mirror of https://github.com/mongodb/mongo.git synced 2024-12-01 01:21:03 +01:00
Santiago Roche 758b931e8a SERVER-91111: Enable spider-monkey-dbg build (#24813)
GitOrigin-RevId: d04fcbceb37c43435234c8ac0c6dd599bd4cb794
2024-07-17 16:58:25 +00:00

245 lines
5.2 KiB

es2022: true
mongo: true
ecmaVersion: 2022
sourceType: "module"
extends: "eslint:recommended"
no-prototype-builtins: 0
no-useless-escape: 0
no-irregular-whitespace: 0
no-inner-declarations: 0
no-unused-vars: [0, {"varsIgnorePattern": "^_", "args": "none"}]
no-empty: 0
no-redeclare: 0
no-constant-condition: 0
no-loss-of-precision: 0
semi: 2
message: "Invalid load call. Please convert your library to a module and import it instead.",
selector: 'CallExpression > Identifier[name="load"]',
TestData: true
# TODO(mbroadst): Remove the next line when ReplSetTest and ShardingTest are converted to modules.
Thread: true
ReplSetTest: true
ShardingTest: true
WriteError: true
WriteCommandError: true
BulkWriteError: true
DB: true
DBCollection: true
DBQuery: true
DBExplainQuery: true
DBCommandCursor: true
MongoBridge: true
MongoURI: true
WriteConcern: true
SessionOptions: true
CollInfos: true
CountDownLatch: true
BSONAwareMap: true
# FCV-related
latestFCV: true
lastLTSFCV: true
lastContinuousFCV: true
checkFCV: true
isFCVEqual: true
binVersionToFCV: true
numVersionsSinceLastLTS: true
getFCVConstants: true
removeFCVDocument: true
targetFCV: true
assert: true
doassert: true
authutil: true
tojson: true
tojsononeline: true
tostrictjson: true
tojsonObject: true
print: true
printjson: true
printjsononeline: true
jsTest: true
jsTestLog: true
jsonTestLog: true
ErrorCodes: true
ErrorCodeStrings: true
checkProgram: true
Random: true
checkLog: true
sleep: true
resetDbpath: true
copyDbpath: true
jsTestName: true
startParallelShell: true
buildInfo: true
getBuildInfo: true
jsTestOptions: true
printShardingStatus: true
_getErrorWithCode: true
isNetworkError: true
__magicNoPrint: true
computeSHA256Block: true
emit: true
_awaitRSHostViaRSMonitor: true
convertShardKeyToHashed: true
benchRun: true
benchRunSync: true
gc: true
DataConsistencyChecker: true
isNumber: true
isObject: true
isString: true
_createSecurityToken: true
_createTenantToken: true
_isAddressSanitizerActive: true
_isLeakSanitizerActive: true
_isThreadSanitizerActive: true
_isUndefinedBehaviorSanitizerActive: true
_isSpiderMonkeyDebugEnabled: true
_optimizationsEnabled: true
allocatePort: true
allocatePorts: true
resetAllocatedPorts: true
bsonObjToArray: true
_writeTestPipeObjects: true
_writeTestPipe: true
_writeTestPipeBsonFile: true
_readTestPipes: true
runFeatureFlagMultiversionTest: true
isRetryableError: true
numberDecimalsAlmostEqual: true
numberDecimalsEqual: true
debug: true
bsonsize: true
_DelegatingDriverSession: true
_DummyDriverSession: true
_ServerSession: true
sortDoc: true
executeNoThrowNetworkError: true
_readDumpFile: true
_openGoldenData: true
_writeGoldenData: true
_threadInject: true
port: true
_buildBsonObj: true
convertTrafficRecordingToBSON: true
_setShellFailPoint: true
shellHelper: true
_srand: true
_shouldUseImplicitSessions: true
testingReplication: true
myPort: true
retryOnNetworkError: true
getJSHeapLimitMB: true
_getEnv: true
indentStr: true
_forgetReplSet: true
_fnvHashToHexString: true
_resultSetsEqualUnordered: true
getStringWidth: true
# likely could be replaced with `path`
_copyFileRange: true
copyFile: true
writeFile: true
fileExists: true
pathExists: true
umask: true
getFileMode: true
# likely could be replaced with `child_process`
MongoRunner: true
run: true
runProgram: true
runMongoProgram: true
runNonMongoProgram: true
runNonMongoProgramQuietly: true
_runMongoProgram: true
_startMongoProgram: true
startMongoProgram: true
_stopMongoProgram: true
stopMongoProgramByPid: true
clearRawMongoProgramOutput: true
rawMongoProgramOutput: true
waitProgram: true
waitMongoProgram: true
_runningMongoChildProcessIds: true
startMongoProgramNoConnect: true
# shell-specific
shellPrintHelper: true
shellAutocomplete: true
__autocomplete__: true
getActiveCommands: true
defaultPrompt: true
___it___: true
__promptWrapper__: true
passwordPrompt: true
isInteractive: true
# built-in BSON types and helpers
Code: true
MaxKey: true
MinKey: true
HexData: true
DBPointer: true
DBRef: true
BinData: true
NumberLong: true
NumberDecimal: true
Timestamp: true
MD5: true
Geo: true
bsonWoCompare: true
bsonUnorderedFieldsCompare: true
bsonBinaryEqual: true
friendlyEqual: true
timestampCmp: true
decompressBSONColumn: true
hex_md5: true
QueryHelpers: true
chatty: true
DriverSession: true
ToolTest: true
uncheckedParallelShellPidsString: true
_shouldRetryWrites: true
# from_cpp:
__prompt__: true
_replMonitorStats: true
# explainable.js
Explainable: true
# utils.js
_verboseShell: true
__quiet: true
printStackTrace: true
setVerboseShell: true
_barFormat: true
compare: true
compareOn: true
shellPrint: true
_originalPrint: true
disablePrint: true
enablePrint: true
replSetMemberStatePrompt: true
helloStatePrompt: true
_validateMemberIndex: true
help: true
retryOnRetryableError: true