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// matcher.h
/* Matcher is our boolean expression evaluator for "where" clauses */
* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include "jsobj.h"
#include "pcrecpp.h"
namespace mongo {
class Cursor;
class CoveredIndexMatcher;
class Matcher;
class FieldRangeVector;
class RegexMatcher {
const char *_fieldName;
const char *_regex;
const char *_flags;
string _prefix;
shared_ptr< pcrecpp::RE > _re;
bool _isNot;
RegexMatcher() : _isNot() {}
struct element_lt {
bool operator()(const BSONElement& l, const BSONElement& r) const {
int x = (int) l.canonicalType() - (int) r.canonicalType();
if ( x < 0 ) return true;
else if ( x > 0 ) return false;
return compareElementValues(l,r) < 0;
class ElementMatcher {
ElementMatcher() {
ElementMatcher( BSONElement e , int op, bool isNot );
ElementMatcher( BSONElement e , int op , const BSONObj& array, bool isNot );
~ElementMatcher() { }
bool negativeCompareOp() const { return _compareOp == BSONObj::NE || _compareOp == BSONObj::NIN; }
int inverseOfNegativeCompareOp() const;
bool negativeCompareOpContainsNull() const;
BSONElement _toMatch;
int _compareOp;
bool _isNot;
shared_ptr< set<BSONElement,element_lt> > _myset;
shared_ptr< vector<RegexMatcher> > _myregex;
// these are for specific operators
int _mod;
int _modm;
BSONType _type;
shared_ptr<Matcher> _subMatcher;
bool _subMatcherOnPrimitives ;
vector< shared_ptr<Matcher> > _allMatchers;
class Where; // used for $where javascript eval
class DiskLoc;
struct MatchDetails {
MatchDetails() {
void reset() {
_loadedObject = false;
_elemMatchKey = 0;
string toString() const {
stringstream ss;
ss << "loadedObject: " << _loadedObject << " ";
ss << "elemMatchKey: " << ( _elemMatchKey ? _elemMatchKey : "NULL" ) << " ";
return ss.str();
bool _loadedObject;
const char * _elemMatchKey; // warning, this may go out of scope if matched object does
/* Match BSON objects against a query pattern.
db.foo.find( { a : 3 } );
{ a : 3 } is the pattern object. See wiki documentation for full info.
{ a : { $gt : 3 } }
Not equal:
{ a : { $ne : 3 } }
TODO: we should rewrite the matcher to be more an AST style.
class Matcher : boost::noncopyable {
int matchesDotted(
const char *fieldName,
const BSONElement& toMatch, const BSONObj& obj,
int compareOp, const ElementMatcher& bm, bool isArr , MatchDetails * details );
* Perform a NE or NIN match by returning the inverse of the opposite matching operation.
* Missing values are considered matches unless the match must not equal null.
int inverseMatch(
const char *fieldName,
const BSONElement &toMatch, const BSONObj &obj,
const ElementMatcher&bm, MatchDetails * details );
static int opDirection(int op) {
return op <= BSONObj::LTE ? -1 : 1;
Matcher(const BSONObj &pattern, bool nested=false);
bool matches(const BSONObj& j, MatchDetails * details = 0 );
bool atomic() const { return _atomic; }
string toString() const {
return _jsobj.toString();
void addOrDedupConstraint( const shared_ptr< FieldRangeVector > &frv ) {
_orDedupConstraints.push_back( frv );
void popOrClause() {
* @return true if this key matcher will return the same true/false
* value as the provided doc matcher.
bool keyMatch( const Matcher &docMatcher ) const;
* Generate a matcher for the provided index key format using the
* provided full doc matcher.
Matcher( const Matcher &docMatcher, const BSONObj &constrainIndexKey );
void addBasic(const BSONElement &e, int c, bool isNot) {
// TODO May want to selectively ignore these element types based on op type.
if ( e.type() == MinKey || e.type() == MaxKey )
_basics.push_back( ElementMatcher( e , c, isNot ) );
void addRegex(const char *fieldName, const char *regex, const char *flags, bool isNot = false);
bool addOp( const BSONElement &e, const BSONElement &fe, bool isNot, const char *& regex, const char *&flags );
int valuesMatch(const BSONElement& l, const BSONElement& r, int op, const ElementMatcher& bm);
bool parseClause( const BSONElement &e );
void parseExtractedClause( const BSONElement &e, list< shared_ptr< Matcher > > &matchers );
void parseWhere( const BSONElement &e );
void parseMatchExpressionElement( const BSONElement &e, bool nested );
Where *_where; // set if query uses $where
BSONObj _jsobj; // the query pattern. e.g., { name: "joe" }
BSONObj _constrainIndexKey;
vector<ElementMatcher> _basics;
bool _haveSize;
bool _all;
bool _hasArray;
bool _haveNeg;
/* $atomic - if true, a multi document operation (some removes, updates)
should be done atomically. in that case, we do not yield -
i.e. we stay locked the whole time.
bool _atomic;
vector<RegexMatcher> _regexs;
// so we delete the mem when we're done:
vector< shared_ptr< BSONObjBuilder > > _builders;
list< shared_ptr< Matcher > > _andMatchers;
list< shared_ptr< Matcher > > _orMatchers;
list< shared_ptr< Matcher > > _norMatchers;
vector< shared_ptr< FieldRangeVector > > _orDedupConstraints;
friend class CoveredIndexMatcher;
// If match succeeds on index key, then attempt to match full document.
class CoveredIndexMatcher : boost::noncopyable {
CoveredIndexMatcher(const BSONObj &pattern, const BSONObj &indexKeyPattern , bool alwaysUseRecord=false );
bool matches(const BSONObj &o) { return _docMatcher->matches( o ); }
bool matchesWithSingleKeyIndex(const BSONObj &key, const DiskLoc &recLoc , MatchDetails * details = 0 ) {
return matches( key, recLoc, details, true );
* This is the preferred method for matching against a cursor, as it
* can handle both multi and single key cursors.
bool matchesCurrent( Cursor * cursor , MatchDetails * details = 0 );
bool needRecord() { return _needRecord; }
Matcher& docMatcher() { return *_docMatcher; }
// once this is called, shouldn't use this matcher for matching any more
void advanceOrClause( const shared_ptr< FieldRangeVector > &frv ) {
_docMatcher->addOrDedupConstraint( frv );
// TODO this is not yet optimal. Since we could skip an entire
// or clause (if a match is impossible) between calls to advanceOrClause()
// we may not pop all the clauses we can.
CoveredIndexMatcher *nextClauseMatcher( const BSONObj &indexKeyPattern, bool alwaysUseRecord=false ) {
return new CoveredIndexMatcher( _docMatcher, indexKeyPattern, alwaysUseRecord );
string toString() const;
bool matches(const BSONObj &key, const DiskLoc &recLoc , MatchDetails * details = 0 , bool keyUsable = true );
CoveredIndexMatcher(const shared_ptr< Matcher > &docMatcher, const BSONObj &indexKeyPattern , bool alwaysUseRecord=false );
void init( bool alwaysUseRecord );
shared_ptr< Matcher > _docMatcher;
Matcher _keyMatcher;
bool _needRecord; // if the key itself isn't good enough to determine a positive match
} // namespace mongo