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896 lines
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896 lines
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Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
A script that provides:
1. Ability to grab binaries where possible from LLVM.
2. Ability to download binaries from MongoDB cache for clang-format.
3. Validates clang-format is the right version.
4. Has support for checking which files are to be checked.
5. Supports validating and updating a set of files to the right coding style.
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import Queue
import difflib
import glob
import itertools
import os
import re
import shutil
import string
import subprocess
import sys
import tarfile
import tempfile
import threading
import time
import urllib2
from distutils import spawn
from optparse import OptionParser
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
# Get relative imports to work when the package is not installed on the PYTHONPATH.
if __name__ == "__main__" and __package__ is None:
from buildscripts import moduleconfig
# Constants for clang-format
# Expected version of clang-format
# Name of clang-format as a binary
CLANG_FORMAT_PROGNAME = "clang-format"
# URL location of the "cached" copy of clang-format to download
# for users which do not have clang-format installed
CLANG_FORMAT_HTTP_LINUX_CACHE = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/boxes.10gen.com/build/clang-format-3.8-rhel55.tar.gz"
CLANG_FORMAT_HTTP_DARWIN_CACHE = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/boxes.10gen.com/build/clang%2Bllvm-3.8.0-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz"
# Path in the tarball to the clang-format binary
CLANG_FORMAT_SOURCE_TAR_BASE = string.Template("clang+llvm-$version-$tar_path/bin/" + CLANG_FORMAT_PROGNAME)
# Path to the modules in the mongodb source tree
# Has to match the string in SConstruct
MODULE_DIR = "src/mongo/db/modules"
# Copied from python 2.7 version of subprocess.py
# Exception classes used by this module.
class CalledProcessError(Exception):
"""This exception is raised when a process run by check_call() or
check_output() returns a non-zero exit status.
The exit status will be stored in the returncode attribute;
check_output() will also store the output in the output attribute.
def __init__(self, returncode, cmd, output=None):
self.returncode = returncode
self.cmd = cmd
self.output = output
def __str__(self):
return ("Command '%s' returned non-zero exit status %d with output %s" %
(self.cmd, self.returncode, self.output))
# Copied from python 2.7 version of subprocess.py
def check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs):
r"""Run command with arguments and return its output as a byte string.
If the exit code was non-zero it raises a CalledProcessError. The
CalledProcessError object will have the return code in the returncode
attribute and output in the output attribute.
The arguments are the same as for the Popen constructor. Example:
>>> check_output(["ls", "-l", "/dev/null"])
'crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Oct 18 2007 /dev/null\n'
The stdout argument is not allowed as it is used internally.
To capture standard error in the result, use stderr=STDOUT.
>>> check_output(["/bin/sh", "-c",
... "ls -l non_existent_file ; exit 0"],
... stderr=STDOUT)
'ls: non_existent_file: No such file or directory\n'
if 'stdout' in kwargs:
raise ValueError('stdout argument not allowed, it will be overridden.')
process = subprocess.Popen(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)
output, unused_err = process.communicate()
retcode = process.poll()
if retcode:
cmd = kwargs.get("args")
if cmd is None:
cmd = popenargs[0]
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output)
return output
def callo(args):
"""Call a program, and capture its output
return check_output(args)
def get_tar_path(version, tar_path):
""" Get the path to clang-format in the llvm tarball
def extract_clang_format(tar_path):
# Extract just the clang-format binary
# On OSX, we shell out to tar because tarfile doesn't support xz compression
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
subprocess.call(['tar', '-xzf', tar_path, '*clang-format*'])
# Otherwise we use tarfile because some versions of tar don't support wildcards without
# a special flag
tarfp = tarfile.open(tar_path)
for name in tarfp.getnames():
if name.endswith('clang-format'):
def get_clang_format_from_cache_and_extract(url, tarball_ext):
"""Get clang-format from mongodb's cache
and extract the tarball
dest_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
temp_tar_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, "temp.tar" + tarball_ext)
# Download from file
print("Downloading clang-format %s from %s, saving to %s" % (CLANG_FORMAT_VERSION,
url, temp_tar_file))
