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// d_migrate.cpp
* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
these are commands that live in mongod
mostly around shard management and checking
#include "pch.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include "../db/commands.h"
#include "../db/jsobj.h"
#include "../db/dbmessage.h"
#include "../db/query.h"
#include "../db/cmdline.h"
#include "../db/queryoptimizer.h"
#include "../db/btree.h"
#include "../db/repl_block.h"
#include "../db/dur.h"
#include "../client/connpool.h"
#include "../client/distlock.h"
#include "../util/queue.h"
#include "../util/unittest.h"
#include "../util/processinfo.h"
#include "shard.h"
#include "d_logic.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "chunk.h"
using namespace std;
namespace mongo {
class MoveTimingHelper {
MoveTimingHelper( const string& where , const string& ns , BSONObj min , BSONObj max , int total )
: _where( where ) , _ns( ns ) , _next( 0 ) , _total( total ) {
_nextNote = 0;
_b.append( "min" , min );
_b.append( "max" , max );
~MoveTimingHelper() {
// even if logChange doesn't throw, bson does
// sigh
try {
if ( _next != _total ) {
note( "aborted" );
configServer.logChange( (string)"moveChunk." + _where , _ns, _b.obj() );
catch ( const std::exception& e ) {
log( LL_WARNING ) << "couldn't record timing for moveChunk '" << _where << "': " << e.what() << endl;
void done( int step ) {
assert( step == ++_next );
assert( step <= _total );
stringstream ss;
ss << "step" << step;
string s = ss.str();
CurOp * op = cc().curop();
if ( op )
op->setMessage( s.c_str() );
log( LL_WARNING ) << "op is null in MoveTimingHelper::done" << endl;
_b.appendNumber( s , _t.millis() );
#if 0
// debugging for memory leak?
ProcessInfo pi;
ss << " v:" << pi.getVirtualMemorySize()
<< " r:" << pi.getResidentSize();
log() << ss.str() << endl;
void note( const string& s ) {
string field = "note";
if ( _nextNote > 0 ) {
StringBuilder buf;
buf << "note" << _nextNote;
field = buf.str();
_b.append( field , s );
Timer _t;
string _where;
string _ns;
int _next;
int _total; // expected # of steps
int _nextNote;
BSONObjBuilder _b;
struct OldDataCleanup {
string ns;
BSONObj min;
BSONObj max;
set<CursorId> initial;
void doRemove() {
ShardForceVersionOkModeBlock sf;
writelock lk(ns);
RemoveSaver rs("moveChunk",ns,"post-cleanup");
long long num = Helpers::removeRange( ns , min , max , true , false , cmdLine.moveParanoia ? &rs : 0 );
log() << "moveChunk deleted: " << num << endl;
static const char * const cleanUpThreadName = "cleanupOldData";
void _cleanupOldData( OldDataCleanup cleanup ) {
Client::initThread( cleanUpThreadName );
log() << " (start) waiting to cleanup " << cleanup.ns << " from " << cleanup.min << " -> " << cleanup.max << " # cursors:" << cleanup.initial.size() << endl;
int loops = 0;
Timer t;
while ( t.seconds() < 900 ) { // 15 minutes
assert( dbMutex.getState() == 0 );
sleepmillis( 20 );
set<CursorId> now;
ClientCursor::find( cleanup.ns , now );
set<CursorId> left;
for ( set<CursorId>::iterator i=cleanup.initial.begin(); i!=cleanup.initial.end(); ++i ) {
CursorId id = *i;
if ( now.count(id) )
left.insert( id );
if ( left.size() == 0 )
cleanup.initial = left;
if ( ( loops++ % 200 ) == 0 ) {
log() << " (looping " << loops << ") waiting to cleanup " << cleanup.ns << " from " << cleanup.min << " -> " << cleanup.max << " # cursors:" << cleanup.initial.size() << endl;
stringstream ss;
for ( set<CursorId>::iterator i=cleanup.initial.begin(); i!=cleanup.initial.end(); ++i ) {
CursorId id = *i;
ss << id << " ";
log() << " cursors: " << ss.str() << endl;
void cleanupOldData( OldDataCleanup cleanup ) {
try {
_cleanupOldData( cleanup );
catch ( std::exception& e ) {
log() << " error cleaning old data:" << e.what() << endl;
catch ( ... ) {
log() << " unknown error cleaning old data" << endl;
class ChunkCommandHelper : public Command {
ChunkCommandHelper( const char * name )
: Command( name ) {
virtual void help( stringstream& help ) const {
help << "internal - should not be called directly" << endl;
virtual bool slaveOk() const { return false; }
virtual bool adminOnly() const { return true; }
virtual LockType locktype() const { return NONE; }
bool isInRange( const BSONObj& obj , const BSONObj& min , const BSONObj& max ) {
BSONObj k = obj.extractFields( min, true );
return k.woCompare( min ) >= 0 && k.woCompare( max ) < 0;
class MigrateFromStatus {
MigrateFromStatus() : _m("MigrateFromStatus") {
_active = false;
_inCriticalSection = false;
_memoryUsed = 0;
