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// jsobj.cpp
* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "jsobj.h"
#include "../util/goodies.h"
#include <limits>
Element nullElement;
string Element::toString() {
stringstream s;
switch( type() ) {
case EOO:
return "EOO";
case Date:
s << fieldName() << ": Date(" << hex << date() << ')'; break;
case Number:
s << fieldName() << ": " << number(); break;
case Bool:
s << fieldName() << ": " << boolean() ? "true" : "false"; break;
case Object:
case Array:
s << fieldName() << ": " << embeddedObject().toString(); break;
case Undefined:
s << fieldName() << ": undefined"; break;
case jstNULL:
s << fieldName() << ": null"; break;
case MaxKey:
s << fieldName() << ": MaxKey"; break;
case Code:
s << fieldName() << ": ";
if( valuestrsize() > 80 )
s << string(valuestr()).substr(0, 70) << "...";
else {
s << valuestr();
case Symbol:
case String:
s << fieldName() << ": ";
if( valuestrsize() > 80 )
s << '"' << string(valuestr()).substr(0, 70) << "...\"";
else {
s << '"' << valuestr() << '"';
case DBRef:
s << fieldName();
s << " : DBRef('" << valuestr() << "',";
OID *x = (OID *) (valuestr() + valuestrsize());
s << hex << x->a << x->b << dec << ')';
case jstOID:
s << fieldName() << " : ObjId(";
s << hex << oid().a << oid().b << dec << ')';
s << fieldName() << ": ?type=" << type();
return s.str();
int Element::size() const {
if( totalSize >= 0 )
return totalSize;
int x = 1;
switch( type() ) {
case EOO:
case Undefined:
case jstNULL:
case MaxKey:
case Bool:
x = 2;
case Date:
case Number:
x = 9;
case jstOID:
x = 13;
case Symbol:
case Code:
case String:
x = valuestrsize() + 4 + 1;
case CodeWScope:
x = objsize() + 1;
case DBRef:
x = valuestrsize() + 4 + 12 + 1;
case Object:
case Array:
x = objsize() + 1;
case BinData:
x = valuestrsize() + 4 + 1 + 1/*subtype*/;
case RegEx:
const char *p = value();
int len1 = strlen(p);
p = p + len1 + 1;
x = 1 + len1 + strlen(p) + 2;
cout << "Element: bad type " << (int) type() << endl;
((Element *) this)->totalSize = x + fieldNameSize;
if( !eoo() ) {
const char *next = data + totalSize;
if( *next < 0 || *next > JSTypeMax ) {
// bad type.
cout << "***\n";
cout << "Bad data or size in Element::size()\n";
cout << "bad type:" << (int) *next << '\n';
cout << "totalsize:" << totalSize << " fieldnamesize:" << fieldNameSize << '\n';
cout << "lastrec:" << endl;
//dumpmemory(data, totalSize + 15);
return totalSize;
/* must be same type! */
int compareElementValues(const Element& l, const Element& r) {
int f;
double x;
switch( l.type() ) {
case EOO:
case Undefined:
case jstNULL:
case MaxKey:
f = l.type() - r.type();
if( f<0 ) return -1;
return f==0 ? 0 : 1;
case Bool:
return *l.value() - *r.value();
case Date:
if( l.date() < r.date() )
return -1;
return l.date() == r.date() ? 0 : 1;
case Number:
x = l.number() - r.number();
if( x < 0 ) return -1;
return x == 0 ? 0 : 1;
case jstOID:
return memcmp(l.value(), r.value(), 12);
case Code:
case Symbol:
case String:
/* todo: utf version */
return strcmp(l.valuestr(), r.valuestr());
case Object:
case Array:
case DBRef:
int lsz = l.valuesize();
int rsz = r.valuesize();
if( lsz - rsz != 0 ) return lsz - rsz;
return memcmp(l.value(), r.value(), lsz);
case BinData:
case RegEx:
cout << "compareElementValues: can't compare this type:" << (int) l.type() << endl;
cout << "compareElementValues: bad type " << (int) l.type() << endl;
return -1;
/* JSMatcher --------------------------------------*/
// If the element is something like:
// a : { $gt : 3 }
// we append
// a : 3
// else we just append the element.
void appendElementHandlingGtLt(JSObjBuilder& b, Element& e) {
if( e.type() == Object ) {
Element fe = e.embeddedObject().firstElement();
const char *fn = fe.fieldName();
if( fn[0] == '$' && fn[1] && fn[2] == 't' ) {
b.appendAs(fe, e.fieldName());
int getGtLtOp(Element& e) {
int op = JSMatcher::Equality;
if( e.type() != Object )
return op;
Element fe = e.embeddedObject().firstElement();
const char *fn = fe.fieldName();
if( fn[0] == '$' && fn[1] ) {
if( fn[2] == 't' ) {
if( fn[1] == 'g' ) {
if( fn[3] == 0 ) op = JSMatcher::GT;
else if( fn[3] == 'e' && fn[4] == 0 ) op = JSMatcher::GTE;
else if( fn[1] == 'l' ) {
if( fn[3] == 0 ) op = JSMatcher::LT;
else if( fn[3] == 'e' && fn[4] == 0 ) op = JSMatcher::LTE;
else if( fn[1] == 'i' && fn[2] == 'n' && fn[3] == 0 )
op = JSMatcher::opIN;
return op;
/* JSObj ------------------------------------------------------------*/
string JSObj::toString() const {
if( isEmpty() ) return "{}";
stringstream s;
s << "{ ";
JSElemIter i(*this);
Element e = i.next();
if( !e.eoo() )
while( 1 ) {
s << e.toString();
e = i.next();
if( e.eoo() )
s << ", ";
s << " }";
return s.str();
/* well ordered compare */
int JSObj::woCompare(const JSObj& r) const {
if( isEmpty() )
return r.isEmpty() ? 0 : -1;
if( r.isEmpty() )
return 1;
JSElemIter i(*this);
JSElemIter j(r);
while( 1 ) {
// so far, equal...
