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#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Determine the number of resmoke jobs to run."""
import argparse
import logging
import platform
import re
import sys
import psutil
import structlog
import yaml
LOGGER = structlog.get_logger(__name__)
CPU_COUNT = psutil.cpu_count()
PLATFORM_MACHINE = platform.machine()
SYS_PLATFORM = sys.platform
# The following constants define tasks that should override the resmoke jobs in various
# configurations. The factor value will set the max number of resmoke jobs based on the number
# of CPUs a machine has. For example, if the factor is 0.5 and a machine has 8 CPUs, the max resmoke
# jobs would be 4 (8 * 0.5). If the running task has multiple overrides that apply, the lowest
# value will be used.
# The task name is specified as a regex. The task name used will be the task executing the test,
# which means if the task has been split to run in sub-tasks, an extra "_0", "_1", ... will be
# appended to the task name. For this reason, most task names should end with a ".*".
# Apply factor for a task based on the build variant it is running on.
"enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit": [{"task": r"logical_session_cache_replication.*", "factor": 0.75}],
"enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit-inmem": [{"task": "secondary_reads_passthrough", "factor": 0.3}]
TASKS_FACTORS = [{"task": r"replica_sets.*", "factor": 0.5}, {"task": r"sharding.*", "factor": 0.5}]
# Apply factor for a task based on the machine type it is running on.
# Apply factor for a task based on the platform it is running on.
# Apply factor for a task everywhere it is run.
r"causally_consistent_hedged_reads_jscore_passthrough.*": 0.25,
r"logical_session_cache.*_refresh_jscore_passthrough.*": 0.25,
r"multi_shard_.*multi_stmt_txn_.*jscore_passthrough.*": 0.125,
r"replica_sets_reconfig_jscore_passthrough.*": 0.25,
r"replica_sets_reconfig_jscore_stepdown_passthrough.*": 0.25,
r"replica_sets_reconfig_kill_primary_jscore_passthrough.*": 0.25,
r"sharded_causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough.*": 0.75,
r"sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough.*": 0.75,
def global_task_factor(task_name, overrides, factor):
Check for a global task override and return factor.
:param task_name: Name of task to check for.
:param overrides: Global override data.
:param factor: Default factor if there is no override.
:return: Factor that should be used based on global overrides.
for task_re, task_factor in overrides.items():
if re.compile(task_re).match(task_name):
return task_factor
return factor
def get_task_factor(task_name, overrides, override_type, factor):
"""Check for task override and return factor."""
for task_override in overrides.get(override_type, []):
if re.compile(task_override["task"]).match(task_name):
return task_override["factor"]
return factor
def determine_factor(task_name, variant, factor):
"""Determine the job factor."""
factors = [
get_task_factor(task_name, MACHINE_TASK_FACTOR_OVERRIDES, PLATFORM_MACHINE, factor),
get_task_factor(task_name, PLATFORM_TASK_FACTOR_OVERRIDES, SYS_PLATFORM, factor),
get_task_factor(task_name, VARIANT_TASK_FACTOR_OVERRIDES, variant, factor),
global_task_factor(task_name, GLOBAL_TASK_FACTOR_OVERRIDES, factor),
return min(factors)
def determine_jobs(task_name, variant, jobs_max=0, job_factor=1.0):
"""Determine the resmoke jobs."""
if jobs_max < 0:
raise ValueError("The jobs_max must be >= 0.")
if job_factor <= 0:
raise ValueError("The job_factor must be > 0.")
factor = determine_factor(task_name, variant, job_factor)
jobs_available = int(round(CPU_COUNT * factor))
if jobs_max == 0:
return max(1, jobs_available)
return min(jobs_max, jobs_available)
def output_jobs(jobs, outfile):
"""Output jobs configuration to the specified location."""
output = {"resmoke_jobs": jobs}
if outfile:
with open(outfile, "w") as fh:
yaml.dump(output, stream=fh, default_flow_style=False)
yaml.dump(output, stream=sys.stdout, default_flow_style=False)
def main():
"""Determine the resmoke jobs value a task should use in Evergreen."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=main.__doc__)
parser.add_argument("--taskName", dest="task", required=True, help="Task being executed.")
parser.add_argument("--buildVariant", dest="variant", required=True,
help="Build variant task is being executed on.")
"--jobFactor", dest="jobs_factor", type=float, default=1.0,
help=("Job factor to use as a mulitplier with the number of CPUs. Defaults"
" to %(default)s."))
"--jobsMax", dest="jobs_max", type=int, default=0,
help=("Maximum number of jobs to use. Specify 0 to indicate the number of"
" jobs is determined by --jobFactor and the number of CPUs. Defaults"
" to %(default)s."))
"--outFile", dest="outfile", help=("File to write configuration to. If"
" unspecified no file is generated."))
options = parser.parse_args()
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO)
LOGGER.info("Finding job count", task=options.task, variant=options.variant,
jobs = determine_jobs(options.task, options.variant, options.jobs_max, options.jobs_factor)
if jobs < CPU_COUNT:
print("Reducing number of jobs to run from {} to {}".format(CPU_COUNT, jobs))
output_jobs(jobs, options.outfile)
if __name__ == "__main__":