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* This tests that the proper access control is enforced around modifications to user and role data.
* @tags: [requires_sharding]
function runTest(conn) {
var authzErrorCode = 13;
{user: 'userAdmin', pwd: 'pwd', roles: ['userAdminAnyDatabase']});
var userAdminConn = new Mongo(conn.host);
userAdminConn.getDB('admin').auth('userAdmin', 'pwd');
var testUserAdmin = userAdminConn.getDB('test');
var adminUserAdmin = userAdminConn.getDB('admin');
testUserAdmin.createRole({role: 'testRole', roles: [], privileges: []});
adminUserAdmin.createRole({role: 'adminRole', roles: [], privileges: []});
{user: 'spencer', pwd: 'pwd', roles: ['testRole', {role: 'adminRole', db: 'admin'}]});
adminUserAdmin.createUser({user: 'otherUser', pwd: 'pwd', roles: []});
var db = conn.getDB('test');
db.auth('spencer', 'pwd');
var admindb = conn.getDB('admin');
// "adminUserAdmin" and "testUserAdmin" are handles to the "admin" and "test" dbs, respectively.
// Both are on the same connection, which has been auth'd as a user with 'userAdminAnyDatabase'.
// "db" and "admindb" are also handles to the "test" and "admin" dbs, but on a connection that
// has been auth'd as the user spencer@test. "testUserAdmin" and "adminUserAdmin" will be used
// to control what privileges spencer@test has (and thus are usable by "db" and "admindb"),
// while "db" and "admindb" will be used for the actual permission checks that are being tested.
(function testCreateUser() {
jsTestLog("Testing user creation");
var res = db.runCommand({createUser: 'andy', pwd: 'pwd', roles: []});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
'testRole', [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['createUser']}]);
assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({createUser: 'andy', pwd: 'pwd', roles: []}));
res = admindb.runCommand({createUser: 'andy', pwd: 'pwd', roles: []});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
(function testCreateRole() {
jsTestLog("Testing role creation");
var res = db.runCommand({createRole: 'testRole2', roles: [], privileges: []});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
'testRole', [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['createRole']}]);
assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({createRole: 'testRole2', roles: [], privileges: []}));
res = admindb.runCommand({createRole: 'testRole2', roles: [], privileges: []});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
(function() {
jsTestLog("Testing role creation, of user-defined roles with same name as built-in roles");
var cmdObj = {createRole: "readWrite", roles: [], privileges: []};
var res = adminUserAdmin.runCommand(cmdObj);
assert.commandFailed(res, tojson(cmdObj));
var roleObj = adminUserAdmin.system.roles.findOne({role: "readWrite", db: "admin"});
// double check that no role object named "readWrite" has been created
assert(!roleObj, "user-defined \"readWrite\" role was created: " + tojson(roleObj));
(function testViewUser() {
jsTestLog("Testing viewing user information");
var res = db.runCommand({usersInfo: 'andy'});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
'testRole', [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['viewUser']}]);
assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({usersInfo: 'andy'}));
res = admindb.runCommand({usersInfo: 'andy'});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
(function testViewRole() {
jsTestLog("Testing viewing role information");
var res = db.runCommand({rolesInfo: 'testRole2'});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
'testRole', [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['viewRole']}]);
assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({rolesInfo: 'testRole2'}));
res = admindb.runCommand({rolesInfo: 'testRole2'});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
(function testDropUser() {
jsTestLog("Testing dropping user");
var res = db.runCommand({dropUser: 'andy'});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
'testRole', [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['dropUser']}]);
assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({dropUser: 'andy'}));
res = admindb.runCommand({dropUser: 'andy'});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
(function testDropRole() {
jsTestLog("Testing dropping role");
var res = db.runCommand({dropRole: 'testRole2'});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
'testRole', [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['dropRole']}]);
assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({dropRole: 'testRole2'}));
res = admindb.runCommand({dropRole: 'testRole2'});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
(function testGrantRole() {
jsTestLog("Testing granting roles");
var res = db.runCommand({createUser: 'andy', pwd: 'pwd', roles: ['read']});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
res = db.runCommand({grantRolesToUser: 'spencer', roles: ['read']});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
res = db.runCommand({grantRolesToRole: 'testRole', roles: ['read']});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
