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* Tests that $merge with {whenMatched: [], whenNotMatched: 'insert'} is handled correctly during
* upgrade from and downgrade to a pre-backport version of 4.2 on a sharded cluster.
(function() {
"use strict";
load("jstests/multiVersion/libs/causal_consistency_helpers.js"); // supportsMajorityReadConcern
load("jstests/multiVersion/libs/multi_cluster.js"); // upgradeCluster
load("jstests/multiVersion/libs/multi_rs.js"); // upgradeSet
// The UUID consistency check can hit NotMasterNoSlaveOk when it attempts to obtain a list of
// collections from the shard Primaries through mongoS at the end of this test.
TestData.skipCheckingUUIDsConsistentAcrossCluster = true;
if (!supportsMajorityReadConcern()) {
jsTestLog("Skipping test since storage engine doesn't support majority read concern.");
const preBackport42Version = "4.2.1";
const latestVersion = "latest";
const st = new ShardingTest({
shards: 2,
mongos: 1,
rs: {nodes: 3},
other: {
mongosOptions: {binVersion: preBackport42Version},
configOptions: {binVersion: preBackport42Version},
rsOptions: {binVersion: preBackport42Version},
// Obtain references to the test database, the source and target collections.
let mongosDB = st.s.getDB(jsTestName());
let sourceSharded = mongosDB.source_coll_sharded;
let targetSharded = mongosDB.target_coll_sharded;
let sourceUnsharded = mongosDB.source_coll_unsharded;
let targetUnsharded = mongosDB.target_coll_unsharded;
// Updates the specified cluster components and then refreshes our references to each of them.
function refreshCluster(version, components, singleShard) {
// Default to only upgrading the explicitly specified components.
const defaultComponents = {upgradeMongos: false, upgradeShards: false, upgradeConfigs: false};
components = Object.assign(defaultComponents, components);
if (singleShard) {
singleShard.upgradeSet({binVersion: version});
} else {
st.upgradeCluster(version, components);
// Wait for the config server and shards to become available, and restart mongoS.
// Having upgraded the cluster, reacquire references to each component.
mongosDB = st.s.getDB(jsTestName());
sourceSharded = mongosDB.source_coll_sharded;
targetSharded = mongosDB.target_coll_sharded;
sourceUnsharded = mongosDB.source_coll_unsharded;
targetUnsharded = mongosDB.target_coll_unsharded;
// Run the aggregation and swallow applicable exceptions for as long as we receive them, up to the
// assert.soon timeout. This is necessary because there is a period after one shard's Primary steps
// down during upgrade where a $merge on the other shard may still target the previous Primary.
// TODO SERVER-44883: this workaround will no longer be necessary once SERVER-44883 is fixed.
function tryWhileNotMaster(sourceColl, targetColl, pipeline, options) {
assert.soon(() => {
const aggCmdParams = Object.assign({pipeline: pipeline, cursor: {}}, options);
const cmdRes = sourceColl.runCommand("aggregate", aggCmdParams);
if (cmdRes.ok) {
return true;
// The only errors we are prepared to swallow are ErrorCodes.NotMaster and CursorNotFound.
// The latter can be thrown as a consequence of a NotMaster on one shard when the $merge
// stage is dispatched to a merging shard as part of the latter half of the pipeline.
const errorsToSwallow = [ErrorCodes.NotMaster, ErrorCodes.CursorNotFound];
assert(errorsToSwallow.includes(cmdRes.code), () => tojson(cmdRes));
// TODO SERVER-43851: this may be susceptible to zombie writes. Ditto for all other
// occurrences of remove({}) throughout this test.
return false;
// Enable sharding on the the test database and ensure that the primary is shard0.
assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({enableSharding: mongosDB.getName()}));
st.ensurePrimaryShard(mongosDB.getName(), st.rs0.getURL());
// Shard the source collection on {_id: 1}, split across the shards at {_id: 0}.
st.shardColl(sourceSharded, {_id: 1}, {_id: 0}, {_id: 1});
// Shard the target collection on {_id: "hashed"}, so that the target shard for each document will
// not necessarily be the same as the source shard.
st.shardColl(targetSharded, {_id: "hashed"}, false, false);
// Insert an identical set of test data into both the sharded and unsharded source collections. In
// the former case, the documents are spread across both shards.
for (let i = -20; i < 20; ++i) {
assert.commandWorked(sourceSharded.insert({_id: i}));
assert.commandWorked(sourceUnsharded.insert({_id: i}));
// Define a series of test cases covering all $merge distributed planning scenarios.
const testCases = [
// $merge from unsharded to unsharded, passthrough from mongoS and write locally.
