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682 lines
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import {FeatureFlagUtil} from "jstests/libs/feature_flag_util.js";
import {Thread} from "jstests/libs/parallelTester.js";
export const getBackupCursorDB = function(mongo) {
const dbName = FeatureFlagUtil.isEnabled(mongo, "ReplicaSetEndpoint") ? "local" : "admin";
return mongo.getDB(dbName);
export function backupData(mongo, destinationDirectory) {
const backupCursorDB = getBackupCursorDB(mongo);
let backupCursor = openBackupCursor(backupCursorDB);
let metadata = getBackupCursorMetadata(backupCursor);
backupCursor, /*namespacesToSkip=*/[], metadata.dbpath, destinationDirectory);
return metadata;
export function openBackupCursor(db, backupOptions, aggregateOptions) {
const backupCursorDB = getBackupCursorDB(db.getMongo());
// Opening a backup cursor can race with taking a checkpoint, resulting in a transient
// error. Retry until it succeeds.
backupOptions = backupOptions || {};
aggregateOptions = aggregateOptions || {};
while (true) {
try {
return backupCursorDB.aggregate([{$backupCursor: backupOptions}], aggregateOptions);
} catch (exc) {
jsTestLog({"Failed to open a backup cursor, retrying.": exc});
export function extendBackupCursor(mongo, backupId, extendTo) {
const backupCursorDB = getBackupCursorDB(mongo);
return backupCursorDB.aggregate(
[{$backupCursorExtend: {backupId: backupId, timestamp: extendTo}}],
{maxTimeMS: 180 * 1000});
export function startHeartbeatThread(host, backupCursor, session, stopCounter) {
let cursorId = tojson(backupCursor._cursorid);
let lsid = tojson(session.getSessionId());
const conn = new Mongo(host);
const backupCursorDB = getBackupCursorDB(conn);
let heartbeatBackupCursor = function(host, backupCursorDbName, cursorId, lsid, stopCounter) {
const conn = new Mongo(host);
const db = conn.getDB(backupCursorDbName);
while (stopCounter.getCount() > 0) {
let res = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({
getMore: eval("(" + cursorId + ")"),
collection: "$cmd.aggregate",
lsid: eval("(" + lsid + ")")
sleep(10 * 1000);
const heartbeater = new Thread(
heartbeatBackupCursor, host, backupCursorDB.getName(), cursorId, lsid, stopCounter);
return heartbeater;
export function getBackupCursorMetadata(backupCursor) {
let doc = backupCursor.next();
return doc["metadata"];
* Exhaust the backup cursor and copy all the listed files to the destination directory. If `async`
* is true, this function will spawn a Thread doing the copy work and return the thread along
* with the backup cursor metadata. The caller should `join` the thread when appropriate.
export function copyBackupCursorFiles(
backupCursor, namespacesToSkip, dbpath, destinationDirectory, async, fileCopiedCallback) {
let separator = _isWindows() ? '\\' : '/';
// TODO(SERVER-13455): Replace `journal/` with the configurable journal path.
mkdir(destinationDirectory + separator + "journal");
let copyThread = copyBackupCursorExtendFiles(
backupCursor, namespacesToSkip, dbpath, destinationDirectory, async, fileCopiedCallback);
return copyThread;
export function copyBackupCursorExtendFiles(
cursor, namespacesToSkip, dbpath, destinationDirectory, async, fileCopiedCallback) {
let files = _cursorToFiles(cursor, namespacesToSkip, fileCopiedCallback);
let copyThread;
if (async) {
copyThread = new Thread(_copyFiles, files, dbpath, destinationDirectory, _copyFileHelper);
} else {
_copyFiles(files, dbpath, destinationDirectory, _copyFileHelper);
// TODO(SERVER-13455): Replace `journal/` with the configurable journal path.
