mirror of https://github.com/mongodb/mongo.git synced 2024-11-24 00:17:37 +01:00
Daniel Moody 61c0774507 SERVER-96809 add support for building unittests in bazel (#28966)
GitOrigin-RevId: aef3c600186714be0fe136b0688cac76690f4922
2024-11-08 21:02:23 +00:00

563 lines
23 KiB

load("@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_utils.bzl", "find_cpp_toolchain")
WITH_DEBUG_SUFFIX = "_with_debug"
SHARED_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX = "_shared_archive"
def get_inputs_and_outputs(ctx, shared_ext, static_ext, debug_ext):
Determines and generates the inputs and outputs.
Inputs are the extensions for shared libraries, static libraries, and debug files for a given platform.
Outputs are:
input_bin: the shared or program binary that contains debug info
Note it is possible this a static library build in which case input_bin can be None
output_bin: The output shared or program binary with the debug info to be stripped
Note it is possible this a static library build in which case output_bin can be None
Note if separate_debug is disabled this will just be a symlink which still contains the debug info
debug_info: If this is a separate_debug build, this will be the output file which will be the extracted debug info
static_lib: The static library if this build is building static libraries. This will be a symlink
shared_lib = None
static_lib = None
input_files = ctx.attr.binary_with_debug.files.to_list()
if len(input_files) == 0:
return None, None, None, None
if ctx.attr.type == "library":
for file in ctx.attr.binary_with_debug.files.to_list():
if file.path.endswith(WITH_DEBUG_SUFFIX + static_ext):
static_lib = file
if ctx.attr.cc_shared_library != None:
for file in ctx.attr.cc_shared_library.files.to_list():
if file.path.endswith(WITH_DEBUG_SUFFIX + shared_ext):
shared_lib = file
if shared_lib:
basename = shared_lib.basename[:-len(WITH_DEBUG_SUFFIX + shared_ext + CC_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX)]
if ctx.attr.enabled:
debug_info = ctx.actions.declare_directory(basename + shared_ext + debug_ext)
debug_info = ctx.actions.declare_file(basename + shared_ext + debug_ext)
debug_info = None
output_bin = ctx.actions.declare_file(basename + shared_ext)
input_bin = shared_lib
debug_info = None
output_bin = None
input_bin = None
elif ctx.attr.type == "program":
program_bin = ctx.attr.binary_with_debug.files.to_list()[0]
basename = program_bin.basename[:-len(WITH_DEBUG_SUFFIX)]
if ctx.attr.enabled:
debug_info = ctx.actions.declare_directory(basename + debug_ext)
debug_info = ctx.actions.declare_file(basename + debug_ext)
debug_info = None
output_bin = ctx.actions.declare_file(basename)
input_bin = program_bin
fail("Can't extract debug info from unknown type: " + ctx.attr.type)
return input_bin, output_bin, debug_info, static_lib
def propgate_static_lib(ctx, static_lib, static_ext, inputs):
Static libraries will not have debug info extracts so we symlink to the new target name.
basename = static_lib.basename[:-len(WITH_DEBUG_SUFFIX + static_ext)]
unstripped_static_lib = ctx.actions.declare_file(basename + static_ext)
output = unstripped_static_lib,
target_file = static_lib,
return unstripped_static_lib
def get_transitive_dyn_libs(deps):
Get a transitive list of all dynamic library files under a set of dependencies.
# TODO(SERVER-85819): Investigate to see if it's possible to merge the depset without looping over all transitive
# dependencies.
transitive_dyn_libs = []
for dep in deps:
for input in dep[CcInfo].linking_context.linker_inputs.to_list():
for library in input.libraries:
if library.dynamic_library:
return transitive_dyn_libs
def symlink_shared_archive(ctx, shared_ext, static_ext):
Shared archives (.so.a/.dll.lib) have different extensions depending on the operating system.
