mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 01:21:03 +01:00
1392 lines
39 KiB
1392 lines
39 KiB
_parsePath = function() {
var dbpath = "";
for( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i )
if ( arguments[ i ] == "--dbpath" )
dbpath = arguments[ i + 1 ];
if ( dbpath == "" )
throw "No dbpath specified";
return dbpath;
_parsePort = function() {
var port = "";
for( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i )
if ( arguments[ i ] == "--port" )
port = arguments[ i + 1 ];
if ( port == "" )
throw "No port specified";
return port;
createMongoArgs = function( binaryName , args ){
var fullArgs = [ binaryName ];
if ( args.length == 1 && isObject( args[0] ) ){
var o = args[0];
for ( var k in o ){
if ( k == "v" && isNumber( o[k] ) ){
var n = o[k];
if ( n > 0 ){
if ( n > 10 ) n = 10;
var temp = "-";
while ( n-- > 0 ) temp += "v";
fullArgs.push( temp );
else {
fullArgs.push( "--" + k );
if ( o[k] != "" )
fullArgs.push( "" + o[k] );
else {
for ( var i=0; i<args.length; i++ )
fullArgs.push( args[i] )
return fullArgs;
__nextPort = 27000;
startMongodTest = function (port, dirname, restart, extraOptions ) {
if (!port)
port = __nextPort++;
var f = startMongodEmpty;
if (restart)
f = startMongodNoReset;
if (!dirname)
dirname = "" + port; // e.g., data/db/27000
var useHostname = false;
if (extraOptions) {
useHostname = extraOptions.useHostname;
delete extraOptions.useHostname;
var options =
port: port,
dbpath: "/data/db/" + dirname,
noprealloc: "",
smallfiles: "",
oplogSize: "2",
nohttpinterface: ""
if ( extraOptions )
Object.extend( options , extraOptions );
var conn = f.apply(null, [ options ] );
conn.name = (useHostname ? getHostName() : "localhost") + ":" + port;
return conn;
// Start a mongod instance and return a 'Mongo' object connected to it.
// This function's arguments are passed as command line arguments to mongod.
// The specified 'dbpath' is cleared if it exists, created if not.
startMongodEmpty = function () {
var args = createMongoArgs("mongod", arguments);
var dbpath = _parsePath.apply(null, args);
return startMongoProgram.apply(null, args);
startMongod = function () {
return startMongodEmpty.apply(null, arguments);
startMongodNoReset = function(){
var args = createMongoArgs( "mongod" , arguments );
return startMongoProgram.apply( null, args );
startMongos = function(){
return startMongoProgram.apply( null, createMongoArgs( "mongos" , arguments ) );
/* Start mongod or mongos and return a Mongo() object connected to there.
This function's first argument is "mongod" or "mongos" program name, \
and subsequent arguments to this function are passed as
command line arguments to the program.
startMongoProgram = function(){
var port = _parsePort.apply( null, arguments );
_startMongoProgram.apply( null, arguments );
var m;
( function() {
try {
m = new Mongo( "" + port );
return true;
} catch( e ) {
return false;
}, "unable to connect to mongo program on port " + port, 60000 );
return m;
// Start a mongo program instance. This function's first argument is the
// program name, and subsequent arguments to this function are passed as
// command line arguments to the program. Returns pid of the spawned program.