msg: "Destination",
destination: destinationDirectory,
dbpath: ls(destinationDirectory),
journal: ls(destinationDirectory + "/journal")
return copyThread;
export function _cursorToFiles(cursor, namespacesToSkip, fileCopiedCallback) {
let files = [];
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
let doc = cursor.next();
if (namespacesToSkip.includes(doc.ns)) {
jsTestLog("Skipping file during backup: " + tojson(doc));
if (fileCopiedCallback) {
let file = {filename: doc.filename};
if (doc.hasOwnProperty("fileSize")) {
file.fileSize = Number(doc.fileSize);
if (doc.hasOwnProperty("offset")) {
file.offset = Number(doc.offset);
file.length = Number(doc.length);
return files;
export function _copyFiles(files, dbpath, destinationDirectory, copyFileHelper) {
files.forEach((file) => {
jsTestLog(copyFileHelper(file, dbpath, destinationDirectory));
export function _copyFileHelper(file, sourceDbPath, destinationDirectory) {
let absoluteFilePath = file.filename;
// Ensure the dbpath ends with an OS appropriate slash.
let separator = '/';
if (_isWindows()) {
separator = '\\';
// Convert dbpath which may contain directoryperdb/wiredTigerDirectoryForIndexes
// subdirectory in POSIX style.
absoluteFilePath = absoluteFilePath.replace(/[\/]/g, separator);
let lastChar = sourceDbPath[sourceDbPath.length - 1];
if (lastChar !== '/' && lastChar !== '\\') {
sourceDbPath += separator;
// Ensure that the full path starts with the returned dbpath.
assert.eq(0, absoluteFilePath.indexOf(sourceDbPath));
// Grab the file path relative to the dbpath. Maintain that relation when copying
// to the `hiddenDbpath`.
let relativePath = absoluteFilePath.substr(sourceDbPath.length);
let destination = destinationDirectory + separator + relativePath;
const newFileDirectory = destination.substring(0, destination.lastIndexOf(separator));
let msg = "File copy";
if (!pathExists(destination)) {
// If the file hasn't had an initial backup yet, then a full file copy is needed.
copyFile(absoluteFilePath, destination);
} else if (file.fileSize == undefined || file.length == undefined ||
file.fileSize == file.length) {
// - $backupCursorExtend, which only returns journal files does not report a 'fileSize'.
// - 'length' is only reported for incremental backups.
// - When 'fileSize' == 'length', that's used as an indicator to do a full file copy. Mostly
// used for internal tables.
if (pathExists(destination)) {
// Remove the old backup of the file. For journal files specifically, if a checkpoint
// didn't take place between two incremental backups, then the backup cursor can specify
// journal files we've already copied at an earlier time. We should remove these old
// journal files so that we can copy them over again in the event that their contents
// have changed over time.
jsTestLog(`Removing existing file ${
destination} in preparation of copying a newer version of it`);
copyFile(absoluteFilePath, destination);
} else {
assert(file.offset != undefined);
assert(file.length != undefined);
msg = "Range copy, offset: " + file.offset + ", length: " + file.length;
absoluteFilePath, destination, NumberLong(file.offset), NumberLong(file.length));
return {
fileSource: absoluteFilePath,
relativePath: relativePath,
fileDestination: destination,
msg: msg
* Helper function to ensure the namespace and UUID fields are correctly populated in files we are
* backing up.
export function checkBackup(backupCursor) {
// Print the metadata document.
while (backupCursor.hasNext()) {
let doc = backupCursor.next();
jsTestLog("File for backup: " + tojson(doc));
if (!doc.required) {
assert.neq(doc.ns, "");
assert.neq(doc.uuid, "");
} else {
let pathsep = _isWindows() ? '\\' : '/';
let stem = doc.filename.substr(doc.filename.lastIndexOf(pathsep) + 1);
// Denylisting internal files that don't need to have ns/uuid set. Denylisting known
// patterns will help catch subtle API changes if new filename patterns are added that
// don't generate ns/uuid.
