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// SERVER-2386, general geo-indexing using very large and very small bounds
load( "jstests/libs/geo_near_random.js" );
// Do some random tests (for near queries) with very large and small ranges
var test = new GeoNearRandomTest( "geo_small_large" );
bounds = { min : -Math.pow( 2, 34 ), max : Math.pow( 2, 34 ) };
test.insertPts( 50, bounds );
printjson( db["geo_small_large"].find().limit( 10 ).toArray() )
test.testPt( [ 0, 0 ] );
test.testPt( test.mkPt( undefined, bounds ) );
test.testPt( test.mkPt( undefined, bounds ) );
test.testPt( test.mkPt( undefined, bounds ) );
test.testPt( test.mkPt( undefined, bounds ) );
test = new GeoNearRandomTest( "geo_small_large" );
bounds = { min : -Math.pow( 2, -34 ), max : Math.pow( 2, -34 ) };
test.insertPts( 50, bounds );
printjson( db["geo_small_large"].find().limit( 10 ).toArray() )
test.testPt( [ 0, 0 ] );
test.testPt( test.mkPt( undefined, bounds ) );
test.testPt( test.mkPt( undefined, bounds ) );
test.testPt( test.mkPt( undefined, bounds ) );
test.testPt( test.mkPt( undefined, bounds ) );
// Check that our box and circle queries also work
var scales = [ Math.pow( 2, 40 ), Math.pow( 2, -40 ), Math.pow(2, 2), Math.pow(3, -15), Math.pow(3, 15) ]
for ( var i = 0; i < scales.length; i++ ) {
scale = scales[i];
var eps = Math.pow( 2, -7 ) * scale;
var radius = 5 * scale;
var max = 10 * scale;
var min = -max;
var range = max - min;
var bits = 2 + Math.random() * 30
var t = db["geo_small_large"]
t.ensureIndex( { p : "2d" }, { min : min, max : max, bits : bits })
var outPoints = 0;
var inPoints = 0;
printjson({ eps : eps, radius : radius, max : max, min : min, range : range, bits : bits })
// Put a point slightly inside and outside our range
for ( var j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) {
var currRad = ( j % 2 == 0 ? radius + eps : radius - eps );
t.insert( { p : { x : currRad, y : 0 } } );
print( db.getLastError() )
printjson( t.find().toArray() );
assert.eq( t.count( { p : { $within : { $center : [[0, 0], radius ] } } } ), 1, "Incorrect center points found!" )
assert.eq( t.count( { p : { $within : { $box : [ [ -radius, -radius ], [ radius, radius ] ] } } } ), 1,
"Incorrect box points found!" )
shouldFind = []
randoms = []
for ( var j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) {
var randX = Math.random(); // randoms[j].randX
var randY = Math.random(); // randoms[j].randY
randoms.push({ randX : randX, randY : randY })
var x = randX * ( range - eps ) + eps + min;
var y = randY * ( range - eps ) + eps + min;
t.insert( { p : [ x, y ] } );
if ( x * x + y * y > radius * radius ){
// print( "out point ");
// printjson({ x : x, y : y })
// print( "in point ");
// printjson({ x : x, y : y })
shouldFind.push({ x : x, y : y, radius : Math.sqrt( x * x + y * y ) })
function printDiff( didFind, shouldFind ){
for( var i = 0; i < shouldFind.length; i++ ){
var beenFound = false;
for( var j = 0; j < didFind.length && !beenFound ; j++ ){
beenFound = shouldFind[i].x == didFind[j].x &&
shouldFind[i].y == didFind[j].y
if( !beenFound ){
print( "Could not find: " )
shouldFind[i].inRadius = ( radius - shouldFind[i].radius >= 0 )
printjson( shouldFind[i] )
print( "Finding random pts... ")
var found = t.find( { p : { $within : { $center : [[0, 0], radius ] } } } ).toArray()
var didFind = []
for( var f = 0; f < found.length; f++ ){
//printjson( found[f] )
var x = found[f].p.x != undefined ? found[f].p.x : found[f].p[0]
var y = found[f].p.y != undefined ? found[f].p.y : found[f].p[1]
didFind.push({ x : x, y : y, radius : Math.sqrt( x * x + y * y ) })
print( "Did not find but should: ")
printDiff( didFind, shouldFind )
print( "Found but should not have: ")
printDiff( shouldFind, didFind )
assert.eq( t.count( { p : { $within : { $center : [[0, 0], radius ] } } } ), 1 + inPoints,
"Incorrect random center points found!\n" + tojson( randoms ) )
print("Found " + inPoints + " points in and " + outPoints + " points out.");
var found = t.find( { p : { $near : [0, 0], $maxDistance : radius } } ).toArray()
var dist = 0;
for( var f = 0; f < found.length; f++ ){
var x = found[f].p.x != undefined ? found[f].p.x : found[f].p[0]
var y = found[f].p.y != undefined ? found[f].p.y : found[f].p[1]
print( "Dist: x : " + x + " y : " + y + " dist : " + Math.sqrt( x * x + y * y) + " radius : " + radius )
assert.eq( t.count( { p : { $near : [0, 0], $maxDistance : radius } } ), 1 + inPoints,
"Incorrect random center points found near!\n" + tojson( randoms ) )