startMongoProgramNoConnect = function() {
return _startMongoProgram.apply( null, arguments );
myPort = function() {
var m = db.getMongo();
if ( m.host.match( /:/ ) )
return m.host.match( /:(.*)/ )[ 1 ];
return 27017;
* otherParams can be:
* * useHostname to use the hostname (instead of localhost)
ShardingTest = function( testName , numShards , verboseLevel , numMongos , otherParams ){
this._testName = testName;
if ( ! otherParams )
otherParams = {}
this._connections = [];
if ( otherParams.sync && numShards < 3 )
throw "if you want sync, you need at least 3 servers";
var localhost = otherParams.useHostname ? getHostName() : "localhost";
this._alldbpaths = []
if ( otherParams.rs ){
localhost = getHostName();
// start replica sets
this._rs = []
for ( var i=0; i<numShards; i++){
var rs = new ReplSetTest( { name : testName + "-rs" + i , nodes : 3 , startPort : 31100 + ( i * 100 ) } );
this._rs[i] = { test : rs , nodes : rs.startSet( { oplogSize:40 } ) , url : rs.getURL() };
for ( var i=0; i<numShards; i++){
var rs = this._rs[i].test;
rs.getMaster().getDB( "admin" ).foo.save( { x : 1 } )
this._connections.push( new Mongo( rs.getURL() ) );
this._configServers = []
for ( var i=0; i<3; i++ ){
var conn = startMongodTest( 30000 + i , testName + "-config" + i );
this._alldbpaths.push( testName + "-config" + i )
this._configServers.push( conn );
this._configDB = localhost + ":30000," + localhost + ":30001," + localhost + ":30002";
this._configConnection = new Mongo( this._configDB );
this._configConnection.getDB( "config" ).settings.insert( { _id : "chunksize" , value : otherParams.chunksize || 50 } );
else {
for ( var i=0; i<numShards; i++){
var conn = startMongodTest( 30000 + i , testName + i, 0, {useHostname : otherParams.useHostname} );
this._alldbpaths.push( testName +i )
this._connections.push( conn );
if ( otherParams.sync ){
this._configDB = localhost+":30000,"+localhost+":30001,"+localhost+":30002";
this._configConnection = new Mongo( this._configDB );
this._configConnection.getDB( "config" ).settings.insert( { _id : "chunksize" , value : otherParams.chunksize || 50 } );
else {
this._configDB = localhost + ":30000";
this._connections[0].getDB( "config" ).settings.insert( { _id : "chunksize" , value : otherParams.chunksize || 50 } );
this._mongos = [];
var startMongosPort = 31000;
for ( var i=0; i<(numMongos||1); i++ ){
var myPort = startMongosPort - i;
print("config: "+this._configDB);
var conn = startMongos( { port : startMongosPort - i , v : verboseLevel || 0 , configdb : this._configDB } );
conn.name = localhost + ":" + myPort;
this._mongos.push( conn );
if ( i == 0 )
this.s = conn;
var admin = this.admin = this.s.getDB( "admin" );
this.config = this.s.getDB( "config" );
if ( ! otherParams.manualAddShard ){
var n = z.name;
if ( ! n ){
n = z.host;
if ( ! n )
n = z;
print( "going to add shard: " + n )
x = admin.runCommand( { addshard : n } );
printjson( x )
ShardingTest.prototype.getDB = function( name ){
return this.s.getDB( name );
ShardingTest.prototype.getServerName = function( dbname ){
var x = this.config.databases.findOne( { _id : dbname } );
if ( x )
return x.primary;
this.config.databases.find().forEach( printjson );
throw "couldn't find dbname: " + dbname + " total: " + this.config.databases.count();
ShardingTest.prototype.getNonPrimaries = function( dbname ){
var x = this.config.databases.findOne( { _id : dbname } );
if ( ! x ){
this.config.databases.find().forEach( printjson );
throw "couldn't find dbname: " + dbname + " total: " + this.config.databases.count();
return this.config.shards.find( { _id : { $ne : x.primary } } ).map( function(z){ return z._id; } )
ShardingTest.prototype.getConnNames = function(){
var names = [];
for ( var i=0; i<this._connections.length; i++ ){
names.push( this._connections[i].name );
return names;
ShardingTest.prototype.getServer = function( dbname ){
var name = this.getServerName( dbname );
var x = this.config.shards.findOne( { _id : name } );
if ( x )
name = x.host;
for ( var i=0; i<this._connections.length; i++ ){
var c = this._connections[i];
if ( name == c.name )
return c;
throw "can't find server for: " + dbname + " name:" + name;
ShardingTest.prototype.normalize = function( x ){
