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* Tests for shard aware initialization during process startup (for standalone) and transition
* to primary (for replica set nodes).
* Note: test will deliberately cause a mongod instance to terminate abruptly and mongod instance
* without journaling will complain about unclean shutdown.
* @tags: [requires_persistence, requires_journaling]
(function() {
"use strict";
var waitForMaster = function(conn) {
assert.soon(function() {
var res = conn.getDB('admin').runCommand({isMaster: 1});
return res.ismaster;
* Runs a series of test on the mongod instance mongodConn is pointing to. Notes that the
* test can restart the mongod instance several times so mongodConn can end up with a broken
* connection after.
* awaitVersionUpdate is used with the replset invocation of this test to ensure that our
* initial write to the admin.system.version collection is fully flushed out of the oplog before
* restarting. That allows our standalone corrupting update to see the write (and cause us to
* fail on startup).
* TODO: Remove awaitVersionUpdate after SERVER-41005, where we figure out how to wait until
* after replication is started before reading our shard identity from
* admin.system.version
var runTest = function(mongodConn, configConnStr, awaitVersionUpdate) {
var shardIdentityDoc = {
_id: 'shardIdentity',
configsvrConnectionString: configConnStr,
shardName: 'newShard',
clusterId: ObjectId()
* Restarts the server without --shardsvr and replace the shardIdentity doc with a valid
* document. Then, restarts the server again with --shardsvr. This also returns a
* connection to the server after the last restart.
var restartAndFixShardIdentityDoc = function(startOptions) {
var options = Object.extend({}, startOptions);
// With Recover to a Timestamp, writes to a replica set member may not be written to
// disk in the collection, but are instead re-applied from the oplog at startup. When
// restarting with `--shardsvr`, the update to the `shardIdentity` document is not
// processed. Turning off `--replSet` guarantees the update is written out to the
// collection and the test no longer relies on replication recovery from performing
// the update with `--shardsvr` on.
var rsName = options.replSet;
delete options.replSet;
delete options.shardsvr;
var mongodConn = MongoRunner.runMongod(options);
var res = mongodConn.getDB('admin').system.version.update({_id: 'shardIdentity'},
assert.eq(1, res.nModified);
newMongodOptions.shardsvr = '';
newMongodOptions.replSet = rsName;
mongodConn = MongoRunner.runMongod(newMongodOptions);
res = mongodConn.getDB('admin').runCommand({shardingState: 1});
assert.eq(shardIdentityDoc.configsvrConnectionString, res.configServer);
assert.eq(shardIdentityDoc.shardName, res.shardName);
assert.eq(shardIdentityDoc.clusterId, res.clusterId);
return mongodConn;
// Simulate the upsert that is performed by a config server on addShard.
_id: shardIdentityDoc._id,
shardName: shardIdentityDoc.shardName,
clusterId: shardIdentityDoc.clusterId,
{$set: {configsvrConnectionString: shardIdentityDoc.configsvrConnectionString}},
{upsert: true}));
var res = mongodConn.getDB('admin').runCommand({shardingState: 1});
assert.eq(shardIdentityDoc.configsvrConnectionString, res.configServer);
assert.eq(shardIdentityDoc.shardName, res.shardName);
assert.eq(shardIdentityDoc.clusterId, res.clusterId);
// Should not be allowed to remove the shardIdentity document
mongodConn.getDB('admin').system.version.remove({_id: 'shardIdentity'}), 40070);
// Test normal startup
var newMongodOptions = Object.extend(mongodConn.savedOptions, {
restart: true,
// disable snapshotting to force the stable timestamp forward with or without the
// majority commit point. This simplifies forcing out our corrupted write to
// admin.system.version
setParameter: {"failpoint.disableSnapshotting": "{'mode':'alwaysOn'}"}
mongodConn = MongoRunner.runMongod(newMongodOptions);
res = mongodConn.getDB('admin').runCommand({shardingState: 1});
assert.eq(shardIdentityDoc.configsvrConnectionString, res.configServer);
assert.eq(shardIdentityDoc.shardName, res.shardName);
assert.eq(shardIdentityDoc.clusterId, res.clusterId);
// Test shardIdentity doc without configsvrConnectionString, resulting into parse error
// Note: modification of the shardIdentity is allowed only when not running with --shardsvr
// The manipulation of `--replSet` is explained in `restartAndFixShardIdentityDoc`.
var rsName = newMongodOptions.replSet;
delete newMongodOptions.replSet;
delete newMongodOptions.shardsvr;
mongodConn = MongoRunner.runMongod(newMongodOptions);
let writeResult = assert.commandWorked(mongodConn.getDB('admin').system.version.update(
{_id: 'shardIdentity'}, {_id: 'shardIdentity', shardName: 'x', clusterId: ObjectId()}));
assert.eq(writeResult.nModified, 1);
newMongodOptions.shardsvr = '';
newMongodOptions.replSet = rsName;
assert.throws(function() {
var connToCrashedMongod = MongoRunner.runMongod(newMongodOptions);
// We call MongoRunner.stopMongod() using a former connection to the server that is
// configured with the same port in order to be able to assert on the server's exit code.
MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongodConn, undefined, {allowedExitCode: MongoRunner.EXIT_UNCAUGHT});
// Test that it is possible to fix the invalid shardIdentity doc by not passing --shardsvr
mongodConn = restartAndFixShardIdentityDoc(newMongodOptions);
res = mongodConn.getDB('admin').runCommand({shardingState: 1});
var st = new ShardingTest({shards: 1});
var mongod = MongoRunner.runMongod({shardsvr: ''});
runTest(mongod, st.configRS.getURL(), function() {});
var replTest = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 1});
replTest.startSet({shardsvr: ''});
runTest(replTest.getPrimary(), st.configRS.getURL(), function() {