# Retry download up to 5 times.
num_tries = 5
for attempt in range(num_tries):
resp = urllib2.urlopen(url)
with open(temp_tar_file, 'wb') as f:
except urllib2.URLError:
if attempt == num_tries - 1:
def get_clang_format_from_darwin_cache(dest_file):
"""Download clang-format from llvm.org, unpack the tarball,
and put clang-format in the specified place
get_clang_format_from_cache_and_extract(CLANG_FORMAT_HTTP_DARWIN_CACHE, ".xz")
# Destination Path
shutil.move(get_tar_path(CLANG_FORMAT_VERSION, "x86_64-apple-darwin"), dest_file)
def get_clang_format_from_linux_cache(dest_file):
"""Get clang-format from mongodb's cache
get_clang_format_from_cache_and_extract(CLANG_FORMAT_HTTP_LINUX_CACHE, ".gz")
# Destination Path
shutil.move("build/bin/clang-format", dest_file)
class ClangFormat(object):
"""Class encapsulates finding a suitable copy of clang-format,
and linting/formating an individual file
def __init__(self, path, cache_dir):
self.path = None
clang_format_progname_ext = ""
if sys.platform == "win32":
clang_format_progname_ext += ".exe"
# Check the clang-format the user specified
if path is not None:
if os.path.isfile(path):
self.path = path
print("WARNING: Could not find clang-format %s" % (path))
# Check the environment variable
if "MONGO_CLANG_FORMAT" in os.environ:
self.path = os.environ["MONGO_CLANG_FORMAT"]
if self.path and not self._validate_version():
self.path = None
# Check the users' PATH environment variable now
if self.path is None:
# Check for various versions staring with binaries with version specific suffixes in the
# user's path
programs = [
if sys.platform == "win32":
for i in range(len(programs)):
programs[i] += '.exe'
for program in programs:
self.path = spawn.find_executable(program)
if self.path:
if not self._validate_version():
self.path = None
# If Windows, try to grab it from Program Files
# Check both native Program Files and WOW64 version
if sys.platform == "win32":
programfiles = [
for programfile in programfiles:
win32bin = os.path.join(programfile, "LLVM\\bin\\clang-format.exe")
if os.path.exists(win32bin):
self.path = win32bin
# Have not found it yet, download it from the web
if self.path is None:
if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir):
self.path = os.path.join(cache_dir, CLANG_FORMAT_PROGNAME + "-" + CLANG_FORMAT_VERSION + clang_format_progname_ext)
# Download a new version if the cache is empty or stale
if not os.path.isfile(self.path) or not self._validate_version():
if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
elif sys.platform == "darwin":
print("ERROR: clang-format.py does not support downloading clang-format " +
" on this platform, please install clang-format " + CLANG_FORMAT_VERSION)
# Validate we have the correct version
# We only can fail here if the user specified a clang-format binary and it is the wrong
# version
if not self._validate_version():
print("ERROR: exiting because of previous warning.")
self.print_lock = threading.Lock()
def _validate_version(self):
"""Validate clang-format is the expected version
cf_version = callo([self.path, "--version"])
if CLANG_FORMAT_VERSION in cf_version:
return True
print("WARNING: clang-format found in path, but incorrect version found at " +
self.path + " with version: " + cf_version)
return False
def _lint(self, file_name, print_diff):
"""Check the specified file has the correct format
with open(file_name, 'rb') as original_text:
original_file = original_text.read()
# Get formatted file as clang-format would format the file
formatted_file = callo([self.path, "--style=file", file_name])
if original_file != formatted_file:
if print_diff:
original_lines = original_file.splitlines()
formatted_lines = formatted_file.splitlines()
result = difflib.unified_diff(original_lines, formatted_lines)
# Take a lock to ensure diffs do not get mixed when printed to the screen
with self.print_lock:
print("ERROR: Found diff for " + file_name)
print("To fix formatting errors, run %s --style=file -i %s" %
(self.path, file_name))
for line in result:
return False
return True
def lint(self, file_name):
"""Check the specified file has the correct format
return self._lint(file_name, print_diff=True)
def format(self, file_name):
"""Update the format of the specified file
if self._lint(file_name, print_diff=False):
return True
# Update the file with clang-format
formatted = not subprocess.call([self.path, "--style=file", "-i", file_name])
# Version 3.8 generates files like foo.cpp~RF83372177.TMP when it formats foo.cpp
# on Windows, we must clean these up
if sys.platform == "win32":
glob_pattern = file_name + "*.TMP"
for fglob in glob.glob(glob_pattern):
return formatted
def parallel_process(items, func):
"""Run a set of work items to completion
cpus = cpu_count()
except NotImplementedError:
cpus = 1
task_queue = Queue.Queue()
# Use a list so that worker function will capture this variable
pp_event = threading.Event()
pp_result = [True]
pp_lock = threading.Lock()
def worker():
"""Worker thread to process work items in parallel
while not pp_event.is_set():
item = task_queue.get_nowait()
except Queue.Empty:
# if the queue is empty, exit the worker thread
ret = func(item)
# Tell the queue we finished with the item
# Return early if we fail, and signal we are done
if not ret:
with pp_lock:
pp_result[0] = False
# Enqueue all the work we want to process
for item in items:
# Process all the work
threads = []
for cpu in range(cpus):
thread = threading.Thread(target=worker)
thread.daemon = True
# Wait for the threads to finish
# Loop with a timeout so that we can process Ctrl-C interrupts
# Note: On Python 2.6 wait always returns None so we check is_set also,
# This works because we only set the event once, and never reset it
while not pp_event.wait(1) and not pp_event.is_set():
for thread in threads:
return pp_result[0]
def get_base_dir():
"""Get the base directory for mongo repo.