Strip the suffix added on by the target rule and replace the static library ext with the shared archive
original_output = ctx.attr.shared_archive.files.to_list()[0]
basename = original_output.basename[:-len(SHARED_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX + static_ext)]
symlink = ctx.actions.declare_file(basename + shared_ext + static_ext)
output = symlink,
target_file = original_output,
return symlink
def create_new_ccinfo_library(ctx, cc_toolchain, shared_lib, static_lib, cc_shared_library = None):
We need to create new CcInfo with the new target names, this will take in the newly
named library files and construct a new CcInfo basically stripping out the "_with_debug"
if ctx.attr.type == "library":
feature_configuration = cc_common.configure_features(
ctx = ctx,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
requested_features = ctx.features,
unsupported_features = ctx.disabled_features,
linker_input_deps = []
for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
if shared_lib or static_lib:
if shared_lib:
so_path = shared_lib.path.replace(ctx.bin_dir.path + "/", "")
so_path = ""
direct_lib = cc_common.create_library_to_link(
actions = ctx.actions,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
dynamic_library = shared_lib,
dynamic_library_symlink_path = so_path,
static_library = static_lib if cc_shared_library == None else None,
alwayslink = True,
linker_input = cc_common.create_linker_input(
owner = ctx.label,
libraries = depset(direct = [direct_lib]),
user_link_flags = ctx.attr.binary_with_debug[CcInfo].linking_context.linker_inputs.to_list()[0].user_link_flags,
linking_context = cc_common.create_linking_context(linker_inputs = depset(direct = [linker_input], transitive = linker_input_deps))
linking_context = cc_common.create_linking_context(linker_inputs = depset(transitive = linker_input_deps))
linking_context = ctx.attr.binary_with_debug[CcInfo].linking_context
return CcInfo(
compilation_context = ctx.attr.binary_with_debug[CcInfo].compilation_context,
linking_context = linking_context,
def create_new_cc_shared_library_info(ctx, cc_toolchain, output_shared_lib, original_info, static_lib = None):
We need to create a CcSharedLibraryInfo to pass to the cc_binary and cc_library that depend on it
so they know to link the cc_shared_library instead of the associated cc_library.
feature_configuration = cc_common.configure_features(
ctx = ctx,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
requested_features = ctx.features,
unsupported_features = ctx.disabled_features,
# Loop through all dependencies to include their resulting (shared/debug decorator stripped) shared library files
# as inputs.
# TODO(SERVER-85819): Investigate to see if it's possible to merge the depset without looping over all transitive
# dependencies.
dep_libraries = []
for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
for input in dep[CcInfo].linking_context.linker_inputs.to_list():
for library in input.libraries:
# CcInfo's linkopts are ignored by cc_shared_library by default. To support both transitive and nontransitive
# dynamic linkopts use:
# cc_library's linkopts field for both static and dynamic transitive link opts
# cc_shared_library's user_link_flags field for dynamic non-transitive link opts
all_user_link_flags = dict()
for input in ctx.attr.binary_with_debug[CcInfo].linking_context.linker_inputs.to_list():
for flag in input.user_link_flags:
all_user_link_flags[flag] = True
# We define global linkopts here too, remove duplicates to prevent repeats of the global opts
# from accumulating.
for flag in original_info.linker_input.user_link_flags:
all_user_link_flags[flag] = True
all_user_link_flags = [flag for flag, _ in all_user_link_flags.items()]
if output_shared_lib:
direct_lib = cc_common.create_library_to_link(
actions = ctx.actions,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
# Replace reference to dynamic library with final name
dynamic_library = output_shared_lib,
dynamic_library_symlink_path = output_shared_lib.path.replace(ctx.bin_dir.path + "/", ""),
# Omit reference to static library
linker_input = cc_common.create_linker_input(
owner = ctx.label,
libraries = depset(direct = [direct_lib], transitive = [depset(dep_libraries)]),
user_link_flags = all_user_link_flags,
additional_inputs = depset(original_info.linker_input.additional_inputs),
linker_input = cc_common.create_linker_input(
owner = ctx.label,
libraries = depset(transitive = [depset(dep_libraries)]),
user_link_flags = all_user_link_flags,
additional_inputs = depset(original_info.linker_input.additional_inputs),
return CcSharedLibraryInfo(
dynamic_deps = original_info.dynamic_deps,
exports = original_info.exports,
link_once_static_libs = original_info.link_once_static_libs,
linker_input = linker_input,
def linux_extraction(ctx, cc_toolchain, inputs):
outputs = []
unstripped_static_bin = None
input_bin, output_bin, debug_info, static_lib = get_inputs_and_outputs(ctx, ".so", ".a", ".debug")
input_file = ctx.attr.binary_with_debug.files.to_list()
if input_bin:
if ctx.attr.enabled:
executable = cc_toolchain.objcopy_executable,
outputs = [debug_info],
inputs = inputs,
arguments = [
mnemonic = "ExtractDebuginfo",
executable = cc_toolchain.objcopy_executable,
outputs = [output_bin],
inputs = depset([debug_info], transitive = [inputs]),
arguments = [
mnemonic = "StripDebuginfo",
outputs += [output_bin, debug_info]
output = output_bin,
target_file = input_bin,
outputs += [output_bin]
if len(input_file):
if static_lib:
unstripped_static_bin = propgate_static_lib(ctx, static_lib, ".a", inputs)
if ctx.attr.shared_archive:
unstripped_shared_archive = symlink_shared_archive(ctx, ".so", ".a")
