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// jsobj.h
#pragma once
#include "../stdafx.h"
#include "../util/builder.h"
#include <set>
class JSObj;
class Record;
class JSObjBuilder;
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
/* BinData = binary data types.
EOO = end of object
enum JSType { EOO = 0, Number=1, String=2, Object=3, Array=4, BinData=5,
Undefined=6, jstOID=7, Bool=8, Date=9 , jstNULL=10, RegEx=11 ,
DBRef=12, MaxKey=127 };
/* subtypes of BinData.
bdtCustom and above are ones that the JS compiler understands, but are
opaque to the database.
enum BinDataType { Function=1, ByteArray=2, bdtCustom=128 };
/* Object id's are optional for JSObjects.
When present they should be the first object member added.
struct OID {
long long a;
unsigned b;
bool operator==(const OID& r) { return a==r.a&&b==r.b; }
/* marshalled js object format:
<unsigned totalSize> {<byte JSType><cstring FieldName><Data>}* EOO
totalSize includes itself.
Bool: <byte>
EOO: nothing follows
Undefined: nothing follows
OID: an OID object
Number: <double>
String: <unsigned32 strsizewithnull><cstring>
Date: <8bytes>
Regex: <cstring regex><cstring options>
Object: a nested object, leading with its entire size, which terminates with EOO.
Array: same as object
<int len>
<byte subtype>
<byte[len] data>
/* db operation message format
unsigned opid; // arbitary; will be echoed back
byte operation;
int reserved;
string collection;
a series of JSObjects terminated with a null object (i.e., just EOO)
dbUpdate: see query.h
dbDelete: see query.h
dbQuery: see query.h
#pragma pack(pop)
/* <type><fieldName ><value>
-------- size() ------------
class Element {
friend class JSElemIter;
friend class JSObj;
string toString();
JSType type() { return (JSType) *data; }
bool eoo() { return type() == EOO; }
int size();
// wrap this element up as a singleton object.
JSObj wrap();
const char * fieldName() { return data + 1; }
// raw data be careful:
const char * value() const { return (data + fieldNameSize + 1); }
int valuesize() { return size() - fieldNameSize - 1; }
bool boolean() { return *value() ? true : false; }
unsigned long long date() { return *((unsigned long long*) value()); }
double number() { return *((double *) value()); }
OID& oid() { return *((OID*) value()); }
// for strings
int valuestrsize() {
return *((int *) value());
// for objects the size *includes* the size of the size field
int objsize() {
return *((int *) value());
// for strings. also gives you start of the real data for an embedded object
const char * valuestr() { return value() + 4; }
JSObj embeddedObject();
const char *regex() { assert(type() == RegEx); return value(); }
const char *regexFlags() {
const char *p = regex();
return p + strlen(p) + 1;
bool operator==(Element& r) {
int sz = size();
return sz == r.size() &&
memcmp(data, r.data, sz) == 0;
/* like operator== but doesn't check the fieldname,
just the value.
bool valuesEqual(Element& r) {
return valuesize() == r.valuesize() &&
memcmp(value(),r.value(),valuesize()) == 0;
const char * rawdata() { return data; }
Element(const char *d) : data(d) {
fieldNameSize = eoo() ? 0 : strlen(fieldName()) + 1;
totalSize = -1;
const char *data;
int fieldNameSize;
int totalSize;
class JSObj {
friend class JSElemIter;
JSObj(const char *msgdata, bool ifree = false) : iFree(ifree) {
_objdata = msgdata;
_objsize = *((int*) _objdata);
JSObj(Record *r);
JSObj() : _objsize(0), _objdata(0), iFree(false) { }
~JSObj() { if( iFree ) { free((void*)_objdata); _objdata=0; } }
void iWillFree() {
assert(!iFree); iFree = true;
string toString() const;
int addFields(JSObj& from, set<string>& fields); /* returns n added */
int getFieldNames(set<string>& fields);
Element getField(const char *name); /* return has eoo() true if no match */
const char * getStringField(const char *name);
JSObj getObjectField(const char *name);
/* makes a new JSObj with the fields specified in pattern.
fields returned in the order they appear in pattern.
if any field missing, you get back an empty object overall.
