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synced 2024-12-01 09:32:32 +01:00
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// protorecv.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "boost/thread.hpp"
#include "../util/goodies.h"
#include "../util/sock.h"
#include "protoimpl.h"
using namespace boost;
typedef boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock;
boost::mutex mutexr;
boost::condition threadActivate; // creating a new thread, grabbing threadUseThisOne
ProtocolConnection *threadUseThisOne = 0;
void receiverThread();
map<SockAddr,ProtocolConnection*> firstPCForThisAddress;
EndPointToPC pcMap;
inline bool ProtocolConnection::acceptAnyChannel() const {
return myEnd.channel == MessagingPort::ANYCHANNEL;
void ProtocolConnection::init() {
first = true;
lock lk(mutexr);
if( firstPCForThisAddress.count(myEnd.sa) == 0 ) {
firstPCForThisAddress[myEnd.sa] = this;
// need a receiver thread
boost::thread receiver(receiverThread);
threadUseThisOne = this;
pcMap[myEnd] = this;
pcMap[myEnd] = this;
/* find message for fragment */
MR* CR::getPendingMsg(F *fr, EndPoint& fromAddr) {
MR*& m = pendingMessages[fr->__msgid()];
if( m == 0 )
m = new MR(&pc, fr->__msgid(), fromAddr);
return m;
void MR::removeFromReceivingList() {
MR::MR(ProtocolConnection *_pc, MSGID _msgid, EndPoint& _from) :
pc(*_pc), msgid(_msgid), from(_from)
void MR::reportMissings(bool reportAll) {
vector<short> missing;
unsigned t = curTimeMillis();
for( unsigned i = 0; i < f.size(); i++ ) {
if( f[i] == 0 ) {
int diff = tdiff(reportTimes[i],t);
assert( diff >= 0 || reportTimes[i] == 0 );
if( diff > 100 || reportTimes[i]==0 ||
(reportAll && diff > 1) ) {
reportTimes[i] = t;
assert( i < 25000 );
if( !missing.empty() )
__sendMISSING(&pc, from, msgid, missing);
inline bool MR::complete() {
for( unsigned i = 0; i < f.size(); i++ )
if( f[i] == 0 )
return false;
return true;
/* true=msg complete */
bool MR::got(F *frag, EndPoint& fromAddr) {
MSGID msgid = frag->__msgid();
int i = frag->__num();
if( i >= (int) f.size() )
f.resize(i+1, 0);
if( frag->__isREQUESTACK() ) {
cout << "...got(): processing a REQUESTACK" << endl;
/* we're simply seeing if we got the data, and then acking. */
delete frag;
frag = 0;
else if( f[i] != 0 ) {
cout << ".dup packet i:" << i << ' ' << from.toString() << endl;
delete frag;
return false;
if( frag )
f[i] = frag;
reportTimes.resize(f.size(), 0);
if( f[0] == 0 || f[i] == 0 ) {
reportMissings(frag == 0);
return false;
if( i+1 < n() /*not to the last frag yet*/ ) {
if( i > 0 && f[i-1] == 0 )
reportMissings(frag == 0);
return false;
// last fragment received
if( !complete() ) {
reportMissings(frag == 0);
return false;
__sendACK(&pc, fromAddr, msgid);
return frag != 0;
MR* CR::recv() {
MR *x;
lock lk(mutexr);
while( received.empty() )
x = received.back();
return x;
// this is how we tell protosend.cpp we got these
void gotACK(F*, ProtocolConnection *, EndPoint&);
void gotMISSING(F*, ProtocolConnection *, EndPoint&);
void receiverThread() {
ProtocolConnection *mypc;
lock lk(mutexr);
while( 1 ) {
if( threadUseThisOne != 0 ) {
mypc = threadUseThisOne;
threadUseThisOne = 0;
EndPoint fromAddr;
while( 1 ) {
F *f = __recv(mypc->udpConnection, fromAddr.sa);
fromAddr.channel = f->__channel();
cout << "..__recv() from:" << fromAddr.toString() << endl;
ProtocolConnection *pc = mypc;
if( fromAddr.channel != pc->myEnd.channel ) {
if( !pc->acceptAnyChannel() ) {
cout << ".WARNING: wrong channel\n";
cout << ". expected:" << pc->myEnd.channel << " got:" << fromAddr.channel << '\n';
cout << ". this may be ok if you just restarted" << endl;
delete f;
MsgTracker *& track = pc->cr.trackers[f->__channel()];
if( track == 0 ) {
cout << "..creating MsgTracker for channel " << f->__channel() << endl;
track = new MsgTracker();
if( f->op != F::NORMAL ) {
if( f->__isACK() ) {
gotACK(f, pc, fromAddr);
delete f;
if( f->__isMISSING() ) {
cout << "....temp: calling gotMISSING" << endl;
gotMISSING(f, pc, fromAddr);
delete f;
if( f->op == F::RESET ) {
cout << ".got RESET" << endl;
delete f;
if( track->recentlyReceived.count(f->__msgid()) ) {
// already done with it. ignore, other than acking.
if( f->__isREQUESTACK() )
__sendACK(pc, fromAddr, f->__msgid());
else {
cout << ".ignoring packet about msg already received msg:" << f->__msgid() << " op:" << f->op << endl;
delete f;
if( f->__msgid() <= track->lastFullyReceived && !track->recentlyReceivedList.empty() ) {
// reconnect on an old channel?
cout << ".warning: strange msgid:" << f->__msgid() << " received, last:" << track->lastFullyReceived
<< " conn:" << fromAddr.toString() << endl;
MR *m = pc->cr.getPendingMsg(f, fromAddr); /* todo: optimize for single fragment case? */
if( m == 0 ) {
cout << "..getPendingMsg() returns 0" << endl;
delete f;
if( m->got(f, fromAddr) ) {
lock lk(mutexr);