mirror of https://github.com/mongodb/mongo.git synced 2024-12-01 09:32:32 +01:00

125 lines
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# generate vcxproj file(s)
# howto:
# scons --clean
# scons <a_target> > out
# python buildscripts/make_vcxproj.py < out > out1 && cat buildscripts/vcxproj.header out1 > a_target.vcxproj
# note: the vcxproj.header file currently references "mongod.exe" explicitly rather than being generic.
# this will be changed soon but gets us started.
# also, directory paths are such that it is assumed the vcxproj is in the top level project directory.
# this is easy and likely to change...
import sys
import os
target = sys.argv[1]
footer= """
<None Include="src\\mongo\\db\\mongo.ico" />
<ResourceCompile Include="src\\mongo\\db\\db.rc" />
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
<ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets"></ImportGroup>
def get_defines(x):
res = set()
for s in x:
if s.startswith('/D') or s.startswith('-D'):
d = s[2:]
return res
common_defines = get_defines(common_defines_str.split(' '))
f = open('buildscripts/vcxproj.header', 'r')
header = f.read().replace("_TARGET_", target)
print header
print "<!-- common_defines -->"
print "<ItemDefinitionGroup><ClCompile><PreprocessorDefinitions>"
print ';'.join(common_defines) + ";%(PreprocessorDefinitions)"
print "</PreprocessorDefinitions></ClCompile></ItemDefinitionGroup>\n"
print "<ItemGroup>\n"
# we don't use _SCONS in vcxproj files, but it's in the input to this script, so add it to common_defines
# so that it is ignored below and not declared:
# likewise we handle DEBUG and such in the vcxproj header:
machine_path = ""
def add_globally(path):
print "\n</ItemGroup>\n"
print "<ItemDefinitionGroup><ClCompile><AdditionalIncludeDirectories>" + machine_path + "</AdditionalIncludeDirectories></ClCompile></ItemDefinitionGroup>"
print "<ItemGroup>\n"
def say(x,line):
# buildinfo.cpp is for scons only -- see version.cpp for more info
if not "buildinfo.cpp" in x:
if x.startswith('build\\'):
#global machine_path
#if not machine_path:
# machine_path = x.split("mongo")[0]
#sys.stderr.write("todo: adding machine gen'd include path " + machine_path + " to vcxproj\n")
sys.stderr.write("adding machine gen'd file " + x + " to vcxproj\n")
xtra = ""
if "v8\\src" in x: # or machine_path:
xtra = "<AdditionalIncludeDirectories>"
# it would be better to look at the command line inclusions comprehensively instead of hard code
# this way, but this will get us going...
if "v8\\src" in x:
xtra += "src\\third_party\\v8\\src;"
#if machine_path:
# xtra += machine_path
xtra += "</AdditionalIncludeDirectories>"
# add /D command line items that are uncommon
defines = ""
for s in get_defines(line):
if s.split('=')[0] not in common_defines:
defines += s
defines += ';'
if defines:
xtra += "<PreprocessorDefinitions>" + defines + "%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>"
print " <ClCompile Include=\"" + x + "\">" + xtra + "</ClCompile>"
from shutil import copyfile
# for the machine generated files we copy them into the src build tree locally.
# this is annoying but vstudio doesn't seem to like having parallel sets of -I include
# paths so had to do this to make it happy
def pyth(x):
for s in x:
if s.startswith("build") and s.endswith(".h"):
sys.stderr.write("copying " + s + " to src/ tree\n")
copyfile(s, 'src\mongo' + s.split("mongo")[1])
def main ():
for line in sys.stdin:
x = line.split(' ')
if x[0] == "cl":
elif "python" in x[0]:
print footer