res = admindb.runCommand(
{grantRolesToUser: 'otherUser', roles: [{role: 'read', db: 'test'}]});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
'testRole', [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['grantRole']}]);
assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({createUser: 'andy', pwd: 'pwd', roles: ['read']}));
assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({grantRolesToUser: 'spencer', roles: ['read']}));
assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({grantRolesToRole: 'testRole', roles: ['read']}));
// Granting roles from other dbs should fail
res = db.runCommand({grantRolesToUser: 'spencer', roles: [{role: 'read', db: 'other'}]});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
// Granting roles from this db to users in another db, however, should work
res = admindb.runCommand(
{grantRolesToUser: 'otherUser', roles: [{role: 'read', db: 'test'}]});
(function testRevokeRole() {
jsTestLog("Testing revoking roles");
var res = db.runCommand({revokeRolesFromUser: 'spencer', roles: ['read']});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
res = db.runCommand({revokeRolesFromRole: 'testRole', roles: ['read']});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
res = admindb.runCommand(
{revokeRolesFromUser: 'otherUser', roles: [{role: 'read', db: 'test'}]});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
'testRole', [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['revokeRole']}]);
assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({revokeRolesFromUser: 'spencer', roles: ['read']}));
assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({revokeRolesFromRole: 'testRole', roles: ['read']}));
// Revoking roles from other dbs should fail
res = db.runCommand({revokeRolesFromUser: 'spencer', roles: [{role: 'read', db: 'other'}]});
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
// Revoking roles from this db from users in another db, however, should work
res = admindb.runCommand(
{revokeRolesFromUser: 'otherUser', roles: [{role: 'read', db: 'test'}]});
(function testGrantPrivileges() {
jsTestLog("Testing granting privileges");
'testRole', [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['grantRole']}]);
var res = db.runCommand({
createRole: 'testRole2',
roles: [],
privileges: [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['find']}]
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
res = db.runCommand({
grantPrivilegesToRole: 'testRole',
privileges: [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['find']}]
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
res = admindb.runCommand({
grantPrivilegesToRole: 'adminRole',
privileges: [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['find']}]
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
'testRole', [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['grantRole']}]);
res = db.runCommand({
createRole: 'testRole2',
roles: [],
privileges: [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['find']}]
res = db.runCommand({
grantPrivilegesToRole: 'testRole',
privileges: [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['find']}]
// Granting privileges from other dbs should fail
res = db.runCommand({
grantPrivilegesToRole: 'testRole',
privileges: [{resource: {db: 'other', collection: ''}, actions: ['find']}]
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
// Granting privileges from this db to users in another db, however, should work
res = admindb.runCommand({
grantPrivilegesToRole: 'adminRole',
privileges: [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['find']}]
(function testRevokePrivileges() {
jsTestLog("Testing revoking privileges");
'testRole', [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['revokeRole']}]);
var res = db.runCommand({
revokePrivilegesFromRole: 'testRole',
privileges: [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['find']}]
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
res = admindb.runCommand({
revokePrivilegesFromRole: 'adminRole',
privileges: [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['find']}]
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
'testRole', [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['revokeRole']}]);
res = db.runCommand({
revokePrivilegesFromRole: 'testRole',
privileges: [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['find']}]
// Revoking privileges from other dbs should fail
res = db.runCommand({
revokePrivilegesFromRole: 'testRole',
privileges: [{resource: {db: 'other', collection: ''}, actions: ['find']}]
assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authzErrorCode);
// Granting privileges from this db to users in another db, however, should work
res = admindb.runCommand({
revokePrivilegesFromRole: 'adminRole',
privileges: [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['find']}]
jsTest.log('Test standalone');
var conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: ''});
jsTest.log('Test sharding');
// TODO: Remove 'shardAsReplicaSet: false' when SERVER-32672 is fixed.
var st = new ShardingTest(
{shards: 2, config: 3, keyFile: 'jstests/libs/key1', other: {shardAsReplicaSet: false}});