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Eliot Horowitz c905877e40 some helpers
2009-02-02 17:12:42 -05:00

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/* jsobj.h */
BSONObj and its helpers
"BSON" stands for "binary JSON" -- ie a binary way to represent objects that would be
represented in JSON (plus a few extensions useful for databases & other languages).
* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include "../stdafx.h"
#include "../util/builder.h"
#include "boost/utility.hpp"
#include <set>
namespace mongo {
class BSONObj;
class Record;
class BSONObjBuilder;
#pragma pack(1)
the complete list of valie BSON types
EOO - end of object
Object - an embedded object
BinData - binary data
DBRef - deprecated / will be redesigned
Code - deprecated / use CodeWScope
Symbol - a programming language (e.g., Python) symbol
CodeWScope - javascript code that can execute on the database server, with context
enum BSONType {MinKey=-1, EOO=0, NumberDouble=1, String=2, Object=3, Array=4, BinData=5,
Undefined=6, jstOID=7, Bool=8, Date=9 , jstNULL=10, RegEx=11 ,
DBRef=12, Code=13, Symbol=14, CodeWScope=15 ,
NumberInt = 16,
/* subtypes of BinData.
bdtCustom and above are ones that the JS compiler understands, but are
opaque to the database.
enum BinDataType { Function=1, ByteArray=2, bdtUUID = 3, MD5Type=5, bdtCustom=128 };
/** Object id's for BSON objects.
When present they should be the first object member added.
class OID {
union {
long long a;
unsigned char data[8];
unsigned b;
const unsigned char *getData() const { return data; }
bool operator==(const OID& r) {
return a==r.a&&b==r.b;
bool operator!=(const OID& r) {
return a!=r.a||b!=r.b;
/** The object ID output as 24 hex digits. */
string str() const {
stringstream s;
s << hex;
// s.fill( '0' );
// s.width( 2 );
// fill wasn't working so doing manually...
for( int i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
unsigned u = data[i];
if( u < 16 ) s << '0';
s << u;
s.width( 16 );
s << a;
s.width( 8 );
s << b;
s << dec;
return s.str();
sets the contents to a new oid / randomized value
void init();
/** Set to the hex string value specified. */
void init( string s );
ostream& operator<<( ostream &s, const OID &o );
/** BSON object format:
<unsigned totalSize> {<byte BSONType><cstring FieldName><Data>}* EOO
totalSize includes itself.
Bool: <byte>
EOO: nothing follows
Undefined: nothing follows
OID: an OID object
NumberDouble: <double>
NumberInt: <int32>
String: <unsigned32 strsizewithnull><cstring>
Date: <8bytes>
Regex: <cstring regex><cstring options>
Object: a nested object, leading with its entire size, which terminates with EOO.
Array: same as object
DBRef: <strlen> <cstring ns> <oid>
DBRef is a database reference: basically a collection name plus an Object ID
BinData: <int len> <byte subtype> <byte[len] data>
Code: a function (not a closure): same format as String.
Symbol: a language symbol (say a python symbol). same format as String.
Code With Scope: <total size><String><Object>
/** Formatting mode for generating a JSON from BSON.
Strict - strict RFC format
TenGen - 10gen format, which is close to JS format. This form is understandable by
javascript running inside the Mongo server via eval()
JS - Javascript JSON compatible
enum JsonStringFormat { Strict, TenGen, JS };
#pragma pack()
/* internals
<type><fieldName ><value>
-------- size() ------------
/** BSONElement represents an "element" in a BSONObj. So for the object { a : 3, b : "abc" },
'a : 3' is the first element (key+value).
The BSONElement object points into the BSONObj's data. Thus the BSONObj must stay in scope
for the life of the BSONElement.
class BSONElement {
friend class BSONObjIterator;
friend class BSONObj;
string toString() const;
string jsonString( JsonStringFormat format, bool includeFieldNames = true ) const;
/** Returns the type of the element */
BSONType type() const {
return (BSONType) *data;
/** Indicates if it is the end-of-object element, which is present at the end of
every BSON object.
bool eoo() const {
return type() == EOO;
/** Size of the element.
