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// -------------------------
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// assertChunkSizes verifies that a given 'splitVec' divides the 'test.jstest_splitvector'
// collection in 'maxChunkSize' approximately-sized chunks. Its asserts fail otherwise.
// @param splitVec: an array with keys for field 'x'
// e.g. [ { x : 1927 }, { x : 3855 }, ...
// @param numDocs: domain of 'x' field
// e.g. 20000
// @param maxChunkSize is in MBs.
assertChunkSizes = function ( splitVec , numDocs , maxChunkSize , msg ){
splitVec = [{ x: -1 }].concat( splitVec );
splitVec.push( { x: numDocs+1 } );
for ( i=0; i<splitVec.length-1; i++) {
min = splitVec[i];
max = splitVec[i+1];
size = db.runCommand( { datasize: "test.jstests_splitvector" , min: min , max: max } ).size;
// It is okay for the last chunk to be smaller. A collection's size does not
// need to be exactly a multiple of maxChunkSize.
if ( i < splitVec.length - 2 )
assert.close( maxChunkSize , size , "A"+i , -3 );
assert.gt( maxChunkSize , size , "A"+i , msg + "b" );
// -------------------------
// -------------------------
f = db.jstests_splitvector;
// -------------------------
// Case 1: missing parameters
assert.eq( false, db.runCommand( { splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector" } ).ok , "1a" );
assert.eq( false, db.runCommand( { splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector" , maxChunkSize: 1} ).ok , "1b" );
// -------------------------
// Case 2: missing index
assert.eq( false, db.runCommand( { splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector" , keyPattern: {x:1} , maxChunkSize: 1 } ).ok , "2");
// -------------------------
// Case 3: empty collection
f.ensureIndex( { x: 1} );
assert.eq( [], db.runCommand( { splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector" , keyPattern: {x:1} , maxChunkSize: 1 } ).splitKeys , "3");
// -------------------------
// Case 4: uniform collection
f.ensureIndex( { x: 1 } );
// Get baseline document size
filler = "";
while( filler.length < 500 ) filler += "a";
f.save( { x: 0, y: filler } );
docSize = db.runCommand( { datasize: "test.jstests_splitvector" } ).size;
assert.gt( docSize, 500 , "4a" );
// Fill collection and get split vector for 1MB maxChunkSize
numDocs = 20000;
for( i=1; i<numDocs; i++ ){
f.save( { x: i, y: filler } );
res = db.runCommand( { splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector" , keyPattern: {x:1} , maxChunkSize: 1 } );
// splitVector aims at getting half-full chunks after split
factor = 0.5;
assert.eq( true , res.ok , "4b" );
assert.close( numDocs*docSize / ((1<<20) * factor), res.splitKeys.length , "num split keys" , -1 );
assertChunkSizes( res.splitKeys , numDocs, (1<<20) * factor , "4d" );
// -------------------------
// Case 5: limit number of split points
f.ensureIndex( { x: 1 } );
// Fill collection and get split vector for 1MB maxChunkSize
numDocs = 10000;
for( i=1; i<numDocs; i++ ){
f.save( { x: i, y: filler } );
res = db.runCommand( { splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector" , keyPattern: {x:1} , maxChunkSize: 1 , maxSplitPoints: 1} );
assert.eq( true , res.ok , "5a" );
assert.eq( 1 , res.splitKeys.length , "5b" );
// -------------------------
// Case 6: limit number of objects in a chunk
f.ensureIndex( { x: 1 } );
// Fill collection and get split vector for 1MB maxChunkSize
numDocs = 10000;
for( i=1; i<numDocs; i++ ){
f.save( { x: i, y: filler } );
res = db.runCommand( { splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector" , keyPattern: {x:1} , maxChunkSize: 1 , maxChunkObjects: 500} );
assert.eq( true , res.ok , "6a" );
assert.eq( 19 , res.splitKeys.length , "6b" );
// -------------------------
// Case 7: enough occurances of min key documents to pass the chunk limit
// [1111111111111111,2,3)
f.ensureIndex( { x: 1 } );
// Fill collection and get split vector for 1MB maxChunkSize
numDocs = 2100;
for( i=1; i<numDocs; i++ ){
f.save( { x: 1, y: filler } );
for( i=1; i<10; i++ ){
f.save( { x: 2, y: filler } );
res = db.runCommand( { splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector" , keyPattern: {x:1} , maxChunkSize: 1 } );
assert.eq( true , res.ok , "7a" );
assert.eq( 2 , res.splitKeys[0].x, "7b");
// -------------------------
// Case 8: few occurrances of min key, and enough of some other that we cannot split it
// [1, 22222222222222, 3)
f.ensureIndex( { x: 1 } );
for( i=1; i<10; i++ ){
f.save( { x: 1, y: filler } );
numDocs = 2100;
for( i=1; i<numDocs; i++ ){
f.save( { x: 2, y: filler } );
for( i=1; i<10; i++ ){
f.save( { x: 3, y: filler } );
res = db.runCommand( { splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector" , keyPattern: {x:1} , maxChunkSize: 1 } );
assert.eq( true , res.ok , "8a" );
assert.eq( 2 , res.splitKeys.length , "8b" );
assert.eq( 2 , res.splitKeys[0].x , "8c" );
assert.eq( 3 , res.splitKeys[1].x , "8d" );
// -------------------------
// Case 9: splitVector "force" mode, where we split (possible small) chunks in the middle
f.ensureIndex( { x: 1 } );
f.save( { x: 1 } );
f.save( { x: 2 } );
f.save( { x: 3 } );
res = db.runCommand( { splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector" , keyPattern: {x:1} , force : true } );
assert.eq( true , res.ok , "9a" );
assert.eq( 1 , res.splitKeys.length , "9b" );
assert.eq( 2 , res.splitKeys[0].x , "9c" );