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* This test verifies that the "serverStatus.opcountersRepl" is incremented correctly on
* secondary during steady-state replication. Additionally, it also verifies the
* "serverStatus.opcounters" on primary to check if it exhibits the same behavior as
* secondary.
(function() {
"use strict";
const testName = "opcounters_repl";
const dbName = testName;
const rst = new ReplSetTest({name: testName, nodes: 2});
const primary = rst.getPrimary();
const primaryDB = primary.getDB(dbName);
const secondary = rst.getSecondary();
const collName = "coll";
const collNs = dbName + '.' + collName;
const primaryColl = primaryDB[collName];
function getOpCounters(node) {
return assert.commandWorked(node.adminCommand({serverStatus: 1})).opcounters;
function getOpCountersRepl(node) {
return assert.commandWorked(node.adminCommand({serverStatus: 1})).opcountersRepl;
function getOpCountersDiff(cmdFn) {
// Get the counters before running cmdFn().
const primaryOpCountersBefore = getOpCounters(primary);
const secondaryOpCountersReplBefore = getOpCountersRepl(secondary);
// Run the cmd.
// Get the counters after running cmdFn().
const primaryOpCountersAfter = getOpCounters(primary);
const secondaryOpCountersReplAfter = getOpCountersRepl(secondary);
// Calculate the diff
let primaryDiff = {};
let secondaryDiff = {};
for (let key in primaryOpCountersBefore) {
primaryDiff[key] = primaryOpCountersAfter[key] - primaryOpCountersBefore[key];
for (let key in secondaryOpCountersReplBefore) {
secondaryDiff[key] = secondaryOpCountersReplAfter[key] - secondaryOpCountersReplBefore[key];
return {primary: primaryDiff, secondary: secondaryDiff};
// 1. Create collection.
let diff = getOpCountersDiff(() => {
assert.commandWorked(primaryDB.createCollection(collName, {writeConcern: {w: 2}}));
// On primary, the command counter accounts for create command and for other internal
// commands like replSetUpdatePosition, replSetHeartbeat, serverStatus, etc.
assert.gte(diff.primary.command, 1);
assert.eq(diff.secondary.command, 1);
// 2. Insert a document.
diff = getOpCountersDiff(() => {
assert.writeOK(primaryColl.insert({_id: 0}, {writeConcern: {w: 2}}));
assert.eq(diff.primary.insert, 1);
assert.eq(diff.secondary.insert, 1);
// 3. Update a document.
diff = getOpCountersDiff(() => {
assert.writeOK(primaryColl.update({_id: 0}, {$set: {a: 1}}, {writeConcern: {w: 2}}));
assert.eq(diff.primary.update, 1);
assert.eq(diff.secondary.update, 1);
// 4. Delete a document.
diff = getOpCountersDiff(() => {
assert.writeOK(primaryColl.remove({_id: 0}, {writeConcern: {w: 2}}));
assert.eq(diff.primary.delete, 1);
assert.eq(diff.secondary.delete, 1);
// 5. Atomic insert operation via applyOps cmd.
diff = getOpCountersDiff(() => {
{applyOps: [{op: "i", ns: collNs, o: {_id: 1}}], writeConcern: {w: 2}}));
// On primary, the command counter accounts for applyOps command and for other internal
// commands like replSetUpdatePosition, replSetHeartbeat, serverStatus, etc.
assert.gte(diff.primary.command, 1);
assert.eq(diff.secondary.command, 0);
assert.eq(diff.primary.insert, 1);
assert.eq(diff.secondary.insert, 1);