mirror of https://github.com/mongodb/mongo.git synced 2024-12-01 01:21:03 +01:00

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// Auth tests for the listDatabases command.
(function() {
'use strict';
function runTest(mongod) {
const admin = mongod.getDB('admin');
admin.createUser({user: 'admin', pwd: 'pass', roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
assert(admin.auth('admin', 'pass'));
// Establish db0..db7
for (let i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
mongod.getDB('db' + i).foo.insert({bar: "baz"});
mongod.getDB("db0").baz.insert({x: "y"});
mongod.getDB("db2").baz.insert({x: "y"});
role: 'dbLister',
privileges: [{resource: {cluster: true}, actions: ['listDatabases']}],
roles: []
role: 'specificCollection',
privileges: [{resource: {db: "db0", collection: "baz"}, actions: ['find']}],
roles: []
role: 'sharedNameCollections',
privileges: [{resource: {db: "", collection: "baz"}, actions: ['find']}],
roles: []
// Make db0, db2, db4, db6 readable to user1 abd user3.
// Make db0, db1, db2, db3 read/writable to user 2 and user3.
function makeRole(perm, dbNum) {
return {role: perm, db: ("db" + dbNum)};
const readEven = [0, 2, 4, 6].map(function(i) {
return makeRole("read", i);
const readWriteLow = [0, 1, 2, 3].map(function(i) {
return makeRole("readWrite", i);
admin.createUser({user: 'user1', pwd: 'pass', roles: readEven});
admin.createUser({user: 'user2', pwd: 'pass', roles: readWriteLow});
admin.createUser({user: 'user3', pwd: 'pass', roles: readEven.concat(readWriteLow)});
// Make db4 readable by user 4, and let them list all dbs.
// Make db5 readable by user 5, and let them list all dbs.
// Make collection baz in db0 findable by user6, and let them list db0.
// Make all baz collections findable by user7, and let them list all dbs.
admin.createUser({user: 'user4', pwd: 'pass', roles: [makeRole('read', 4), 'dbLister']});
admin.createUser({user: 'user5', pwd: 'pass', roles: [makeRole('read', 5), 'dbLister']});
admin.createUser({user: 'user6', pwd: 'pass', roles: ['specificCollection']});
admin.createUser({user: 'user7', pwd: 'pass', roles: ['sharedNameCollections']});
const admin_dbs = ["admin", "db0", "db1", "db2", "db3", "db4", "db5", "db6", "db7"];
[{user: "user1", dbs: ["db0", "db2", "db4", "db6"]},
{user: "user2", dbs: ["db0", "db1", "db2", "db3"]},
{user: "user3", dbs: ["db0", "db1", "db2", "db3", "db4", "db6"]},
{user: "user4", dbs: admin_dbs, authDbs: ["db4"]},
{user: "user5", dbs: admin_dbs, authDbs: ["db5"]},
{user: "user6", dbs: ["db0"]},
{user: "user7", dbs: admin_dbs},
{user: "admin", dbs: admin_dbs, authDbs: admin_dbs},
].forEach(function(test) {
function filterSpecial(db) {
// Returning of local/config varies with sharding/mobile/etc..
// Ignore these for simplicity.
return (db !== 'local') && (db !== 'config');
// Invoking {listDatabases: 1} directly.
function tryList(cmd, expect_dbs) {
const dbs = assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand(cmd));
.map(function(db) {
return db.name;
test.user + " permissions");
admin.auth(test.user, 'pass');
tryList({listDatabases: 1}, test.dbs);
tryList({listDatabases: 1, authorizedDatabases: true}, test.authDbs || test.dbs);
if (test.authDbs) {
tryList({listDatabases: 1, authorizedDatabases: false}, test.dbs);
} else {
// Users without listDatabases cluster perm may not
// request authorizedDatabases: false.
assert.throws(tryList, [{listDatabases: 1, authorizedDatabases: false}, test.dbs]);
// Test using shell helper Mongo.getDBs().
assert.eq(mongod.getDBs(undefined, {}, true).filter(filterSpecial),
"Shell helper speaking to same version");
if (test.user !== 'admin' && test.user !== "user7") {
// Admin and user7 don't have an explicit list of DBs to parse.
assert.eq(mongod._getDatabaseNamesFromPrivileges(), test.authDbs || test.dbs);
// Test (non-admin) call to Mongo.getDBs() on a < 4.0 MongoD
// by injecting a command failure into Mongo.adminCommand().
// This will allow us to resemble a < 4.0 server.
const adminCommandFunction = mongod.adminCommand;
const adminCommandMethod = adminCommandFunction.bind(mongod);
try {
mongod.adminCommand = function(cmd) {
if (cmd.hasOwnProperty('listDatabases')) {
return {
ok: 0,
errmsg: 'Stubbed command failure: ' + tojson(cmd),
code: ErrorCodes.Unauthorized,
codeName: 'Unauthorized'
return adminCommandMethod(cmd);
// Command fails, but we dispatch via _getDatabaseNamesFromPrivileges().
assert.eq(mongod.getDBs().databases.map(function(x) {
return x.name;
test.authDbs || test.dbs);
// Still dispatches with explicit nameOnly===true, returns only names.
assert.eq(mongod.getDBs(undefined, undefined, true), test.authDbs || test.dbs);
// Command fails and unable to dispatch because nameOnly !== true.
assert.throws(() => mongod.getDBs(undefined, undefined, false));
// Command fails and unable to dispatch because filter is not empty.
assert.throws(() => mongod.getDBs(undefined, {name: 'foo'}));
} finally {
mongod.adminCommand = adminCommandFunction;
const mongod = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: ""});
if (jsTest.options().storageEngine !== "mobile") {
// TODO: Remove 'shardAsReplicaSet: false' when SERVER-32672 is fixed.
const st = new ShardingTest({
shards: 1,
mongos: 1,
config: 1,
other: {keyFile: 'jstests/libs/key1', shardAsReplicaSet: false}