var z = this.config.shards.findOne( { host : x } );
if ( z )
return z._id;
return x;
ShardingTest.prototype.getOther = function( one ){
if ( this._connections.length != 2 )
throw "getOther only works with 2 servers";
if ( one._mongo )
one = one._mongo
if ( this._connections[0] == one )
return this._connections[1];
return this._connections[0];
ShardingTest.prototype.getFirstOther = function( one ){
for ( var i=0; i<this._connections.length; i++ ){
if ( this._connections[i] != one )
return this._connections[i];
throw "impossible";
ShardingTest.prototype.stop = function(){
for ( var i=0; i<this._mongos.length; i++ ){
stopMongoProgram( 31000 - i );
for ( var i=0; i<this._connections.length; i++){
stopMongod( 30000 + i );
if ( this._rs ){
for ( var i=0; i<this._rs.length; i++ ){
this._rs[i].test.stopSet( 15 );
if ( this._alldbpaths ){
for( i=0; i<this._alldbpaths.length; i++ ){
resetDbpath( "/data/db/" + this._alldbpaths[i] );
print('*** ' + this._testName + " completed successfully ***");
ShardingTest.prototype.adminCommand = function(cmd){
var res = this.admin.runCommand( cmd );
if ( res && res.ok == 1 )
return true;
throw "command " + tojson( cmd ) + " failed: " + tojson( res );
ShardingTest.prototype._rangeToString = function(r){
return tojsononeline( r.min ) + " -> " + tojsononeline( r.max );
ShardingTest.prototype.printChangeLog = function(){
var s = this;
var msg = z.server + "\t" + z.time + "\t" + z.what;
for ( i=z.what.length; i<15; i++ )
msg += " ";
msg += " " + z.ns + "\t";
if ( z.what == "split" ){
msg += s._rangeToString( z.details.before ) + " -->> (" + s._rangeToString( z.details.left ) + "),(" + s._rangeToString( z.details.right ) + ")";
else if (z.what == "multi-split" ){
msg += s._rangeToString( z.details.before ) + " -->> (" + z.details.number + "/" + z.details.of + " " + s._rangeToString( z.details.chunk ) + ")";
else {
msg += tojsononeline( z.details );
print( msg )
ShardingTest.prototype.getChunksString = function( ns ){
var q = {}
if ( ns )
q.ns = ns;
var s = "";
this.config.chunks.find( q ).sort( { ns : 1 , min : 1 } ).forEach(
s += " " + z._id + "\t" + z.lastmod.t + "|" + z.lastmod.i + "\t" + tojson(z.min) + " -> " + tojson(z.max) + " " + z.shard + " " + z.ns + "\n";
return s;
ShardingTest.prototype.printChunks = function( ns ){
print( this.getChunksString( ns ) );
ShardingTest.prototype.printShardingStatus = function(){
printShardingStatus( this.config );
ShardingTest.prototype.printCollectionInfo = function( ns , msg ){
var out = "";
if ( msg )
out += msg + "\n";
out += "sharding collection info: " + ns + "\n";
for ( var i=0; i<this._connections.length; i++ ){
var c = this._connections[i];
out += " mongod " + c + " " + tojson( c.getCollection( ns ).getShardVersion() , " " , true ) + "\n";
for ( var i=0; i<this._mongos.length; i++ ){
var c = this._mongos[i];
out += " mongos " + c + " " + tojson( c.getCollection( ns ).getShardVersion() , " " , true ) + "\n";
out += this.getChunksString( ns );
print( out );
printShardingStatus = function( configDB ){
if (configDB === undefined)
configDB = db.getSisterDB('config')
var version = configDB.getCollection( "version" ).findOne();
if ( version == null ){
print( "not a shard db!" );
var raw = "";
var output = function(s){
raw += s + "\n";
output( "--- Sharding Status --- " );
output( " sharding version: " + tojson( configDB.getCollection( "version" ).findOne() ) );
output( " shards:" );
output( " " + tojson(z) );
output( " databases:" );
configDB.databases.find().sort( { name : 1 } ).forEach(
output( "\t" + tojson(db,"",true) );
if (db.partitioned){
configDB.collections.find( { _id : new RegExp( "^" + db._id + "\." ) } ).sort( { _id : 1 } ).forEach(
function( coll ){
output("\t\t" + coll._id + " chunks:");
configDB.chunks.find( { "ns" : coll._id } ).sort( { min : 1 } ).forEach(
output( "\t\t\t" + tojson( chunk.min ) + " -->> " + tojson( chunk.max ) +
" on : " + chunk.shard + " " + tojson( chunk.lastmod ) );
print( raw );
printShardingSizes = function(){
configDB = db.getSisterDB('config')
var version = configDB.getCollection( "version" ).findOne();
if ( version == null ){
print( "not a shard db!" );
var raw = "";
var output = function(s){
raw += s + "\n";
