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#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import json
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tarfile
import urllib
from urlparse import urlparse
except ImportError:
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import requests
import yaml
_IS_WINDOWS = (sys.platform == "win32" or sys.platform == "cygwin")
def executable_name(pathname):
# Ensure that executable files on Windows have a ".exe" extension.
if _IS_WINDOWS and os.path.splitext(pathname)[1] != ".exe":
return "{}.exe".format(pathname)
return pathname
def archive_name(archive):
# Ensure the right archive extension is used for Windows.
return "{}.zip".format(archive)
return "{}.tgz".format(archive)
def requests_get_json(url):
response = requests.get(url)
return response.json()
except ValueError:
print("Invalid JSON object returned with response: {}".format(response.text))
def read_evg_config():
Attempts to parse the Evergreen configuration from its home location.
Returns None if the configuration file wasn't found.
evg_file = os.path.expanduser("~/.evergreen.yml")
if os.path.isfile(evg_file):
with open(evg_file, "r") as fstream:
return yaml.safe_load(fstream)
return None
def write_out_bypass_compile_expansions(patch_file, **expansions):
Write out the macro expansions to given file.
with open(patch_file, "w") as out_file:
print("Saving compile bypass expansions to {0}: ({1})".format(patch_file, expansions))
yaml.safe_dump(expansions, out_file, default_flow_style=False)
def write_out_artifacts(json_file, artifacts):
Write out the JSON file with URLs of artifacts to given file.
with open(json_file, "w") as out_file:
print("Generating artifacts.json from pre-existing artifacts {0}".format(
json.dumps(artifacts, indent=4)))
json.dump(artifacts, out_file)
def generate_bypass_expansions(project, build_variant, revision, build_id):
expansions = {}
# With compile bypass we need to update the URL to point to the correct name of the base commit
# binaries.
expansions["mongo_binaries"] = (archive_name("{}/{}/{}/binaries/mongo-{}".format(
project, build_variant, revision, build_id)))
# With compile bypass we need to update the URL to point to the correct name of the base commit
# debug symbols.
expansions["mongo_debugsymbols"] = (archive_name("{}/{}/{}/debugsymbols/debugsymbols-{}".format(
project, build_variant, revision, build_id)))
# With compile bypass we need to update the URL to point to the correct name of the base commit
# mongo shell.
expansions["mongo_shell"] = (archive_name("{}/{}/{}/binaries/mongo-shell-{}".format(
project, build_variant, revision, build_id)))
# Enable bypass compile
expansions["bypass_compile"] = True
return expansions
def should_bypass_compile():
Based on the modified patch files determine whether the compile stage should be bypassed.
We use lists of files and directories to more precisely control which modified patch files will
lead to compile bypass.
# If changes are only from files in the bypass_files list or the bypass_directories list, then
# bypass compile, unless they are also found in the requires_compile_directories lists. All
# other file changes lead to compile.
# Add files to this list that should not cause compilation.
bypass_files = [
# Add directories to this list that should not cause compilation.
bypass_directories = [
# These files are exceptions to any whitelisted directories in bypass_directories. Changes to
# any of these files will disable compile bypass. Add files you know should specifically cause
# compilation.
requires_compile_files = [
# These directories are exceptions to any whitelisted directories in bypass_directories and will
# disable compile bypass. Add directories you know should specifically cause compilation.
requires_compile_directories = [
args = parse_args()
with open(args.patchFile, "r") as pch:
for filename in pch:
filename = filename.rstrip()
# Skip directories that show up in 'git diff HEAD --name-only'.
if os.path.isdir(filename):
if (filename in requires_compile_files
or any(filename.startswith(directory)
for directory in requires_compile_directories)):
print("Compile bypass disabled after detecting {} as being modified because"
" it is a file known to affect compilation.".format(filename))
return False
if (filename not in bypass_files
and not any(filename.startswith(directory)
for directory in bypass_directories)):
print("Compile bypass disabled after detecting {} as being modified because"
" it isn't a file known to not affect compilation.".format(filename))
return False
return True
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help="The Evergreen project. e.g mongodb-mongo-master")
help="The build variant. e.g enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit")
help="The base commit hash.")
help="A list of all files modified in patch build.")
help="The YAML file to write out the macro expansions.")
help="The JSON file to write out the metadata of files to attach to task.")