@param maxLen If maxLen is specified, don't scan more than maxLen bytes to calculate size.
int size( int maxLen = -1 ) const;
/** Wrap this element up as a singleton object. */
BSONObj wrap();
/** field name of the element. e.g., for
name : "Joe"
"name" is the fieldname
const char * fieldName() const {
if ( eoo() ) return ""; // no fieldname for it.
return data + 1;
/** raw data of the element's value (so be careful). */
const char * value() const {
return (data + fieldNameSize + 1);
/** size in bytes of the element's value (when applicable). */
int valuesize() const {
return size() - fieldNameSize - 1;
bool isBoolean() const {
return type() == Bool;
/** @return value of a boolean element.
You must assure element is a boolean before
calling. */
bool boolean() const {
return *value() ? true : false;
/** Retrieve a java style data value from the element.
Ensure element is of type Date before calling.
unsigned long long date() const {
return *((unsigned long long*) value());
/** True if element is of a numeric type. */
bool isNumber() const {
return type() == NumberDouble || type() == NumberInt;
/** Change the value, in place, of the number. */
void setNumber(double d) {
if ( type() == NumberDouble ) *((double *) value()) = d;
else if ( type() == NumberInt ) *((int *) value()) = (int) d;
/** Retrieve the numeric value of the element. If not of a numeric type, returns 0. */
double number() const {
if ( type() == NumberDouble ) return *((double *) value());
if ( type() == NumberInt ) return *((int *) value());
return 0;
/** Retrieve the object ID stored in the object.
You must ensure the element is of type jstOID first. */
OID& __oid() const {
return *((OID*) value());
/** Size (length) of a string element.
You must assure of type String first. */
int valuestrsize() const {
return *((int *) value());
// for objects the size *includes* the size of the size field
int objsize() const {
return *((int *) value());
/** Get a string's value. Also gives you start of the real data for an embedded object.
You must assure data is of an appropriate type first -- see also valuestrsafe().
const char * valuestr() const {
return value() + 4;
/** Get the string value of the element. If not a string returns "". */
const char *valuestrsafe() const {
return type() == String ? valuestr() : "";
/** Get the string value of the element. If not a string returns "". */
string str() const { return valuestrsafe(); }
/** Get javascript code of a CodeWScope data element. */
const char * codeWScopeCode() const {
return value() + 8;
/** Get the scope context of a CodeWScope data element. */
const char * codeWScopeScopeData() const {
// TODO fix
return codeWScopeCode() + strlen( codeWScopeCode() ) + 1;
/** Get the embedded object this element holds. */
BSONObj embeddedObject() const;
/* uasserts if not an object */
BSONObj embeddedObjectUserCheck();
BSONObj codeWScopeObject() const;
/** Get binary data. Element must be of type BinData */
const char *binData(int& len) {
// BinData: <int len> <byte subtype> <byte[len] data>
assert( type() == BinData );
len = valuestrsize();
return value() + 5;
/** Retrieve the regex string for a Regex element */
const char *regex() const {
assert(type() == RegEx);
return value();
const char *simpleRegex() const;
/** Retrieve the regex flags (options) for a Regex element */
const char *regexFlags() const {
const char *p = regex();
return p + strlen(p) + 1;
/** like operator== but doesn't check the fieldname,
just the value.
bool valuesEqual(const BSONElement& r) const {
if ( isNumber() )
return number() == r.number() && r.isNumber();
bool match= valuesize() == r.valuesize() &&
memcmp(value(),r.value(),valuesize()) == 0;
return match;
// todo: make "0" == 0.0, undefined==null
/** Returns true if elements are equal. */
bool operator==(const BSONElement& r) const {
if ( strcmp(fieldName(), r.fieldName()) != 0 )
return false;
return valuesEqual(r);
/** Well ordered comparison.