if (!stem.startsWith("size") && !stem.startsWith("Wired") && !stem.startsWith("_")) {
assert.neq(doc.ns, "");
assert.neq(doc.uuid, "");
// Magic restore utility class
// This class implements helpers for testing the magic restore proces. It maintains the state of the
// backup cursor and handles writing objects to named pipes and running magic restore on a single
// node. It exposes some of this state so that individual tests can make specific assertions as
// needed.
export class MagicRestoreUtils {
constructor({backupSource, pipeDir, insertHigherTermOplogEntry, backupDbPathSuffix}) {
this.backupSource = backupSource;
this.pipeDir = pipeDir;
this.backupDbPath =
pipeDir + "/backup" + (backupDbPathSuffix != undefined ? backupDbPathSuffix : "");
// isPit is set when we receive the restoreConfiguration.
this.isPit = false;
this.insertHigherTermOplogEntry = insertHigherTermOplogEntry;
// Default high term value.
this.restoreToHigherTermThan = 100;
// These fields are set during the restore process.
this.backupCursor = undefined;
this.backupId = undefined;
this.checkpointTimestamp = undefined;
this.pointInTimeTimestamp = undefined;
* Helper function that returns the checkpoint timestamp from the backup cursor. Used in tests
* that need this timestamp to make assertions about data before and after the backup time.
getCheckpointTimestamp() {
return this.checkpointTimestamp;
* Helper function that returns the dbpath for the backup. Used to start a regular node after
* magic restore completes.
getBackupDbPath() {
return this.backupDbPath;
* Takes a checkpoint and opens the backup cursor on the source. backupCursorOpts is an optional
* parameter which will be passed to the openBackupCursor call if provided. This function
* returns the backup cursor metadata object.
takeCheckpointAndOpenBackup(backupCursorOpts = {}) {
// Take the initial checkpoint.
assert.commandWorked(this.backupSource.adminCommand({fsync: 1}));
// TODO(SERVER-13455): Replace `journal/` with the configurable journal path.
mkdir(this.backupDbPath + "/journal");
// Open a backup cursor on the checkpoint.
this.backupCursor = openBackupCursor(this.backupSource.getDB("admin"), backupCursorOpts);
// Print the backup metadata document.
const {metadata} = this.backupCursor.next();
jsTestLog("Backup cursor metadata document: " + tojson(metadata));
this.backupId = metadata.backupId;
this.checkpointTimestamp = metadata.checkpointTimestamp;
return metadata;
* Copies data files from the source dbpath to the backup dbpath.
copyFiles() {
while (this.backupCursor.hasNext()) {
const doc = this.backupCursor.next();
jsTestLog("Copying for backup: " + tojson(doc));
_copyFileHelper({filename: doc.filename, fileSize: doc.fileSize},
* Copies data files from the source dbpath to the backup dbpath. Closes the backup cursor.
copyFilesAndCloseBackup() {
* Extends the backup cursor, copies the extend files and closes the backup cursor.
extendAndCloseBackup(mongo, maxCheckpointTs) {
extendBackupCursor(mongo, this.backupId, maxCheckpointTs);
[] /*namespacesToSkip*/,
false /*async*/);
* Helper function that generates the magic restore named pipe path for testing. 'pipeDir'
* is the directory in the filesystem in which we create the named pipe.
static _generateMagicRestorePipePath(pipeDir) {
const pipeName = "magic_restore_named_pipe";
// On Windows, the pipe path prefix is ignored. "//./pipe/" is the required path start of
// all named pipes on Windows.
const pipePath = _isWindows() ? "//./pipe/" + pipeName : `${pipeDir}/tmp/${pipeName}`;
if (!_isWindows() && !fileExists(pipeDir + "/tmp/")) {
assert(mkdir(pipeDir + "/tmp/").created);
return {pipeName, pipePath};
* Helper function that writes an array of JavaScript objects into a named pipe. 'objs' will be
* serialized into BSON and written into the named pipe path generated by
* '_generateMagicRestorePipePath'. The function is static as it is used in passthrough testing
* as well.