void start( string ns , const BSONObj& min , const BSONObj& max ) {
scoped_lock l(_m); // reads and writes _active
assert( ! _active );
assert( ! min.isEmpty() );
assert( ! max.isEmpty() );
assert( ns.size() );
_ns = ns;
_min = min;
_max = max;
assert( _cloneLocs.size() == 0 );
assert( _deleted.size() == 0 );
assert( _reload.size() == 0 );
assert( _memoryUsed == 0 );
_active = true;
void done() {
_memoryUsed = 0;
scoped_lock l(_m);
_active = false;
_inCriticalSection = false;
void logOp( const char * opstr , const char * ns , const BSONObj& obj , BSONObj * patt ) {
if ( ! _getActive() )
if ( _ns != ns )
// no need to log if this is not an insertion, an update, or an actual deletion
// note: opstr 'db' isn't a deletion but a mention that a database exists (for replication
// machinery mostly)
char op = opstr[0];
if ( op == 'n' || op =='c' || ( op == 'd' && opstr[1] == 'b' ) )
BSONElement ide;
if ( patt )
ide = patt->getField( "_id" );
ide = obj["_id"];
if ( ide.eoo() ) {
log( LL_WARNING ) << "logOpForSharding got mod with no _id, ignoring obj: " << obj << endl;
BSONObj it;
switch ( opstr[0] ) {
case 'd': {
if ( getThreadName() == cleanUpThreadName ) {
// we don't want to xfer things we're cleaning
// as then they'll be deleted on TO
// which is bad
// can't filter deletes :(
_deleted.push_back( ide.wrap() );
_memoryUsed += ide.size() + 5;
case 'i':
it = obj;
case 'u':
if ( ! Helpers::findById( cc() , _ns.c_str() , ide.wrap() , it ) ) {
log( LL_WARNING ) << "logOpForSharding couldn't find: " << ide << " even though should have" << endl;
if ( ! isInRange( it , _min , _max ) )
_reload.push_back( ide.wrap() );
_memoryUsed += ide.size() + 5;
void xfer( list<BSONObj> * l , BSONObjBuilder& b , const char * name , long long& size , bool explode ) {
const long long maxSize = 1024 * 1024;
if ( l->size() == 0 || size > maxSize )
BSONArrayBuilder arr(b.subarrayStart(name));
list<BSONObj>::iterator i = l->begin();
while ( i != l->end() && size < maxSize ) {
BSONObj t = *i;
if ( explode ) {
BSONObj it;
if ( Helpers::findById( cc() , _ns.c_str() , t, it ) ) {
arr.append( it );
size += it.objsize();
else {
arr.append( t );
i = l->erase( i );
size += t.objsize();
* called from the dest of a migrate
* transfers mods from src to dest
bool transferMods( string& errmsg , BSONObjBuilder& b ) {
if ( ! _getActive() ) {
errmsg = "no active migration!";
return false;
long long size = 0;
readlock rl( _ns );
Client::Context cx( _ns );
xfer( &_deleted , b , "deleted" , size , false );
xfer( &_reload , b , "reload" , size , true );
b.append( "size" , size );
return true;
* Get the disklocs that belong to the chunk migrated and sort them in _cloneLocs (to avoid seeking disk later)
* @param maxChunkSize number of bytes beyond which a chunk's base data (no indices) is considered too large to move
* @param errmsg filled with textual description of error if this call return false
* @return false if approximate chunk size is too big to move or true otherwise
bool storeCurrentLocs( long long maxChunkSize , string& errmsg ) {
readlock l( _ns );
Client::Context ctx( _ns );
NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails( _ns.c_str() );
if ( ! d ) {
errmsg = "ns not found, should be impossible";
return false;
BSONObj keyPattern;
// the copies are needed because the indexDetailsForRange destroys the input
BSONObj min = _min.copy();
BSONObj max = _max.copy();
IndexDetails *idx = indexDetailsForRange( _ns.c_str() , errmsg , min , max , keyPattern );
if ( idx == NULL ) {
errmsg = "can't find index in storeCurrentLocs";
return false;
scoped_ptr<ClientCursor> cc( new ClientCursor( QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout ,
shared_ptr<Cursor>( new BtreeCursor( d , d->idxNo(*idx) , *idx , min , max , false , 1 ) ) ,
_ns ) );
// use the average object size to estimate how many objects a full chunk would carry
// do that while traversing the chunk's range using the sharding index, below
// there's a fair amout of slack before we determine a chunk is too large because object sizes will vary
unsigned long long maxRecsWhenFull;
long long avgRecSize;
const long long totalRecs = d->stats.nrecords;
if ( totalRecs > 0 ) {
avgRecSize = d->stats.datasize / totalRecs;
maxRecsWhenFull = maxChunkSize / avgRecSize;
maxRecsWhenFull = 130 * maxRecsWhenFull / 100; // slack
else {
avgRecSize = 0;
maxRecsWhenFull = numeric_limits<long long>::max();
// do a full traversal of the chunk and don't stop even if we think it is a large chunk
// we want the number of records to better report, in that case
bool isLargeChunk = false;