output( "--- Sharding Status --- " );
output( " sharding version: " + tojson( configDB.getCollection( "version" ).findOne() ) );
output( " shards:" );
var shards = {};
shards[z._id] = new Mongo(z.host);
output( " " + tojson(z) );
var saveDB = db;
output( " databases:" );
configDB.databases.find().sort( { name : 1 } ).forEach(
output( "\t" + tojson(db,"",true) );
if (db.partitioned){
configDB.collections.find( { _id : new RegExp( "^" + db._id + "\." ) } ).sort( { _id : 1 } ).forEach(
function( coll ){
output("\t\t" + coll._id + " chunks:");
configDB.chunks.find( { "ns" : coll._id } ).sort( { min : 1 } ).forEach(
var mydb = shards[chunk.shard].getDB(db._id)
var out = mydb.runCommand({dataSize: coll._id,
keyPattern: coll.key,
min: chunk.min,
max: chunk.max });
delete out.millis;
delete out.ok;
output( "\t\t\t" + tojson( chunk.min ) + " -->> " + tojson( chunk.max ) +
" on : " + chunk.shard + " " + tojson( out ) );
print( raw );
ShardingTest.prototype.sync = function(){
this.adminCommand( "connpoolsync" );
ShardingTest.prototype.onNumShards = function( collName , dbName ){
this.sync(); // we should sync since we're going directly to mongod here
dbName = dbName || "test";
var num=0;
for ( var i=0; i<this._connections.length; i++ )
if ( this._connections[i].getDB( dbName ).getCollection( collName ).count() > 0 )
return num;
ShardingTest.prototype.shardCounts = function( collName , dbName ){
this.sync(); // we should sync since we're going directly to mongod here
dbName = dbName || "test";
var counts = {}
for ( var i=0; i<this._connections.length; i++ )
counts[i] = this._connections[i].getDB( dbName ).getCollection( collName ).count();
return counts;
ShardingTest.prototype.chunkCounts = function( collName , dbName ){
dbName = dbName || "test";
var x = {}
x[z._id] = 0;
s.config.chunks.find( { ns : dbName + "." + collName } ).forEach(
if ( x[z.shard] )
x[z.shard] = 1;
return x;
ShardingTest.prototype.shardGo = function( collName , key , split , move , dbName ){
split = split || key;
move = move || split;
dbName = dbName || "test";
var c = dbName + "." + collName;
s.adminCommand( { shardcollection : c , key : key } );
s.adminCommand( { split : c , middle : split } );
s.adminCommand( { movechunk : c , find : move , to : this.getOther( s.getServer( dbName ) ).name } );
MongodRunner = function( port, dbpath, peer, arbiter, extraArgs ) {
this.port_ = port;
this.dbpath_ = dbpath;
this.peer_ = peer;
this.arbiter_ = arbiter;
this.extraArgs_ = extraArgs;
MongodRunner.prototype.start = function( reuseData ) {
var args = [];
if ( reuseData ) {
args.push( "mongod" );
args.push( "--port" );
args.push( this.port_ );
args.push( "--dbpath" );
args.push( this.dbpath_ );
if ( this.peer_ && this.arbiter_ ) {
args.push( "--pairwith" );
args.push( this.peer_ );
args.push( "--arbiter" );
args.push( this.arbiter_ );
args.push( "--oplogSize" );
// small oplog by default so startup fast
args.push( "1" );
args.push( "--nohttpinterface" );
args.push( "--noprealloc" );
args.push( "--smallfiles" );
args.push( "--bind_ip" );
args.push( "" );
if ( this.extraArgs_ ) {
args = args.concat( this.extraArgs_ );
removeFile( this.dbpath_ + "/mongod.lock" );
if ( reuseData ) {
return startMongoProgram.apply( null, args );
} else {
return startMongod.apply( null, args );
MongodRunner.prototype.port = function() { return this.port_; }
MongodRunner.prototype.toString = function() { return [ this.port_, this.dbpath_, this.peer_, this.arbiter_ ].toString(); }
ReplPair = function( left, right, arbiter ) {
this.left_ = left;
this.leftC_ = null;
this.right_ = right;
this.rightC_ = null;
this.arbiter_ = arbiter;
this.arbiterC_ = null;
this.master_ = null;
this.slave_ = null;
ReplPair.prototype.start = function( reuseData ) {
if ( this.arbiterC_ == null ) {
this.arbiterC_ = this.arbiter_.start();
if ( this.leftC_ == null ) {
this.leftC_ = this.left_.start( reuseData );
if ( this.rightC_ == null ) {
this.rightC_ = this.right_.start( reuseData );
ReplPair.prototype.isMaster = function( mongo, debug ) {
var im = mongo.getDB( "admin" ).runCommand( { ismaster : 1 } );
assert( im && im.ok, "command ismaster failed" );
if ( debug ) {
printjson( im );
return im.ismaster;