@return <0: l<r. 0:l==r. >0:l>r
order by type, field name, and field value.
If considerFieldName is true, pay attention to the field name.
int woCompare( const BSONElement &e, bool considerFieldName = true ) const;
const char * rawdata() {
return data;
int getGtLtOp() const;
/** Constructs an empty element */
/** Check that data is internally consistent. */
void validate() const;
/** True if this element may contain subobjects. */
bool mayEncapsulate() const {
return type() == Object ||
type() == Array ||
type() == CodeWScope;
// If maxLen is specified, don't scan more than maxLen bytes.
BSONElement(const char *d, int maxLen = -1) : data(d) {
if ( eoo() )
fieldNameSize = 0;
else {
if ( maxLen != -1 ) {
int size = strnlen( fieldName(), maxLen - 1 );
massert( "Invalid field name", size != -1 );
fieldNameSize = size + 1;
} else {
fieldNameSize = strlen( fieldName() ) + 1;
totalSize = -1;
const char *data;
int fieldNameSize;
mutable int totalSize; /* caches the computed size */
/* l and r MUST have same type when called: check that first. */
int compareElementValues(const BSONElement& l, const BSONElement& r);
int getGtLtOp(BSONElement& e);
C++ representation of a "BSON" object -- that is, an extended JSON-style
object in a binary representation.
Note that BSONObj's have a smart pointer capability built in -- so you can
pass them around by value safely.
class BSONObj : public Stringable {
friend class BSONObjIterator;
class Details {
~Details() {
// note refCount means two different things (thus the assert here)
assert(refCount <= 0);
if (owned()) {
free((void *)_objdata);
_objdata = 0;
const char *_objdata;
int _objsize;
int refCount; // -1 == don't free (we don't "own" the buffer)
bool owned() {
return refCount >= 0;
} *details;
void init(const char *data, bool ifree) {
details = new Details();
details->_objdata = data;
details->_objsize = *((int*) data);
assert( details->_objsize > 0 );
assert( details->_objsize <= 1024 * 1024 * 16 );
details->refCount = ifree ? 1 : -1;
/** Construct a BSONObj from data in the proper format.
@param ifree true if the BSONObj should free() the msgdata when
it destructs.
explicit BSONObj(const char *msgdata, bool ifree = false) {
init(msgdata, ifree);
BSONObj(Record *r);
/** Construct an empty BSONObj -- that is, {}. */
BSONObj() : details(0) { }
~BSONObj() {
if ( details ) {
if ( --details->refCount <= 0 )
delete details;
details = 0;
void appendSelfToBufBuilder(BufBuilder& b) const {
assert( objsize() );
b.append((void *) objdata(), objsize());
/** Readable representation of a BSON object in an extended JSON-style notation.
This is an abbreviated representation which might be used for logging.
string toString() const;
/** Properly formatted JSON string. */
string jsonString( JsonStringFormat format = Strict ) const;
/** note: addFields always adds _id even if not specified */
int addFields(BSONObj& from, set<string>& fields); /* returns n added */
/** returns # of top level fields in the object
note: iterates to count the fields
int nFields() const;
/** adds the field names to the fields set. does NOT clear it (appends). */
int getFieldNames(set<string>& fields) const;
/** return has eoo() true if no match
supports "." notation to reach into embedded objects
BSONElement getFieldDotted(const char *name) const;
/** Like getFieldDotted(), but returns first array encountered while traversing the
dotted fields of name. The name variable is updated to represent field
names with respect to the returned element. */
BSONElement getFieldDottedOrArray(const char *&name) const;
/** Get the field of the specified name. eoo() is true on the returned
element if not found.
BSONElement getField(const string name) const {
return getField( name.c_str() );
/** Get the field of the specified name. eoo() is true on the returned
element if not found.