This script assumes that it is running in buildscripts/, and uses
that to find the base directory.
return subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel']).rstrip()
# We are not in a valid git directory. Use the script path instead.
return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
def get_repos():
"""Get a list of Repos to check clang-format for
base_dir = get_base_dir()
# Get a list of modules
# TODO: how do we filter rocks, does it matter?
mongo_modules = moduleconfig.discover_module_directories(
os.path.join(base_dir, MODULE_DIR), None)
paths = [os.path.join(base_dir, MODULE_DIR, m) for m in mongo_modules]
return [Repo(p) for p in paths]
class Repo(object):
"""Class encapsulates all knowledge about a git repository, and its metadata
to run clang-format.
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
self.root = self._get_root()
def _callgito(self, args):
"""Call git for this repository, and return the captured output
# These two flags are the equivalent of -C in newer versions of Git
# but we use these to support versions pre 1.8.5 but it depends on the command
# and what the current directory is
return callo(['git', '--git-dir', os.path.join(self.path, ".git"),
'--work-tree', self.path] + args)
def _callgit(self, args):
"""Call git for this repository without capturing output
This is designed to be used when git returns non-zero exit codes.
# These two flags are the equivalent of -C in newer versions of Git
# but we use these to support versions pre 1.8.5 but it depends on the command
# and what the current directory is
return subprocess.call(['git', '--git-dir', os.path.join(self.path, ".git"),
'--work-tree', self.path] + args)
def _get_local_dir(self, path):
"""Get a directory path relative to the git root directory
if os.path.isabs(path):
return os.path.relpath(path, self.root)
return path
def get_candidates(self, candidates):
"""Get the set of candidate files to check by querying the repository
Returns the full path to the file for clang-format to consume.
if candidates is not None and len(candidates) > 0:
candidates = [self._get_local_dir(f) for f in candidates]
valid_files = list(set(candidates).intersection(self.get_candidate_files()))
valid_files = list(self.get_candidate_files())
# Get the full file name here
valid_files = [os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.root, f)) for f in valid_files]
return valid_files
def get_root(self):
"""Get the root directory for this repository
return self.root
def _get_root(self):
"""Gets the root directory for this repository from git
gito = self._callgito(['rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'])
return gito.rstrip()
def _git_ls_files(self, cmd):
"""Run git-ls-files and filter the list of files to a valid candidate list
gito = self._callgito(cmd)
# This allows us to pick all the interesting files
# in the mongo and mongo-enterprise repos
file_list = [line.rstrip()
for line in gito.splitlines()
if (line.startswith("jstests") or line.startswith("src"))
and not line.startswith("src/third_party")]
files_match = re.compile('\\.(h|cpp|js)$')
file_list = [a for a in file_list if files_match.search(a)]
return file_list
def get_candidate_files(self):
"""Query git to get a list of all files in the repo to consider for analysis
return self._git_ls_files(["ls-files", "--cached"])
def get_working_tree_candidate_files(self):
"""Query git to get a list of all files in the working tree to consider for analysis
return self._git_ls_files(["ls-files", "--cached", "--others"])
def get_working_tree_candidates(self):
"""Get the set of candidate files to check by querying the repository
Returns the full path to the file for clang-format to consume.
valid_files = list(self.get_working_tree_candidate_files())
# Get the full file name here
valid_files = [os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.root, f)) for f in valid_files]
return valid_files
def is_detached(self):
"""Is the current working tree in a detached HEAD state?
# symbolic-ref returns 1 if the repo is in a detached HEAD state
return self._callgit(["symbolic-ref", "--quiet", "HEAD"])
def is_ancestor(self, parent, child):
"""Is the specified parent hash an ancestor of child hash?
# merge base returns 0 if parent is an ancestor of child
return not self._callgit(["merge-base", "--is-ancestor", parent, child])
def is_commit(self, sha1):
"""Is the specified hash a valid git commit?
