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* Tests read preference for explain command.
* Test is loosely based from read_pref_cmd.js.
var NODE_COUNT = 2;
var testAllModes = function(conn, isMongos) {
// The primary is tagged with { tag: 'one' } and the secondary with
// { tag: 'two' } so we can test the interaction of modes and tags. Test
// a bunch of combinations.
// mode, tagSets, expectedHost
['primary', undefined, false],
['primary', [{}], false],
['primaryPreferred', undefined, false],
['primaryPreferred', [{tag: 'one'}], false],
// Correctly uses primary and ignores the tag
['primaryPreferred', [{tag: 'two'}], false],
['secondary', undefined, true],
['secondary', [{tag: 'two'}], true],
['secondary', [{tag: 'doesntexist'}, {}], true],
['secondary', [{tag: 'doesntexist'}, {tag:'two'}], true],
['secondaryPreferred', undefined, true],
['secondaryPreferred', [{tag: 'one'}], false],
['secondaryPreferred', [{tag: 'two'}], true],
// We don't have a way to alter ping times so we can't predict where an
// untagged 'nearest' command should go, hence only test with tags.
['nearest', [{tag: 'one'}], false],
['nearest', [{tag: 'two'}], true]
].forEach(function(args) {
var mode = args[0], tagSets = args[1], secExpected = args[2];
var testDB = conn.getDB('test');
conn.setSlaveOk(false); // purely rely on readPref
jsTest.log('Testing mode: ' + mode + ', tag sets: ' + tojson(tagSets));
var explainableQuery = testDB.user.explain().find();
explainableQuery.readPref(mode, tagSets);
var explain = explainableQuery.finish();
var serverInfo;
if (isMongos) {
serverInfo = explain.queryPlanner.winningPlan.shards[0].serverInfo;
else {
serverInfo = explain.serverInfo;
var explainDestConn = new Mongo(serverInfo.host + ':' + serverInfo.port);
var isMaster = explainDestConn.getDB('admin').runCommand({ isMaster: 1 });
if (secExpected) {
else {
var st = new ShardingTest({ shards: { rs0: { nodes: NODE_COUNT }}});
ReplSetTest.awaitRSClientHosts(st.s, st.rs0.nodes);
// Tag primary with { dc: 'ny', tag: 'one' }, secondary with { dc: 'ny', tag: 'two' }
var primary = st.rs0.getPrimary();
var secondary = st.rs0.getSecondary();
var PRIMARY_TAG = { dc: 'ny', tag: 'one' };
var SECONDARY_TAG = { dc: 'ny', tag: 'two' };
var rsConfig = primary.getDB("local").system.replset.findOne();
jsTest.log('got rsconf ' + tojson(rsConfig));
rsConfig.members.forEach(function(member) {
if (member.host == primary.host) {
member.tags = PRIMARY_TAG;
} else {
member.tags = SECONDARY_TAG;
jsTest.log('new rsconf ' + tojson(rsConfig));
try {
primary.adminCommand({ replSetReconfig: rsConfig });
catch(e) {
jsTest.log('replSetReconfig error: ' + e);
// Force mongos to reconnect after our reconfig
assert.soon(function() {
try {
st.s.getDB('foo').runCommand({ create: 'foo' });
return true;
catch (x) {
// Intentionally caused an error that forces mongos's monitor to refresh.
jsTest.log('Caught exception while doing dummy command: ' + tojson(x));
return false;
rsConfig = primary.getDB("local").system.replset.findOne();
jsTest.log('got rsconf ' + tojson(rsConfig));
var replConn = new Mongo(st.rs0.getURL());
// Make sure replica set connection is ready
_awaitRSHostViaRSMonitor(primary.name, { ok: true, tags: PRIMARY_TAG }, st.rs0.name);
_awaitRSHostViaRSMonitor(secondary.name, { ok: true, tags: SECONDARY_TAG }, st.rs0.name);
testAllModes(replConn, false);
jsTest.log('Starting test for mongos connection');
testAllModes(st.s, true);