unsigned long long recCount = 0;;
while ( cc->ok() ) {
DiskLoc dl = cc->currLoc();
if ( ! isLargeChunk ) {
_cloneLocs.insert( dl );
// we can afford to yield here because any change to the base data that we might miss is already being
// queued and will be migrated in the 'transferMods' stage
if ( ! cc->yieldSometimes() ) {
if ( ++recCount > maxRecsWhenFull ) {
isLargeChunk = true;
if ( isLargeChunk ) {
errmsg = str::stream() << "can't move chunk of size (aprox) " << recCount * avgRecSize
<< " because maximum size allowed to move is " << maxChunkSize;
log( LL_WARNING ) << errmsg << endl;
return false;
log() << "moveChunk number of documents: " << _cloneLocs.size() << endl;
return true;
bool clone( string& errmsg , BSONObjBuilder& result ) {
if ( ! _getActive() ) {
errmsg = "not active";
return false;
readlock l( _ns );
Client::Context ctx( _ns );
NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails( _ns.c_str() );
assert( d );
BSONArrayBuilder a( std::min( BSONObjMaxUserSize , (int)( ( 12 + d->averageObjectSize() )* _cloneLocs.size() ) ) );
set<DiskLoc>::iterator i = _cloneLocs.begin();
for ( ; i!=_cloneLocs.end(); ++i ) {
DiskLoc dl = *i;
BSONObj o = dl.obj();
// use the builder size instead of accumulating 'o's size so that we take into consideration
// the overhead of BSONArray indices
if ( a.len() + o.objsize() + 1024 > BSONObjMaxUserSize ) {
a.append( o );
result.appendArray( "objects" , a.arr() );
_cloneLocs.erase( _cloneLocs.begin() , i );
return true;
void aboutToDelete( const Database* db , const DiskLoc& dl ) {
if ( ! _getActive() )
if ( ! db->ownsNS( _ns ) )
_cloneLocs.erase( dl );
long long mbUsed() const { return _memoryUsed / ( 1024 * 1024 ); }
bool getInCriticalSection() const { scoped_lock l(_m); return _inCriticalSection; }
void setInCriticalSection( bool b ) { scoped_lock l(_m); _inCriticalSection = b; }
mutable mongo::mutex _m; // protect _inCriticalSection and _active
bool _inCriticalSection;
bool _active;
string _ns;
BSONObj _min;
BSONObj _max;
// disk locs yet to be transferred from here to the other side
// no locking needed because build by 1 thread in a read lock
// depleted by 1 thread in a read lock
// updates applied by 1 thread in a write lock
set<DiskLoc> _cloneLocs;
list<BSONObj> _reload; // objects that were modified that must be recloned
list<BSONObj> _deleted; // objects deleted during clone that should be deleted later
long long _memoryUsed; // bytes in _reload + _deleted
bool _getActive() const { scoped_lock l(_m); return _active; }
void _setActive( bool b ) { scoped_lock l(_m); _active = b; }
} migrateFromStatus;
struct MigrateStatusHolder {
MigrateStatusHolder( string ns , const BSONObj& min , const BSONObj& max ) {
migrateFromStatus.start( ns , min , max );
~MigrateStatusHolder() {
void logOpForSharding( const char * opstr , const char * ns , const BSONObj& obj , BSONObj * patt ) {
migrateFromStatus.logOp( opstr , ns , obj , patt );
void aboutToDeleteForSharding( const Database* db , const DiskLoc& dl ) {
migrateFromStatus.aboutToDelete( db , dl );
class TransferModsCommand : public ChunkCommandHelper {
TransferModsCommand() : ChunkCommandHelper( "_transferMods" ) {}
bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {
return migrateFromStatus.transferMods( errmsg, result );
} transferModsCommand;
class InitialCloneCommand : public ChunkCommandHelper {
InitialCloneCommand() : ChunkCommandHelper( "_migrateClone" ) {}
bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {
return migrateFromStatus.clone( errmsg, result );
} initialCloneCommand;
* this is the main entry for moveChunk
* called to initial a move
* usually by a mongos
* this is called on the "from" side
class MoveChunkCommand : public Command {
MoveChunkCommand() : Command( "moveChunk" ) {}
virtual void help( stringstream& help ) const {
help << "should not be calling this directly" << endl;
virtual bool slaveOk() const { return false; }
virtual bool adminOnly() const { return true; }
virtual LockType locktype() const { return NONE; }
bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {
// 1. parse options
// 2. make sure my view is complete and lock
// 3. start migrate
// in a read lock, get all DiskLoc and sort so we can do as little seeking as possible
// tell to start transferring
// 4. pause till migrate caught up
// 5. LOCK
// a) update my config, essentially locking
// b) finish migrate
// c) update config server
// d) logChange to config server
// 6. wait for all current cursors to expire
// 7. remove data locally
// -------------------------------
// 1.