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
From the /rest/v1/projects/{project}/revisions/{revision} endpoint find an existing build id
to generate the compile task id to use for retrieving artifacts when bypassing compile.
We retrieve the URLs to the artifacts from the task info endpoint at
/rest/v1/tasks/{build_id}. We only download the artifacts.tgz and extract certain files
in order to retain any modified patch files.
If for any reason bypass compile is false, we do not write out the macro expansion. Only if we
determine to bypass compile do we write out the macro expansions.
args = parse_args()
# Determine if we should bypass compile based on modified patch files.
if should_bypass_compile():
evg_config = read_evg_config()
if evg_config is None:
print("Could not find ~/.evergreen.yml config file. Default compile bypass to false.")
api_server = "{url.scheme}://{url.netloc}".format(
revision_url = "{}/rest/v1/projects/{}/revisions/{}".format(api_server, args.project,
revisions = requests_get_json(revision_url)
match = None
prefix = "{}_{}_{}_".format(args.project, args.buildVariant, args.revision)
# The "project" and "buildVariant" passed in may contain "-", but the "builds" listed from
# Evergreen only contain "_". Replace the hyphens before searching for the build.
prefix = prefix.replace("-", "_")
build_id_pattern = re.compile(prefix)
for build_id in revisions["builds"]:
# Find a suitable build_id
match = build_id_pattern.search(build_id)
if match:
print("Could not find build id for revision {} on project {}."
" Default compile bypass to false.".format(args.revision, args.project))
# Generate the compile task id.
index = build_id.find(args.revision)
compile_task_id = "{}compile_{}".format(build_id[:index], build_id[index:])
task_url = "{}/rest/v1/tasks/{}".format(api_server, compile_task_id)
# Get info on compile task of base commit.
task = requests_get_json(task_url)
if task is None or task["status"] != "success":
print("Could not retrieve artifacts because the compile task {} for base commit"
" was not available. Default compile bypass to false.".format(compile_task_id))
# Get the compile task artifacts from REST API
print("Fetching pre-existing artifacts from compile task {}".format(compile_task_id))
artifacts = []
for artifact in task["files"]:
filename = os.path.basename(artifact["url"])
if filename.startswith(build_id):
print("Retrieving archive {}".format(filename))
# This is the artifacts.tgz as referenced in evergreen.yml.
urllib.urlretrieve(artifact["url"], filename)
except urllib.ContentTooShortError:
print("The artifact {} could not be completely downloaded. Default"
" compile bypass to false.".format(filename))
# Need to extract certain files from the pre-existing artifacts.tgz.
extract_files = [executable_name("dbtest"), executable_name("mongobridge"),
with tarfile.open(filename, "r:gz") as tar:
# The repo/ directory contains files needed by the package task. May
# need to add other files that would otherwise be generated by SCons
# if we did not bypass compile.
subdir = [tarinfo for tarinfo in tar.getmembers()
if tarinfo.name.startswith("build/integration_tests/")
or tarinfo.name.startswith("repo/")
or tarinfo.name in extract_files]
print("Extracting the following files from {0}...\n{1}".format(
filename, "\n".join(tarinfo.name for tarinfo in subdir)))
print("Linking base artifact {} to this patch build".format(filename))
# For other artifacts we just add their URLs to the JSON file to upload.
files = {}
files["name"] = artifact["name"]
files["link"] = artifact["url"]
files["visibility"] = "private"
# Check the link exists, else raise an exception. Compile bypass is disabled.
# SERVER-21492 related issue where without running scons the jstests/libs/key1
# and key2 files are not chmod to 0600. Need to change permissions here since we
# bypass SCons.
os.chmod("jstests/libs/key1", 0600)
os.chmod("jstests/libs/key2", 0600)
# This is the artifacts.json file.
write_out_artifacts(args.jsonArtifact, artifacts)
# Need to apply these expansions for bypassing SCons.
expansions = generate_bypass_expansions(args.project, args.buildVariant, args.revision,
write_out_bypass_compile_expansions(args.outFile, **expansions)
if __name__ == "__main__":