ReplPair.prototype.isInitialSyncComplete = function( mongo, debug ) {
var isc = mongo.getDB( "admin" ).runCommand( { isinitialsynccomplete : 1 } );
assert( isc && isc.ok, "command isinitialsynccomplete failed" );
if ( debug ) {
printjson( isc );
return isc.initialsynccomplete;
ReplPair.prototype.checkSteadyState = function( state, expectedMasterHost, twoMasterOk, leftValues, rightValues, debug ) {
leftValues = leftValues || {};
rightValues = rightValues || {};
var lm = null;
var lisc = null;
if ( this.leftC_ != null ) {
lm = this.isMaster( this.leftC_, debug );
leftValues[ lm ] = true;
lisc = this.isInitialSyncComplete( this.leftC_, debug );
var rm = null;
var risc = null;
if ( this.rightC_ != null ) {
rm = this.isMaster( this.rightC_, debug );
rightValues[ rm ] = true;
risc = this.isInitialSyncComplete( this.rightC_, debug );
var stateSet = {}
state.forEach( function( i ) { stateSet[ i ] = true; } );
if ( !( 1 in stateSet ) || ( ( risc || risc == null ) && ( lisc || lisc == null ) ) ) {
if ( rm == 1 && lm != 1 ) {
assert( twoMasterOk || !( 1 in leftValues ) );
this.master_ = this.rightC_;
this.slave_ = this.leftC_;
} else if ( lm == 1 && rm != 1 ) {
assert( twoMasterOk || !( 1 in rightValues ) );
this.master_ = this.leftC_;
this.slave_ = this.rightC_;
if ( !twoMasterOk ) {
assert( lm != 1 || rm != 1, "two masters" );
// check for expected state
if ( state.sort().toString() == [ lm, rm ].sort().toString() ) {
if ( expectedMasterHost != null ) {
if( expectedMasterHost == this.master_.host ) {
return true;
} else {
return true;
this.master_ = null;
this.slave_ = null;
return false;
ReplPair.prototype.waitForSteadyState = function( state, expectedMasterHost, twoMasterOk, debug ) {
state = state || [ 1, 0 ];
twoMasterOk = twoMasterOk || false;
var rp = this;
var leftValues = {};
var rightValues = {};
assert.soon( function() { return rp.checkSteadyState( state, expectedMasterHost, twoMasterOk, leftValues, rightValues, debug ); },
"rp (" + rp + ") failed to reach expected steady state (" + state + ")" , 60000 );
ReplPair.prototype.master = function() { return this.master_; }
ReplPair.prototype.slave = function() { return this.slave_; }
ReplPair.prototype.right = function() { return this.rightC_; }
ReplPair.prototype.left = function() { return this.leftC_; }
ReplPair.prototype.arbiter = function() { return this.arbiterC_; }
ReplPair.prototype.killNode = function( mongo, signal ) {
signal = signal || 15;
if ( this.leftC_ != null && this.leftC_.host == mongo.host ) {
stopMongod( this.left_.port_ );
this.leftC_ = null;
if ( this.rightC_ != null && this.rightC_.host == mongo.host ) {
stopMongod( this.right_.port_ );
this.rightC_ = null;
if ( this.arbiterC_ != null && this.arbiterC_.host == mongo.host ) {
stopMongod( this.arbiter_.port_ );
this.arbiterC_ = null;
ReplPair.prototype._annotatedNode = function( mongo ) {
var ret = "";
if ( mongo != null ) {
ret += " (connected)";
if ( this.master_ != null && mongo.host == this.master_.host ) {
ret += "(master)";
if ( this.slave_ != null && mongo.host == this.slave_.host ) {
ret += "(slave)";
return ret;
ReplPair.prototype.toString = function() {
var ret = "";
ret += "left: " + this.left_;
ret += " " + this._annotatedNode( this.leftC_ );
ret += " right: " + this.right_;
ret += " " + this._annotatedNode( this.rightC_ );
return ret;
ToolTest = function( name ){
this.name = name;
this.port = allocatePorts(1)[0];
this.baseName = "jstests_tool_" + name;
this.root = "/data/db/" + this.baseName;
this.dbpath = this.root + "/";
this.ext = this.root + "_external/";
this.extFile = this.root + "_external/a";
resetDbpath( this.dbpath );
ToolTest.prototype.startDB = function( coll ){
assert( ! this.m , "db already running" );
this.m = startMongoProgram( "mongod" , "--port", this.port , "--dbpath" , this.dbpath , "--nohttpinterface", "--noprealloc" , "--smallfiles" , "--bind_ip", "" );
this.db = this.m.getDB( this.baseName );
if ( coll )
return this.db.getCollection( coll );
return this.db;
ToolTest.prototype.stop = function(){
if ( ! this.m )
stopMongod( this.port );
this.m = null;
this.db = null;
print('*** ' + this.name + " completed successfully ***");
ToolTest.prototype.runTool = function(){
var a = [ "mongo" + arguments[0] ];