string ns = cmdObj.firstElement().str();
string to = cmdObj["to"].str();
string from = cmdObj["from"].str(); // my public address, a tad redundant, but safe
BSONObj min = cmdObj["min"].Obj();
BSONObj max = cmdObj["max"].Obj();
BSONElement shardId = cmdObj["shardId"];
BSONElement maxSizeElem = cmdObj["maxChunkSizeBytes"];
if ( ns.empty() ) {
errmsg = "need to specify namespace in command";
return false;
if ( to.empty() ) {
errmsg = "need to specify server to move chunk to";
return false;
if ( from.empty() ) {
errmsg = "need to specify server to move chunk from";
return false;
if ( min.isEmpty() ) {
errmsg = "need to specify a min";
return false;
if ( max.isEmpty() ) {
errmsg = "need to specify a max";
return false;
if ( shardId.eoo() ) {
errmsg = "need shardId";
return false;
if ( maxSizeElem.eoo() || ! maxSizeElem.isNumber() ) {
errmsg = "need to specify maxChunkSizeBytes";
return false;
const long long maxChunkSize = maxSizeElem.numberLong(); // in bytes
if ( ! shardingState.enabled() ) {
if ( cmdObj["configdb"].type() != String ) {
errmsg = "sharding not enabled";
return false;
string configdb = cmdObj["configdb"].String();
shardingState.enable( configdb );
configServer.init( configdb );
MoveTimingHelper timing( "from" , ns , min , max , 6 /* steps */);
Shard fromShard( from );
Shard toShard( to );
log() << "received moveChunk request: " << cmdObj << endl;
// 2.
DistributedLock lockSetup( ConnectionString( shardingState.getConfigServer() , ConnectionString::SYNC ) , ns );
dist_lock_try dlk( &lockSetup , (string)"migrate-" + min.toString() );
if ( ! dlk.got() ) {
errmsg = "the collection's metadata lock is taken";
result.append( "who" , dlk.other() );
return false;
BSONObj chunkInfo = BSON("min" << min << "max" << max << "from" << fromShard.getName() << "to" << toShard.getName());
configServer.logChange( "moveChunk.start" , ns , chunkInfo );
ShardChunkVersion maxVersion;
string myOldShard;
ScopedDbConnection conn( shardingState.getConfigServer() );
BSONObj x = conn->findOne( ShardNS::chunk , Query( BSON( "ns" << ns ) ).sort( BSON( "lastmod" << -1 ) ) );
maxVersion = x["lastmod"];
BSONObj currChunk = conn->findOne( ShardNS::chunk , shardId.wrap( "_id" ) );
assert( currChunk["shard"].type() );
assert( currChunk["min"].type() );
assert( currChunk["max"].type() );
myOldShard = currChunk["shard"].String();
BSONObj currMin = currChunk["min"].Obj();
BSONObj currMax = currChunk["max"].Obj();
if ( currMin.woCompare( min ) || currMax.woCompare( max ) ) {
errmsg = "boundaries are outdated (likely a split occurred)";
result.append( "currMin" , currMin );
result.append( "currMax" , currMax );
result.append( "requestedMin" , min );
result.append( "requestedMax" , max );
log( LL_WARNING ) << "aborted moveChunk because" << errmsg << ": " << min << "->" << max
<< " is now " << currMin << "->" << currMax << endl;
return false;
if ( myOldShard != fromShard.getName() ) {
errmsg = "location is outdated (likely balance or migrate occurred)";
result.append( "from" , fromShard.getName() );
result.append( "official" , myOldShard );
log( LL_WARNING ) << "aborted moveChunk because " << errmsg << ": chunk is at " << myOldShard
<< " and not at " << fromShard.getName() << endl;
return false;
if ( maxVersion < shardingState.getVersion( ns ) ) {
errmsg = "official version less than mine?";
result.appendTimestamp( "officialVersion" , maxVersion );
result.appendTimestamp( "myVersion" , shardingState.getVersion( ns ) );
log( LL_WARNING ) << "aborted moveChunk because " << errmsg << ": official " << maxVersion
<< " mine: " << shardingState.getVersion(ns) << endl;
return false;
// since this could be the first call that enable sharding we also make sure to have the chunk manager up to date
shardingState.gotShardName( myOldShard );
ShardChunkVersion shardVersion;
shardingState.trySetVersion( ns , shardVersion /* will return updated */ );
log() << "moveChunk request accepted at version " << shardVersion << endl;
// 3.