static writeObjsToMagicRestorePipe(pipeDir, objs, persistPipe = false) {
const {pipeName, pipePath} = MagicRestoreUtils._generateMagicRestorePipePath(pipeDir);
_writeTestPipeObjects(pipeName, objs.length, objs, pipeDir + "/tmp/", persistPipe);
// Creating the named pipe is async, so we should wait until the file exists.
assert.soon(() => fileExists(pipePath));
* Helper function that starts a magic restore node on the 'backupDbPath'. Waits for the process
* to exit cleanly. The function is static as it is used in passthrough testing as well.
static runMagicRestoreNode(pipeDir, backupDbPath, options = {}) {
const {pipePath} = MagicRestoreUtils._generateMagicRestorePipePath(pipeDir);
// Magic restore will exit the mongod process cleanly. 'runMongod' may acquire a connection
// to mongod before it exits, and so we wait for the process to exit in the 'assert.soon'
// below. If mongod exits before we acquire a connection, 'conn' will be null. In this case,
// if mongod exits with non-zero exit code, the runner will throw a StopError.
const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({
dbpath: backupDbPath,
noCleanData: true,
magicRestore: "",
env: {namedPipeInput: pipePath},
if (conn) {
assert.soon(() => {
const res = checkProgram(conn.pid);
return !res.alive && res.exitCode == MongoRunner.EXIT_CLEAN;
}, "Expected magic restore to exit mongod cleanly");
* Avoids nested loops (some including the config servers and some without) in the test itself.
static getAllNodes(numShards, numNodes) {
const result = [];
for (let rsIndex = 0; rsIndex < numShards; rsIndex++) {
for (let nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < numNodes; nodeIndex++) {
result.push([rsIndex, nodeIndex]);
return result;
* Helper function that lists databases on the given ShardingTest, calls dbHash for each and
* returns those as a dbName-to-shardIdx-to-nodeIdx-to-dbHash dictionary.
static getDbHashes(st, numShards, numNodes, expectedDBCount) {
const dbHashes = {};
const res = assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({"listDatabases": 1, "nameOnly": true}));
assert.eq(res["databases"].length, expectedDBCount);
const allNodes = this.getAllNodes(numShards + 1, numNodes);
for (let dbEntry of res["databases"]) {
const dbName = dbEntry["name"];
dbHashes[dbName] = {};
for (const [rsIndex, nodeIndex] of allNodes) {
const node = rsIndex < numShards ? st["rs" + rsIndex].nodes[nodeIndex]
: st.configRS.nodes[nodeIndex];
const dbHash = node.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dbHash: 1});
if (dbHashes[dbName][rsIndex] == undefined) {
dbHashes[dbName][rsIndex] = {};
dbHashes[dbName][rsIndex][nodeIndex] = dbHash;
return dbHashes;
* Helper function that compares outputs of dbHash on the given replicaSets against the output
* of a previous getDbHashes call. The config server replica set can be passed in replicaSets
* too. Collection names in excludedCollections are excluded from the comparison.
static checkDbHashes(dbHashes, replicaSets, excludedCollections, numShards, numNodes) {
for (const [rsIndex, nodeIndex] of this.getAllNodes(numShards + 1, numNodes)) {
for (const dbName in dbHashes) {
if (dbHashes[dbName][rsIndex] != undefined) {
let dbhash =
replicaSets[rsIndex].nodes[nodeIndex].getDB(dbName).runCommand({dbHash: 1});
for (let collectionName in dbhash["collections"]) {
if (excludedCollections.includes(collectionName)) {
`Comparing ${collectionName} in ${dbName} on replicaSets[${
rsIndex}], node ${nodeIndex} failed`);
* Replaces the trailing "_0" from the backupPath of the first node of a replica set by "_$node"
* so startSet uses the correct dbpath for each node in the replica set.
static parameterizeDbpath(backupPath) {
return backupPath.slice(0, -1) + "$node";
* Retrieves all oplog entries that occurred after the checkpoint timestamp on the source node.