BSONElement getField(const char *name) const; /* return has eoo() true if no match */
/** Get the field of the specified name. eoo() is true on the returned
element if not found.
BSONElement operator[] (const char *field) const {
return getField(field);
/** @return true if field exists */
bool hasField( const char * name )const {
return ! getField( name ).eoo();
/** @return "" if DNE or wrong type */
const char * getStringField(const char *name) const;
/** @return subobject of the given name */
BSONObj getObjectField(const char *name) const;
/** @return INT_MIN if not present */
int getIntField(const char *name) const;
/** @return false if not present */
bool getBoolField(const char *name) const;
/** makes a new BSONObj with the fields specified in pattern.
fields returned in the order they appear in pattern.
if any field missing, you get back an empty object overall.
sets element field names to empty string
If an array is encountered while scanning the dotted names in pattern,
that array is added to the returned obj, rather than any subobjects
referenced within the array. The variable nameWithinArray is set to the
name of the requested field within the returned array.
BSONObj extractFieldsDotted(BSONObj pattern, BSONObjBuilder& b, const char *&nameWithinArray) const; // this version, builder owns the returned obj buffer
sets element field names to empty string
BSONObj extractFieldsUnDotted(BSONObj pattern) const;
/** extract items from object which match a pattern object.
e.g., if pattern is { x : 1, y : 1 }, builds an object with
x and y elements of this object, if they are present.
returns elements with original field names
BSONObj extractFields(BSONObj &pattern);
/** @return the raw data of the object */
const char *objdata() const {
return details->_objdata;
/** @return total size of the BSON object in bytes */
int objsize() const {
return details ? details->_objsize : 0; // includes the embedded size field
/** @return true if object is empty -- i.e., {} */
bool isEmpty() const {
return objsize() <= 5;
/* sigh...details == 0 is such a pain we have to eliminate that possibility */
void validateEmpty();
void dump() {
out() << hex;
const char *p = objdata();
for ( int i = 0; i < objsize(); i++ ) {
out() << i << '\t' << (unsigned) *p;
if ( *p >= 'A' && *p <= 'z' )
out() << '\t' << *p;
out() << endl;
// Alternative output format
string hexDump() const;
/**wo='well ordered'. fields must be in same order in each object.
Ordering is with respect to the signs of the elements in idxKey.
@return <0 if l<r. 0 if l==r. >0 if l>r
int woCompare(const BSONObj& r, const BSONObj &idxKey = BSONObj(),
bool considerFieldName=true) const;
/** This is "shallow equality" -- ints and doubles won't match. for a
deep equality test use woCompare (which is slower).
bool woEqual(const BSONObj& r) const {
int os = objsize();
if ( os == r.objsize() ) {
return (os == 0 || memcmp(objdata(),r.objdata(),os)==0);
return false;
/** @return first field of the object */
BSONElement firstElement() const {
return BSONElement(objdata() + 4);
/** @return element with fieldname "name". returnvalue.eoo() is true if not found */
BSONElement findElement(const char *name) const;
/** @return element with fieldname "name". returnvalue.eoo() is true if not found */
BSONElement findElement(string name) const {
return findElement(name.c_str());
/** @return true if field exists in the object */
bool hasElement(const char *name) const;
/** Get the _id field from the object. For good performance drivers should
assure that _id is the first element of the object; however, correct operation
is assured regardless.
@return true if found
bool getObjectID(BSONElement& e);
/** copy constructor. uses smart pointers so both objects will refer to the
same underlying data -- use copy() if you need a separate copy to manipulate.
BSONObj(const BSONObj& r) {
if ( r.details == 0 )
details = 0;
else if ( r.details->owned() ) {
details = r.details;
else {
details = new Details(*r.details);
/** uses smart pointers so both objects will refer to the
same underlying data -- use copy() if you need a separate copy to manipulate.