JSObj extractFields(JSObj pattern, JSObjBuilder& b);
const char *objdata() const { return _objdata; }
int objsize() const { return _objsize; } // includes the embedded size field
bool isEmpty() const { return objsize() <= 5; }
/* this is broken if elements aren't in the same order. */
bool operator<(const JSObj& r) const { return woCompare(r) < 0; }
/* -1: l<r. 0:l==r. 1:l>r
wo='well ordered'. fields must be in same order in each object.
int woCompare(const JSObj& r) const;
bool woEqual(const JSObj& r) const {
return _objsize==r._objsize && memcmp(_objdata,r._objdata,_objsize)==0;
Element firstElement() {
return Element(objdata() + 4);
OID* getOID() {
Element e = firstElement();
if( e.type() != jstOID )
return 0;
return &e.oid();
JSObj(const JSObj& r) {
_objsize = r._objsize;
_objdata = r._objdata;
iFree = r.iFree;
if( iFree ) {
((JSObj&)r)._objdata = 0;
((JSObj&)r).iFree = false;
JSObj& operator=(JSObj& r) {
if( iFree ) free((void*)_objdata);
_objsize = r._objsize;
_objdata = r._objdata;
iFree = r.iFree;
/* kind of like auto_ptrs here. note we leave objsize as it was
so you'll get notified if you try to use the object, instead of just
thinking it is empty.
if( iFree ) { r._objdata = 0; r.iFree = false; }
return *this;
/* makes a copy of the object. Normally, a jsobj points to data "owned"
by something else. this is a useful way to get your own copy of the buffer
data (which is freed when the new jsobj destructs).
JSObj copy() const;
bool iFree;
int _objsize;
const char *_objdata;
class JSObjBuilder {
JSObjBuilder() { b.skip(4); /*leave room for size field*/ }
void append(Element& e) { b.append((void*) e.rawdata(), e.size()); }
/* append an element but with a new name */
void appendAs(Element& e, const char *as) {
b.append((char) e.type());
b.append((void *) e.value(), e.valuesize());
void append(const char *fieldName, double n) {
b.append((char) Number);
void append(const char *fieldName, const char *str) {
b.append((char) String);
b.append((int) strlen(str)+1);
JSObj doneAndDecouple() {
int l;
return JSObj(decouple(l));
JSObj done() {
return JSObj(_done());
/* assume ownership of the buffer - you must then free it (with free()) */
char* decouple(int& l) {
char *x = _done();
l = b.len();
return x;
void decouple() { b.decouple(); } // post done() call version. be sure jsobj frees...
char* _done() {
b.append((char) EOO);
char *data = b.buf();
*((int*)data) = b.len();
return data;
BufBuilder b;
class JSElemIter {
JSElemIter(const JSObj& jso) {
pos = jso.objdata() + 4;
theend = jso.objdata() + jso.objsize();
bool more() { return pos < theend; }
Element next() {
Element e(pos);
pos += e.size();
return e;
const char *pos;
const char *theend;
#include <pcrecpp.h>
class RegexMatcher {
const char *fieldName;
pcrecpp::RE *re;
RegexMatcher() { re = 0; }
~RegexMatcher() { delete re; }
/* For when a js object is a pattern... */
class JSMatcher {
JSMatcher(JSObj& pattern);
bool matches(JSObj& j, bool *deep = 0);
JSObj& jsobj;
vector<Element> toMatch;
int n;
RegexMatcher regexs[4];
int nRegex;
extern JSObj maxKey;
/*- just for testing -- */
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
struct JSObj1 {
JSObj1() {
n = Number; strcpy_s(nname, 5, "abcd"); N = 3.1;
s = String; strcpy_s(sname, 7, "abcdef"); slen = 10;
strcpy_s(sval, 10, "123456789"); eoo = EOO;
unsigned totsize;
char n;
char nname[5];
double N;
char s;
char sname[7];
unsigned slen;
char sval[10];
char eoo;
#pragma pack(pop)
extern JSObj1 js1;
inline JSObj Element::embeddedObject() {
assert( type()==Object || type()==Array );
return JSObj(value());
inline JSObj JSObj::copy() const {
if( _objsize == 0 )
return *this;
char *p = (char*) malloc(_objsize);
memcpy(p, _objdata, _objsize);
return JSObj(p, true);
// wrap this element up as a singleton object.
inline JSObj Element::wrap() {
JSObjBuilder b;
return b.doneAndDecouple();