MigrateStatusHolder statusHolder( ns , min , max );
// this gets a read lock, so we know we have a checkpoint for mods
if ( ! migrateFromStatus.storeCurrentLocs( maxChunkSize , errmsg ) )
return false;
ScopedDbConnection connTo( to );
BSONObj res;
bool ok = connTo->runCommand( "admin" ,
BSON( "_recvChunkStart" << ns <<
"from" << from <<
"min" << min <<
"max" << max <<
"configServer" << configServer.modelServer()
) ,
res );
if ( ! ok ) {
errmsg = "moveChunk failed to engage TO-shard in the data transfer: ";
assert( res["errmsg"].type() );
errmsg += res["errmsg"].String();
result.append( "cause" , res );
return false;
timing.done( 3 );
// 4.
for ( int i=0; i<86400; i++ ) { // don't want a single chunk move to take more than a day
assert( dbMutex.getState() == 0 );
sleepsecs( 1 );
ScopedDbConnection conn( to );
BSONObj res;
bool ok = conn->runCommand( "admin" , BSON( "_recvChunkStatus" << 1 ) , res );
res = res.getOwned();
log(0) << "moveChunk data transfer progress: " << res << " my mem used: " << migrateFromStatus.mbUsed() << endl;
if ( ! ok || res["state"].String() == "fail" ) {
log( LL_WARNING ) << "moveChunk error transfering data caused migration abort: " << res << endl;
errmsg = "data transfer error";
result.append( "cause" , res );
return false;
if ( res["state"].String() == "steady" )
if ( migrateFromStatus.mbUsed() > (500 * 1024 * 1024) ) {
// this is too much memory for us to use for this
// so we're going to abort the migrate
ScopedDbConnection conn( to );
BSONObj res;
conn->runCommand( "admin" , BSON( "_recvChunkAbort" << 1 ) , res );
res = res.getOwned();
error() << "aborting migrate because too much memory used res: " << res << endl;
errmsg = "aborting migrate because too much memory used";
result.appendBool( "split" , true );
return false;
// 5.
// 5.a
// we're under the collection lock here, so no other migrate can change maxVersion or ShardChunkManager state
migrateFromStatus.setInCriticalSection( true );
ShardChunkVersion currVersion = maxVersion;
ShardChunkVersion myVersion = currVersion;
writelock lk( ns );
assert( myVersion > shardingState.getVersion( ns ) );
// bump the chunks manager's version up and "forget" about the chunk being moved
// this is not the commit point but in practice the state in this shard won't until the commit it done
shardingState.donateChunk( ns , min , max , myVersion );
log() << "moveChunk setting version to: " << myVersion << endl;
// 5.b
// we're under the collection lock here, too, so we can undo the chunk donation because no other state change
// could be ongoing
BSONObj res;
ScopedDbConnection connTo( to );
bool ok = connTo->runCommand( "admin" ,
BSON( "_recvChunkCommit" << 1 ) ,
res );
if ( ! ok ) {
writelock lk( ns );
// revert the chunk manager back to the state before "forgetting" about the chunk
shardingState.undoDonateChunk( ns , min , max , currVersion );
log() << "movChunk migrate commit not accepted by TO-shard: " << res
<< " resetting shard version to: " << currVersion << endl;
errmsg = "_recvChunkCommit failed!";
result.append( "cause" , res );
return false;
log() << "moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: " << res << endl;
// 5.c
// version at which the next highest lastmod will be set
// if the chunk being moved is the last in the shard, nextVersion is that chunk's lastmod
// otherwise the highest version is from the chunk being bumped on the FROM-shard
ShardChunkVersion nextVersion;
// we want to go only once to the configDB but perhaps change two chunks, the one being migrated and another
// local one (so to bump version for the entire shard)
// we use the 'applyOps' mechanism to group the two updates and make them safer
// TODO pull config update code to a module
BSONObjBuilder cmdBuilder;
BSONArrayBuilder updates( cmdBuilder.subarrayStart( "applyOps" ) );
// update for the chunk being moved
BSONObjBuilder op;
op.append( "op" , "u" );
op.appendBool( "b" , false /* no upserting */ );
op.append( "ns" , ShardNS::chunk );