# cat-file -e returns 0 if it is a valid hash
return not self._callgit(["cat-file", "-e", "%s^{commit}" % sha1])
def is_working_tree_dirty(self):
"""Does the current working tree have changes?
# diff returns 1 if the working tree has local changes
return self._callgit(["diff", "--quiet"])
def does_branch_exist(self, branch):
"""Does the branch exist?
# rev-parse returns 0 if the branch exists
return not self._callgit(["rev-parse", "--verify", branch])
def get_merge_base(self, commit):
"""Get the merge base between 'commit' and HEAD
return self._callgito(["merge-base", "HEAD", commit]).rstrip()
def get_branch_name(self):
"""Get the current branch name, short form
This returns "master", not "refs/head/master"
Will not work if the current branch is detached
branch = self.rev_parse(["--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"])
if branch == "HEAD":
raise ValueError("Branch is currently detached")
return branch
def add(self, command):
"""git add wrapper
return self._callgito(["add"] + command)
def checkout(self, command):
"""git checkout wrapper
return self._callgito(["checkout"] + command)
def commit(self, command):
"""git commit wrapper
return self._callgito(["commit"] + command)
def diff(self, command):
"""git diff wrapper
return self._callgito(["diff"] + command)
def log(self, command):
"""git log wrapper
return self._callgito(["log"] + command)
def rev_parse(self, command):
"""git rev-parse wrapper
return self._callgito(["rev-parse"] + command).rstrip()
def rm(self, command):
"""git rm wrapper
return self._callgito(["rm"] + command)
def show(self, command):
"""git show wrapper
return self._callgito(["show"] + command)
def get_list_from_lines(lines):
""""Convert a string containing a series of lines into a list of strings
return [line.rstrip() for line in lines.splitlines()]
def get_files_to_check_working_tree():
"""Get a list of files to check form the working tree.
This will pick up files not managed by git.
repos = get_repos()
valid_files = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([r.get_working_tree_candidates() for r in repos]))
return valid_files
def get_files_to_check():
"""Get a list of files that need to be checked
based on which files are managed by git.
repos = get_repos()
valid_files = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([r.get_candidates(None) for r in repos]))
return valid_files
def get_files_to_check_from_patch(patches):
"""Take a patch file generated by git diff, and scan the patch for a list of files to check.
candidates = []
# Get a list of candidate_files
check = re.compile(r"^diff --git a\/([a-z\/\.\-_0-9]+) b\/[a-z\/\.\-_0-9]+")
lines = []
for patch in patches:
with open(patch, "rb") as infile:
lines += infile.readlines()
candidates = [check.match(line).group(1) for line in lines if check.match(line)]
repos = get_repos()
valid_files = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([r.get_candidates(candidates) for r in repos]))
return valid_files
def _get_build_dir():
"""Get the location of the scons' build directory in case we need to download clang-format
return os.path.join(get_base_dir(), "build")
def _lint_files(clang_format, files):
"""Lint a list of files with clang-format
clang_format = ClangFormat(clang_format, _get_build_dir())
lint_clean = parallel_process([os.path.abspath(f) for f in files], clang_format.lint)
if not lint_clean:
print("ERROR: Code Style does not match coding style")
def lint_patch(clang_format, infile):
"""Lint patch command entry point
files = get_files_to_check_from_patch(infile)
# Patch may have files that we do not want to check which is fine
if files:
_lint_files(clang_format, files)
def lint(clang_format):
"""Lint files command entry point
files = get_files_to_check()
_lint_files(clang_format, files)
return True
def lint_all(clang_format):
"""Lint files command entry point based on working tree
files = get_files_to_check_working_tree()
_lint_files(clang_format, files)
return True
def _format_files(clang_format, files):
"""Format a list of files with clang-format
clang_format = ClangFormat(clang_format, _get_build_dir())
format_clean = parallel_process([os.path.abspath(f) for f in files], clang_format.format)
if not format_clean:
print("ERROR: failed to format files")
def format_func(clang_format):
"""Format files command entry point
files = get_files_to_check()
_format_files(clang_format, files)
def reformat_branch(clang_format, commit_prior_to_reformat, commit_after_reformat):
"""Reformat a branch made before a clang-format run
clang_format = ClangFormat(clang_format, _get_build_dir())
if os.getcwd() != get_base_dir():
raise ValueError("reformat-branch must be run from the repo root")
if not os.path.exists("buildscripts/clang_format.py"):
raise ValueError("reformat-branch is only supported in the mongo repo")
repo = Repo(get_base_dir())
# Validate that user passes valid commits
if not repo.is_commit(commit_prior_to_reformat):
raise ValueError("Commit Prior to Reformat '%s' is not a valid commit in this repo" %
if not repo.is_commit(commit_after_reformat):
raise ValueError("Commit After Reformat '%s' is not a valid commit in this repo" %
if not repo.is_ancestor(commit_prior_to_reformat, commit_after_reformat):
raise ValueError(("Commit Prior to Reformat '%s' is not a valid ancestor of Commit After" +
" Reformat '%s' in this repo") % (commit_prior_to_reformat, commit_after_reformat))
# Validate the user is on a local branch that has the right merge base
if repo.is_detached():
raise ValueError("You must not run this script in a detached HEAD state")
# Validate the user has no pending changes
if repo.is_working_tree_dirty():
raise ValueError("Your working tree has pending changes. You must have a clean working tree before proceeding.")
