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// Utility functions for multi-version replica sets
ReplSetTest.prototype._stablePrimaryOnRestarts = function() {
// In a 2-node replica set the secondary can step up after a restart. In fact while the
// secondary is being restarted, the primary may end up stepping down (due to heartbeats not
// being received) and for the restarted node to run for and win the election.
return this.nodes.length > 2;
* Upgrade or downgrade replica sets.
* @param options {Object} see ReplSetTest.start & MongoRunner.runMongod.
* @param user {string} optional, user name for authentication.
* @param pwd {string} optional, password for authentication. Must be set if user is set.
ReplSetTest.prototype.upgradeSet = function(options, user, pwd) {
let primary = this.getPrimary();
this.upgradeSecondaries(Object.assign({}, options), user, pwd);
this.upgradeArbiters(Object.assign({}, options), user, pwd);
if (!this._stablePrimaryOnRestarts()) {
if (this.getPrimary() != primary) {
this.upgradeMembers([primary], Object.assign({}, options), user, pwd);
if (this.getPrimary() == primary) {
this.upgradePrimary(primary, Object.assign({}, options), user, pwd);
} else {
// An election occured during upgrade, old primary is now a secondary.
this.upgradeMembers([primary], Object.assign({}, options), user, pwd);
function mergeNodeOptions(nodeOptions, options) {
for (let nodeName in nodeOptions) {
nodeOptions[nodeName] = Object.merge(nodeOptions[nodeName], options);
return nodeOptions;
ReplSetTest.prototype.upgradeMembers = function(members, options, user, pwd) {
// Merge new options into node settings.
this.nodeOptions = mergeNodeOptions(this.nodeOptions, options);
for (let member of members) {
this.upgradeNode(member, options, user, pwd);
ReplSetTest.prototype.getNonArbiterSecondaries = function() {
let secs = this.getSecondaries();
let arbiters = this.getArbiters();
let nonArbiters = secs.filter(x => !arbiters.includes(x));
return nonArbiters;
ReplSetTest.prototype.upgradeSecondaries = function(options, user, pwd) {
this.upgradeMembers(this.getNonArbiterSecondaries(), options, user, pwd);
ReplSetTest.prototype.upgradeArbiters = function(options, user, pwd) {
// We don't support downgrading data files for arbiters. We need to instead delete the dbpath.
const oldStartClean = {startClean: (options && !!options["startClean"])};
if (options && options.binVersion == "last-lts") {
options["startClean"] = true;
this.upgradeMembers(this.getArbiters(), options, user, pwd);
// Make sure we don't set {startClean:true} on other nodes unless the user explicitly requested.
this.nodeOptions = mergeNodeOptions(this.nodeOptions, oldStartClean);
ReplSetTest.prototype.upgradePrimary = function(primary, options, user, pwd) {
function authNode(node) {
if (user !== undefined) {
assert(node.getDB('admin').auth(user, pwd));
} else {
// Merge new options into node settings.
this.nodeOptions = mergeNodeOptions(this.nodeOptions, options);
let oldPrimary = this.stepdown(primary);
this.waitForState(oldPrimary, ReplSetTest.State.SECONDARY, undefined, authNode);
// waitForState() runs the logout command via asCluster() on either the current primary or the
// first node in the replica set so we re-authenticate on all connections before calling
// awaitNodesAgreeOnPrimary().
for (const node of this.nodes) {
const connStatus =
assert.commandWorked(node.adminCommand({connectionStatus: 1, showPrivileges: true}));
const connIsAuthenticated = connStatus.authInfo.authenticatedUsers.length > 0;
if (connIsAuthenticated) {
primary = this.getPrimary();
this.upgradeNode(oldPrimary, options, user, pwd);
let newPrimary = this.getPrimary();
if (this._stablePrimaryOnRestarts()) {
newPrimary, primary, "Primary changed unexpectedly after upgrading old primary node");
return newPrimary;
ReplSetTest.prototype.upgradeNode = function(node, opts = {}, user, pwd) {
if (user !== undefined) {
assert.eq(1, node.getDB("admin").auth(user, pwd));
var isMaster = node.getDB('admin').runCommand({isMaster: 1});
if (!isMaster.arbiterOnly) {
// Must retry this command, as it might return "currently running for election" and fail.
// Node might still be running for an election that will fail because it lost the election
// race with another node, at test initialization. See SERVER-23133.
assert.soonNoExcept(function() {
return true;
this.waitForState(node, ReplSetTest.State.RECOVERING);
var newNode = this.restart(node, opts);
if (user !== undefined) {
newNode.getDB("admin").auth(user, pwd);
var waitForStates =
[ReplSetTest.State.PRIMARY, ReplSetTest.State.SECONDARY, ReplSetTest.State.ARBITER];
this.waitForState(newNode, waitForStates);
if (user !== undefined) {
return newNode;
ReplSetTest.prototype.stepdown = function(nodeId) {
nodeId = this.getNodeId(nodeId);
assert.eq(this.getNodeId(this.getPrimary()), nodeId, "Trying to stepdown a non primary node");
var node = this.nodes[nodeId];
assert.soonNoExcept(function() {
// Due to a rare race condition in stepdown, it's possible the secondary just replicated
// the most recent write and sent replSetUpdatePosition to the primary, and that
// replSetUpdatePosition command gets interrupted by the stepdown. In that case,
// the secondary will clear its sync source, but will be unable to re-connect to the
// primary that is trying to step down, because they are at the same OpTime. The primary
// will then get stuck waiting forever for the secondary to catch up so it can complete
// stepdown. Adding a garbage write here ensures that the secondary will be able to
// resume syncing from the primary in this case, which in turn will let the primary
// finish stepping down successfully.
node.getDB('admin').garbageWriteToAdvanceOpTime.insert({a: 1});
node, {replSetStepDown: 5 * 60, secondaryCatchUpPeriodSecs: 60});
return true;
return this.reconnect(node);
ReplSetTest.prototype.reconnect = function(node) {
var nodeId = this.getNodeId(node);
this.nodes[nodeId] = new Mongo(node.host);
// Skip the 'authenticated' property because the new connection hasn't been authenticated even
// if the original one was. This ensures Mongo.prototype.getDB() will attempt to authenticate
// automatically if TestData is configured appropriately.
// Skip the '_defaultSession' property because the DriverSession object is bound to the original
// connection object. Copying the '_defaultSession' property would cause commands to go through
// the original connection despite methods being called on DB objects from the new connection.
const except = new Set(["authenticated", "_defaultSession"]);
for (var i in node) {
if (typeof (node[i]) == "function" || except.has(i))
this.nodes[nodeId][i] = node[i];
return this.nodes[nodeId];
ReplSetTest.prototype.conf = function() {
var admin = this.getPrimary().getDB('admin');
var resp = admin.runCommand({replSetGetConfig: 1});
if (resp.ok && !(resp.errmsg) && resp.config)
return resp.config;
else if (resp.errmsg && resp.errmsg.startsWith("no such cmd"))
return admin.getSiblingDB("local").system.replset.findOne();
throw new Error("Could not retrieve replica set config: " + tojson(resp));