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var baseDir = 'jstests_disk_directoryper';
var baseName = 'directoryperdb';
var dbpath = MongoRunner.dataPath + baseDir + '/';
var storageEngine = db.serverStatus().storageEngine.name;
// The pattern which matches the names of database files
var dbFileMatcher;
if (storageEngine == 'wiredTiger') {
// Matches wiredTiger collection-*.wt and index-*.wt files
dbFileMatcher = /(collection|index)-.+\.wt$/;
} else {
assert(false, 'This test must be run against wiredTiger');
// Set up helper functions.
assertDocumentCount = function(db, count) {
'Expected ' + count + ' documents in ' + db._name + '.' + baseName + '. ' +
'Found: ' + tojson(db[baseName].find().toArray()));
* Returns the current connection which gets restarted with wiredtiger.
checkDBFilesInDBDirectory = function(conn, dbToCheck) {
if (storageEngine == 'wiredTiger') {
conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({dbpath: dbpath, directoryperdb: '', restart: true});
var dir = dbpath + dbToCheck;
if (storageEngine == 'wiredTiger') {
// The KV catalog escapes non alpha-numeric characters with its UTF-8 byte sequence in
// decimal when creating the directory on disk.
if (dbToCheck == '&') {
dir = dbpath + '.38';
} else if (dbToCheck == '処') {
dir = dbpath + '.229.135.166';
} else if (dbToCheck == Array(22).join('処')) {
dir = dbpath + Array(22).join('.229.135.166');
files = listFiles(dir);
var fileCount = 0;
for (f in files) {
if (files[f].isDirectory)
fileCount += 1;
'In directory:' + dir + ' found unexpected file: ' + files[f].name);
assert(fileCount > 0, 'Expected more than zero nondirectory files in database directory');
return conn;
* Returns the restarted connection with wiredtiger.
checkDBDirectoryNonexistent = function(conn, dbToCheck) {
if (storageEngine == 'wiredTiger') {
conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({dbpath: dbpath, directoryperdb: '', restart: true});
var files = listFiles(dbpath);
// Check that there are no files in the toplevel dbpath.
for (f in files) {
if (!files[f].isDirectory) {
'Database file' + files[f].name +
' exists in dbpath after deleting all non-directoryperdb databases');
// Check db directories to ensure db files in them have been destroyed.
if (storageEngine == 'wiredTiger') {
var dir = dbpath + dbToCheck;
// The KV catalog escapes non alpha-numeric characters with its UTF-8 byte sequence in
// decimal when creating the directory on disk.
if (dbToCheck == '&') {
dir = dbpath + '.38';
} else if (dbToCheck == '処') {
dir = dbpath + '.229.135.166';
} else if (dbToCheck == Array(22).join('処')) {
dir = dbpath + Array(22).join('.229.135.166');
var files = listFiles(dir);
assert.eq(files.length, 0, 'Files left behind in database directory');
return conn;
// Start the directoryperdb instance of mongod.
var m = MongoRunner.runMongod({storageEngine: storageEngine, dbpath: dbpath, directoryperdb: ''});
// Check that the 'local' db has allocated data.
m = checkDBFilesInDBDirectory(m, 'local');
// Create database with directoryperdb.
var dbBase = m.getDB(baseName);
assertDocumentCount(dbBase, 1);
m = checkDBFilesInDBDirectory(m, baseName);
dbBase = m.getDB(baseName);
// Drop a database created with directoryperdb.
assert.commandWorked(dbBase.runCommand({dropDatabase: 1}));
assertDocumentCount(dbBase, 0);
m = checkDBDirectoryNonexistent(m, baseName);
dbBase = m.getDB(baseName);
// It should be impossible to create a database named 'journal' with directoryperdb, as that
// directory exists. This test has been disabled until SERVER-2460 is resolved.
db = m.getDB( 'journal' );
assert.writeError(db[ 'journal' ].insert( {} ));
// Using WiredTiger, it should be impossible to create a database named 'WiredTiger' with
// directoryperdb, as that file is created by the WiredTiger storageEngine.
if (storageEngine == 'wiredTiger') {
var dbW = m.getDB('WiredTiger');
// Create a database named 'a' repeated 63 times.
var dbNameAA = Array(64).join('a');
var dbAA = m.getDB(dbNameAA);
assertDocumentCount(dbAA, 1);
m = checkDBFilesInDBDirectory(m, dbAA);
// Create a database named '&'.
var dbAnd = m.getDB('&');
assertDocumentCount(dbAnd, 1);
m = checkDBFilesInDBDirectory(m, dbAnd);
// Unicode directoryperdb databases do not work on Windows.
// Disabled until https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-16725
// is resolved.
if (!_isWindows()) {
// Create a database named '処'.
var dbNameU = '処';
var dbU = m.getDB(dbNameU);
assertDocumentCount(dbU, 1);
m = checkDBFilesInDBDirectory(m, dbU);
// Create a database named '処' repeated 21 times.
var dbNameUU = Array(22).join('処');
var dbUU = m.getDB(dbNameUU);
assertDocumentCount(dbUU, 1);
m = checkDBFilesInDBDirectory(m, dbUU);