var hasdbpath = false;
for ( var i=1; i<arguments.length; i++ ){
a.push( arguments[i] );
if ( arguments[i] == "--dbpath" )
hasdbpath = true;
if ( ! hasdbpath ){
a.push( "--host" );
a.push( "" + this.port );
runMongoProgram.apply( null , a );
ReplTest = function( name, ports ){
this.name = name;
this.ports = ports || allocatePorts( 2 );
ReplTest.prototype.getPort = function( master ){
if ( master )
return this.ports[ 0 ];
return this.ports[ 1 ]
ReplTest.prototype.getPath = function( master ){
var p = "/data/db/" + this.name + "-";
if ( master )
p += "master";
p += "slave"
return p;
ReplTest.prototype.getOptions = function( master , extra , putBinaryFirst, norepl ){
if ( ! extra )
extra = {};
if ( ! extra.oplogSize )
extra.oplogSize = "1";
var a = []
if ( putBinaryFirst )
a.push( "mongod" )
a.push( "--nohttpinterface", "--noprealloc", "--bind_ip" , "" , "--smallfiles" );
a.push( "--port" );
a.push( this.getPort( master ) );
a.push( "--dbpath" );
a.push( this.getPath( master ) );
if ( !norepl ) {
if ( master ){
a.push( "--master" );
else {
a.push( "--slave" );
a.push( "--source" );
a.push( "" + this.ports[0] );
for ( var k in extra ){
var v = extra[k];
a.push( "--" + k );
if ( v != null )
a.push( v );
return a;
ReplTest.prototype.start = function( master , options , restart, norepl ){
var lockFile = this.getPath( master ) + "/mongod.lock";
removeFile( lockFile );
var o = this.getOptions( master , options , restart, norepl );
if ( restart )
return startMongoProgram.apply( null , o );
return startMongod.apply( null , o );
ReplTest.prototype.stop = function( master , signal ){
if ( arguments.length == 0 ){
this.stop( true );
this.stop( false );
print('*** ' + this.name + " completed successfully ***");
return stopMongod( this.getPort( master ) , signal || 15 );
allocatePorts = function( n , startPort ) {
var ret = [];
var start = startPort || 31000;
for( var i = start; i < start + n; ++i )
ret.push( i );
return ret;
SyncCCTest = function( testName , extraMongodOptions ){
this._testName = testName;
this._connections = [];
for ( var i=0; i<3; i++ ){
this._connections.push( startMongodTest( 30000 + i , testName + i , false, extraMongodOptions ) );
this.url = this._connections.map( function(z){ return z.name; } ).join( "," );
this.conn = new Mongo( this.url );
SyncCCTest.prototype.stop = function(){
for ( var i=0; i<this._connections.length; i++){
stopMongod( 30000 + i );
print('*** ' + this._testName + " completed successfully ***");
SyncCCTest.prototype.checkHashes = function( dbname , msg ){
var hashes = this._connections.map(
return z.getDB( dbname ).runCommand( "dbhash" );
for ( var i=1; i<hashes.length; i++ ){
assert.eq( hashes[0].md5 , hashes[i].md5 , "checkHash on " + dbname + " " + msg + "\n" + tojson( hashes ) )
SyncCCTest.prototype.tempKill = function( num ){
num = num || 0;
stopMongod( 30000 + num );
SyncCCTest.prototype.tempStart = function( num ){
num = num || 0;
this._connections[num] = startMongodTest( 30000 + num , this._testName + num , true );
function startParallelShell( jsCode ){
var x = startMongoProgramNoConnect( "mongo" , "--eval" , jsCode , db ? db.getMongo().host : null );
return function(){
waitProgram( x );
var testingReplication = false;
function skipIfTestingReplication(){
if (testingReplication) {
print( "skipping" );
ReplSetTest = function( opts ){
this.name = opts.name || "testReplSet";
this.host = opts.host || getHostName();
this.numNodes = opts.nodes || 0;
this.oplogSize = opts.oplogSize || 2;
this.useSeedList = opts.useSeedList || false;
this.bridged = opts.bridged || false;
this.ports = [];
this.startPort = opts.startPort || 31000;
if(this.bridged) {
this.bridgePorts = [];
var allPorts = allocatePorts( this.numNodes * 2 , this.startPort );
for(var i=0; i < this.numNodes; i++) {
this.ports[i] = allPorts[i*2];
this.bridgePorts[i] = allPorts[i*2 + 1];
else {
this.ports = allocatePorts( this.numNodes , this.startPort );
this.nodes = [];
this.nodeIds = {};
ReplSetTest.prototype.initBridges = function() {
for(var i=0; i<this.ports.length; i++) {
startMongoProgram( "mongobridge", "--port", this.bridgePorts[i], "--dest", this.host + ":" + this.ports[i] );
// List of nodes as host:port strings.