BSONObj& operator=(const BSONObj& r) {
if ( details && details->owned() ) {
if ( --details->refCount == 0 )
delete details;
if ( r.details == 0 )
details = 0;
else if ( r.details->owned() ) {
details = r.details;
else {
details = new Details(*r.details);
return *this;
/** makes a copy of the object.
BSONObj copy() const;
/** @return A hash code for the object */
int hash() const {
unsigned x = 0;
const char *p = objdata();
for ( int i = 0; i < objsize(); i++ )
x = x * 131 + p[i];
return (x & 0x7fffffff) | 0x8000000; // must be > 0
// Return a version of this object where top level elements of types
// that are not part of the bson wire protocol are replaced with
// string identifier equivalents.
// TODO Support conversion of element types other than min and max.
BSONObj clientReadable() const;
/** Return new object with the field names replaced. */
BSONObj replaceFieldNames( const vector< string > &names ) const;
/** true unless corrupt */
bool valid() const;
ostream& operator<<( ostream &s, const BSONObj &o );
ostream& operator<<( ostream &s, const BSONElement &e );
class BSONObjCmp {
BSONObjCmp( const BSONObj &_order ) : order( _order ) {}
bool operator()( const BSONObj &l, const BSONObj &r ) const {
return l.woCompare( r, order ) < 0;
BSONObj order;
class BSONObjCmpDefaultOrder : public BSONObjCmp {
BSONObjCmpDefaultOrder() : BSONObjCmp( BSONObj() ) {}
typedef set< BSONObj, BSONObjCmpDefaultOrder > BSONObjSetDefaultOrder;
/** Use BSON macro to build a BSONObj from a stream
BSON( "name" << "joe" << "age" << 33 )
#define BSON(x) (( BSONObjBuilder() << x ).doneAndDecouple())
class BSONObjBuilderValueStream {
BSONObjBuilderValueStream( const char * fieldName , BSONObjBuilder * builder );
BSONObjBuilder& operator<<( const char * value );
BSONObjBuilder& operator<<( const string& v ) { return (*this << v.c_str()); }
BSONObjBuilder& operator<<( const int value );
BSONObjBuilder& operator<<( const double value );
BSONObjBuilder& operator<<( const unsigned long value ){ return (*this << (double)value); }
const char * _fieldName;
BSONObjBuilder * _builder;
utility for creating BSONObj
class BSONObjBuilder {
BSONObjBuilder(int initsize=512) : b(initsize) {
b.skip(4); /*leave room for size field*/
/* add all the fields from the object specified to this object */
BSONObjBuilder& appendElements(BSONObj x);
void append(BSONElement& e) {
assert( !e.eoo() ); // do not append eoo, that would corrupt us. the builder auto appends when done() is called.
b.append((void*) e.rawdata(), e.size());
/* append an element but with a new name */
void appendAs(const BSONElement& e, const char *as) {
b.append((char) e.type());
b.append((void *) e.value(), e.valuesize());
/* add a subobject as a member */
void append(const char *fieldName, BSONObj subObj) {
b.append((char) Object);
b.append((void *) subObj.objdata(), subObj.objsize());
/* add a subobject as a member with type Array. Thus arr object should have "0", "1", ...
style fields in it.
void appendArray(const char *fieldName, BSONObj subObj) {
b.append((char) Array);
b.append((void *) subObj.objdata(), subObj.objsize());
void appendBool(const char *fieldName, int val) {
b.append((char) Bool);
b.append((char) (val?1:0));
void appendInt(const char *fieldName, int n) {
b.append((char) NumberInt);
BSONObjBuilder& append(const char *fieldName, double n) {
b.append((char) NumberDouble);
return *this;
void appendOID(const char *fieldName, OID *oid = 0) {
b.append((char) jstOID);
if ( oid )
b.append( (void *) oid, 12 );
else {
OID tmp;
memset( &tmp, 0, 12 );
b.append( (void *) &tmp, 12 );
void appendDate(const char *fieldName, unsigned long long dt) {
b.append((char) Date);
void appendRegex(const char *fieldName, const char *regex, const char *options = "") {
b.append((char) RegEx);
void appendCode(const char *fieldName, const char *code) {
b.append((char) Code);
b.append((int) strlen(code)+1);
BSONObjBuilder& append(const char *fieldName, const char *str) {
b.append((char) String);
b.append((int) strlen(str)+1);
return *this;
void append(const char *fieldName, string str) {
append(fieldName, str.c_str());
void appendSymbol(const char *fieldName, const char *symbol) {
b.append((char) Symbol);
b.append((int) strlen(symbol)+1);
/** Add Null element to the object */
void appendNull( const char *fieldName ) {
b.append( (char) jstNULL );
b.append( fieldName );
// Append an element that is less than all other keys.