merge_base = repo.get_merge_base(commit_prior_to_reformat)
if not merge_base == commit_prior_to_reformat:
raise ValueError("Please rebase to '%s' and resolve all conflicts before running this script" % (commit_prior_to_reformat))
# We assume the target branch is master, it could be a different branch if needed for testing
merge_base = repo.get_merge_base("master")
if not merge_base == commit_prior_to_reformat:
raise ValueError("This branch appears to already have advanced too far through the merge process")
# Everything looks good so lets start going through all the commits
branch_name = repo.get_branch_name()
new_branch = "%s-reformatted" % branch_name
if repo.does_branch_exist(new_branch):
raise ValueError("The branch '%s' already exists. Please delete the branch '%s', or rename the current branch." % (new_branch, new_branch))
commits = get_list_from_lines(repo.log(["--reverse", "--pretty=format:%H", "%s..HEAD" % commit_prior_to_reformat]))
previous_commit_base = commit_after_reformat
files_match = re.compile('\\.(h|cpp|js)$')
# Go through all the commits the user made on the local branch and migrate to a new branch
# that is based on post_reformat commits instead
for commit_hash in commits:
repo.checkout(["--quiet", commit_hash])
deleted_files = []
# Format each of the files by checking out just a single commit from the user's branch
commit_files = get_list_from_lines(repo.diff(["HEAD~", "--name-only"]))
for commit_file in commit_files:
# Format each file needed if it was not deleted
if not os.path.exists(commit_file):
print("Skipping file '%s' since it has been deleted in commit '%s'" % (
commit_file, commit_hash))
if files_match.search(commit_file):
print("Skipping file '%s' since it is not a file clang_format should format" %
# Check if anything needed reformatting, and if so amend the commit
if not repo.is_working_tree_dirty():
print ("Commit %s needed no reformatting" % commit_hash)
repo.commit(["--all", "--amend", "--no-edit"])
# Rebase our new commit on top the post-reformat commit
previous_commit = repo.rev_parse(["HEAD"])
# Checkout the new branch with the reformatted commits
# Note: we will not name as a branch until we are done with all commits on the local branch
repo.checkout(["--quiet", previous_commit_base])
# Copy each file from the reformatted commit on top of the post reformat
diff_files = get_list_from_lines(repo.diff(["%s~..%s" % (previous_commit, previous_commit),
for diff_file in diff_files:
# If the file was deleted in the commit we are reformatting, we need to delete it again
if diff_file in deleted_files:
# The file has been added or modified, continue as normal
file_contents = repo.show(["%s:%s" % (previous_commit, diff_file)])
root_dir = os.path.dirname(diff_file)
if root_dir and not os.path.exists(root_dir):
with open(diff_file, "w+") as new_file:
# Create a new commit onto clang-formatted branch
repo.commit(["--reuse-message=%s" % previous_commit])
previous_commit_base = repo.rev_parse(["HEAD"])
# Create a new branch to mark the hashes we have been using
repo.checkout(["-b", new_branch])
print("reformat-branch is done running.\n")
print("A copy of your branch has been made named '%s', and formatted with clang-format.\n" % new_branch)
print("The original branch has been left unchanged.")
print("The next step is to rebase the new branch on 'master'.")
def usage():
"""Print usage
print("clang-format.py supports 5 commands [ lint, lint-all, lint-patch, format, reformat-branch].")
def main():
"""Main entry point
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-c", "--clang-format", type="string", dest="clang_format")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=sys.argv)
if len(args) > 1:
command = args[1]
if command == "lint":
elif command == "lint-all":
elif command == "lint-patch":
lint_patch(options.clang_format, args[2:])
elif command == "format":
elif command == "reformat-branch":
if len(args) < 3:
print("ERROR: reformat-branch takes two parameters: commit_prior_to_reformat commit_after_reformat")
reformat_branch(options.clang_format, args[2], args[3])
if __name__ == "__main__":