ReplSetTest.prototype.nodeList = function() {
var list = [];
for(var i=0; i<this.ports.length; i++) {
list.push( this.host + ":" + this.ports[i]);
return list;
// Here we store a reference to all reachable nodes.
ReplSetTest.prototype.initLiveNodes = function(){
this.liveNodes = {master: null, slaves: []};
this.nodeIds = {};
ReplSetTest.prototype.getNodeId = function(node) {
return this.nodeIds[node];
ReplSetTest.prototype.getPort = function( n ){
return this.ports[ n ];
ReplSetTest.prototype.getPath = function( n ){
var p = "/data/db/" + this.name + "-";
p += n.toString();
if ( ! this._alldbpaths )
this._alldbpaths = [ p ];
this._alldbpaths.push( p );
return p;
ReplSetTest.prototype.getReplSetConfig = function() {
var cfg = {};
cfg['_id'] = this.name;
cfg.members = [];
for(i=0; i<this.ports.length; i++) {
member = {};
member['_id'] = i;
var port = this.bridgePorts[i];
var port = this.ports[i];
member['host'] = this.host + ":" + port;
return cfg;
ReplSetTest.prototype.getURL = function(){
var hosts = [];
for(i=0; i<this.ports.length; i++) {
// Don't include this node in the replica set list
if(this.bridged && this.ports[i] == this.ports[n]) {
var port;
// Connect on the right port
if(this.bridged) {
port = this.bridgePorts[i];
else {
port = this.ports[i];
var str = this.host + ":" + port;
return this.name + "/" + hosts.join(",");
ReplSetTest.prototype.getOptions = function( n , extra , putBinaryFirst ){
if ( ! extra )
extra = {};
if ( ! extra.oplogSize )
extra.oplogSize = this.oplogSize;
var a = []
if ( putBinaryFirst )
a.push( "mongod" )
a.push( "--replSet" );
if( this.useSeedList ) {
a.push( this.getURL() );
else {
a.push( this.name );
a.push( "--noprealloc", "--smallfiles" );
a.push( "--rest" );
a.push( "--port" );
a.push( this.getPort( n ) );
a.push( "--dbpath" );
a.push( this.getPath( n ) );
for ( var k in extra ){
var v = extra[k];
a.push( "--" + k );
if ( v != null )
a.push( v );
return a;
ReplSetTest.prototype.startSet = function(options) {
var nodes = [];
print( "Starting Set" );
for(n=0; n<this.ports.length; n++) {
node = this.start(n, options);
this.nodes = nodes;
return this.nodes;
ReplSetTest.prototype.callIsMaster = function() {
var master = null;
for(var i=0; i<this.nodes.length; i++) {
try {
var n = this.nodes[i].getDB('admin').runCommand({ismaster:1});
if(n['ismaster'] == true) {
master = this.nodes[i];
this.liveNodes.master = master;
this.nodeIds[master] = i;
else {
this.nodeIds[this.nodes[i]] = i;
catch(err) {
print("Could not call ismaster on node " + i);
return master || false;
ReplSetTest.prototype.awaitSecondaryNodes = function( timeout ) {
var master = this.getMaster();
var slaves = this.liveNodes.slaves;
var len = slaves.length;
this.attempt({context: this, timeout: 60000, desc: "Awaiting secondaries"}, function() {
var ready = true;
for(var i=0; i<len; i++) {
ready = ready && slaves[i].getDB("admin").runCommand({ismaster: 1})['secondary'];
return ready;
ReplSetTest.prototype.getMaster = function( timeout ) {
var tries = 0;
var sleepTime = 500;
var t = timeout || 000;
var master = null;
master = this.attempt({context: this, timeout: 60000, desc: "Finding master"}, this.callIsMaster);
return master;
// Add a node to the test set
ReplSetTest.prototype.add = function( config ) {
if(this.ports.length == 0) {
var nextPort = allocatePorts( 1, this.startPort )[0];
else {
var nextPort = this.ports[this.ports.length-1] + 1;
print("Next port: " + nextPort);
var nextId = this.nodes.length;
var newNode = this.start(nextId);
return newNode;
ReplSetTest.prototype.remove = function( nodeId ) {
this.nodes.splice( nodeId, 1 );
this.ports.splice( nodeId, 1 );
// Pass this method a function to call repeatedly until