void appendMinKey( const char *fieldName ) {
b.append( (char) MinKey );
b.append( fieldName );
// Append an element that is greater than all other keys.
void appendMaxKey( const char *fieldName ) {
b.append( (char) MaxKey );
b.append( fieldName );
/* Deprecated (but supported) */
void appendDBRef( const char *fieldName, const char *ns, const OID &oid ) {
b.append( (char) DBRef );
b.append( fieldName );
b.append( (int) strlen( ns ) + 1 );
b.append( ns );
b.append( (void *) &oid, 12 );
void appendBinData( const char *fieldName, int len, BinDataType type, const char *data ) {
b.append( (char) BinData );
b.append( fieldName );
b.append( len );
b.append( (char) type );
b.append( (void *) data, len );
@param len the length of data
void appendBinDataArray( const char * fieldName , const char * data , int len ){
b.append( (char) BinData );
b.append( fieldName );
b.append( len + 4 );
b.append( (char)0x2 );
b.append( len );
b.append( (void *) data, len );
/** Append to the BSON object a field of type CodeWScope. This is a javascript code
fragment accompanied by some scope that goes with it.
void appendCodeWScope( const char *fieldName, const char *code, const BSONObj &scope ) {
b.append( (char) CodeWScope );
b.append( fieldName );
b.append( ( int )( 4 + 4 + strlen( code ) + 1 + scope.objsize() ) );
b.append( ( int ) strlen( code ) + 1 );
b.append( code );
b.append( ( void * )scope.objdata(), scope.objsize() );
/* helper function -- see Query::where() for primary way to do this. */
void appendWhere( const char *code, const BSONObj &scope ){
appendCodeWScope( "$where" , code , scope );
template < class T >
void append( const char *fieldName, const vector< T >& vals ) {
BSONObjBuilder arrBuilder;
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < vals.size(); ++i )
arrBuilder.append( numStr( i ).c_str(), vals[ i ] );
marshalArray( fieldName, arrBuilder.done() );
void appendIntArray( const char *fieldName, const vector< int >& vals ) {
BSONObjBuilder arrBuilder;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < vals.size(); ++i )
arrBuilder.appendInt( numStr( i ).c_str(), vals[ i ] );
marshalArray( fieldName, arrBuilder.done() );
/* BSONObj will free the buffer when it is finished. */
BSONObj doneAndDecouple() {
int l;
return BSONObj(decouple(l), true);
/** Fetch the object we have built.
BSONObjBuilder still frees the object when the builder goes out of
scope -- very important to keep in mind. Use doneAndDecouple() if you
would like the BSONObj to last longer than the builder.
