mirror of https://github.com/mongodb/mongo.git synced 2024-12-01 09:32:32 +01:00
2009-03-25 15:29:20 -04:00

77 lines
2.7 KiB

// Test one master replicating to two slaves
var baseName = "jstests_repl6test";
soonCount = function( m, count ) {
assert.soon( function() {
// print( "check count" );
if ( -1 == m.getDBNames().indexOf( baseName ) )
return false;
if ( -1 == m.getDB( baseName ).getCollectionNames().indexOf( "a" ) )
return false;
// print( "count: " + s.getDB( baseName ).z.find().count() );
return m.getDB( baseName ).a.find().count() == count;
} );
doTest = function( signal ) {
// spec small oplog for fast startup on 64bit machines
m = startMongod( "--port", "27018", "--dbpath", "/data/db/" + baseName + "-master", "--master", "--oplogSize", "1" );
s1 = startMongod( "--port", "27019", "--dbpath", "/data/db/" + baseName + "-slave1", "--slave", "--source", "" );
s2 = startMongod( "--port", "27020", "--dbpath", "/data/db/" + baseName + "-slave2", "--slave", "--source", "" );
am = m.getDB( baseName ).a
for( i = 0; i < 1000; ++i )
am.save( { _id: new ObjectId(), i: i } );
soonCount( s1, 1000 );
soonCount( s2, 1000 );
check = function( as ) {
assert.eq( 1, as.find( { i: 0 } ).count() );
assert.eq( 1, as.find( { i: 999 } ).count() );
as = s1.getDB( baseName ).a
check( as );
as = s2.getDB( baseName ).a
check( as );
stopMongod( 27019, signal );
stopMongod( 27020, signal );
for( i = 1000; i < 1010; ++i )
am.save( { _id: new ObjectId(), i: i } );
s1 = startMongoProgram( "mongod", "--port", "27019", "--dbpath", "/data/db/" + baseName + "-slave1", "--slave", "--source", "" );
soonCount( s1, 1010 );
as = s1.getDB( baseName ).a
assert.eq( 1, as.find( { i: 1009 } ).count() );
stopMongod( 27018, signal );
m = startMongoProgram( "mongod", "--port", "27018", "--dbpath", "/data/db/" + baseName + "-master", "--master", "--oplogSize", "1" );
am = m.getDB( baseName ).a
for( i = 1010; i < 1020; ++i )
am.save( { _id: new ObjectId(), i: i } );
soonCount( s1, 1020 );
assert.eq( 1, as.find( { i: 1019 } ).count() );
s2 = startMongoProgram( "mongod", "--port", "27020", "--dbpath", "/data/db/" + baseName + "-slave2", "--slave", "--source", "" );
soonCount( s2, 1020 );
as = s2.getDB( baseName ).a
assert.eq( 1, as.find( { i: 1009 } ).count() );
assert.eq( 1, as.find( { i: 1019 } ).count() );
stopMongod( 27018 );
stopMongod( 27019 );
stopMongod( 27020 );
doTest( 15 ); // SIGTERM
doTest( 9 ); // SIGKILL