sourceColl: () => sourceUnsharded,
targetColl: () => targetUnsharded,
preMergePipeline: [],
allowDiskUse: false,
disableExchange: false
// $merge from unsharded to sharded, passthrough from mongoS and write cross-shard.
sourceColl: () => sourceUnsharded,
targetColl: () => targetSharded,
preMergePipeline: [],
allowDiskUse: false,
disableExchange: false
// $merge from sharded to sharded, writes from shard to shard in parallel.
sourceColl: () => sourceSharded,
targetColl: () => targetSharded,
preMergePipeline: [],
allowDiskUse: false,
disableExchange: false
// $group with exchange, sends input documents to relevant shard and $merges locally.
sourceColl: () => sourceSharded,
targetColl: () => targetSharded,
preMergePipeline: [{$group: {_id: "$_id"}}],
allowDiskUse: false,
disableExchange: false
// $group, exchange prohibited, $merge is executed on mongoS.
sourceColl: () => sourceSharded,
targetColl: () => targetSharded,
preMergePipeline: [{$group: {_id: "$_id"}}],
allowDiskUse: false,
disableExchange: true
// $group, exchange prohibited, $merge sent to single shard and writes cross-shard.
sourceColl: () => sourceSharded,
targetColl: () => targetSharded,
preMergePipeline: [{$group: {_id: "$_id"}}],
allowDiskUse: true,
disableExchange: true
// The 'whenMatched' pipeline to apply as part of the $merge. When the old 4.2.1 behaviour is in
// effect, output documents will all have an _id field and the field added by this pipeline.
const mergePipe = [{$addFields: {docWasGeneratedFromWhenMatchedPipeline: true}}];
// Generate the array of output documents we expect to see under the old upsert behaviour.
const expectedOldBehaviourOutput = Array.from(sourceSharded.find().toArray(), (doc) => {
return {_id: doc._id, docWasGeneratedFromWhenMatchedPipeline: true};
for (let testCaseNum = 0; testCaseNum < testCases.length; ++testCaseNum) {
// Perform initial test-case setup. Disable the exchange optimization if appropriate.
const testCase = testCases[testCaseNum];
{setParameter: 1, internalQueryDisableExchange: testCase.disableExchange}));
// Construct the options object that will be supplied along with the pipeline.
const aggOptions = {allowDiskUse: testCase.allowDiskUse};
// Construct the final pipeline by appending $merge to the the testCase's preMergePipeline.
const finalPipeline = testCase.preMergePipeline.concat([{
$merge: {
into: testCase.targetColl().getName(),
whenMatched: mergePipe,
whenNotMatched: "insert"
// Run a $merge with the whole cluster on 'preBackport42Version' and confirm that the output
// documents are produced using the old upsert behaviour.
tryWhileNotMaster(testCase.sourceColl(), testCase.targetColl(), finalPipeline, aggOptions);
assert.sameMembers(testCase.targetColl().find().toArray(), expectedOldBehaviourOutput);
// Upgrade a single shard to latest but leave the mongoS on 'preBackport42Version'. The upgraded
// shard continues to produce upsert requests that are compatible with the pre-backport shards.
refreshCluster(latestVersion, null, st.rs1);
tryWhileNotMaster(testCase.sourceColl(), testCase.targetColl(), finalPipeline, aggOptions);
assert.sameMembers(testCase.targetColl().find().toArray(), expectedOldBehaviourOutput);
// Upgrade the configs and the remaining shard to latest but leave mongoS on pre-backport 4.2.
// The shards continue to produce upsert requests that use the pre-backport behaviour. This is
// to ensure that the pipeline produces the same behaviour regardless of whether $merge is
// pushed down to the shards or run on the mongoS itself.
refreshCluster(latestVersion, {upgradeShards: true, upgradeConfigs: true});
tryWhileNotMaster(testCase.sourceColl(), testCase.targetColl(), finalPipeline, aggOptions);
assert.sameMembers(testCase.targetColl().find().toArray(), expectedOldBehaviourOutput);
// Upgrade the mongoS to latest. We should now see that the $merge adopts the new behaviour, and
// inserts the exact source document rather than generating one from the whenMatched pipeline.
refreshCluster(latestVersion, {upgradeMongos: true});
tryWhileNotMaster(testCase.sourceColl(), testCase.targetColl(), finalPipeline, aggOptions);
// Finally, downgrade the cluster to pre-backport 4.2 in preparation for the next test case. No
// need to do this after the final test, as it will simply extend the runtime for no reason.
if (testCaseNum < testCases.length - 1) {
{upgradeMongos: true, upgradeShards: true, upgradeConfigs: true});