BSONObjBuilder n( op.subobjStart( "o" ) );
n.append( "_id" , Chunk::genID( ns , min ) );
n.appendTimestamp( "lastmod" , myVersion /* same as used on donateChunk */ );
n.append( "ns" , ns );
n.append( "min" , min );
n.append( "max" , max );
n.append( "shard" , toShard.getName() );
BSONObjBuilder q( op.subobjStart( "o2" ) );
q.append( "_id" , Chunk::genID( ns , min ) );
updates.append( op.obj() );
nextVersion = myVersion;
// if we have chunks left on the FROM shard, update the version of one of them as well
// we can figure that out by grabbing the chunkManager installed on 5.a
// TODO expose that manager when installing it
ShardChunkManagerPtr chunkManager = shardingState.getShardChunkManager( ns );
if( chunkManager->getNumChunks() > 0 ) {
// get another chunk on that shard
BSONObj lookupKey;
BSONObj bumpMin, bumpMax;
do {
chunkManager->getNextChunk( lookupKey , &bumpMin , &bumpMax );
lookupKey = bumpMin;
while( bumpMin == min );
BSONObjBuilder op;
op.append( "op" , "u" );
op.appendBool( "b" , false );
op.append( "ns" , ShardNS::chunk );
nextVersion.incMinor(); // same as used on donateChunk
BSONObjBuilder n( op.subobjStart( "o" ) );
n.append( "_id" , Chunk::genID( ns , bumpMin ) );
n.appendTimestamp( "lastmod" , nextVersion );
n.append( "ns" , ns );
n.append( "min" , bumpMin );
n.append( "max" , bumpMax );
n.append( "shard" , fromShard.getName() );
BSONObjBuilder q( op.subobjStart( "o2" ) );
q.append( "_id" , Chunk::genID( ns , bumpMin ) );
updates.append( op.obj() );
log() << "moveChunk updating self version to: " << nextVersion << " through "
<< bumpMin << " -> " << bumpMax << " for collection '" << ns << "'" << endl;
else {
log() << "moveChunk moved last chunk out for collection '" << ns << "'" << endl;
BSONArrayBuilder preCond( cmdBuilder.subarrayStart( "preCondition" ) );
BSONObjBuilder b;
b.append( "ns" , ShardNS::chunk );
b.append( "q" , BSON( "query" << BSON( "ns" << ns ) << "orderby" << BSON( "lastmod" << -1 ) ) );
BSONObjBuilder bb( b.subobjStart( "res" ) );
bb.appendTimestamp( "lastmod" , maxVersion );
preCond.append( b.obj() );
BSONObj cmd = cmdBuilder.obj();
log(7) << "moveChunk update: " << cmd << endl;
bool ok;
BSONObj cmdResult;
ScopedDbConnection conn( shardingState.getConfigServer() );
ok = conn->runCommand( "config" , cmd , cmdResult );
if ( ! ok ) {
// this could be a blip in the connectivity
// wait out a few seconds and check if the commit request made it
// if the commit made it to the config, we'll see the chunk in the new shard and there's no action
// if the commit did not make it, currently the only way to fix this state is to bounce the mongod so
// that the old state (before migrating) be brought in
log( LL_WARNING ) << "moveChunk commit outcome ongoing: " << cmd << " for command :" << cmdResult << endl;
sleepsecs( 10 );
try {
ScopedDbConnection conn( shardingState.getConfigServer() );
// look for the chunk in this shard whose version got bumped
// we assume that if that mod made it to the config, the applyOps was successful
BSONObj doc = conn->findOne( ShardNS::chunk , Query(BSON( "ns" << ns )).sort( BSON("lastmod" << -1)));
ShardChunkVersion checkVersion = doc["lastmod"];
if ( checkVersion == nextVersion ) {
log() << "moveChunk commit confirmed" << endl;
else {
log( LL_ERROR ) << "moveChunk commit failed: version is at"
<< checkVersion << " instead of " << nextVersion << endl;
log( LL_ERROR ) << "TERMINATING" << endl;
catch ( ... ) {
log( LL_ERROR ) << "moveChunk failed to get confirmation of commit" << endl;
log( LL_ERROR ) << "TERMINATING" << endl;
migrateFromStatus.setInCriticalSection( false );
// 5.d
configServer.logChange( "moveChunk.commit" , ns , chunkInfo );
// 6.
OldDataCleanup c;
c.ns = ns;
c.min = min.getOwned();
c.max = max.getOwned();
ClientCursor::find( ns , c.initial );
if ( c.initial.size() ) {
log() << "forking for cleaning up chunk data" << endl;
boost::thread t( boost::bind( &cleanupOldData , c ) );
else {
log() << "doing delete inline" << endl;
// 7.