* Returns an object with the timestamp of the last oplog entry, as well as the oplog
* entry array
getEntriesAfterBackup(sourceNode) {
let oplog = sourceNode.getDB("local").getCollection('oplog.rs');
const entriesAfterBackup =
oplog.find({ts: {$gt: this.checkpointTimestamp}}).sort({ts: 1}).toArray();
return {
lastOplogEntryTs: entriesAfterBackup[entriesAfterBackup.length - 1].ts,
* A helper function that makes multiple assertions on the restore node. Helpful to avoid
* needing to make each individual assertion in each test.
}) {
const restoredConfig =
assert.commandWorked(node.adminCommand({replSetGetConfig: 1})).config;
this._assertConfigIsCorrect(expectedConfig, restoredConfig);
node, dbName + "." + collName, expectedOplogCountForNs, opFilter);
this._assertStableCheckpointIsCorrectAfterRestore(node, shardLastOplogEntryTs);
node, expectedNumDocsSnapshot /* expectedNumDocsSnapshot */, dbName, collName);
if (rolesCollUuid && userCollUuid) {
assert.eq(rolesCollUuid, this.getCollUuid(node, "admin", "system.roles"));
assert.eq(userCollUuid, this.getCollUuid(node, "admin", "system.users"));
if (logPath) {
* Performs a find on the oplog for the given name space and asserts that the expected number of
* entries exists. Optionally takes an op type to filter.
assertOplogCountForNamespace(node, ns, expectedNumEntries, op) {
let findObj = {ns: ns};
if (op) {
findObj.op = op;
const entries =
node.getDB("local").getCollection('oplog.rs').find(findObj).sort({ts: -1}).toArray();
assert.eq(entries.length, expectedNumEntries);
* Adds the 'restoreToHigherTermThan' field to the restore configuration if this instance is
* testing the higher term no-op behavior.
appendRestoreToHigherTermThanIfNeeded(restoreConfiguration) {
if (this.insertHigherTermOplogEntry) {
restoreConfiguration.restoreToHigherTermThan = NumberLong(this.restoreToHigherTermThan);
return restoreConfiguration;
* Combines writing objects to the named pipe and running magic restore.
writeObjsAndRunMagicRestore(restoreConfiguration, entriesAfterBackup, options) {
this.pointInTimeTimestamp = restoreConfiguration.pointInTimeTimestamp;
if (this.pointInTimeTimestamp) {
assert(entriesAfterBackup.length > 0);
this.isPit = true;
this.pipeDir, [restoreConfiguration, ...entriesAfterBackup]);
MagicRestoreUtils.runMagicRestoreNode(this.pipeDir, this.backupDbPath, options);
* Asserts that two config arguments are equal. If we are testing higher term behavior in the
* test, modifies the expected term on the source config.
_assertConfigIsCorrect(srcConfig, dstConfig) {
// If we passed in a value for the 'restoreToHigherTermThan' field in the restore config, a
// no-op oplog entry was inserted in the oplog with that term value + 100. On startup, the
// replica set node sets its term to this value. A new election occurred when the replica
// set restarted, so we must also increment the term by 1 regardless of if we passed in a
// higher term value.
const expectedTerm = this.insertHigherTermOplogEntry ? this.restoreToHigherTermThan + 101
: srcConfig.term + 1;
// Make a copy to not modify the object passed by the caller.
srcConfig = Object.assign({}, srcConfig);
srcConfig.term = expectedTerm;
assert.eq(srcConfig, dstConfig);
* Asserts that the stable checkpoint timestamp on the restored node is as expected. For a
* non-PIT restore, the timestamp should be equal to the checkpoint timestamp from the backup
* cursor. For a PIT restore, it should be equal to the top of the oplog. For any restore that
* inserts a no-op oplog entry with a higher term, the stable checkpoint timestamp should be
* equal to the timestamp of that entry.
