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* This test checks keyFile rollover procedure
* This test requires users to persist across a restart.
* @tags: [requires_persistence, requires_replication]
// We turn off gossiping the mongo shell's clusterTime because this test connects to replica sets
// and sharded clusters as a user other than __system. Attempting to advance the clusterTime while
// it has been signed with a dummy key results in an authorization error.
TestData.skipGossipingClusterTime = true;
(function() {
'use strict';
let rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 3, keyFile: "jstests/libs/key1"});
const runPrimaryTest = function(fn) {
const curPrimary = rst.getPrimary();
assert(curPrimary.getDB("admin").auth("root", "root"));
try {
} finally {
// Create a user to login as when auth is enabled later
rst.getPrimary().getDB('admin').createUser({user: 'root', pwd: 'root', roles: ['root']});
runPrimaryTest((curPrimary) => {
assert.commandWorked(curPrimary.getDB('test').a.insert({a: 1, str: 'TESTTESTTEST'}));
assert.eq(1, curPrimary.getDB('test').a.count(), 'Error interacting with replSet');
jsTestLog("Using keyForRollover to transition auth to both keys");
* This rolls over the cluster from one keyfile to another. The first argument is the keyfile
* servers should use, and the second is the keyfile the shell should use to authenticate
* with the servers.
const rolloverKey = function(keyFileForServers, keyFileForAuth) {
// Update the keyFile parameter for the ReplSetTest as a whole
rst.keyFile = keyFileForServers;
// Function to restart a node with a new keyfile parameter and wait for secondaries
// to come back online
const restart = function(node) {
const nodeId = rst.getNodeId(node);
rst.start(nodeId, {keyFile: keyFileForServers});
authutil.asCluster(rst.nodes, keyFileForAuth, () => {
// First we restart the secondaries.
rst.getSecondaries().forEach(function(secondary) {
// Then we restart the primary and wait for it to come back up with an hello call.
const primary = rst.getPrimary();
assert.soonNoExcept(() => {
authutil.asCluster(rst.nodes, keyFileForAuth, () => {
assert.commandWorked(primary.getDB("admin").runCommand({hello: 1}));
return true;
rolloverKey("jstests/libs/keyForRollover", "jstests/libs/key1");
runPrimaryTest((curPrimary) => {
assert.commandWorked(curPrimary.getDB('test').a.insert({a: 1, str: 'TESTTESTTEST'}));
assert.eq(2, curPrimary.getDB('test').a.count(), 'Error interacting with replSet');
jsTestLog("Upgrading set to use key2");
rolloverKey("jstests/libs/key2", "jstests/libs/key2");
runPrimaryTest((curPrimary) => {
assert.commandWorked(curPrimary.getDB('test').a.insert({a: 1, str: 'TESTTESTTEST'}));
assert.eq(3, curPrimary.getDB('test').a.count(), 'Error interacting with replSet');