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// This test ensures that change streams on sharded collections start in sync with each other.
// As detailed in SERVER-31685, since shard cursors are not established simultaneously, it is
// possible that a sharded change stream could be established on shard 0, then write 'A' to shard 0
// could occur, followed by write 'B' to shard 1, and then the change stream could be established on
// shard 1, then some third write 'C' could occur. This test ensures that in that case, both 'A'
// and 'B' will be seen in the changestream before 'C'.
// @tags: [uses_change_streams]
(function() {
"use strict";
load('jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js'); // For assertErrorCode().
load('jstests/libs/change_stream_util.js'); // For ChangeStreamTest.
// For supportsMajorityReadConcern().
if (!supportsMajorityReadConcern()) {
jsTestLog("Skipping test since storage engine doesn't support majority read concern.");
const st = new ShardingTest({
shards: 2,
mongos: 2,
useBridge: true,
rs: {
nodes: 1,
// Use a higher frequency for periodic noops to speed up the test.
setParameter: {writePeriodicNoops: true, periodicNoopIntervalSecs: 1}
const mongosDB = st.s0.getDB(jsTestName());
const mongosColl = mongosDB[jsTestName()];
// Enable sharding on the test DB and ensure its primary is st.shard0.shardName.
assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({enableSharding: mongosDB.getName()}));
st.ensurePrimaryShard(mongosDB.getName(), st.rs0.getURL());
// Shard the test collection on _id.
mongosDB.adminCommand({shardCollection: mongosColl.getFullName(), key: {_id: 1}}));
// Split the collection into 2 chunks: [MinKey, 0), [0, MaxKey).
mongosDB.adminCommand({split: mongosColl.getFullName(), middle: {_id: 0}}));
// Move the [0, MaxKey) chunk to st.shard1.shardName.
{moveChunk: mongosColl.getFullName(), find: {_id: 1}, to: st.rs1.getURL()}));
function checkStream() {
db = db.getSiblingDB(jsTestName());
let coll = db[jsTestName()];
let changeStream =
coll.aggregate([{$changeStream: {}}, {$project: {_id: 0, clusterTime: 0}}]);
assert.soon(() => changeStream.hasNext());
assert.docEq(changeStream.next(), {
documentKey: {_id: -1000},
fullDocument: {_id: -1000},
ns: {db: db.getName(), coll: coll.getName()},
operationType: "insert",
assert.soon(() => changeStream.hasNext());
assert.docEq(changeStream.next(), {
documentKey: {_id: 1001},
fullDocument: {_id: 1001},
ns: {db: db.getName(), coll: coll.getName()},
operationType: "insert",
assert.soon(() => changeStream.hasNext());
assert.docEq(changeStream.next(), {
documentKey: {_id: -1002},
fullDocument: {_id: -1002},
ns: {db: db.getName(), coll: coll.getName()},
operationType: "insert",
// Start the $changeStream with shard 1 unavailable on the second mongos (s1). We will be
// writing through the first mongos (s0), which will remain connected to all shards.
let waitForShell = startParallelShell(checkStream, st.s1.port);
// Wait for the aggregate cursor to appear in currentOp on the current shard.
function waitForShardCursor(rs) {
() => st.rs0.getPrimary()
[{"$listLocalCursors": {}}, {"$match": {ns: mongosColl.getFullName()}}])
.itcount() === 1);
// Make sure the shard 0 $changeStream cursor is established before doing the first writes.
assert.writeOK(mongosColl.insert({_id: -1000}, {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}}));
// This write to shard 1 occurs before the $changeStream cursor on shard 1 is open, because the
// mongos where the $changeStream is running is disconnected from shard 1.
assert.writeOK(mongosColl.insert({_id: 1001}, {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}}));
assert.writeOK(mongosColl.insert({_id: -1002}, {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}}));