return true;
} moveChunkCmd;
bool ShardingState::inCriticalMigrateSection() {
return migrateFromStatus.getInCriticalSection();
/* -----
below this are the "to" side commands
command to initiate
worker thread
does initial clone
pulls initial change set
keeps pulling
keeps state
command to get state
commend to "commit"
class MigrateStatus {
MigrateStatus() : m_active("MigrateStatus") { active = false; }
void prepare() {
scoped_lock l(m_active); // reading and writing 'active'
assert( ! active );
state = READY;
errmsg = "";
numCloned = 0;
clonedBytes = 0;
numCatchup = 0;
numSteady = 0;
active = true;
void go() {
try {
catch ( std::exception& e ) {
state = FAIL;
errmsg = e.what();
log( LL_ERROR ) << "migrate failed: " << e.what() << endl;
catch ( ... ) {
state = FAIL;
errmsg = "UNKNOWN ERROR";
log( LL_ERROR ) << "migrate failed with unknown exception" << endl;
setActive( false );
void _go() {
assert( getActive() );
assert( state == READY );
assert( ! min.isEmpty() );
assert( ! max.isEmpty() );
MoveTimingHelper timing( "to" , ns , min , max , 5 /* steps */ );
ScopedDbConnection conn( from );
conn->getLastError(); // just test connection
// 1. copy indexes
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> indexes = conn->getIndexes( ns );
vector<BSONObj> all;
while ( indexes->more() ) {
all.push_back( indexes->next().getOwned() );
writelock lk( ns );
Client::Context ct( ns );
string system_indexes = cc().database()->name + ".system.indexes";
for ( unsigned i=0; i<all.size(); i++ ) {
BSONObj idx = all[i];
theDataFileMgr.insert( system_indexes.c_str() , idx.objdata() , idx.objsize() );
// 2. delete any data already in range
writelock lk( ns );
RemoveSaver rs( "moveChunk" , ns , "preCleanup" );
long long num = Helpers::removeRange( ns , min , max , true , false , cmdLine.moveParanoia ? &rs : 0 );
if ( num )
log( LL_WARNING ) << "moveChunkCmd deleted data already in chunk # objects: " << num << endl;
// 3. initial bulk clone
state = CLONE;
while ( true ) {
BSONObj res;
if ( ! conn->runCommand( "admin" , BSON( "_migrateClone" << 1 ) , res ) ) {
state = FAIL;
errmsg = "_migrateClone failed: ";
errmsg += res.toString();
error() << errmsg << endl;
BSONObj arr = res["objects"].Obj();
int thisTime = 0;
BSONObjIterator i( arr );
while( i.more() ) {
BSONObj o = i.next().Obj();
writelock lk( ns );
Helpers::upsert( ns , o );
clonedBytes += o.objsize();
if ( thisTime == 0 )
// if running on a replicated system, we'll need to flush the docs we cloned to the secondaries
ReplTime lastOpApplied;
// 4. do bulk of mods
state = CATCHUP;
while ( true ) {
BSONObj res;
if ( ! conn->runCommand( "admin" , BSON( "_transferMods" << 1 ) , res ) ) {
state = FAIL;
errmsg = "_transferMods failed: ";
errmsg += res.toString();
log( LL_ERROR ) << "_transferMods failed: " << res << endl;
if ( res["size"].number() == 0 )
apply( res , &lastOpApplied );
if ( state == ABORT ) {
timing.note( "aborted" );
// 5. wait for commit
Timer timeWaitingForCommit;
state = STEADY;
while ( state == STEADY || state == COMMIT_START ) {
BSONObj res;
if ( ! conn->runCommand( "admin" , BSON( "_transferMods" << 1 ) , res ) ) {
log() << "_transferMods failed in STEADY state: " << res << endl;
errmsg = res.toString();
state = FAIL;
if ( res["size"].number() > 0 && apply( res , &lastOpApplied ) )
if ( state == COMMIT_START && flushPendingWrites( lastOpApplied ) )
sleepmillis( 10 );
if ( state == ABORT ) {
timing.note( "aborted" );
if ( timeWaitingForCommit.seconds() > 86400 ) {
state = FAIL;
errmsg = "timed out waiting for commit";
state = DONE;
void status( BSONObjBuilder& b ) {
b.appendBool( "active" , getActive() );
b.append( "ns" , ns );
b.append( "from" , from );
b.append( "min" , min );
b.append( "max" , max );
b.append( "state" , stateString() );
if ( state == FAIL )
b.append( "errmsg" , errmsg );
BSONObjBuilder bb( b.subobjStart( "counts" ) );
bb.append( "cloned" , numCloned );
bb.append( "clonedBytes" , clonedBytes );
bb.append( "catchup" , numCatchup );
bb.append( "steady" , numSteady );
bool apply( const BSONObj& xfer , ReplTime* lastOpApplied ) {
ReplTime dummy;
if ( lastOpApplied == NULL ) {
lastOpApplied = &dummy;
bool didAnything = false;
if ( xfer["deleted"].isABSONObj() ) {
writelock lk(ns);
Client::Context cx(ns);
RemoveSaver rs( "moveChunk" , ns , "removedDuring" );
BSONObjIterator i( xfer["deleted"].Obj() );
while ( i.more() ) {
BSONObj id = i.next().Obj();
// do not apply deletes if they do not belong to the chunk being migrated
BSONObj fullObj;