// that function returns true. Example:
// attempt({timeout: 20000, desc: "get master"}, function() { // return false until success })
ReplSetTest.prototype.attempt = function( opts, func ) {
var timeout = opts.timeout || 1000;
var tries = 0;
var sleepTime = 500;
var result = null;
var context = opts.context || this;
while((result = func.apply(context)) == false) {
tries += 1;
if( tries * sleepTime > timeout) {
throw('[' + opts['desc'] + ']' + " timed out");
return result;
ReplSetTest.prototype.initiate = function( cfg , initCmd , timeout ) {
var master = this.nodes[0].getDB("admin");
var config = cfg || this.getReplSetConfig();
var cmd = {};
var cmdKey = initCmd || 'replSetInitiate';
var timeout = timeout || 30000;
cmd[cmdKey] = config;
this.attempt({timeout: timeout, desc: "Initiate replica set"}, function() {
var result = master.runCommand(cmd);
return result['ok'] == 1;
ReplSetTest.prototype.reInitiate = function() {
var master = this.nodes[0];
var c = master.getDB("local")['system.replset'].findOne();
var config = this.getReplSetConfig();
config.version = c.version + 1;
this.initiate( config , 'replSetReconfig' );
ReplSetTest.prototype.awaitReplication = function() {
latest = this.liveNodes.master.getDB("local")['oplog.rs'].find({}).sort({'$natural': -1}).limit(1).next()['ts']
this.attempt({context: this, timeout: 30000, desc: "awaiting replication"},
function() {
var synced = true;
for(var i=0; i<this.liveNodes.slaves.length; i++) {
var slave = this.liveNodes.slaves[i];
// Continue if we're connected to an arbiter
if(res = slave.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1})) {
if(res.myState == 7) {
var log = slave.getDB("local")['oplog.rs'];
if(log.find({}).sort({'$natural': -1}).limit(1).hasNext()) {
var entry = log.find({}).sort({'$natural': -1}).limit(1).next();
printjson( entry );
var ts = entry['ts'];
print("TS for " + slave + " is " + ts + " and latest is " + latest);
print("Oplog size for " + slave + " is " + log.count());
synced = (synced && friendlyEqual(latest,ts))
else {
synced = false;
if(synced) {
print("Synced = " + synced);
return synced;
ReplSetTest.prototype.getHashes = function( db ){
var res = {};
res.master = this.liveNodes.master.getDB( db ).runCommand( "dbhash" )
res.slaves = this.liveNodes.slaves.map( function(z){ return z.getDB( db ).runCommand( "dbhash" ); } )
return res;
* Starts up a server.
* @param {int} n server number (0, 1, 2, ...)
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {boolean} [restart] If false, the data directory will be cleared
* before the server starts. Defaults to false.
ReplSetTest.prototype.start = function( n , options , restart ){
var lockFile = this.getPath( n ) + "/mongod.lock";
removeFile( lockFile );
var o = this.getOptions( n , options , restart );
print( o );
if ( restart ) {
this.nodes[n] = startMongoProgram.apply( null , o );
return this.nodes[n];
else {
return startMongod.apply( null , o );
* Restarts a db without clearing the data directory. If the server is not
* stopped first, this function will not work.
* @param {int} n server number (0, 1, 2, ...)
ReplSetTest.prototype.restart = function( n , options ){
return this.start( n , options , true );
ReplSetTest.prototype.stop = function( n , signal ){
var port = this.getPort( n );
print('*** Shutting down mongod in port ' + port + ' ***');
return stopMongod( port , signal || 15 );
ReplSetTest.prototype.stopSet = function( signal , forRestart ) {
for(i=0; i < this.ports.length; i++) {
this.stop( i, signal );
if ( ! forRestart && this._alldbpaths ){
for( i=0; i<this._alldbpaths.length; i++ ){
resetDbpath( this._alldbpaths[i] );
print('*** Shut down repl set - test worked ****' )