# The final program binary depends on the existence of the dependent dynamic library files. With
# build-without-the-bytes enabled, these aren't downloaded. Manually collect them and add them to the
# output set.
dynamic_deps_runfiles = None
if ctx.attr.type == "program":
dynamic_deps = get_transitive_dyn_libs(ctx.attr.deps)
dynamic_deps_runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = get_transitive_dyn_libs(ctx.attr.deps))
provided_info = [
files = depset(outputs),
runfiles = dynamic_deps_runfiles,
executable = output_bin if ctx.attr.type == "program" else None,
create_new_ccinfo_library(ctx, cc_toolchain, output_bin, unstripped_static_bin, ctx.attr.cc_shared_library),
if ctx.attr.cc_shared_library != None:
create_new_cc_shared_library_info(ctx, cc_toolchain, output_bin, ctx.attr.cc_shared_library[CcSharedLibraryInfo], static_lib),
return provided_info
def macos_extraction(ctx, cc_toolchain, inputs):
outputs = []
unstripped_static_bin = None
input_bin, output_bin, debug_info, static_lib = get_inputs_and_outputs(ctx, ".dylib", ".a", MAC_DEBUG_FOLDER_EXTENSION)
input_file = ctx.attr.binary_with_debug.files.to_list()
if input_bin:
if ctx.attr.enabled:
executable = "dsymutil",
outputs = [debug_info],
inputs = inputs,
arguments = [
mnemonic = "ExtractDebuginfo",
executable = cc_toolchain.strip_executable,
outputs = [output_bin],
inputs = depset([debug_info], transitive = [inputs]),
arguments = [
mnemonic = "StripDebuginfo",
outputs += [output_bin, debug_info]
output = output_bin,
target_file = input_bin,
outputs += [output_bin]
if len(input_file):
if static_lib:
unstripped_static_bin = propgate_static_lib(ctx, static_lib, ".a", inputs)
if ctx.attr.shared_archive:
unstripped_shared_archive = symlink_shared_archive(ctx, ".dylib", ".a")
# The final program binary depends on the existence of the dependent dynamic library files. With
# build-without-the-bytes enabled, these aren't downloaded. Manually collect them and add them to the
# output set.
if ctx.attr.type == "program":
provided_info = [
files = depset(outputs),
executable = output_bin if ctx.attr.type == "program" else None,
create_new_ccinfo_library(ctx, cc_toolchain, output_bin, unstripped_static_bin, ctx.attr.cc_shared_library),
if ctx.attr.cc_shared_library != None:
create_new_cc_shared_library_info(ctx, cc_toolchain, output_bin, ctx.attr.cc_shared_library[CcSharedLibraryInfo]),
return provided_info
def windows_extraction(ctx, cc_toolchain, inputs):
pdb = None
if ctx.attr.type == "library":
ext = ".lib"
elif ctx.attr.type == "program":
ext = ".exe"
if ctx.attr.enable_pdb:
pdb = ctx.attr.binary_with_debug[OutputGroupInfo].pdb_file
fail("Can't extract debug info from unknown type: " + ctx.attr.type)
input_file = ctx.attr.binary_with_debug.files.to_list()
outputs = []
output_library = None
output_dynamic_library = None
if len(input_file):
basename = ctx.attr.binary_with_debug.files.to_list()[0].basename[:-len(WITH_DEBUG_SUFFIX + ext)]
output = ctx.actions.declare_file(basename + ext)
for input in ctx.attr.binary_with_debug.files.to_list():
ext = "." + input.extension
basename = input.basename[:-len(WITH_DEBUG_SUFFIX + ext)]
output = ctx.actions.declare_file(basename + ext)
if ext == ".lib":
output_library = output
if ext == ".dll":
output_dynamic_library = output
# TODO support PDB outputs for dynamic windows builds when we are on bazel 7.2
# https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/pull/21900/files
output = output,
target_file = input,
if pdb:
basename = input.basename[:-len(WITH_DEBUG_SUFFIX + ext)]
pdb_output = ctx.actions.declare_file(basename + ".pdb")
output = pdb_output,
target_file = pdb.to_list()[0],
if ctx.attr.shared_archive:
unstripped_shared_archive = symlink_shared_archive(ctx, ".dll", ".lib")
provided_info = [
files = depset(outputs),
executable = output if ctx.attr.type == "program" else None,
create_new_ccinfo_library(ctx, cc_toolchain, output_dynamic_library, output_library, ctx.attr.cc_shared_library),
if ctx.attr.cc_shared_library != None:
create_new_cc_shared_library_info(ctx, cc_toolchain, output_dynamic_library, ctx.attr.cc_shared_library[CcSharedLibraryInfo]),
return provided_info
def extract_debuginfo_impl(ctx):
cc_toolchain = find_cpp_toolchain(ctx)
inputs = depset(transitive = [
ctx.attr.cc_shared_library.files if ctx.attr.cc_shared_library != None else depset([]),