BSONObj done() {
return BSONObj(_done());
/* assume ownership of the buffer - you must then free it (with free()) */
char* decouple(int& l) {
char *x = _done();
assert( x );
l = b.len();
return x;
void decouple() {
b.decouple(); // post done() call version. be sure jsobj frees...
static string numStr( int i ) {
stringstream o;
o << i;
return o.str();
BSONObjBuilderValueStream operator<<(const char * name ) {
return BSONObjBuilderValueStream( name , this );
BSONObjBuilderValueStream operator<<( string name ) {
return BSONObjBuilderValueStream( name.c_str() , this );
// Append the provided arr object as an array.
void marshalArray( const char *fieldName, const BSONObj &arr ) {
b.append( (char) Array );
b.append( fieldName );
b.append( (void *) arr.objdata(), arr.objsize() );
char* _done() {
b.append((char) EOO);
char *data = b.buf();
*((int*)data) = b.len();
return data;
BufBuilder b;
/* iterator for a BSONObj
Note each BSONObj ends with an EOO element: so you will get more() on an empty
object, although next().eoo() will be true.
class BSONObjIterator {
BSONObjIterator(const BSONObj& jso) {
int sz = jso.objsize();
if ( sz == 0 ) {
pos = theend = 0;
pos = jso.objdata() + 4;
theend = jso.objdata() + sz;
bool more() {
return pos < theend;
BSONElement next( bool checkEnd = false ) {
assert( pos < theend );
BSONElement e( pos, checkEnd ? theend - pos : -1 );
pos += e.size( checkEnd ? theend - pos : -1 );
return e;
const char *pos;
const char *theend;
/* iterator a BSONObj which is an array, in array order.
class JSArrayIter {
BSONObjIterator(const BSONObj& jso) {
bool more() { return ... }
BSONElement next() {
} // namespace mongo
#include "matcher.h"
namespace mongo {
extern BSONObj maxKey;
extern BSONObj minKey;
/*- just for testing -- */
#pragma pack(1)
struct JSObj1 {
JSObj1() {
n = NumberDouble;
strcpy_s(nname, 5, "abcd");
N = 3.1;
s = String;
strcpy_s(sname, 7, "abcdef");
slen = 10;
strcpy_s(sval, 10, "123456789");
eoo = EOO;
unsigned totsize;
char n;
char nname[5];
double N;
char s;
char sname[7];
unsigned slen;
char sval[10];
char eoo;
#pragma pack()
extern JSObj1 js1;
inline BSONObj BSONElement::embeddedObjectUserCheck() {
uassert( "invalid parameter: expected an object", type()==Object || type()==Array );
return BSONObj(value());
inline BSONObj BSONElement::embeddedObject() const {
assert( type()==Object || type()==Array );
return BSONObj(value());
inline BSONObj BSONElement::codeWScopeObject() const {
assert( type() == CodeWScope );
int strSizeWNull = *(int *)( value() + 4 );
return BSONObj( value() + 4 + 4 + strSizeWNull );
inline BSONObj BSONObj::copy() const {
if ( isEmpty() )
return *this;
char *p = (char*) malloc(objsize());
memcpy(p, objdata(), objsize());
return BSONObj(p, true);
// wrap this element up as a singleton object.
inline BSONObj BSONElement::wrap() {
BSONObjBuilder b;
return b.doneAndDecouple();
inline bool BSONObj::hasElement(const char *name) const {
if ( !isEmpty() ) {
BSONObjIterator it(*this);
while ( it.more() ) {
BSONElement e = it.next();
if ( strcmp(name, e.fieldName()) == 0 )
return true;
return false;
inline BSONElement BSONObj::findElement(const char *name) const {
if ( !isEmpty() ) {
BSONObjIterator it(*this);
while ( it.more() ) {
BSONElement e = it.next();
if ( strcmp(name, e.fieldName()) == 0 )
return e;
return BSONElement();
/* add all the fields from the object specified to this object */
inline BSONObjBuilder& BSONObjBuilder::appendElements(BSONObj x) {
BSONObjIterator it(x);
while ( it.more() ) {
BSONElement e = it.next();
if ( e.eoo() ) break;
return *this;
extern BSONObj emptyObj;
inline void BSONObj::validateEmpty() {
if ( details == 0 )
*this = emptyObj;
inline bool BSONObj::getObjectID(BSONElement& e) {
BSONElement f = findElement("_id");
if( !f.eoo() ) {
e = f;
return true;
return false;
} // namespace mongo