Element l = i.next();
Element r = j.next();
if( l == r ) {
if( l.eoo() )
return 0;
int x = (int) l.type() - (int) r.type();
if( x != 0 )
return x;
x = strcmp(l.fieldName(), r.fieldName());
if( x != 0 )
return x;
x = compareElementValues(l, r);
assert(x != 0);
return x;
return -1;
/* return has eoo() true if no match
supports "." notation to reach into embedded objects
Element JSObj::getFieldDotted(const char *name) {
const char *p = strchr(name, '.');
if( p ) {
string left(name, p-name);
JSObj sub = getObjectField(left.c_str());
return sub.isEmpty() ? nullElement : sub.getFieldDotted(p+1);
JSElemIter i(*this);
while( i.more() ) {
Element e = i.next();
if( e.eoo() )
if( strcmp(e.fieldName(), name) == 0 )
return e;
return nullElement;
Element JSObj::getField(const char *name) {
JSElemIter i(*this);
while( i.more() ) {
Element e = i.next();
if( e.eoo() )
if( strcmp(e.fieldName(), name) == 0 )
return e;
return nullElement;
/* makes a new JSObj with the fields specified in pattern.
fields returned in the order they appear in pattern.
if any field missing, you get back an empty object overall.
n^2 implementation bad if pattern and object have lots
of fields - normally pattern doesn't so should be fine.
JSObj JSObj::extractFields(JSObj pattern, JSObjBuilder& b) {
JSElemIter i(pattern);
while( i.more() ) {
Element e = i.next();
if( e.eoo() )
Element x = getField(e.fieldName());
if( x.eoo() )
return JSObj();
return b.done();
JSObj JSObj::extractFields(JSObj& pattern) {
JSObjBuilder b(32); // scanandorder.h can make a zillion of these, so we start the allocation very small
JSElemIter i(pattern);
while( i.more() ) {
Element e = i.next();
if( e.eoo() )
Element x = getField(e.fieldName());
if( x.eoo() )
return JSObj();
return b.doneAndDecouple();
int JSObj::getIntField(const char *name) {
Element e = getField(name);
return e.type() == Number ? (int) e.number() : INT_MIN;
bool JSObj::getBoolField(const char *name) {
Element e = getField(name);
return e.type() == Bool ? e.boolean() : false;
const char * JSObj::getStringField(const char *name) {
Element e = getField(name);
return e.type() == String ? e.valuestr() : "";
JSObj JSObj::getObjectField(const char *name) {
Element e = getField(name);
JSType t = e.type();
return t == Object || t == Array ? e.embeddedObject() : JSObj();
int JSObj::getFieldNames(set<string>& fields) {
int n = 0;
JSElemIter i(*this);
while( i.more() ) {
Element e = i.next();
if( e.eoo() )
return n;
/* note: addFields always adds _id even if not specified
returns n added not counting _id unless requested.
int JSObj::addFields(JSObj& from, set<string>& fields) {
assert( details == 0 ); /* partial implementation for now... */
JSObjBuilder b;
int N = fields.size();
int n = 0;
JSElemIter i(from);
bool gotId = false;
while( i.more() ) {
Element e = i.next();
const char *fname = e.fieldName();
if( fields.count(fname) ) {
gotId = gotId || strcmp(fname, "_id")==0;
if( n == N && gotId )
} else if( strcmp(fname, "_id")==0 ) {
gotId = true;
if( n == N && gotId )
if( n ) {
int len;
init( b.decouple(len), true );
return n;
/*-- test things ----------------------------------------------------*/
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct MaxKeyData {
MaxKeyData() { totsize=7; maxkey=MaxKey; name=0; eoo=EOO; }
int totsize;
char maxkey;
char name;
char eoo;
} maxkeydata;
JSObj maxKey((const char *) &maxkeydata);
struct JSObj0 {
JSObj0() { totsize = 5; eoo = EOO; }
int totsize;
char eoo;
} js0;
#pragma pack(pop)
Element::Element() {
data = &js0.eoo;
fieldNameSize = 0;
totalSize = -1;
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct EmptyObject {
EmptyObject() { len = 5; jstype = EOO; }
int len;
char jstype;
} emptyObject;
#pragma pack(pop)
JSObj emptyObj((char *) &emptyObject);