linux_constraint = ctx.attr._linux_constraint[platform_common.ConstraintValueInfo]
macos_constraint = ctx.attr._macos_constraint[platform_common.ConstraintValueInfo]
windows_constraint = ctx.attr._windows_constraint[platform_common.ConstraintValueInfo]
if ctx.target_platform_has_constraint(linux_constraint):
return linux_extraction(ctx, cc_toolchain, inputs)
elif ctx.target_platform_has_constraint(macos_constraint):
return macos_extraction(ctx, cc_toolchain, inputs)
elif ctx.target_platform_has_constraint(windows_constraint):
return windows_extraction(ctx, cc_toolchain, inputs)
extract_debuginfo = rule(
attrs = {
"binary_with_debug": attr.label(
doc = "The the binary to extract debuginfo from.",
allow_files = True,
"type": attr.string(
doc = "Set to either 'library' or 'program' to discern how to extract the info.",
"enabled": attr.bool(default = False, doc = "Flag to enable/disable separate debug generation."),
"enable_pdb": attr.bool(default = False, doc = "Flag to enable pdb outputs on windows."),
"deps": attr.label_list(providers = [CcInfo]),
"cc_shared_library": attr.label(
doc = "If extracting from a shared library, the target of the cc_shared_library. Otherwise empty.",
allow_files = True,
"shared_archive": attr.label(
doc = "If generating a shared archive(.so.a/.dll.lib), the shared archive's cc_library. Otherwise empty.",
allow_files = True,
"_cc_toolchain": attr.label(default = "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:current_cc_toolchain"),
"_linux_constraint": attr.label(default = "@platforms//os:linux"),
"_macos_constraint": attr.label(default = "@platforms//os:macos"),
"_windows_constraint": attr.label(default = "@platforms//os:windows"),
doc = "Extract debuginfo into a separate file",
toolchains = ["@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_type"],
fragments = ["cpp"],
extract_debuginfo_binary = rule(
attrs = {
"binary_with_debug": attr.label(
doc = "The the binary to extract debuginfo from.",
allow_files = True,
"type": attr.string(
doc = "Set to either 'library' or 'program' to discern how to extract the info.",
"enabled": attr.bool(default = False, doc = "Flag to enable/disable separate debug generation."),
"enable_pdb": attr.bool(default = False, doc = "Flag to enable pdb outputs on windows."),
"deps": attr.label_list(providers = [CcInfo]),
"cc_shared_library": attr.label(
doc = "If extracting from a shared library, the target of the cc_shared_library. Otherwise empty.",
allow_files = True,
"shared_archive": attr.label(
doc = "If generating a shared archive(.so.a/.dll.lib), the shared archive's cc_library. Otherwise empty.",
allow_files = True,
"_cc_toolchain": attr.label(default = "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:current_cc_toolchain"),
"_linux_constraint": attr.label(default = "@platforms//os:linux"),
"_macos_constraint": attr.label(default = "@platforms//os:macos"),
"_windows_constraint": attr.label(default = "@platforms//os:windows"),
doc = "Extract debuginfo into a separate file",
toolchains = ["@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_type"],
fragments = ["cpp"],
executable = True,
extract_debuginfo_test = rule(
attrs = {
"binary_with_debug": attr.label(
doc = "The the binary to extract debuginfo from.",
allow_files = True,
"type": attr.string(
doc = "Set to either 'library' or 'program' to discern how to extract the info.",
"enabled": attr.bool(default = False, doc = "Flag to enable/disable separate debug generation."),
"enable_pdb": attr.bool(default = False, doc = "Flag to enable pdb outputs on windows."),
"deps": attr.label_list(providers = [CcInfo]),
"cc_shared_library": attr.label(
doc = "If extracting from a shared library, the target of the cc_shared_library. Otherwise empty.",
allow_files = True,
"shared_archive": attr.label(
doc = "If generating a shared archive(.so.a/.dll.lib), the shared archive's cc_library. Otherwise empty.",
allow_files = True,
"_cc_toolchain": attr.label(default = "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:current_cc_toolchain"),
"_linux_constraint": attr.label(default = "@platforms//os:linux"),
"_macos_constraint": attr.label(default = "@platforms//os:macos"),
"_windows_constraint": attr.label(default = "@platforms//os:windows"),
doc = "Extract debuginfo into a separate file",
toolchains = ["@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_type"],
fragments = ["cpp"],
executable = True,
test = True,