if ( Helpers::findById( cc() , ns.c_str() , id, fullObj ) ) {
if ( ! isInRange( fullObj , min , max ) ) {
log() << "not applying out of range deletion: " << fullObj << endl;
Helpers::removeRange( ns , id , id, false , true , cmdLine.moveParanoia ? &rs : 0 );
*lastOpApplied = cx.getClient()->getLastOp();
didAnything = true;
if ( xfer["reload"].isABSONObj() ) {
writelock lk(ns);
Client::Context cx(ns);
BSONObjIterator i( xfer["reload"].Obj() );
while ( i.more() ) {
BSONObj it = i.next().Obj();
Helpers::upsert( ns , it );
*lastOpApplied = cx.getClient()->getLastOp();
didAnything = true;
return didAnything;
bool flushPendingWrites( const ReplTime& lastOpApplied ) {
// if replication is on, try to force enough secondaries to catch up
// TODO opReplicatedEnough should eventually honor priorities and geo-awareness
// for now, we try to replicate to a sensible number of secondaries
const int slaveCount = getSlaveCount() / 2 + 1;
if ( ! opReplicatedEnough( lastOpApplied , slaveCount ) ) {
log( LL_WARNING ) << "migrate commit attempt timed out contacting " << slaveCount
<< " slaves for '" << ns << "' " << min << " -> " << max << endl;
return false;
log() << "migrate commit succeeded flushing to secondaries for '" << ns << "' " << min << " -> " << max << endl;
readlock lk(ns); // commitNow() currently requires it
// if durability is on, force a write to journal
if ( getDur().commitNow() ) {
log() << "migrate commit flushed to journal for '" << ns << "' " << min << " -> " << max << endl;
return true;
string stateString() {
switch ( state ) {
case READY: return "ready";
case CLONE: return "clone";
case CATCHUP: return "catchup";
case STEADY: return "steady";
case COMMIT_START: return "commitStart";
case DONE: return "done";
case FAIL: return "fail";
case ABORT: return "abort";
return "";
bool startCommit() {
if ( state != STEADY )
return false;
for ( int i=0; i<86400; i++ ) {
if ( state == DONE )
return true;
log() << "startCommit never finished!" << endl;
return false;
void abort() {
state = ABORT;
errmsg = "aborted";
bool getActive() const { scoped_lock l(m_active); return active; }
void setActive( bool b ) { scoped_lock l(m_active); active = b; }
mutable mongo::mutex m_active;
bool active;
string ns;
string from;
BSONObj min;
BSONObj max;
long long numCloned;
long long clonedBytes;
long long numCatchup;
long long numSteady;
string errmsg;
} migrateStatus;
void migrateThread() {
Client::initThread( "migrateThread" );
class RecvChunkStartCommand : public ChunkCommandHelper {
RecvChunkStartCommand() : ChunkCommandHelper( "_recvChunkStart" ) {}
virtual LockType locktype() const { return WRITE; } // this is so don't have to do locking internally
bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {
if ( migrateStatus.getActive() ) {
errmsg = "migrate already in progress";
return false;
if ( ! configServer.ok() )
configServer.init( cmdObj["configServer"].String() );
migrateStatus.ns = cmdObj.firstElement().String();
migrateStatus.from = cmdObj["from"].String();
migrateStatus.min = cmdObj["min"].Obj().getOwned();
migrateStatus.max = cmdObj["max"].Obj().getOwned();
boost::thread m( migrateThread );
result.appendBool( "started" , true );
return true;
} recvChunkStartCmd;
class RecvChunkStatusCommand : public ChunkCommandHelper {
RecvChunkStatusCommand() : ChunkCommandHelper( "_recvChunkStatus" ) {}
bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {
migrateStatus.status( result );
return 1;
} recvChunkStatusCommand;
class RecvChunkCommitCommand : public ChunkCommandHelper {
RecvChunkCommitCommand() : ChunkCommandHelper( "_recvChunkCommit" ) {}
bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {
bool ok = migrateStatus.startCommit();
migrateStatus.status( result );
return ok;
} recvChunkCommitCommand;
class RecvChunkAbortCommand : public ChunkCommandHelper {
RecvChunkAbortCommand() : ChunkCommandHelper( "_recvChunkAbort" ) {}
bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {
migrateStatus.status( result );
return true;
} recvChunkAboortCommand;
class IsInRangeTest : public UnitTest {
void run() {
BSONObj min = BSON( "x" << 1 );
BSONObj max = BSON( "x" << 5 );
assert( ! isInRange( BSON( "x" << 0 ) , min , max ) );
assert( isInRange( BSON( "x" << 1 ) , min , max ) );
assert( isInRange( BSON( "x" << 3 ) , min , max ) );
assert( isInRange( BSON( "x" << 4 ) , min , max ) );
assert( ! isInRange( BSON( "x" << 5 ) , min , max ) );
assert( ! isInRange( BSON( "x" << 6 ) , min , max ) );
log(1) << "isInRangeTest passed" << endl;
} isInRangeTest;