:] )
things = push()
run_tests( things , sys.argv[1:] )