_assertStableCheckpointIsCorrectAfterRestore(restoreNode, lastOplogEntryTs = undefined) {
let lastStableCheckpointTs =
this.isPit ? this.pointInTimeTimestamp : this.checkpointTimestamp;
// For a PIT restore on a sharded cluster, the lastStableCheckpointTs of a given shard might
// be behind the global pointInTimeTimestamp. This allows the caller to specify
// lastOplogEntryTs instead.
if (lastOplogEntryTs != undefined) {
lastStableCheckpointTs = lastOplogEntryTs;
if (this.insertHigherTermOplogEntry) {
const oplog = restoreNode.getDB("local").getCollection('oplog.rs');
const incrementTermEntry =
oplog.findOne({op: "n", "o.msg": "restore incrementing term"});
assert.eq(incrementTermEntry.t, this.restoreToHigherTermThan + 100);
// If we've inserted a no-op oplog entry with a higher term during magic restore, we'll
// have updated the stable timestamp.
lastStableCheckpointTs = incrementTermEntry.ts;
// Ensure that the last stable checkpoint is as expected. As the timestamp is greater than
// 0, this means the magic restore took a stable checkpoint on shutdown.
const {lastStableRecoveryTimestamp} =
assert.commandWorked(restoreNode.adminCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1}));
assert(timestampCmp(lastStableRecoveryTimestamp, lastStableCheckpointTs) == 0,
`timestampCmp(${tojson(lastStableRecoveryTimestamp)}, ${
tojson(lastStableCheckpointTs)}) is ${
timestampCmp(lastStableRecoveryTimestamp, lastStableCheckpointTs)}, not 0`);
* Assert that the minvalid document has been set correctly in magic restore.
_assertMinValidIsCorrect(restoreNode) {
const minValid = restoreNode.getCollection('local.replset.minvalid').findOne();
{_id: ObjectId("000000000000000000000000"), t: -1, ts: Timestamp(0, 1)});
* Assert that a restored node cannot complete a snapshot read at a timestamp earlier than the
* last stable checkpoint timestamp.
_assertCannotDoSnapshotRead(restoreNode, expectedNumDocsSnapshot, db = "db", coll = "coll") {
const {lastStableRecoveryTimestamp} =
assert.commandWorked(restoreNode.adminCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1}));
// A restored node will not preserve any history. The oldest timestamp should be set to the
// stable timestamp at the end of a non-PIT restore.
let res = restoreNode.getDB(db).runCommand({
find: coll,
readConcern: {
level: "snapshot",
atClusterTime: Timestamp(lastStableRecoveryTimestamp.getTime() - 1,
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, ErrorCodes.SnapshotTooOld);
// A snapshot read at the last stable timestamp should succeed.
res = restoreNode.getDB(db).runCommand({
find: coll,
readConcern: {level: "snapshot", atClusterTime: lastStableRecoveryTimestamp}
assert.eq(res.cursor.firstBatch.length, expectedNumDocsSnapshot);
* Get the UUID for a given collection.
getCollUuid(node, dbName, collName) {
return node.getDB(dbName).getCollectionInfos({name: collName})[0].info.uuid;
* Checks the log file specified at 'logpath', and ensures that it contains logs with the
* 'RESTORE' component. The function also ensures the first and last log lines are as expected.
_checkRestoreSpecificLogs(logpath) {
// When splitting the logs on new lines, the last element will be an empty string, so we
// should filter it out.
let logs = cat(logpath)
.filter(line => line.trim() !== "")
.map(line => JSON.parse(line))
.filter(json => json.c === 'RESTORE');
assert.eq(logs[0].msg, "Beginning magic restore");
assert.eq(logs[logs.length - 1].msg, "Finished magic restore");