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// Test background index creation
parallel = function() {
return db[ baseName + "_parallelStatus" ];
resetParallel = function() {
doParallel = function(work) {
print("doParallel: " + work);
startMongoProgramNoConnect("mongo", "--eval", work + "; db." + baseName + "_parallelStatus.save( {done:1} );", db.getMongo().host);
doneParallel = function() {
return !!parallel().findOne();
waitParallel = function() {
assert.soon( function() { return doneParallel(); }, "parallel did not finish in time", 300000, 1000 );
// waiting on SERVER-620
print( "index11.js host:" );
print( db.getMongo().host );
if (1) {
size = 500000;
while( 1 ) { // if indexing finishes before we can run checks, try indexing w/ more data
print( "size: " + size );
baseName = "jstests_index11";
fullName = "db." + baseName;
t = db[ baseName ];
db.eval( function( size ) {
for( i = 0; i < size; ++i ) {
db.jstests_index11.save( {i:i} );
size );
assert.eq( size, t.count() );
doParallel( fullName + ".ensureIndex( {i:1}, {background:true} )" );
try {
// wait for indexing to start
print("wait for indexing to start");
assert.soon( function() { return 2 == db.system.indexes.count( {ns:"test."+baseName} ) }, "no index created", 30000, 50 );
assert.eq( size, t.count() );
assert.eq( 100, t.findOne( {i:100} ).i );
q = t.find();
for( i = 0; i < 120; ++i ) { // getmore
assert( q.hasNext(), "no next" );
assert.eq( "BasicCursor", t.find( {i:100} ).explain().cursor, "used btree cursor" );
t.remove( {i:40} );
t.update( {i:10}, {i:-10} );
id = t.find().hint( {$natural:-1} )._id;
t.update( {_id:id}, {i:-2} );
t.save( {i:-50} );
t.save( {i:size+2} );
assert( !db.getLastError() );
print("calling ensureIndex");
t.ensureIndex( {i:1} );
printjson( db.getLastError() );
assert( db.getLastError() );
assert.eq( size + 1, t.count() );
assert( !db.getLastError() );
print("calling dropIndex");
t.dropIndex( {i:1} );
printjson( db.getLastError() );
assert( db.getLastError() );
} catch( e ) {
// only a failure if we're still indexing
// wait for parallel status to update to reflect indexing status
print("caught exception");
sleep( 1000 );
if ( !doneParallel() ) {
throw e;
print("but that's OK")
if ( !doneParallel() ) {
print( "indexing finished too soon, retrying..." );
size *= 2;
assert( size < 20000000, "unable to run checks in parallel with index creation" );
print("our tests done, waiting for parallel to finish");
assert.eq( "BtreeCursor i_1", t.find( {i:100} ).explain().cursor );
assert.eq( 1, t.count( {i:-10} ) );
assert.eq( 1, t.count( {i:-2} ) );
assert.eq( 1, t.count( {i:-50} ) );
assert.eq( 1, t.count( {i:size+2} ) );
assert.eq( 0, t.count( {i:40} ) );
assert( !db.getLastError() );
print("about to drop index");
t.dropIndex( {i:1} );
printjson( db.getLastError() );
assert( !db.getLastError() );
} // if 1