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2019-07-27 11:02:23 -04:00

131 lines
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// Test parsing of readConcern level 'snapshot' on mongos.
// @tags: [requires_replication,requires_sharding, uses_transactions, uses_atclustertime]
(function() {
"use strict";
// Runs the command as the first in a multi statement txn that is aborted right after, expecting
// success.
function expectSuccessInTxnThenAbort(session, sessionConn, cmdObj) {
// Runs the command as the first in a multi statement txn that is aborted right after, expecting
// failure with the given error code.
function expectFailInTxnThenAbort(session, sessionConn, expectedErrorCode, cmdObj) {
assert.commandFailedWithCode(sessionConn.runCommand(cmdObj), expectedErrorCode);
const dbName = "test";
const collName = "coll";
let st = new ShardingTest({shards: 1, rs: {nodes: 2}, config: 2, mongos: 1});
let testDB = st.getDB(dbName);
let coll = testDB.coll;
// Insert data to create the collection.
assert.writeOK(testDB[collName].insert({x: 1}));
flushRoutersAndRefreshShardMetadata(st, {ns: dbName + "." + collName, dbNames: [dbName]});
// noPassthrough tests
// readConcern 'snapshot' is not allowed outside session context.
assert.commandFailedWithCode(testDB.runCommand({find: collName, readConcern: {level: "snapshot"}}),
let session = testDB.getMongo().startSession({causalConsistency: false});
let sessionDb = session.getDatabase(dbName);
// readConcern 'snapshot' is not allowed outside transaction context.
find: collName,
readConcern: {level: "snapshot"},
// readConcern 'snapshot' is not allowed with 'atClusterTime'.
let pingRes = assert.commandWorked(st.s0.adminCommand({ping: 1}));
assert(pingRes.hasOwnProperty("$clusterTime"), tojson(pingRes));
assert(pingRes.$clusterTime.hasOwnProperty("clusterTime"), tojson(pingRes));
const clusterTime = pingRes.$clusterTime.clusterTime;
expectFailInTxnThenAbort(session, sessionDb, ErrorCodes.InvalidOptions, {
find: collName,
readConcern: {level: "snapshot", atClusterTime: clusterTime},
// Passthrough tests. There are parts not implemented on mongod and mongos, they are tracked by
// separate jiras
// readConcern 'snapshot' is supported by insert on mongos in a transaction.
expectSuccessInTxnThenAbort(session, sessionDb, {
insert: collName,
documents: [{_id: "single-insert"}],
readConcern: {level: "snapshot"},
// readConcern 'snapshot' is supported by update on mongos in a transaction.
expectSuccessInTxnThenAbort(session, sessionDb, {
update: collName,
updates: [{q: {_id: 0}, u: {$inc: {a: 1}}}],
readConcern: {level: "snapshot"},
// readConcern 'snapshot' is supported by delete on mongos in a transaction.
expectSuccessInTxnThenAbort(session, sessionDb, {
delete: collName,
deletes: [{q: {}, limit: 1}],
readConcern: {level: "snapshot"},
// readConcern 'snapshot' is supported by findAndModify on mongos in a transaction.
expectSuccessInTxnThenAbort(session, sessionDb, {
findAndModify: collName,
query: {},
update: {$set: {a: 1}},
readConcern: {level: "snapshot"},
expectSuccessInTxnThenAbort(session, sessionDb, {
aggregate: collName,
pipeline: [],
cursor: {},
readConcern: {level: "snapshot"},
// readConcern 'snapshot' is supported by find on mongos.
expectSuccessInTxnThenAbort(session, sessionDb, {
find: collName,
readConcern: {level: "snapshot"},
// readConcern 'snapshot' is supported by distinct on mongos.
expectSuccessInTxnThenAbort(session, sessionDb, {
distinct: collName,
key: "x",
readConcern: {level: "snapshot"},
// readConcern 'snapshot' is allowed with 'afterClusterTime'.
expectSuccessInTxnThenAbort(session, sessionDb, {
find: collName,
readConcern: {level: "snapshot", afterClusterTime: clusterTime},
expectSuccessInTxnThenAbort(session, sessionDb, {
aggregate: collName,
pipeline: [],
cursor: {},
readConcern: {level: "snapshot", afterClusterTime: clusterTime},